Hands on Justice [The Service Club 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More) (10 page)

BOOK: Hands on Justice [The Service Club 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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Justice pulled her overnight bag from the backseat of her car, tossed it on her shoulder as she closed the car door, and took a deep breath to calm her frazzled nerves. She had pulled into the drive of the M & L Ranch at eight o’clock on the dot, just as Cade had told her to do. She studied the front of the ranch-style house as she slowly walked the gravel path to the front door. It wasn’t her first time being on M & L property, but it was the first time she would be strolling through the door knowing precisely what to expect.

No, you don’t.

True, she silently admitted. Her gaze swept over the white house with red shutters, the expertly manicured shrubs that lined the long front porch with a swing on the far end that invited comfort and leisurely moments of staring into the quiet night. She envisioned herself sitting there between Cade and Grant, her feet propped on the rail in front of the swing, her head laid back as they talked about absolutely nothing of importance.

The only thing she knew to expect out of this weekend was two days and nights of sex. At least that’s what she hoped they planned for her immediate future. For all she really knew, they could be planning to tease and torment her until Sunday evening, then send her home horny as hell and begging for more.

And if they try that, I’ll cut their dicks off and feed them to them.

Her heels clacked softly on the wood as she stepped onto the porch and rang the doorbell. Taking another deep breath that didn’t do any better at calming her racing pulse than the last one, she waited for the door to open. She heard a slight rustle inside, the sound of booted feet softly approaching, and then the door swung open.

Grant greeted her with a welcoming smile that went straight to her heart. “Hello, gorgeous.” He surprised her by hooking an arm around her waist, yanking her against the hard wall of his body, and laying a kiss on her that curled her toes.

“Wow,” she said on a breathless laugh as she gazed into his gleaming hazel eyes. The tension and careful patience that had always been there between them was gone. In a single night, everything he and Cade had said and done had obviously diminished that. She could see it in his eyes, had read it in Cade’s earlier that day in her office. Forget that she still had a turmoil twisting inside her she didn’t know how to shake. Forget that she still felt with a bone-deep certainty both of them would walk away in the end. In their mind, they had staked their claim, she had submitted, and there was nowhere to go but forward from here on out.

“Do you greet all your visitors that way?”

“Naw, just you, baby.” He kissed the tip of her nose and slowly released her.

“My turn.” Cade’s lazy drawl came from behind Grant, who stepped aside to let his friend get to her. Rather than pulling her against him as Grant had done, he kept his hands at his sides, dipping his head to capture her mouth in a soul-stealing kiss that didn’t last anywhere near long enough. “I can’t taste you anymore. I tried to hold on to it, but it faded shortly after I left your office.”

Unable to keep her own hands to herself when he talked to her in that low, husky tone, she wound her arms around his neck. “Mmm, does that mean I can hope you will go back for seconds later?”

Heat mingled with amusement in his eyes. “Maybe, if you’re a good girl.” His hands skimmed up her arms, his fingers closing around her wrists as he gently pulled them from around his neck. He moved back, crossed his arms, and leveled a powerful gaze on her that had her insides doing the Texas two-step. “Strip.”

Justice blinked at him. He had gone from playful to full-blown authority in a finger snap. She shook her head and let out a half laugh. “Not wasting any time tonight, are you?”

“That order didn’t come with the permission to question it, darlin’.” One brow slowly winged up. “Do you want to begin our weekend with another spanking?”

Tingles instantly sparked, traveling over the cheeks of her ass as if he had just smacked them. Grant moved next to Cade, his expression curious as if he were ready to bend her over the closest piece of furniture and give her a repeat of Wednesday night.

As much as she had enjoyed her spanking, she remembered their threat. They could, and she didn’t doubt they
, make her next punishment more severe. Until she finally got the pleasure of having their cocks inside her, she would do what was necessary to avoid further punishment.

Taking yet another of those useless deep breaths, Justice set her overnight bag on the floor and started to undress. She took her time, peeling the business suit she had worn to the office from her body in slow, methodical movements, watching and loving the way the act filled both men’s eyes with raging flames of lust and appreciation. She removed her bra and panties with the same practiced ease, adding a little dance as if she were stripping for a crowd. In a sense, she supposed, she was.

“No, leave those,” Cade told her when she started to toe off her heels.

Justice hid a smile, remembering how he had told her to bring several pairs of heels, how he liked watching her walk naked in them.

“Cute striptease,” Grant commented, bending to scoop up her overnight case and her clothes from where she had let them fall to the floor, “and sexy as hell.”

“I have more clothes hanging in the car.” She drew her lip between her teeth. “I guess we’ll get them later.”

“You won’t need them,” Cade told her with a finality that left no room for argument. “I told you, darlin’, if I could I would keep you naked around the clock. This weekend, I can.”

“I’ll put these away and get dinner out of the kitchen,” Grant said as he started down the hall. “I’ll meet you two in the living room.”

Cade hooked an arm around her waist and steered her through the archway to the living room. “Relax, sweet thing. I’m not going to bite…yet.”

Justice looked at him. The playfulness was back, laced with a heated promise that the “yet” wouldn’t be too far off. “It would be a whole lot easier to do if you and Grant got naked, too.”

A devious smile tilted his handsome lips. “I bet it would be. Get used it to. You look amazing in those conservative suits you wear.” He slid a sideways glance down her body that had bolts of excitement shooting through erogenous zones she hadn’t known were inside her. “But I definitely like looking at you better this way.”

Justice laughed and rolled her eyes. “I bet you do.”

“Here we go.” Grant pushed through the swinging door that separated the living room and kitchen, a tray balanced on his forearm, three beers in one hand, and a bag of potato chips in the other. He strode to the coffee table and set down his load.

Justice’s attention fell to the tray, and a fit of laughter bubbled in her throat. Hot wings. It wasn’t a bucket of fried chicken, but it came damn close.

Grant popped the top on a can of beer and handed it to her. “Something wrong?”

“Not a thing.” She shot a pointed look at the coffee table as she took the beer. “Hot wings, chips, and beer. Boy, you guys sure know how to wine and dine a woman.”

“Cream sauce, pasta, and all the frills won’t do on a football night,” Cade told her, snagging a can of beer for himself. “Surely you know that.”

Justice gasped. “There’s a game tonight.” She loved football and enjoyed it even more when she could go head-to-head with Cade and Grant, seeing as how they always rooted for different teams.

“Hmm.” Cade made the sound as he took a long pull from his beer. “A game you apparently forgot about. It started at eight. Tennessee Titans versus the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.” He waggled his brows. “Our rivalry continues. Of course, preseason games don’t count, but…”

“Who cares? It’s football.” Forgetting all about her naked state, Justice plopped down in the center of the couch, her breasts bouncing. “Well, one of you turn on the TV. We’re missing it standing around here jabbering.”

Grant laughed and snagged the remote from the end table. “Gotta love a woman who likes football.”

Justice’s belly did a leisurely roll. There he went using that L word again. The voices of the game’s commentators filled the living room, and she pushed the moment aside. Cade sat on her right, reaching for the bag of chips as the teams set up for the next play on the screen.

“Let me guess, you’re rooting for Tampa Bay,” he said, crunching on a chip.

Justice caught his wrist, angling the bag her direction, and dove in for a handful. “Yep. Can’t let my home team down.” Born and raised in Tampa, she might have moved to Alabama for law school and decided to stay, but her football loyalties reigned true for the team she had grown up watching.

“Bucs have only won one game against the Titans since 2007,” Grant pointed out, taking the seat on her left.

Justice shrugged and bit into a chip. “Then they’re overdue for another win tonight. Watch. I bet they’ll be the first team to put a score on the board in a few minutes.”

Cade grabbed a hot wing from the tray and angled himself in the corner of the couch. “What are you betting?”

Justice paused in mid-chew, noting the sheer mischievousness dancing on his handsome face. “Oh, this is going to be that kind of game, huh?”

Cade lifted a brow. “You started it, darlin’.”

She drew her bottom lip between her teeth, knowing she better tread carefully or she would find herself in hot water by the end of the game. “Bucs score first and you guys give me a foot massage.”

“Simple,” Grant commented, drawing her attention as he reached for a hot wing.

“And not a quickie either. I want a full five minutes on the field clock. My feet are killing me and funny man over here won’t let me out of these heels.”

“I’m going to make it worse, too. If the Titans score first, you have stand right over there for a full five minutes on the field clock.” He pointed to an empty place on the floor to the side of the television. “That way we can fully see that gorgeous body of yours in those high heels while we watch the game.”

“Deal,” Justice agreed and focused on the game. She grinned when the Bucs pulled off a seventy-yard drive, helped by a thirty-one-yard pass interference penalty put on the Titans defense. “You guys are in
-ble,” she singsonged.

“Titans will push it back,” Cade predicted as, on the screen, the players set up for the next play on the ten yard line.

Justice leaned forward, her breasts brushing her thighs as she stared riveted at the television. “He hikes, he throws, and they score!” She flung herself back on the couch and propped her feet on the edge of the table as Cade and Grant groaned dramatically. “On your knees, gentlemen. I’ve got two feet, one for each of you.”

Both men laughed as they simultaneously slid off her heels and started to massage.

“These are going back on when we’re done,” Cade told her. “This game is far from over.”

“Mmm,” Justice moaned, laying her head back against the sofa as their hands worked magic on her aching feet. “Five field minutes of this and I’ll be able to stand them again for a while.”

They fell silent, watching the game as Cade and Grant massaged her feet, groaning every time the field clock stopped due to the ball going out of bounds or a referee’s ruling being challenged. Justice didn’t mind. It prolonged her pleasure straight through the end of the first quarter.

“Better now?” Grant asked as he returned to his seat.

“Much.” Justice glanced down, saw Cade position her heels on the floor in front of her, and giggled as she slid them back on.

“All right, you won that one.” Cade pushed to his feet. “I’ll get another round of beers out of the kitchen while you figure out your stakes for the next bet.”

Justice leaned over, cupping a hand around the side of her mouth, whispering to Grant though she knew she didn’t have to. “He doesn’t like to lose.”

Grant chuckled and slid an arm around her shoulder. “When it comes to losing like this, we’re still winning, sweetheart.”

Chapter Five


Cade pulled three beers from the fridge, grinning like a loon. Justice had played her delectable body right into his hands. He had suspected her competitive nature would give him the key to pulling off his and Grant’s weekend plans. A couple more minor bets like the one they just made and he would up the stakes, putting her right where he wanted her.

Just don’t lose.

He headed back to the living room, praying to the God of Titans football that his team would help him out on this one. The right moment would present itself eventually, the field would be perfect, her confidence would be high, and he would strike with the bet that would blow all her inhibitions up in smoke.

He pushed through the swinging door just as Justice jumped up from the couch and did a victory wiggle that had his cock hardening in an instant. Sweet Jesus, the woman could move. He stopped at the edge of the couch, his gaze drinking in every inch of her naked flesh as she completed her dance with a full three-sixty spin before sitting down again.

“Looks like I came back just in time.” He handed her one of the beers, passing another to Grant as he sat down next to her. His attention flicked to the score across the bottom of the television screen. “What did I miss?”

“Titans were set to score. Bucs intercepted.” Grant popped the top on his can. “Time to tie it up or we’re in trouble, bro.”

BOOK: Hands on Justice [The Service Club 4] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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