Read Guarded Heart Online

Authors: C.A. Harms

Guarded Heart (5 page)

BOOK: Guarded Heart
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He had stepped out after a quick wash and after another
five minutes of standing under the warm water allowing myself to come back to
earth after that heavenly ride. I dried and quickly slipped on some panties and
my silk robe and went to find out where he had escaped to.

Wes was sitting at the island in the kitchen with a cup
of black coffee in his hand and another sitting directly across from him. “I
poured you a cup but I wasn’t sure how you drank it”, he was watching me
closely as I walked across the kitchen and took the creamer from the
refrigerator. “Just a little creamer…thank you”, I suddenly felt a little
nervous and unsure of how to act. Wes continued to watch me over the lip of his
coffee mug as he took another drink and then lowered it to smile slightly.
“Feeling nervous is a little crazy considering what we just spend all night
doing…not to mention about twenty minutes ago in the shower don’t you think?”
He licked his lower lip and then stood not waiting for me to answer his
question. Wes made his way around the counter and approached me resting each
hand onto the countertop on each side of me caging me in. He stayed staring
into my eyes as I tried to control my breathing.

He never kissed me or made any attempt of contact beside
his arms lightly brushing my sides. “I would love to spend the day with you locked
up in this house…exploring your body and finding every spot on it that turns
you on but I have to be somewhere in a half hour…I really want to see again
though.” Having him that close and watching his lips were already making me
want him again…I really needed to relax, “We’ll see.” I shrugged my shoulders
and he just grinned. He pulled back and reached for his coffee cup turned and
walked to the sink to rinse it. “Okay we’ll see then I left my number on the
table”, walking back to me he lightly kissed my forehead before walking out the
front door to leave.



I had been running on the damn treadmill for over thirty
minutes and I still couldn’t get my mind away from Wes. Allison was supposed to
meet me at the gym over an hour ago. I gave up waiting and started my workout…I
had to get back on track last night was a mistake I am not a one night stand
kind of girl. Alli had delivered sex on a stick right into my lap and I jumped
at it. What was I thinking? 

“Hey hot mama…how was the sex?” Now she shows up and of
course she has to be loud and obnoxious. “Shh, be quiet not everyone in this
place needs to know I am a whore. I can’t believe I actually went through with
a one night stand. I’m embarrassed.” I slowed to a walk now so I could talk to
Allison who had finally decided to crawl out from under her husband and get her
butt here. “Quit being a whiney ass, and as for the one night stand I’m pretty
sure Wes isn’t on the same page. He called when he left your house this morning
and asked me for your number”, she winked and started up her own treadmill. “By
the way, was he good? I mean really good…give me the juicy details.” The
expression on her face was serious. She was not kidding the slightest. “He is
well hung isn’t he?” I glared at her, “Will you please stop people are going to
hear you.” Allison just shrugged her shoulders and turned back to her machine.

We decided to go to the deli down the road for a late
lunch after. Alli wouldn’t let it go about Wes. The twenty questions regarding
his anatomy and sex-pertise were being fired at me nonstop as we waited in line
to pay before finding a seat. I heard to door chime as a new customer entered
behind me. Allison’s demeanor changed immediately as she glared passed me. I
started to turn to find out what her problem was and she grabbed my hand,
“Don’t…please.” Right as if I wasn’t going to look now. I immediately wished
that I had listened as I was now facing pregnant Heather and a pale faced Tony.

“Um…hey”, stumbled from Tony’s lips and he smiled very
weakly. He looked extremely uncomfortable. I could feel my heart racing, here
before me stood the man that I have been in love with since I was nineteen and
in a relationship with for four whole years. I looked over at Heather who was
watching my every move closely as if I was going to attack or something. I just
turned forward and Allison was the one to attack, “So Tony how many other girls
have you managed to knock up in the last few months…or have you been able to
keep your dick in your pants?” I was now nudging her forward and she continued
to holler over my shoulder, “You’re a disgusting piece of shit you know that!”
I managed to push her threw the line and to avoid anything further embarrassment
I quickly paid for both of ours and pulled her to a table in the back corner.
She continued to glare in their direction and I knew she would beat the shit
out of him if I let her get close enough again. “They are staying here to eat
honestly…push the knife in just a little deeper. I fucking hate that asshole. I
should call Mitch and Wes they are just down the road at the park playing ball.
Tony would shit Frisbees if he saw who you’re nailing.” I sighed and let out a
huff placing my head in my hands lightly shaking it back and forth. I just
wanted this to be over and I wanted to be home safe from seeing Tony and his
soon to be little family. It just made me ill.

“Done!” Alli slapped her phone onto the table. “Excuse
me, what do you mean done”, I growled at her. “You seriously did not just do it
did you? Damn it Allison. I can’t believe you.” I can’t believe how childish
she could be at times, “This is my god damn life Alli not a fucking game!” She
looked at me shocked and appeared to be a little hurt by my outburst. “Honey,
I’m sorry he gets to me…when I think about what he did to you. I see red that
prick doesn’t deserve a minute of your time. I just want to shoot back at him
immediately and do anything to hurt him…sorry.” I reached out and took her hand
it mine squeezing, “I know, I just don’t want to involve Wes in my mess. I mean
it was sex he doesn’t want to come to my rescue and frankly he shouldn’t have
to. He took off so quickly this morning like he had someone waiting on him. For
all I know he probably has a girlfriend.” I pulled my hand back and picked up
my drink to take a sip. Allison leaned in close looking me in the eye, “First
of all Wes is the one that  wanted to meet you and has since you showed up my
house bawling after Tony admitted he had cheated on you more than once. Wes was
there when Mitch carried you in to the house. Second of all he doesn’t have a
girlfriend he has a daughter…she is four and adorable. He picked her up for his
Sunday morning breakfast he does every week.”

A daughter I had no idea, it wasn’t like we spent much
time talking last night in too much detail. We talked about his parents and
siblings but wow he is a daddy. I think he just became even sexier. “I just
don’t want him feeling like I am a childish bitch who wants to use him to get
back at Tony.” Alli picked up her phone as it vibrated against the table. After
looking at her message she smiled, “They’re here and I just asked them if they
wanted to meet us for a bite to eat. The fact that Tony will see you with Wes
is just a bonus.” Before I could answer I heard the bell on the door only to turn
quickly and immediately lock eyes with a very beautiful and sexy man. He was
wearing a snug red T-shirt with the sleeves cut off and a pair of black
basketball shorts.

They slowly approached us and the sweet sexy smile that
crossed his lips made me squeeze my legs together just a little tighter. “Hey
sexy…I guess I do get to see you again. Lucky me” he licked his lower lip
before he grabbed the chair closest to me and sat down continuing to watch me.
“Hey Wes you want your regular man?” Mitch was on is way up to the counter with
Allison to get something to eat. “Yeah sounds good here…” he started to reach
in his pocket when Mitch waved him off saying he had it this time. They walked
away and Wes leaned in just a little closer, “I’ve been sweating so I don’t want
to get to close. Is it wrong of me to kiss you? I have really missed your
lips.” I smiled and whispered, “A kiss would be nice.” I bit my lower lip when
he reached up and used his thumb to get me to release my lip. He tilted my chin
up to him and lightly pressed his lips to mine. It was different than last
night. It wasn’t hungry or rough. His kiss was gentle and sweet leaving me wanting
more. I had a warmth rush over me as he slowly pulled away and I kept my eyes
closed. I heard a low deep chuckle making me realize I needed to open my eyes.
I lightly laughed when I saw the cute smile still on his face.

We had all finished eating and were just sitting around
the table laughing. I asked him about his daughter and he pulled out a picture,
“She is beautiful she looks a lot like you. I mean I don’t know what her mommy
looks like but I can definitely see you when I look at her. What’s her name?”
You could see the pride in him as he placed his wallet back into his pocket,
“MaKayla, she’s four and her mom has blond hair but they have the same noes.” I
couldn’t take my eyes from his. I was startled when I heard a familiar voice
that only made chills run up my arms. Tony was standing next to us looking back
and forth between Wes and me, “Samantha do you think I could talk to you for
just a minute?” What the hell did he want, “No Tony I really don’t have
anything to say to you.” I turned in my chair to face Allison who looked as if
any moment now she would explode with anger. Tony reached out and brushed my
hair away from the side of my face and I jerked away quickly, “Don’t ever touch
me again. Ever!” Tony started to say something when Wes stood up and faced him.
They were about the same height and both were built and muscular but seeing
them so close together I noticed Wes was definitely broader and thicker. “I
believe she said she didn’t want to talk to you…I suggest you take your little
girlfriend over there and leave before I put your head through the fucking
wall.” Tony and Wes now stood chest to chest glaring at each other. I stood up
and put my hand onto Tony’s chest pushing him away from Wes. The last thing I
wanted is for them to fight.

After Tony and Heather left I grabbed my purse and
started for the door. Allison came up behind me, “Why are you leaving?” I turned
to her and told her I needed to get out of here that this whole thing was a
mistake and she never should have called Wes and Mitch to join us. I rushed out
and didn’t even say goodbye. I locked myself in my house for the rest of the
day and night refusing to answer my phone.



“What the hell Samantha, you are really beginning to piss
me off. Don’t you dare keep fucking avoiding me did you forget I have a god
damn key…and I will use it. Stop letting that sorry piece of shit run your
life. He is banging your cousin while you hide away. Do you think Tony is
moping around his place thinking of you…HELL NO! He has fucked who knows how
many women…three that we know of WHILE ENGAGED TO YOU! Do you remember that?
Jesus Christ Sam! Fucking wake the hell up.”

That is the message that Allison left on my machine this
morning. “AHH!!!” I screamed to myself after listening to it. I hit delete and
stormed out of my house. I refused to call her back she was being such a bitch.
After my morning Therapy sessions I stepped out to get some fresh air and to
check my phone. Of course there where a few from Allison telling me how I
should be living my life and one from my mother telling me that Tony still
loved me and that we could make it through this…WHAT! I couldn’t believe her
sometimes what was I supposed to do forgive him for cheating and then help him
raise Heather’s baby? My mother really was something else. There was a message
from Tony asking if we could have dinner and talk…nope not going to happen. I
threw my phone back into my bag and went back in to work.

The rest of the day went by pretty quickly and I picked
up a movie on the way home. As I turned the corner and my house came in to view
I knew I was about to get into an argument. Allison stood next to her car with
her arms crossed waiting. The thing about my best friend was she never backed
down from me. She was very vocal and opinionated. We have been friends since
the diaper days and we were as close to sisters as you could get without
sharing parents. I loved her to death and I knew I was about to get an ear
full. I pulled in next to her car and grabbed my things. I just walked toward
my door and didn’t say a word. I knew I needed to get her inside because I
surely did not want any neighbors to hear my business.

“Don’t you dare walk passed me like you don’t see me
standing here Samantha?” Allison was right on my trail. I just unlocked my door
and dropped my things to the floor right next to the couch. I went straight for
the refrigerator and grabbed a water. After taking a drink I turned to face
her, “I am not pretending I don’t see you I just didn’t want you airing my
business on my front lawn.” She continued to glare at me and I stared directly
back at her. “Do you realize how stupid your being about all this Allison…I
mean it is my fucking life and you are stalking me telling me how I should be
living it!” Oh shit I threw the first knife…here she goes.  “OH FUCK YOU! You
know what Sam I have been there for you this entire time…actually our entire
lives. You are going to stand here and tell me to butt out because I am saying
the truth and you don’t want to hear it. Well excuse me for not sugar coating
the truth and jumping on your god damn pity train. Fine you want me to butt
out…FINE! I am out don’t fucking call me at midnight when you are up and can’t
sleep because you can’t stop crying. Don’t call me the next time you run into
Tony and Heather together. If you want to waste away…DO IT! But leave me out of
it.” Alli turned and walked to the door holding the handle without turning back
around, “You know what Sam, Wes is a great guy…he has had his obstacles to but
I guess you won’t ever know because you want to act like a little bitch and
throw the chance away. A guy like that isn’t going to be waiting around
forever!” She opened the door and I hollered after her, “I never fucking asked
you to set me up Allison…so go fuck yourself!”

BOOK: Guarded Heart
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