Read Greyrawk (Book 2) Online

Authors: Jim Greenfield

Greyrawk (Book 2) (29 page)

BOOK: Greyrawk (Book 2)
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He became aware after a time that the flow of battle pushed him far from his comrades and his sword felt heavy. He paused for a breath but the enemy closed in. His arm burned from the exertion and numerous nicks from his enemies. Celaeri were not engaged with him, it was purely the Vlakan. They rushed him.

A shout from behind him preceded the rush of a squad of soldiers who now stood shoulder to shoulder with him. Their leader beheaded a Vlakan and turned to Greyrawk and nodded.

"Lord Greyrawk," said Captain Picker. "I hope we are not intruding?"

"No, Captain. Feel free to join in. I am elite in the company I keep."

"Very good."

Their swords pared the numbers of the Vlakan and the creatures pulled back out of range, watching and waiting for the next surge.

"Kind of you to join me," said Greyrawk. "I wasn't sure of the local custom for inviting you to share in the fighting. Glad you took the initiative."

"Well, just doing my duty for Cresida."

"Not for Belderag?"

"For King Haldane."

Greyrawk grinned. "Let's do our duty."

Picker shouted commands and his squad and Greyrawk charged the Vlakans. Greyrawk's sword cut a path for Picker's squad and they broke the Vlakan line. The Vlakan gave way before Greyrawk and retreated to the edge of the woods.


Loric fought with the Celaeri music in his heart, but it brought him no joy. His mind drifted back millennia when as a child he was whipped and abused by the full blood Celaeri. His sword danced and bit-by-bit the blade cut away the submerged pain of the child. His half-sister Alarie Skye fought at his side, full blood but cast out from the Celaeri for her compassion. The Celaeri blood runs cold and their hearts are carved from ice. Loric kept alert for the opportunity to engage Jerue Adan, but the Celaeri king did not fight close by. There were too many spears to pass through to reach him. Loric worked his way in Jerue Adan's direction but the Celaeri fought hard and Loric heard the growls of the Vlakan coming closer. Faces he recognized, shouted at him in rage and then pain once they felt the bite of his sword. Loric forced himself not to recall the faces of those who had been kind to him in his youth, instead he saw the Celaeri as one entity, each with the face of his grandfather, Jerue Adan. Loric killed in a frenzy, driving back the Celaeri until the Vlakan rushed him and then he sang as a Celaeri and killed Vlakan with every breath.

Loric sensed Alarie Skye drawing near to him and he felt Brandalay fighting alongside him. Alarie touched his arm for a moment then wielded her sword.

"Beautiful day, eh Loric?" asked Brandalay. His breath was heavy and he paused next to Loric. "I love fighting with your sister. Not each other, I mean - alongside."

"I know what you mean," grinned Loric. He glanced over to Alarie Skye, fighting with her curved blade two-handed sword. "I forgot how much I missed her."


Hobart kept an arrow notched at all times and he feathered a few Celaeri who had broken through and approached too close to Jaele. Dvorak Annis held his magic ready but did not want to use it to avoid attracting the attention of the Celaeri. Hobart didn't care what Dvorak did, he was happy to hone his archery skills with such fleet targets.

"Excellent shot, Hobart," said Dvorak Annis. "You see Lady Jaele, little Hobart has skill with the bow that even few Daerlan could match. You are safe here. I realize you are frustrated not to partake of the battle, for I have seen you in action. Kerreth deemed you safer away from direct violence and Kerreth is the boss. Please don't put me in jeopardy by running into battle. Oh, nice shot, Hobart! I assure you that Kerreth will not be gentle with me. In fact, he is seldom gentle with anyone."

"Even Moria?" asked Jaele.

"Well, he is gentler that he used to be, especially now that he is certain she is not his daughter."

"What? This sounds like more than I need to know."

"Not as bad as you think. Immortals, or the nearly so, like Daerlans, Zidar, Turucks, Celaeri, do not age as we mortals do. Even a Tuor such as Hobart or an Anethean as Elberra will eventually age and die. Kerreth hasn't aged in millennia, nor has Moria, but long before Moria was born Taina Talos and Kerreth were lovers. Years later Taina returned to the Talos Company with Moria in tow. Now Moria is Taina's daughter and she did not indicate who was Moria's father. Kerreth naturally suspected she might be his daughter and Taina never said otherwise, especially when Moria took an interest in every little thing Kerreth did. I suppose Taina was jealous for a while."

"Thank the gods we mortals have short lives and cannot pack so much intrigue into them."

"I don't know about that Lady Jaele. I know much of the history of Men and there have been many sorted activities over time. Hobart! You are the best archer in Amloth or Anavar!"


Greyrawk found himself back to back with Kerreth, surrounded by Vlakan. The creatures attacked without pause and did not fear their swords. Greyrawk and Kerreth killed many but the flow of creatures did not stop. Greyrawk sensed the rhythm of Kerreth's double sword fighting and adapted his movement to match. They fought as a whirling blade and the Vlakan soon drew back, the creatures ferocity reined in by their intelligence. Kerreth and Greyrawk stood in a cleared area and regained their breath. Picker and his remaining men joined them. They formed a line against the Vlakan. Picker looked to Kerreth who nodded. Picker shouted commands and his men formed a wedge behind Kerreth.

Two large Vlakan rushed forward with a half dozen close behind. Their momentum would overwhelm Kerreth and Greyrawk. Kerreth rushed forward between the Vlakan and swept his blades into their throats. Picker's men followed behind and the fighting was fierce. Kerreth's blades sung as they drank blood. The Vlakan were beaten back again.


Moria followed Elberra, killing the Celaeri creeping up behind the Anethean. Elberra cut down the Celaeri like a farmer scything his wheat. The Celaeri gave way before her and the dark shapes of the Vlakan swept up to attack the Anethean. Elberra grinned, increasing her ferocity.

The fighting continued unabated, Elberra blue skin now tinted red from the lifeblood of the Celaeri and Vlakan. To the left the Celaeri surged forward, led by Jerue Adan. The king of the Celaeri wielded his ruby red blade with unmatched speed. The Cresida soldiers fell back before him. The livery of King Haldane forces ran with blood and the soldiers fell back before the wrath of immortal Celaeri king. Elberra saw him and fought her way to him, her wings spread wide. Her spear outreached her opponents and they fell away, opening her path to Jerue Adan. He saw her and grinned, changing his direction to come for her. Elberra saw him and charged with her spear. Jerue Adan ducked under the spear and brought his blade up to skewer Elberra. She turned, using her wings as a shield. Jerue Adan's sword ripped through her wing. She screamed and brought her spear down on the Celaeri's head, stunning him. Elberra disengaged her wing from the sword and turned to Jerue Adan, but he was gone. She screamed again and drove her spear through three Vlakan.


Princess Linna stood with Warlord Mallon watching the battle. Danni stood behind her, knives at the ready, as a bodyguard for the Princess. Linna did not ask Danni to serve her and if Linna had not been raised in a royal household, she might have felt embarrassment.

"It is difficult to read the battle," said Linna. "How do you get a clear evaluation from it?"

"Yes, it is difficult even for one with my experience," said Beric Mallon. "I am not sure of the strength of the Celaeri as a force. How do I calculate their numbers? Are they worth one of my soldiers, less or more? And the Vlakan; are they animals or do they have the cunning of a man? I need to be able to determine that before I commit all my men. It is not something one can learn quickly."

"Yes, I see that. I am glad you are guiding our army."

"Thank you, Princess. I appreciate your comments. But if I may ask: why was I not privy to your mode of travel?"

"I did not trust you to play your part, Warlord. You are a man who tends to follow your own path regardless of your orders. You would have found cause not to meet me at the appointed hour and you have your own plans for Gornst."

"That is quite true, I must confess."

"But Belderag would not have heeded your words; only royalty commands his attention. Belderag's spies watched the army move northward. They would have known if I was present."

"I see. Well, I guess I can't complain. I might have done the same in your place. Are you planning on staying in Gornst after Belderag is removed? I would like to live in Gornst. I have grown tired of large cities. You will need someone you can trust."

Linna rolled her eyes.

"I may need a lap dog. My plans do not include you, Beric. I appreciate your offer."

"Don't disregard me so easily. You may not find anyone to your liking."

"So if I only find Men I despise, you would like to be the first among equals?"

"You make it sound like a bad thing."

"Concentrate on your planning, Warlord. I have other things on my mind."

A Vlakan had crept through the ranks to Beric's tent and waited until all eyes looked out toward the fighting. It lunged forward knocking Linna to the ground. Danni jumped on its back, digging her knives into the fur. The Vlakan screamed and knocked Danni to the ground. Linna was dazed and could not regain her feet. The Vlakan approached to kill her.

Beric Mallon stepped between them, his sword leveled at the Vlakan. It swung its heavy paw knocking the sword out of Beric's hand. Without hesitation he leapt forward reaching for Danni's knives still in the back of the Vlakan. They rolled in the dirt, upending tables and maps. Linna got to her feet and found Beric's sword. She plunged it into the neck of the Vlakan and it shuddered and died. Linna rolled the heavy body off of Beric.

"Thank you, your highness," said Beric hoarsely. "I do believe I was overmatched for wrestling."

"Are you all right?"

"A few nicks and a lot of bruises."

"You were very brave," said Linna.

"It is what I do," said Beric. "How is the girl?"

"Danni?" said Linna as she went to her side.

"Highness? Is it dead?" Danni's face was puffy where the Vlakan struck her.

"Yes, it is."

"I think we have been lucky," said Beric. "It should never have gotten so close to you. I will post more guards."


Colly's huge sword was heavy and even his muscles could not wield it endlessly. His opponents stayed out of reach, pulling back to Jerue Adan to regroup. The blood soaked ground surrounding Colly supported the weight of dozens of Vlakan and Celaeri corpses. The old man leaned on his sword for a breather and realized how far from the Haldane and Belderag lines he drifted. Night was falling fast and the Vlakan would return in numbers once the sun had set.

Colly felt the presence behind him before he heard the movement. With an effort his huge sword sliced through the air splitting the Vlakan from shoulder to waist. Two other Vlakan bowled into him and Colly went down under their weight, his grasp on his sword released. He wedged his forearm under the jaws of one Vlakan but the other jumped out of reach and circled around, slashing at his legs. He balled his huge fist and slammed down on the Vlakan's head. Then he picked up his sword.

The Vlakan backed away from him. He glanced around the battlefield and saw Belderag striding toward Beric's tent. Belderag was gesturing and shouting although the distance was too far to hear the words. Colly jogged over to join them.

Kerreth approached Beric Mallon and Princess Linna who were in deep discussion with Colly and Belderag. Belderag pointed his finger at Mallon and Colly shook his head. Linna tried to speak but Belderag shouted her down. Kerreth put his heavy hand on Belderag's shoulder and Belderag tried to spin out of the grasp but could not. He glared at Kerreth.

"Save your petty squabbles for someone else," said Kerreth. "I have no patience for the intrigues of mortals. The Vlakan will come hard when the night is blackest and the Celaeri will follow behind. By dawn the fighting will be over one way or another."

"I have to protect my interests," said Belderag. "This girl wants to take my city."

"The city that you hold in trust for your king?" asked Kerreth. "What an odd notion. Is she not your king's daughter?"

Belderag's face reddened.

"Beric, prepare your men for night fighting," said Colly. "With or without Belderag. The Celaeri will attack."

"I will fight," snapped Belderag. "Then I want the dignity of fighting for my city. I will not hand it over to this girl, and not to you, Beric. Not without crossing swords."

"I will fight you," said Greyrawk. "I will fight for my grandfather's honor. And I will fight for the honor of Princess Linna."

Belderag stared at Greyrawk, not really seeing him. Then something dark passed through Belderag's eyes and he nodded.

"So be it," said Linna.

"No," said Colly. "I don't trust Belderag."

"I have decided Colly," said Linna. "It is right. Lord Belderag must learn his manners."

"I agree with the Princess," said Kerreth. "It is the proper way to bring balance. Is shall be settled after the Celaeri are defeated and no longer discussed. Now we must prepare for an attack by the Celaeri and the Vlakan. The night is fast approaching and those are rain clouds heading our way."

"Rain? A light mist, I hope," said Belderag. "Heavy rain is unseasonable."

"The Celaeri have a sorcerer named Lockwell, late of Eslenda," said Greyrawk. "I daresay he dabbles in dangerous magic."

"I saw him," said Belderag. "Very tall. Could he affect the weather?"

"It's possible," said Dvorak Annis. "Especially with the help of Jerue Adan."

Belderag snorted but said nothing more.

"We should expect a heavy rain then," said Beric Mallon. "My soldiers will be ready."

"As will mine," said Belderag. He strode back to his soldiers.

Mallon barked his orders to his captains.

Greyrawk embraced Jaele.

BOOK: Greyrawk (Book 2)
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