Read Green Eyes Online

Authors: Amanda Heath

Green Eyes (8 page)

BOOK: Green Eyes
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“Alexis, you haven’t been crazy a day in your life. Yeah, you act a little neurotic every so often, but you are unmistakably not crazy,” he says simply, as if his word is law and I should just follow it.

“Hmm…my psychiatrist bills tell me differently,” I mutter, finally pausing in my pacing because my leg is cramping up. Maybe I shouldn’t stomp around so hard.

He grunts at that. “So you need someone to talk to about your problems. You’re not like normal people, Alexis. You have to pay people to keep your privacy. I honestly think it’s healthy for you to get some of that pent up crap out. So you have to pay the lady you’re talking to, but at least you know she can’t legally sell your story to the press.”

I know he’s right about that one. He’s the one who pushed me into going to talk to someone in the first place. Someone who doesn’t know me and can listen objectively. I hate when he’s right and I’m wrong. He always gets so smug about it, the loser.

“Also, I think you should get laid. It’s been, what, five damn years? Yeah, Aaron was a dick and you’re a single mom, you still deserve a little fun. Being cooped up all the damn time is certainly not healthy.” He pulls his phone out of his back pocket, probably so he can play Clash of Clans while he pretends to listen to me.

I’m about to say something sarcastic when there’s a knock on the door. I feel my eyebrows furrow, considering it’s, like, ten o’clock and we have to film tomorrow, early. Marley sighs and drops his phone on the couch to get up and answer the door. I used to argue about him answering the door, every single time, but I finally gave up after the thousandth time he physically lifted me away from the door. I told him it’s not worth his life to get shot by my stalker, if that’s who was at the door, just because I pay him to protect me. I guess now and again he likes to actually work. That’s not my opinion, because he does a wonderful job, but I do tend to stay at home, and no one is getting into my gated community without a background check. We are dedicated to our safety.

“Hey, Marley right?” Ryan Danse’s Australian accent comes through the open doorway straight to my wanting ears. It’s like getting high and eating all the snack cakes. Pure heaven.

“Yeah. You here for Alexis?” Marley sounds downright delighted.

“Yeah, is she here?”

“Yup, she’s listening right behind me.”

I smack Marley on the back and peek my head to the side of him and find icy blue eyes looking right at me. “Hey.” I wave like a dork because I have no idea how to react to this situation. I want to ask him why he’s here and if we can go back to his trailer and fuck like rabbits.

After he gave me an orgasm in front of the production crew earlier today, we haven’t really spoken. Victor had us in that bathtub almost all day. We had to shoot that scene ten times before Victor was sure he had everything he needed. I think he just enjoyed working us to death. I mean, seriously, we had to act that scene out in several different positions, a few with our hair wet, a few without wet hair. Then there were a few times he made us do it without our lines. I thought I would come home and sleep for sixteen hours but I found myself wound up. And, no, I didn’t get an orgasm every take. I would probably have died.

“Can we talk for a second?” Ryan asks, reaching his hand out for me. I find myself reaching back for him without a single thought. I almost feel like I go into autopilot when he’s around.

I don’t give him a verbal answer considering, but I do look back at Marley as we start to walk away. “I’ll be back in a second, I swear. Hopefully Talia won’t wake up.”

Marley gives me a salute and closes the door. I’m pretty sure he locked it too, the bastard. Like he knows what Ryan Danse wants with me so late at night. Huh, maybe he does know what Ryan Danse wants with me so late at night.

I hope it’s sex. I really, really, really hope it’s sex.

I’m so crazy; I make mental patients look sane.

Ryan pulls me along behind him, never saying a word and I find the silence comfortable. Though I also like checking out his big butt when he doesn’t notice. The man was made out of all my fantasies and wrapped in shiny Christmas wrapping paper. That’s how gorgeous he is.

We get to his trailer, which is three over from mine, and he yanks the door open. Now he’s pulling me inside and my hands are instantly sweaty. I swear my hands are the nastiest part of my body. They are always sweaty! I wonder if there’s a pill to fix that. There seems to be a pill to fix everything. I doubt it though.

He shuts the door behind us and rounds on me. Instantly I have no thoughts inside of my head except for him to kiss me. All the muscles in his body seem to be strained and he’s breathing heavy, his hands opening and closing. His eyes roam up and down my body, stopping at my eyes, like they’re the best part of me.

“I want you,” he says, stepping into my space. He reaches up, caressing my face softly, his light blue eyes on my lips now.

“Yes,” is all I can say.

“Can I have you?” he whispers, like I didn’t just say yes. Maybe he’s just as lost in this lust as I am.


His lips touch mine gently, his hands moving from my face to the top of my breasts covered up by my t-shirt.

“Then I’ll have you.”


Chapter Eight


We’re kissing, his lips moving mine the way he wants them to move. His hands slip up and down my sides. They move under my shirt right until they meet the underside of my breasts. My nipples are so hard I’m about to just rip my shirt off, plus my bra, and demand he suck them. I think that might be bad form though.

I’m desperate to get his shirt off, so I can taste every single inch of skin I expose. I also want to feel all those muscles under there. Can’t forget the muscles. “Why are we still wearing clothes?” I mutter around his mouth as it devours mine. It’s almost as if he can’t stop kissing me, like it’s his favorite thing.

“Because you won’t stop kissing me,” he replies, finally tugging at my shirt.

I pull away and scowl at him. “You won’t stop kissing me. Not the other way around.” I give my reply while tugging at his shirt. Now it’s a game of elbows and hands.

I lean back and just lift my hands over my head. I guess if I let him have what he wants, maybe I’ll get what I want. That seems to be the way with men, they want what they want right now, and then maybe it’ll be your turn.

He makes quick work of my shirt and then immediately reaches back for the clasp of my bra. Then the tatas are free. Cold air reaches my nipples, making them harder than they already were. Ryan though, he knows exactly what I need because he just swoops right in, catching a nipple with his mouth and sucking. My head thumps against the door of his trailer while I wither in ecstasy.

My hands reach up to smooth over his short hair and I find myself wishing he still had his long hair. I’d be pulling the fuck out of it right now. I sigh when his mouth finds my other nipple, giving it sweet relief with his mouth. His thigh makes its way between my legs and I’m not even ashamed to admit that I’m rubbing myself against it.

His head comes back up and I find myself lost in light blue skies on a hot summer day. The ones where Jason and I ate popsicles until our stomachs hurt and made Beau sing us Beatles songs. He licks his lip, biting the bottom one slightly before letting it go. His hand comes to my jeans and unbuttons them. Then he’s shoving his hand down my pants. I’m standing on my tippee toes when he finds what he’s looking for.

He gives me this small little cocky smile, one side of his mouth lifting up when his fingers slip through the wetness gathered at the apex of my thighs. “Been thinking about touching you here all day,” he says, just moving those fingers, never staying in one place too long.

“I’ve been thinking about it too,” I tell him, my mind in a complete fog. He gives me a real smile when I start moving my hips against his hand. “I’ve been thinking about other things too.”

Ryan’s eyebrows rise with my words but he doesn’t stop moving his fingers. God, I hope he never stops moving his fingers. “What other things? Hmm?” He leans down, placing his mouth right at my ear, the fucking minx. “About how you want my cock buried to the hilt in your pussy?”

I nod, my cheek rubbing against his. “Yes. Definitely yes.”

“Yeah, I’ve been fucking hard all god damn day long. This might get a little rough, Green Eyes,” he tells me, pulling his hand out and moving backwards.

Then the amazing man pulls his t-shirt over his head, throwing it across the room. Then he goes after the belt, pulling it out of the belt loops slowly, all the while looking directly at me. I mean, I can see him pulling the belt out and I appreciate the show, but I’m more interested in the slightly tanned skin. I’m staring at the dips and planes of his chest, the washboard of his abs and those huge shoulders I’m going to be sinking my nails into very soon.

It’s as if something snaps in both of us. One second I’m staring away at the glory that is Ryan Danse’s upper body and the next I’m charging him. He meets me halfway, catching me as I jump into his arms, our mouths crashing in a head on collision that feels so fucking good.

We crash into the cabinet in his little kitchen, knocking almost everything over. He sets me on the counter, his hands leaving my ass to cup my breasts, all the while his tongue plays tag with mine. I’m trying my damnedest to get my hands in his pants because I want to touch him. I mean, I got to roll around on him all day, and while I might like the view, I’ve already got my feel of his upper body.

Deciding that he doesn’t like where we are, he picks me up and carries me to his bedroom. He doesn’t even break a sweat or start breathing heavy. I shouldn’t be surprised, considering I’m short and thin, but still, that’s very impressive.

Then I’m thrown on the bed, my pants being ripped down my legs. When I’m in only my underwear, he sinks one knee onto the bed. “While I enjoy eating pussy, you know, considering it’s one of my favorite things to do, we’ll have to leave that for next time because I honestly can’t wait.”

I stare at him wide eyed. I thought guys hated that? Have I been wrong my whole life? Probably.

“Then fuck me,” I say, beyond ready for this to go down. I don’t even care if the “next” time happens or not, as long as this time happens.

“Yeah, I’ll be fucking you. Just let me find the condoms.” Then he backs away from me to reach into a bag on the floor. Clothes become scattered around until he pulls out a long ass string of condoms. Then he gives me a sheepish look. “These are your brother’s. I didn’t think I’d need any.”

Before I can say anything to that, he pulls his pants and boxers off, surprising the shit out of me. I thought maybe he’d take them off slowly; reveal his manly business an inch at a time. Nope, not Ryan Danse. He just throws all caution to the wind.

His cock is big, long and smooth as silk. Or, it looks smooth as silk because as he reaches down to smooth on the condom, I realize I won’t get to touch it so I won’t know for sure. Once he’s done that, he again sinks a knee onto the bed. Then he’s laying over me, pulling my underwear down my legs until I can kick them off.

“It’s been awhile,” I tell him. We all know that’s the understatement of the year.

He nods before he lets out a deep breath, then he positions his cock, slipping it slowly through my wetness. He starts to push forward and once again I’m caught inside those eyes. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he mutters, using both hands to prop himself up. “Fuuuuucccccckkkkk….” It’s one long drawn out word as he sinks all the way in, making me feel stretched to the limit, not that I mind, because it feels so fucking amazing.

Then Ryan fucking Danse turns into an animal. He rears up until he’s on his knees with my legs wrapped around his arms. I’m completely exposed like this, my breasts on full display, my pussy wide open with his cock. It’s decisively wonderful. He moves back and forth slowly at first, building his momentum, then he completely lets go, pounding me into the bed. He even growls like an animal through most of it, not that I really notice, considering I’m so close to the edge I might explode into a million tiny pieces and float off into space.

He switches it up again, once I’m
right there.
Now, I’m on top, with him sitting against the headboard, my breasts right in his face, well, until he grabs the back of my head, pulls my hair hard and buries his face in my neck, licking, biting and sucking. I move against him, not as hard as he was with me earlier, but I do feel like I’m trying to hurt him. Like I want to leave something behind for him to see long after I’m gone. That’s when I use my hands to grip his shoulders and dig my nails into them.

He groans, tugging on my hair even harder. I can’t even look down or up or any way but straight. I concentrate on rubbing my clit against his body while I ride him, thinking about how good he feels inside of me. Before long I’m right on the verge.

“You’re going to come, aren’t you?” he whispers, tugging my hair until I meet his eyes. “Rub that pussy on me, keep those eyes on me too,” he growls, his face flushed and sweat dotting his brow. He looks so fucking sexy I don’t think I could ever look away.

My mouth widens as I come, my body jerking with it. The noise that comes out is a long groan, because that’s all I can muster as the most beautiful sensation I’ve ever felt washes over my entire body. It starts at my core and doesn’t stop until it’s at the tip of my toes. Even my scalp tingles. That, ladies and gentlemen, is what we call a full body orgasm. Yay me!

Ryan swears under me, his hand still pulling the fuck out of my hair. I never thought I would like that, but if he wants to pull my hair while he’s inside of me, I will never complain. It’s crazy how it makes me feel. I can’t move my head and it hurts a little, but it only adds to the experience going on between my legs. He’s stilling me now, as I feel his cock jerk inside of me.

Afterward, we lay side by side, our hands twisting and untwisting, until I can’t stand it anymore and attempt to get up. Ryan tugs my hand, keeping me in the bed. “Where do you think you’re going?” His eyes darken with his anger.

I want to laugh, because I’m a woman, and I like to fucking cuddle and I will get my fucking cuddle. “I have to pee, if you must know.” I get up, but think again and get right in his face. “I will be back though and we will cuddle.”

This makes him laugh. I make it quick in the bathroom before going back into the open room. He’s lying with his back propped up against the headboard, the sheet around his waist, and one hand above his head watching TV.

I’m shocked by how simple it all seems. Can we really just fuck, cuddle, watch some TV together and then just go back to our own lives? Then his eyes meet mine and I know that we can. I can’t hide anything from him because he makes me an open book when I’ve been closed for so long.

I walk back through his trailer completely naked and he watches me the whole time. I slide under the sheet until I’m up against him. He wraps his arm around me and we sit that way for a couple of hours, just watching TV. Then I fall asleep with my head on his chest, his hand playing with my hair. I know when I wake up tomorrow I’ll be stupid and regret this or something. Or maybe we can part ways like nothing ever happened, but I know we won’t.

I kind of feel like he changed my entire life tonight.

BOOK: Green Eyes
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