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Authors: Lily Harlem and Lucy Felthouse

GrandSlam (16 page)

BOOK: GrandSlam
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I did as he asked, pressing my cheek on his sopping shoulder
blade as I drew little scrapes over his sac.

“Ah, yes, like that,” he said breathily.

His shaft was thick and hot, swollen and stiff. I wished I
could see it from where I stood but I couldn’t, I was embracing him from

“That looks so incredibly sexy,” he gasped. “To see your
tiny hands on my dick like that.”

“You should come soon in case someone interrupts us.”

“No one will… But don’t worry… I’m not far,” he moaned. “Ah
yeah, faster now, harder.”

His balls were packing in tight to his body, the pulse in
his cock was throbbing against my palm and he was rocking into me and away,
setting the pace.

“Ah, Marie, yeah…”

I stretched my index finger back as far as it would go
behind his balls and stroked over his anus like I had before. Just applying a
bit of pressure to the clenched pucker.

“Fucking hell, Marie…Marie… You…” His words turned into a
long, low grunt and then he froze. He was coming hard. Waves of pleasure were
shooting up his cock and throbbing against my hand. A rope of slippery cum
caught over my palm then served as lube as I jacked him harder, firmer, my
movements barely controlled, the heat and friction building.

“Crap, that’s too good,” he groaned, suddenly spinning,
forcing me to release him. “You want me on my knees again?”

He kissed me, shoving his tongue into my mouth, sweeping
around ’til he found mine.

I gave as good as I got, holding him to me tight, again not
caring about water or cum stains on my dress.

Another shiver of pleasure attacked his body and I squeezed
him to me tighter.

He slid his fingers into my hair, holding me firm as his
kiss intensified. I hadn’t orgasmed but I was tingling all over, my knees weak,
my breaths hard to catch.

Eventually he pulled away but kept his lips hovering over
mine. “You’re making me break rules,” he said with a shake of his head.

“I get the feeling you’ve always been a rule breaker,
Travis. I don’t think I have anything to do with it.”

“You have everything to do with it. You were right, I shouldn’t
have interfered with you and Peter, and I sure as hell shouldn’t have just
ordered you to give me a hand job in the academy shower.”

“Are you complaining?” I slid my hands up his warm, damp
back and gripped his shoulders.

“About the hand job, hell no. That’s the first fantasy of
many brought to reality.” He loosened his hold on my head, ran his hand down my
wet dress and cupped my right breast. Squeezed my hard nipple between his first
two fingers.

Gasping at the discomfort, I pressed in for more. “The first

“Hell, yeah.” He grinned, that predatory one that made my
pussy clench and my body go on high alert. “There are so many more.”

I licked my lips, savoring his lingering flavor and the
sinful promises that sparkled in his eyes. “I’m afraid the next fantasy, or
should I say lesson, will have to wait a couple of days,” I said.

“It will?” He lifted his eyebrows, continuing to tweak my
nipple, sending darts of soreness wrapped in pleasure zipping through my chest
and settling in my belly.

“Yes, I’m going out tomorrow for the day.”


“To Catalina Island.”

“Sounds nice.” He paused then his brow creased into a frown
and he released my breast. “Who the hell are you going there with?”

Chapter Sixteen


I was close behind Marie as she boarded the boat. So close I
almost bumped into her when she stopped after stepping off the gangplank. I had
my reasons—mainly that I wanted to be near her, to stop Peter or some other
arsehole accosting her. Especially since I was pretty sure I knew what was
under her floaty little sundress. Not bloody much, I suspected. And wished.

“Oh my… Wow. Just wow.” She turned to me, her face lit up
with happiness and awe, shifting as she realized she was in the way of everyone
else trying to get on the yacht. Her next words were aimed at me. “This is just
incredible, isn’t it? I’ve never seen anything like it, have you?”

The last thing I wanted to do was look like an arrogant
show-off by telling her that actually, I’d been on several similar seafaring
crafts, so my reply was noncommittal. “It is incredible.” I was telling the
truth, at least.

“Peter!” she said. “This is
. Thank you so
much for inviting me.”

“Yes,” I said, moving forward and clapping the other man on
the back as he boarded the boat, perhaps a tad harder than necessary, “thank
you. This is gonna be great.”

Blinking a couple of times, Peter offered us a slow smile.
“Sure thing. You wanna come and meet the owner, Curtis Campbell? I thought he’d
be here to welcome his guests on board but he’s probably too busy sampling the
canapés. Or one of the waitresses.”

“That would be great,” Marie said. “Lead the way.”

We followed Peter across the deck and through a door that
led to the bowels of the boat. I let out a low whistle, I’d been on a few of
these things, but I was still impressed. The room we’d entered was decorated
with a thick cream carpet, brown leather sofas, some black glass tables and a
swish-looking bar in the corner. It was
considering it was only one room on the yacht. At the far end, two staircases
swept up to the next floor, which I assumed held the bathroom and bedroom or
maybe two bedrooms. I decided that when I won my next major tournament, I was
going to buy myself one of these babies. Especially when I turned and saw the
reaction that Marie was having to the opulence. She’d slotted her sunglasses
onto the top of her head and now I could see the excitement glinting in her
eyes. God, I’d buy a yacht just so I could fuck her on the top deck, our naked
bodies playing beneath the sun.

Just then a man came out of the door between the bottom of
the two staircases, and when he spotted Peter, he opened his arms wide and
walked until he was close enough to pull him into them. “Peter,” he said,
patting him on the back then releasing him. “It is good to see you. And these
are your guests?” A flash of confusion crossed his face. “You said three when
we spoke.”

“Yes, Rufus Lampani is on his way,” Peter said with a grin.

“Excellent, excellent.” The man turned to me and I could see
the flicker of recognition across his face, but he waited politely for Peter to
introduce us formally.

“This is Travis Connolly. I’m his coach at the academy.
Travis, this is Curtis Campbell.”

“Mr. Connolly,” the man said, reaching out to shake my hand.
“I know you by reputation, of course. It is great to meet you. I hope you have
a wonderful time on my yacht.”

“I’m sure I will,” I replied, shaking his hand briefly
before we parted. “It’s a beautiful boat you have here.”

“Yes, well, what’s the point in having money if you can’t
treat yourself every now and again?”

I nodded in agreement, and then Curtis turned to Marie, took
her hand and pressed a kiss to her knuckles. I managed not to clench my fists,
but my teeth sure got a grinding when he lingered, drawing in a breath and I’m
sure savoring her sweet perfume. “And who is this delightful creature?”

“This is Marie Sherratt,” Peter filled in, “she also works
at the academy, as a psychologist. So we often have to work together for the
good of the players.”

“Hmm,” he said, “very interesting. You’re lucky to work
alongside such a beautiful woman.” He still hadn’t let go of her hand.

“So,” I said, too loudly but it was too late to take it back
now, “are you able to show us around your boat? So we know where we’re allowed
to go, where we’re not, what the rules are? I wouldn’t want to get in trouble
with you, Mr. Campbell.” I smiled as sweetly as possible, playing nice to cover
up the fact I’d deliberately interrupted his appreciation of Marie, then when
the other man agreed and led the three of us off towards the staircases, I shot
Marie a look.

She returned my gaze, then rolled her eyes.

“What?” I mouthed at her, spreading my hands in

She shook her head and pointed at Curtis and Peter. “Later.
When we’re alone.” She then walked slightly faster, effectively ending the

I sighed, quickly turning the sound into a “whoa” as Curtis
turned ’round and looked at me. “Seriously great place, Mr. Campbell.”

“Please, call me Curtis,” he said, giving me a slightly
sickly grin. “And you too, Ms. Sherratt.”

We both nodded at him in agreement, then continued to follow
him as he led us up the stairs and into the bedroom and bathroom, then back
down the stairs and into the kitchens and so on. Fortunately he didn’t give a
running commentary as we entered each room, but then what was there to say?
“This is a bed, this is a shower…” There was nothing to tell us that we didn’t
already know.

I couldn’t help smirking when we were shown the shower
though. I tried hard to make eye contact with Marie so I could make some kind
of suggestive gesture or facial expression, but she deliberately avoided
looking at me. Damn, she had me down to a fine art already, that woman.

Eventually we finished our tour and were told to go and enjoy

“Hang on, Peter,” Curtis said, “I’d like to talk to you in

I caught Peter’s confused expression before taking Marie’s
arm gladly and leading her out onto the deck, which was adorned with stars and
stripes bunting. By now there were several more people milling around. A few of
them saw me, then did double takes. I decided to go and say hello so they’d
stop staring at me, wondering if I was who they thought I was, and move on.

“Hi,” I said, approaching the group. “I’m Travis Connolly and
this is my friend Marie Sherratt. Pleased to meet you all.”

Then followed a round of introductions, shaking hands and
those superficial air kisses people do when they don’t really know each other.

It seemed that despite their overt trendiness, the group
didn’t really have much to say to me or Marie, so I took advantage of their
lack of conversational skills and excused us.

“What are you doing?” Marie snapped at me as I led her to
the end of the boat that held a luxury Jacuzzi.

“What does it look like?” I asked, grinning at her. “I’m
getting you to myself.”

She rolled her eyes. “God, what are you, a Neanderthal? You
keep interrupting conversations and dragging me away from people.” She yanked
her arm out of my grasp. “You need to stop being so bloody possessive.”
Lowering her voice, she continued, “I may belong to you in a sexual sense, but
that’s all. Besides, how exactly do you plan to get me alone on a boat? It’s
big, but it’s not a cruise liner.”

“Well,” I said, brushing off her complaints and insults and
trying my hardest to win her ’round, “I’m doing my best. We’re kind of alone
back here, aren’t we? So while they’re all supping champagne down there do you
wanna go in the Jacuzzi?”

Without giving her a chance to tear another strip from me I
pulled off my t-shirt, kicked away my deck shoes and slid into the tub of
bubbling water. I grinned up at her, then tilted my head to try and get a view
up her sundress. It seemed she couldn’t resist my cheekiness. Her irritated
expression morphed into a smile and she stood there, looking totally radiant in
a sundress and thongs, then shucked her clothes and shoes to reveal a tiny
bikini, slipped into the pool, then sidled up next to me.

“You are a royal pain in the arse, Connolly,” she said,
giving me a jab in the arm.

“Ow! That wasn’t very nice, was it?”

“Well, you deserved it. Stop acting like a prize prat or
we’re going to end up falling out. Regardless of whether I belong to you or
not, at thirty-nine years old I’m perfectly capable of looking after myself.”

Ah, so she
older than me, just as I’d suspected.
But maybe that was what appealed to me so much, her mature confidence. Elle was
older too, than both Kev and me, and she had a similar steadfast way about her
whatever she was doing. Seemed it was the way I was wired, to like older women,
one of the things that rocked my boat so to speak. “So why are we here, then?
You were supposed to turn Peter down next time he asked you out.”

“We had this conversation already. For starters, this isn’t
a date. Or if it is, it’s the strangest one I’ve ever been on. Secondly, he
made me an offer I couldn’t refuse.”

I growled. “He did what?”

Marie laughed. “Easy, tiger. He told me that at this time of
year, we were pretty much guaranteed to see dolphins. I couldn’t resist.”

I relaxed. “Okay, that’s fair enough. Dolphins are pretty
damn cool.”

Just then a formally clad young man appeared with a plate of
canapés. Despite the fact I’d had a few years of being pretty well off due to
the success of my career, things like this still took me by surprise. It was
like being royalty or something. I smiled at the kid, who blushed and then bent
down so Marie and I could take something from the tray he held.

“Thanks,” we said in unison, then looked at each other and
grinned. Marie raised her eyebrows.

“What? Just because other rich and famous people treat staff
like dirt doesn’t mean I’m going to,” I said. “I just can’t do it. It’s not in
my nature.”

After a glance around to see if anyone was looking at us,
Marie leaned in and kissed me briefly on the lips. “I’m glad. You’re many
things, Travis Connolly, but a stuck-up snob isn’t one of them.”

“Gee, thanks. I think.” With that, I popped the canapé into
my mouth and hummed with pleasure as the taste of wild salmon, herbs and some
kind of cream cheese exploded over my tongue.

The engine rumbled to life and the boat began to meander out
of the marina. I watched the shoreline shrink as we both enjoyed the tidbit,
then I took advantage of Marie’s now relaxed demeanor and slipped my hand onto
her thigh. She’d stripped to her bikini and hopped into the hot tub so fast
that I hadn’t had chance to drink in the sight of her delectable body. So I
decided I’d do it by touch instead.

She let out the cutest gasp then looked around. “Someone
might see.”

“See what? I’ve got my hand on your leg. It’s hardly

“It’s always pornographic when you touch me.”

I moved my focus to the view out to sea beyond the boat to
hide my pleasure at her words, and when she turned her head to look where I was
looking, I let a grin spread across my face. I shifted my hand from her leg and
slipped it around her shoulders, pulling her into me. She laid her head on my
shoulder with a happy sigh.

“Aren’t you bothered that people will think there’s
something going on between us?” she asked.

“Nah, not really. I was, but I figure if anyone asks, we
just say we’re seeing each other. They’re not exactly going to start pumping us
for information about our sex lives. Or at least I hope not.”

“Peter might think I’ve been dating both of you at the same
time. I don’t want him—or anyone else for that matter—thinking I’m some kind of

“The last I heard, there was no crime in dating more than
one person at once. It doesn’t necessarily mean you’re sleeping together.” I
hesitated. “You didn’t sleep with Peter, did you?” I already knew the answer, I
just wanted to hear her say it.

“You know damn well I didn’t. And I don’t normally do things
like I’ve done with you either. I’m not easy, you know.” Now she tilted her
head to look at me, probably to make sure I wasn’t pulling a disbelieving face
at her words.

“I know you’re not easy, Marie. Relax. Nobody’s taking the
least bit of notice of us. They’re too busy quaffing down that expensive
champagne Curtis is waving around. I don’t think they’ve even noticed we’re not
there. And if they do, well, we’ll just blame our apparent ardor on the booze.”

“We haven’t had any booze.”

“Nobody else knows that though, do they?”

Our gazes met and it was a while before we even noticed the
boat was out in the open ocean. The other guests joined us at the back of the
yacht, leaning on the barriers around the deck, grabbing drinks and food from
the waiters. I didn’t know if it was because of who I was, but bizarrely nobody
interrupted us or tried to join us in the tub. It seemed there were more
benefits to celebrity than I’d imagined.

I absentmindedly stroked Marie’s shoulder and she purred
contentedly and shuffled more tightly into my side. Her proximity had been
doing naughty things to me ever since she’d gotten into the hot tub, but now it
seemed my cock had ideas of its own. I grabbed Marie’s wrist and placed her
hand over my rapidly swelling erection.

She looked at me, wide-eyed. “Someone will definitely see

“No they won’t.” I shook my head. “The bubbles are so fierce
that they blur anything below the surface. Look.” We both looked down and sure
enough all we could see were vague streaks of color from our skin and our
swimwear, but we couldn’t tell what was where, and since only the very tops of
Marie’s shoulders were visible above the water, there was no telltale arm
position or movement.

“Go on,” I said. “Wank me off. Right here, so close to all
of these people, all these strangers.”

“I-I can’t.” Despite her words, her hand stayed in place,
resting on my crotch.

BOOK: GrandSlam
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