Read Good Stepbrother (Love #2) Online

Authors: Scarlett Jade,Intuition Author Services

Good Stepbrother (Love #2) (13 page)

BOOK: Good Stepbrother (Love #2)
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“My doctor says I have to slow down. I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I’m exhausted.”


“I guess partying, doing drugs, drinking, and working twenty four seven tends to wear on a body. I have to stop touring for a while. My manager’s pretty pissed, but it is what it is. I told Dad I was here just for a little while at first, but it’s a lie. I’m here, for good. I’m walking away from my career.”

“You’re…walking away from your career. Are you fucking insane?” he exploded and I jumped.

“Don’t yell at me, Carter,” I whispered.

“So what, do you think you can walk in here, looking absolutely fucking beautiful and win me back, just like that? That all this time, all this fucking agony I’ve been going through would just simply disappear because you walked in? I guess it’s like, ‘Oh shit, the sun’s here, us dark clouds better haul ass!’” He leaned against the desk and snorted in derision. “Come on, Brielle, I know you better than that.”

“You used to know me. I just got out of rehab two months ago. I’m clean and sober, and I need to make amends for what I did to you.”

“Wait, what? Rehab?”

“Can I sit down?” I asked softly.

“By all means.”

Pushing my hair back, I smiled softly. “I am not proud of running, Carter. I just couldn’t process what had happened. The psychiatrist at rehab said my issues stemmed from being abandoned by my father and my mom dying so young. You had me up on this pedestal, Carter, and I couldn’t be who you needed me to be. So I ran.”

“It killed me when I realized you were just gone.”

“I’m sorry. I can’t change any of what happened in the past. All I can do is try to make the future better. Was my mother’s funeral…nice?”

“I guess if you consider funerals to be nice. Dad tried to get in the grave with her. He was trashed out of his mind. I’ve finally gotten him off most of the whiskey and onto beers, but it’s just trading one demon for another. He won’t get help. He says AA is for quitters.”

Grinning, I shook my head. “Sounds like Charlie. I’ve been calling and talking to him on and off since about a year after the…” I paused and cleared my throat. “Accident.”

“Good for you,” he snapped.

“Carter, I—”

Jumping out of his chair, he stalked across the room and threw the door open. “Get the fuck out. Shop’s closed for the afternoon.”

“Awwww come on, Carter! Buzz kill. It’s just getting good,” one guy complained.

“Get. Out.” He growled again and with a laugh, they left the shop, closing the door behind them and switching off the open sign in the front window. “Sorry about that,” he sighed, settling back into his chair.

“It’s okay. You know, Carter?” I paused and blushed slightly. “You look fantastic. Charlie told me all that you’ve done for him and I’m really proud of you. I always knew you were a good guy. Way too good for me.”

He laughed. “Too good for you? What a crock.”

“I’m serious! Why do you think I kept you at bay? I didn’t want you to end up being a fuck up like me. I did things no kid should’ve been doing. I can’t do that anymore. All of my celeb friends are like ‘wow, amazing all night party!’ and I’m like, ‘made it through the day with only two naps!’ I rode in the fast lane for a little too long and I really need a mechanic to fix me up. Do you know a good mechanic, Carter? I need him to fix my heart. That’s the thing that’s the most broken.” Staring at him expectantly, I waited.

Blinking, he cleared his throat. “I don’t know what to say.”

“Tell me not to go. Please.” Standing, I rushed around his desk and plopped into his lap. “Give me another chance to make it right.” I knew what I was about to do would either go one of two ways. He’d either allow it to happen or he’d push me away in disgust. Pressing my mouth to his, I died. Logan’s kiss had been nice, but this was far from nice. He kissed me back and tangled his hands in my hair. His tongue tangled with mine and set me on fire.

Suddenly, he stood from his chair, wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed me harder. He opened his office door and took me across the garage to stairs on the far wall. He carried me up them and I kissed down his neck. I needed to feel his skin against mine so I ripped at his shirt and dug my nails into his chest. I was a woman possessed and I only wanted him.

“Carter, I need you,” I begged.

“We’re almost there. You don’t know how long I’ve wanted this.”

“Probably just as long as me…” He slid me down his body and I stood on tiptoe to kiss him. I steadied my hold on my rock and prayed he was ready for the storm to come.

Ripping his shirt the rest of the way open, I pushed the material off his shoulders and moaned between kisses, “Jesus Christ, what do you do, work out non-stop?”

“No, I do manual labor for a living. You’re wearing too many clothes.”

Stepping back slightly, I peeled off my sweater and tossed it to the floor. That left me wearing a matching black lacy panty and bra, and sheer leggings with my boots.

“Boots and leggings off. Leave the rest on,” he ordered, and I raised an eyebrow.

Ordering me around? Okay that’s hot, Carter.

“Are you going to leave this time?” he asked against my ear.

His mouth tickling my ear drove me insane and I shook my head. “No. I’m not.”

“Good, because you’re mine. You’ve always been mine, whether you wanted to admit it or not.” He grabbed my ass cheeks with both hands and picked me up like I weighed nothing, settling me around his waist again.

Wrapping my legs around his waist, I kissed him and murmured, “I just wanted to save you.”

“You didn’t save me from anything. You tormented me,” he growled between kisses.

“I did. I knew you wanted me. I didn’t know what to do. I was a kid. I just wanted to keep you wanting me, so you’d always be there if I needed you. I never stopped to think about what it was doing to you.”

“I wanted you, alright. I jerked off to you every single night. Imagining how it would feel to be inside you. Believe me, though, the fantasies paled in comparison to actually being there.”

“I’m sorry,” I whispered, my eyes tearing up. “I know I messed up.”

“Stop apologizing and let’s have angry sex, please.” He kissed me again and pushed me hard against the wall, grinding his denim covered, very hard dick into my pussy. His hands came to my bra straps and he ripped my lacy bra free from my skin. I almost wanted to cry at the delicate lace being torn to shreds, but I was painfully aroused. I did moan, “That was my favorite!”

“You look so much sexier without it,” he murmured against my lips, groping my breasts, tweaking both nipples while he kissed me soundly.

“I need…” I tried to talk and he plucked my nipples firmly, eliciting a gasp from my throat.

“I’ll give you what you need, on my damn terms. You don’t have the control anymore.”

That thrilled me. He put an arm behind me and bent me back over it so my breasts were at mouth level. He sucked first one nipple, then the other, back and forth until I was ready to explode. As though he could sense my impending orgasm, he brought me back up and murmured, “Are you still on birth control?”

“I am.”

“Good, because I still don’t own condoms.”

Stepping across the room, he pulled back the covers on his bed and deposited me on his sheets. I trembled at the desire in his hooded eyes. He hooked his fingers in the sides of my panties and peeled them and my leggings down my legs. Kicking off my boots, I opened my legs wide and brazenly whispered, “Like what you see?”

“You have no idea.” He groaned weakly.

“You’re wearing too many clothes, Carter.”

“I’m not gonna last long…”

“I don’t care. I just need…I need you. I figure we have the rest of our lives…” I paused and pushed up on my elbows. “Do we?”

“I don’t know. I don’t want to think about anything but your pussy and my dick having a serious powwow. I can’t talk to you when I want to fuck your brains out.”

Laughing softly and I opened my legs wider. “Then do it and stop talking about it.”

He moved like lightning stripping off his clothes and I clenched at the sight of his hard dick. “Last chance, Brielle. If I slide home, it’s for good. No walking out.”

“Slide home, Carter.”

He moved between my legs, adjusted his head into my heat and sank deep. “My God,” he moaned against my neck, burying himself completely.

Carter filled me perfectly. He kissed me sweetly and rocked into me. My pussy throbbed incessantly, I was close to coming and I knew exactly how I needed to get there. Wrapping my legs around his waist, I angled slightly so he brushed my g-spot with each stroke. Digging my heels into his ass, I rocked up into him and came apart almost instantly. Breaking our kiss, I screamed his name, “Carter!”

He took me then, hard and fast and I watched his face as he came. His head fell back and he grunted in shuddering pants. “I told you it wouldn’t last long.”

Trailing circles on his back with my fingertips, I kissed his shoulder. “It was perfect.”

Withdrawing, he stood and offered his hand. “Let me show you the bathroom.”

I took his hand and we padded to the tiny bathroom. He cleaned up quickly and left me alone. I couldn’t believe how quickly things had exploded between us, but that’s how things had always been between us. It scared me. I felt like I’d just built myself up and in the space of twenty minutes, he’d engulfed me in flames.

Pulling his towel from the rack, I tiptoed out of the bathroom. “Can I have my clothes?”

“Yep. Let me turn around and give you some privacy.” He handed me my clothes and jammed my torn bra into his pocket.

“Keeping that for later?” I teased.

“A memento, just in case,” he said sadly, turning away as I dressed.

“It’s stupid being embarrassed around you after…I mean it’s not like you’re the only guy I’ve ever had sex with,” I laughed weakly.

“You’re the only woman I’ve ever made love to.”

I froze as I slipped my boots on.
Oh hell, Carter.
“You seriously haven’t been with anyone else? Wow.”

“The other night I tried to. Believe me, I tried. Then one of your songs came on the jukebox at the bar and my dick died. You cock blocked me from afar.”

“What magic I possess,” I hugged him from behind. I had to get out of there and clear my head. I was drowning in him and I didn’t like the feeling. I hadn’t expected to make love to him in the apartment above the garage. I’d planned on us going slowly, not setting each other on fire.

“You always have.”

“Want to um, go back to your office?” I suggested, hoping it would be a safer alternative to his bed. Frankly, I wanted to shove him back on the bed and screw him until neither of us could walk. But that wasn’t healthy.

“Probably best. But I could still fuck you over my desk.”

“That has promise.” I yawned slightly and walked to the stairs. “Meet you down there.” I planned on running. He knew it. I knew it.

He smiled and nodded. “Be right there.”

He gave me a head start, and I took off like dogs were nipping at my heels. I almost ran across the parking lot to Charlie’s car. Starting it, I peeled out of the parking lot and cried the whole way home. I was an idiot. A fool.

I was madly in love with Carter Travis and it terrified me.

Chapter Fifteen


“Bri, just do a few shows. Then you can take more time off. People need to know you’re okay. Come on, honey,” Patrick cooed in my ear and I chewed my thumbnail as I listened.

“Just a few shows,” I repeated.


“Then I can come back?” It would give me and Carter a little time to cool off. Because if we burst into flames like that again I might not survive the conflagration.

“Of course you can, baby.”

My skin crawled when he called me his baby.
“Okay, I’ll do it.”

“Great, we’ll have a car ready to pick you up in the morning. You’ll fly to Phoenix, Sacramento, Denver, Kansas City, Dallas, and Atlanta. Then time off. Good girl, I knew you could do it. I’ll meet you in Phoenix. It’s time we reconnected.”

Gag me. “Yeah, sounds good. Six shows. That’s it. See you tomorrow.” Hanging up, I flopped back on my bed and covered my eyes with my forearm.
I’m running once again but I can’t help it. I just need to cool off before I go back to the garage and make love to him again. We’re burning a little too hot and I don’t have much left to burn down.

“Bri? You want some pancakes?” Charlie called and I pasted a smile on my face.

“Sure do! Be right there.” Straightening my shoulders, I prepared to tell Charlie I would be going back on the road again. Trotting downstairs, I entered the kitchen. “So I gotta get out of here tomorrow,” I started and Charlie eyed me.

“Need the car?”

“No. Someone’s coming to get me. I’m um… gonna go do six shows, then I’ll be back. My manager says it will be good for the public to see that I’m okay. I can handle it, I promise.” Sliding into my chair I flinched as he sighed loudly.

“Bri. Are you running?” He plopped two pancakes on my plate.

“Me? Running? What would I have to run from?” My voice was just a touch too high, so I toned it down and cleared my throat. “Everything’s fine. It’s just for the record label.”

“Uh huh. Everything’s kosher between you and Carter. No problems, right?” Charlie asked, opening the refrigerator to pull out the bottle of syrup he always kept there. He dropped it on the table in front of me and sighed. “Kid, you gotta work things out.”

“We will!” I promised. “Just not yet. It’ll be okay, just trust me, Charlie. I’m coming home. I swear. Scout’s honor.” Pouring syrup on my pancakes, I shoved a bite in my mouth. “Mmm, so good!”

“I’m glad to see you eating something,” Charlie muttered and I shrugged.

“My trainer will be pissed.”

“You have to eat.”

“I know…” The pancakes melted on my tongue and I barely resisted licking the plate. He settled in beside me with a stack of pancakes and bacon.

“No beer tonight either,” he stated simply, and I grinned.

“I’m proud of you. Lisa would be proud.”

“I know.”




The next morning I gave him one last hug before I climbed in the car. “I’ll see you soon.”

“Bri, you gotta take it easy, baby,” he whispered in my ear before releasing me. “Take care of yourself.”

“I will,” I reassured him. “Hey, tell Carter I’ll see him soon, okay?”

Charlie jammed his hands into the front pockets of his jeans and sighed. “I’ll tell him.”

My driver handed me tickets. “These are for your family. Courtesy of Patrick.”

Passing them out my window to Charlie, I smiled. “Come see me in Kansas City.”

“I’ll do my best,” Charlie took the tickets and slid them in his back pocket.

“Bring Carter?” I pleaded.

“Get going, Bri. See you soon.” Charlie waved at me while the car pulled away.

I felt empty as the wheels turned. I left my heart in Marysville. I had to get back home soon and get everything figured out. Carter and I had to see if we had what it took to last or not. Once we made it to Omaha, I was ushered to my private jet and the whole flight to Phoenix, I slept. I knew if I didn’t catch some sleep while we flew, I’d be a mess once we arrived. My show started at eight PM and had sold out in minutes. People wanted to see if I was okay. They needed to know if I was going to make it.

“Wake up,” a voice told me and my eyes flicked open to see Patrick standing over me.

“Hey,” I mumbled groggily. “What’re you doing here?”

“Taking you to the show. Come on, I’ve got some pills for you to get you through the night.” He jiggled a little pouch of pills at me and smiled brightly. “Let’s go rock Phoenix, superstar.”

Shaking my head, I stood from my seat. “I’m not taking them. I’m sober.”

“Sober-schmober!” Patrick cried gleefully. “Rehab and rest suited you. No one stays sober.”

“No thanks.” I told him again, with a little more force. “Last time I had one of your concoctions, I was in a coma.”

“Coma-schmoma! That was just a k-hole and you passed out for a bit. No big deal. Everyone does it!”

Turning on him, I jammed my finger into his chest. “Well, not me. Not anymore. Got it?”

His eyes narrowed and he clenched his jaw. “Don’t fuck this up. We’re barely staying on the payroll at Aurora as it is. I put my ass on the line for you, you little slut, so you better not fuck me over.”

“I’m not a slut.” I countered. “And I have given you five years and you’ve made a lot of money off me, Patrick. You used me, drugged me up, and raped me at least once. So, unless you want me to go to the tabloids with that, I suggest you leave me alone. Let me perform my songs and when the six shows are over, I’m going home for a nice long hiatus.”

His nostrils flared. “Fine. Let’s go. Have you been eating like a horse? You look like you’ve gained ten pounds. We can’t have that. You’ll be back on your diet again. You have a dress for next year’s Grammys that you must fit into.”

“Okay, fine.” Following him out of the plane, we hurried to the waiting limo. I crawled in and he slid in beside me, closing the door. “Let’s go,” he told the driver, then closed the glass between him and us.

“Let’s leave that open,” I gulped and Patrick shook his head.

“Let’s not. Here’s how it’s gonna be, Bri. You will perform or I will wreck you. Do you understand me?” His lips flattened into a firm line and he gripped my knee.

Shaking off his hand, I nodded. “I said I’d do the six shows.”

“You’ll do whatever I tell you.”

Rolling my eyes, I looked out the window.
That’s what you think…I’m not the same weak little girl I was a few months ago.
Half an hour later, we pulled up behind the arena and Patrick opened the door.

“Let’s go,” he ordered and with a heavy sigh, I complied.

Exhaustion weighed down my bones but I knew I could get through the show. A little dancing, lip-syncing and then it would be done. Then I could sleep. He caught my elbow and dragged me through the back exit to a dressing room where he shoved me into the chair.

“Easy!” I snapped and he pursed his lips.

“Shut up. Makeup! Wardrobe! Let’s get her looking like the pop superstar she is!” Turning, he left me in the room. Women flocked in and I was poked, prodded, waxed, lotioned, my hair was blown out and curled into an elaborate style. They cinched me into a tiny red corset and matching panties and I tottered on super high heels.

“She’s ready!” a blonde woman screamed over the din and they all stepped back to look at me. Glancing into the mirror, I hated the woman staring back at me. She was painted and looked fake. She wasn’t me. I’d never really been her. That realization stunned me and my eyes widened. None of the bright lights and bullshit mattered. Not anymore.

Patrick shook me firmly. “Let’s go! You’re on in two minutes! Get your head in the game, Bri!”

Before I had time to process anything, I was striding out onto the stage. I danced robotically, my body automatically doing the movements I’d practiced a million times. I lip-synced to my songs and barely paid attention.

All I could think was,
I don’t have to be like this anymore. I have a choice.




I wondered if Charlie and Carter would be at my next show. They had front row seats. I was willing to bet Charlie would be there, but Carter? Nah, I didn’t think he’d show. He was sure to be pissed because I went back on tour.

I was exhausted as we pulled into Kansas City. “Can we go to the hotel?” I pleaded with Patrick to no avail.

“No! You need to work out, then get ready for the show. You’re not losing weight like we’d hoped. So you have to eat less and work harder. You wouldn’t be so tired if you’d just take a pill or two. I don’t know why you have your panties so in a bunch about it. You used to be a fun girl.”

“I’m not her anymore.” I didn’t want to be. I didn’t
to be.

“That much is obvious. You’re a buzzkill,” Patrick pouted and I smiled.

“Let’s do this then.”

A few hours later I stood just off stage while my music played and lights swept the stage. I was due to go onstage in less than five minutes. I’d been laced into a costume, my makeup and hair done, and I’d worked out. I felt like crap, but I had to go on. A wave of nausea swept through me and I took in deep breaths, swallowing down bile.

“You ready?” Patrick asked excitedly beside me. “It’s a packed house.”

“I don’t feel so good,” I started and he grabbed my elbow.

“Get it together. We can’t refund any more tickets.”

Nodding, I pulled away from him and took in another breath. My ears rang slightly and my vision swam, but I could do it. “Okay.”

“Let’s do it.” Patrick nudged me. “Go!”

Darting out on stage, I shimmied and swayed along to the fast paced song, my lips moving along with the track. I could feel my pulse hammering in my throat and the stage dipped and I almost lost my balance. Thankfully, the next song was a slow one, and I was able to catch my breath while I lip-synced.

My corset was cinched too tightly and when I tried to suck in another draught of air, I found I couldn’t. “I can’t do this,” I whispered into the mic, and I heard my words echoing through the stadium. The crowd gasped collectively as I began my descent to the stage floor. I wasn’t sure why the music kept on playing, or why anyone had heard my words. I just couldn’t keep going. Air was a luxury, and nothing felt right. Crumpling to the floor, I clawed at the bodice of the corset. I couldn’t find air. My eyes widened in panic and I struggled harder.

“Calm down,” a guard yelled, and I tried to listen. My eyes rolled back and I remembered nothing else for a while.

“She’s gotta go back on tour!” Patrick yelled, jerking me awake.

“She’s not going,” a man’s voice replied curtly. I knew that voice. Opening my eyes was exhausting, it was like weights hung off my lashes. Finally I was able to peek through my lashes enough to see Charlie at my bedside and my heart warmed.

He came! But did Carter?

“And just who the hell are you?” Patrick snapped back snottily. If I’d had the energy, I would’ve said something, but I didn’t. I think Charlie handled himself well, though.

“I’m family.”

“She has no family other than her desperate aunt and her father.”

“Funny, I disagree. I’m family. I’m here to stay, and I’m telling you that she needs some time off. You’re not gonna run her into the ground to line your pockets, you snake!”

Ah Charlie, I’ve always liked you.

Forcing my eyes open, I whispered, “Water?” Taking in a deep breath, I relished the feel of unencumbered ribs.

Charlie slowly raised the head of my bed and held a cup of water with a straw. “Here, kiddo. Get a drink.”

Sipping the water, I smiled tiredly and my head lolled on the pillow. “Thanks, Charlie. You came. Where’s Carter?”

Charlie’s mouth twitched in a smile and he shook his head. “Carter wasn’t on the list. He jumped the gates and tried to get to you when you fell but some mammoth man knocked him down and threatened to taze his balls.”

My mouth fell open in part shock, part horror. “Is he okay?”

“He’s fine, just antsy, worrying about you. I’m gonna go give him a call and let him know how you are. Is there anything I can tell him?”

I studiously avoided Patrick’s stare. His beady black eyes bored into my cheek. “Tell him I want to come home.”

Charlie nodded and squeezed my hand. “I’ll tell him.”

As Charlie left, Patrick gave him a nasty look then turned on me the second the door closed. “What the fuck do you mean you want to go home? You still have shows to finish!”

Wincing slightly, I cleared my throat. “I can’t do them.”

“I’m not refunding any more cities because you want to be lazy!” Patrick roared, jamming a hand through his wispy grey hair. “This is unbelievable. You will be released into my care and we will continue on to the next city. There’s simply too much at stake, Bri!”

Shaking my head, I argued, “No, there’s not. I accomplished all I wanted to. I saw the top. I hated it. I don’t ever want to be there again. Not if it means I have to sleep with you and be high all the time to enjoy it.”

BOOK: Good Stepbrother (Love #2)
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