Read Golden Change Online

Authors: Lynn B. Davidson

Tags: #Erotic Fiction, #Exhibitionism, #Ménage à Trois, #Gay, #Lesbian, #Science Fiction, #Voyeurism, #Sex Toys, #Romance

Golden Change (4 page)

BOOK: Golden Change
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They had seen her staring at them. She could feel her whole face heat up. She ducked her head, turning her attention from them caressing each other to the stage.

On stage, the cadets came together one-on-one to engage in different styles of combat. Some wrestled, some used Zehavian swords. All of the contests finished with the loser servicing the winner in some way. The loser would kneel in front of the winner and either jack the winner off, letting their silver cum shoot on their chest, or take their cock deep in their mouth, sucking them to climax.

Aiden explained to Kylie it was loser’s choice. She had seen men have sex together at the restaurants and theaters they went to, but never like this, like a spectator sport.

She liked looking at all of the young men in the pit more than the contests on stage. While Aiden followed the action on stage, Kylie watched the action in the pit. The young men who had already fought or had not yet sat or reclined on couches together, watching the stage. They sat in groups of two or more snuggled together, letting their arms and legs touch or twine together. They would jump up at times to encourage their fellow cadets but eventually would settle back down. Almost as if it was unconscious, instead of deliberate, they touched each other.

Aiden had pulled her onto his lap with her legs straddling one of his thick thighs. As Aiden watched the fighting, he was gently petting Kylie’s breasts. His cock was full, straining up almost to his navel.

Kylie’s pussy lips were full, drenched, and aching. She was so desperate for him to touch her clit or to let her mount his cock. She whimpered involuntarily, squirming, trying to at least sit forward further so she could rub her clit on his thigh. She heard him chuckle slightly as he held her back.


* * * *


Aiden was pleased to see both Jacob and Dylan won their heats and their losers chose to suck them to climax. The cadets had probably gotten to know each other as they prepared for this week, and losers choosing to service them with their mouths usually connoted respect for their personal character.

He also watched as the cadets were looking around at the couples in between contests. Most of couples had already coupled while they watched the contests. Their wives had found release and the men were sated.

Jacob in particular kept looking towards Kylie. When Aiden saw Jacob looking at them, he pinched Kylie’s nipples so she would squirm on his lap. Aiden could see Jacob’s eyes glaze over. He could tell Jacob was imagining himself pinching Kylie’s nipples.

Aiden was pretty sure Jacob was the one they would want to intern with them, but there were procedures to go through first.

Knowing the time was right, he lifted Kylie, moving her so she could sink on his cock. She gave a cry as he filled her weeping sex. He knew the sight of his cock inside her tiny pussy was an impressive vision. He lifted and moved her so with each thrust he revealed almost his entire cock.

She was trying to lean her body forward with each thrust to rub her greedy clit on his ball sac, but he held her back. Her cries of “please, Aiden” were carrying across the space to all of the boys. They now held everyone’s attention as the contests had completed.

Aiden had watched the other wives as they found their completion, each only giving a small shudder as they climaxed. He knew Kylie writhing, throwing her head back, squirming on his cock was helping all of the cadets imagine having intercourse with her. Some of them were even stroking themselves as they watched them.

When he felt the vibrations in his balls start, he finally let her lean forward to grind her clit on his balls as he filled her with hot gold cum. He pinched her nipples hard, pulling them forward as he did. She was thrashing and mewling as she reached her orgasm.

When their breath returned to a more normal rhythm, he let his cock slip from her pussy. He caught his hot golden cum in his hand as he pulled out, spreading the gold liquid on her pussy lips and mound. It was a mark of his possession.

Kylie curled towards him to reach around his shoulders and kiss him. He could tell she was exhausted. As fast as he could, he settled her on the couch, pulling on his pants and shoes. He threw her gown over his shoulder before scooping her in his arms carrying her naked to the valet. She was asleep by the time the vehicle pulled up and didn’t stir until he picked her up to bring her in the house. He took her to their bathroom to help her clean up before going to bed.

Chapter 3


Kylie had always been an early riser. She rose before Aiden most mornings. She slipped out of bed, careful not to wake Aiden as she headed to their bathroom. After taking care of her needs, she pulled on a plush robe and slipped her feet into fuzzy bunny slippers. The slippers were a gift from Aiden. He thought they were funny, she thought they were warm.

Loving coffee was one thing Zehavians and earthlings had it common, so getting a hot mug was always first on the agenda. Breakfast was the easiest meal to agree on. She cut some fruit, arranging it on a platter before adding some pastries. She took her plate and cup of coffee to their courtyard.

Their house was ranch in style, with three main wings and a courtyard in the center. One wing of their house contained their bedroom, master bath, and Aiden’s office. The center part of the building consisted of the main living areas—kitchen, living room, dining room, and media room. The other wing had three bedroom suites.

Her favorite part of the courtyard was a bubbling faux brook that wound its way throughout. The stream started as a waterfall by their sport court, winding its way past the hot tub, the outdoor dining area, a sunlit area with their lounge chair, and turned back past the other side of the hot tub and emptied into the swimming pool. Small bridges crossed the brook to connect the spaces.

The courtyard was filled with indigenous and imported fruit trees and flowering plants. There was a large lawn area past the sport court where she had planted a vegetable garden.

The sun was coming up over the horizon into their courtyard as she settled down with her electronic tablet. It was chilly in the mornings, so she grabbed a blanket and arranged herself on their favorite double-wide lounge chair.

She didn’t read the news, so she got right back into the mystery novel she was in the middle of. Reading novels was a favorite pastime of Kylie’s. While there were Zehavian novelists, she far preferred the earthly mysteries and romances. It was like visiting home with every book she read.

By the time Aiden padded into the courtyard, the sun was hitting the stone pavement around her. When he sat down next to her on the chaise lounge chair, she jumped. “You scared me!” she exclaimed.

“Good part?” he asked.

“I’m almost finished,” she said, burying her face back in the tablet.

With a chuckle, Aiden grabbed her coffee to warm it up and get one of his own. By the time he got back, he was surprised she was setting down the tablet. Kylie often said she was almost finished or would finish in a minute, but would continue reading.

“Thanks,” she said as she reached for the coffee. Aiden sat down on the chaise next to her. He picked up the breakfast plate, handing her a pastry before beginning to eat one.

“What is the next step for the internship?” Kylie asked as she snuggled in next to Aiden.

Between bites, Aiden explained, “First we will hear back from the applicants as to what couples they are interested in living with. Then we extend offers of apprenticeship to the cadets. They will make their decisions and let us know.”

“Do you think there will be any interest?” she inquired.

“I’m sure there will be.” He met her eyes. Kylie believed his words, but could tell he was trying to soothe her at the same time.

“Really? Even though I am from earth?” she asked.

“It will be a barrier for some,” Aiden admitted. “I don’t think men are as prejudiced against earthlings as the women are. You remember how accepted you were by the men on our ship, don’t you?”

Kylie blushed when she remembered how many of them flirted with her. “Yes, but I was the only female on the ship.” It was true. It was only when they landed on the planet that she noticed there was a prejudice against earthlings.

“Even so, I know they genuinely liked you,” he insisted. They both knew they also liked the positive influence on his demeanor more than anything. The subject was still sore, since the reason he had been so surly was because he was having a hard time dealing with the death of his friend at the time.

“Always remember though, Kylie, I love you. I chose you. I have loved you from the first moment I met you.” He pulled her onto his lap. “I could have chosen any of those Zehavians women before I left on my mission. I think I was waiting for you. It didn’t matter where you were from.” His hand slipped into her robe. “You saw me for who I am, not my status, not my heritage or money. I could have had any of the women here, but I didn’t want them. I didn’t want Cheryl. I didn’t want Betsy. I wanted you.” Aiden pulled her in for a soft kiss. “I want you,” he whispered as he cupped her breast.

Kylie’s eyes got a little misty at his declaration. It wasn’t as if he didn’t say or show his love all of the time, but deep personal assertions were rare.

She knew he had been much sought after and really could have had anybody he wanted. Kylie let her robe fall open as she straddled his lap, letting her body rub against his as she kissed him. He pulled her robe off. His cock sought entrance to her body. It was a slow coupling. They could discuss the details of the apprenticeship later, Kylie thought to herself.


* * * *


The next day when Aiden had gone back to work, Kylie received requests from eight of the boys they had met in the mail. She was astounded. She felt a rush of warmth as she saw Jacob’s name was among them.

Kylie was anxious as she waited for Aiden to return from work. She met him at the door with the formal envelopes in her hand. Rushing into his arms, she said, “Eight! Eight boys want to come!” Kylie pecked him on the mouth before fanning the envelopes for him to see.

They talked about it over dinner.

“Now it is up to us to decide who we will offer apprenticeships to. What cadets do you want to extend the offer to?” he asked her.

“I think Jacob. Or do you have to invite Dylan as well, since you knew his dad?” she asked.

“Yes, but I think I can work it out. I think Mason was interested in Dylan as well as Jacob.” Aiden had seniority over Mason at work since he had ranked higher when they were in the military. “Mason and I talked today. I told him we were most interested in Jacob and he said they were most interested in Dylan. Dylan comes from old money and, while Jacob is of a good military family, I think Cheryl is enamored of being connected to Dylan’s family.”

Chapter 4


Jacob found their house easily enough. They lived in a housing development made up of enormous houses built on huge pieces of property. Although they were in the middle of a desert, the properties sported large fruit trees. He parked his vehicle in front of their garage. The vehicle was on loan from his parents. It was old, but functional.

As he got out of the vehicle, he put a hand to his stomach as it rumbled with queasiness. He was wearing the same pants he had worn to the interview, and didn’t bother with a shirt. He got his duffle from the back of the car and walked up to the front door.

He rang the bell, taking a deep breath.

The door flew open after a few seconds by Aiden. “Hello Jacob!” He shook Jacob’s hand, grabbing his tote bag from him and leading him into the house.

Kylie came around the corner. His breath caught when he saw her. Her face lit up when she saw him. She was even more beautiful with her hair down, and her countenance visibly relaxed.

Her breasts bounced slightly under her sheer gown as she rushed forward. She was wearing an apron, which unfortunately concealed her nipples.

“I’m so glad you came to stay with us, Jacob.” She wrapped her arms around his stomach to hug him. As she brought her body to press against him, he felt a jolt of heat run through his body. He had never been hugged by Zehavian women other than family. He felt a slow thickening begin in his cock as he hugged her back.

“You can leave your bag here for now, Jacob,” Aiden said. “We were going to sit down for lunch. Have you eaten yet?” he asked.

“I had a snack earlier, but I’d love lunch,” Jacob responded. He removed his boots after noticing that both Kylie and Aiden were barefoot. He set his boots by his bag that was resting in the doorway. Kylie led them back through the foyer into the kitchen, where plates of sandwiches were on the counter.

“I’ve made some earth dishes I hope you like. I still haven’t got the hang of cooking your style,” Kylie said with a small smile.

Aiden didn’t comment, but met his eyes significantly.

“Aiden has been trying to get me to hire a cook,” she continued. “I’m pretty good for breakfast and lunch but can’t get the hang of Zehavians-type dinners. I think he is getting used to earth dishes though,” she said.

“I’m sure it’s great,” Jacob said somewhat nervously at Aiden’s look.

Jacob stood next to Aiden as Kylie placed sandwiches on platters. “Oh,” she said with a startled look when she looked up. “You’re taller than Aiden. I didn’t realize.”

BOOK: Golden Change
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