Read Glazed Online

Authors: Ranae Rose

Tags: #Romance

Glazed (14 page)

BOOK: Glazed
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Fat chance
. She backed away, easily dodging his unsteady step. “I mean it Peter – leave.”


“Make me.” He lunged forward with surprising speed and pulled her against him while he buried a hand in her hair. She tried to squirm away, but he tightened his hold, pulling her hair so hard it tugged painfully at the corners of her eyes.


“Let me go!” she cried, stomping hard on his toes.


He didn’t even flinch, which she took as an indicator of just how drunk he really was. Her heart was racing, beating a butterfly rhythm against his chest, which he’d thrust against hers. He pressed his mouth against her face and breathed whisky fumes. “I know you still want me. Stop playing hard to get.”


Peter had clearly drunk his way past all reason. Realizing she was unlikely to escape his grasp on her own, she did the only thing she could think of – she screamed, hoping desperately that her neighbors were home and would hear.


He pressed his mouth against hers, muffling her cry and shoving his tongue past her lips. She struggled, but the only result was that the coppery tang of blood filled her mouth, mixing with the bitter taste of second-hand whisky. Her lip throbbed against his, bleeding freely where one of his teeth had caught it. He ground his hips against her as she fought, making her aware of the hardness that had sprung up between his. She squirmed and tripped.


He fell on top of her, which was very much to his advantage. Caught beneath his weight and left breathless by the fall, she could scarcely move. Instead of resisting when he shoved a hand beneath her shirt, she focused all her efforts instead on trying to draw precious air into her lungs. With him lying on top of her, shoving her legs apart rudely with a knee, it was nearly impossible. Just when she began to think she might suffocate beneath him, he flew off of her.


“What the hell?” he cried as he tumbled backward, a blur of rumpled suit and fair hair.


It took a moment for her to comprehend that someone had pulled him off of her, and even when she saw Derek towering above a sprawled-out Peter, she was still confused. “Derek?” she gasped with her first breath.


Derek had already torn his eyes away from her and was pulling Peter up from the floor by his collar. Peter’s nose was streaming blood down his face and chin, dripping it onto the front of his suit. Had Derek done that? Kelly rolled onto her side, struggling to rise as she gulped air. She heard the breath rushing from Peter’s lungs as Derek drove a fist into his belly, his dark eyes gleaming with fury.


Peter collapsed onto the floor again, his bloodied mouth moving silently. Derek reached for him, but he rolled aside just in time, only to bang his head off of a coffee table leg. Derek glowered at him as he curled into a ball, cursing and rubbing his head.


“You’ll kill him,” Kelly gasped when Derek reached down and pulled Peter to his feet again, a fist already cocked. Derek was twice Peter’s width and probably five times as strong, and Peter was in no condition to fight back. That didn’t stop him from throwing a punch at Derek’s face, though it was a weak, glancing blow.


“Are you trying to encourage me?” Derek retorted as his cheek turned faintly red where he’d been hit, his voice hard with rage.


“Don’t,” she begged, eyeing the way his cocked arm was bulging with powerful muscle. However pissed she was at Peter, the last thing she wanted was to never see Derek again because he’d beaten him to death.


He released Peter with obvious reluctance, tossing him to the floor.


Peter, who’d obviously regained some scrap of his senses during the past moment, wasted no time in scrambling toward the door, still on his knees. He half-crawled, half-fell out onto the doorstep, and Kelly rushed to close and lock the door behind him.


Derek had his arms around her before she could even turn back around. “Are you OK?”


Shaken by the whole ordeal and seized by sudden relief at seeing Peter gone, she trembled in Derek’s arms. “I think so.”


He reached out to wipe a thumb across her lip. To her surprise, it came away bloody. Caught up in the excitement of Derek’s appearance and the ensuing violence, she’d forgotten all about her busted lip. She let Derek guide her to the kitchen, supporting her with a strong arm around her shoulders. Once there, she was silent as he tore a paper towel off of a roll, dampened it and used it to dab at her lip. “You sure you’re not seriously hurt?”


“I’m sure. What about you?”


He shook his head dismissively. “Fine.” It looked like his cheek might bruise a little.


She nodded, and then blurted out what she’d been trying to piece together since he’d appeared in her living room and ripped Peter off of her. “What are you doing here?”


“I saw you in the parking lot,” he replied.


Her stomach clenched, reknotting itself as she remembered the girl he’d driven away with. Where was she now?


“I wasn’t going to bother you again,” he continued, “but when I saw you there, I thought…” He trailed off, frowning as he continued to clean the blood from her lip.


“I wanted to tell you something,” she said. Her lip twinged painfully as she spoke, but she rushed ahead, desperate to banish the hurt from his eyes. “When you came to my apartment and saw me with that man, it wasn’t what you thought. That was my ex, Peter. He dropped by uninvited. He spilled wine all over himself, and I was stupid enough to offer to wash his shirt for him.”


Derek, who’d been glowering since she’d mentioned Peter, dropped the bloodied paper towel into the sink. “I realized tonight that it wasn’t what it looked like. But God, when I thought…” He curled his hands into fists and veins bulged across their backs. “All I could think about was someone else making love to you, and it was driving me crazy.”


She reached out and placed a hand on his arm, feeling his tense muscles quiver beneath her touch. “All I could think about was you.”


He wrapped her in a sudden embrace, pulling her tight against his chest.


“I meant to tell you that when I saw you tonight. I meant to tell you I couldn’t stand to be without you. But then I saw you with that girl.”




She forced herself to meet his eyes, trying to hide the hurt in her own.


“You mean Cassandra?” he asked.


She shrugged. “The cute blond?”


“That’s Cassandra,” he replied. “She’s one of my employees.”


The knots in Kelly’s stomach didn’t ease much. Did it really matter if she was his employee or a fan club girl? The idea of Derek wrapping his arms around anyone else hurt.


“She’s also my niece.”


“Your niece? I thought she was one of those girls who’ve been hanging around the shop, asking for your autograph.”


“I was giving her a ride home from work, to my sister’s place.”


Kelly exhaled slowly. Derek’s explanation had breathed new life into her tense limbs and knotted stomach. Too relieved for words, she leaned in and pressed a kiss against his lips.


He responded with passion, heedless of the tiny trickle of blood the meeting of their mouths released. His tongue and breath brought welcome warmth. She clung to him, feeling as if she might melt right there against him.


A few minutes later they’d made it to the bedroom and fallen into a tangle of limbs on the bedspread. Exhausted, joyful and completely entwined with Derek, she wasn’t exactly sure how her clothes came off, but they did, along with his. When he reached over the edge of the bed, picked his jeans up from the floor and started fumbling in a pocket, she stopped him. “Not this time,” she said, laying a hand on his. “Not anymore.”


He froze, his gaze burning, locked with hers. “Are you sure?”




He dropped his jeans and wrapped his arms around her. His cock throbbed against her belly, gloriously bare. Her pussy ached with desire for it as he kissed her. She was sure, absolutely sure. She had been from the moment she’d realized what a mistake she’d made by breaking up with him.  The pills she took would prevent the only consequence she had to worry about. She trusted him, and she knew she didn’t want to be with anyone else.


“I can’t wait.” He took his cock in his hand and positioned the tip against her wet slit.


Every inch of her body tingled, and she wanted him so badly it hurt not to have him. “Me neither.”


He plunged in, his naked cock gliding smoothly into her body in one stroke.  Sex with protection had been amazing. This was too good for words. She gasped, even though he was still. It felt so good, just to have him inside her. There was nothing between them now, only his smooth hardness and her own slick, tight flesh embracing it.


He groaned as he flexed his hips, plunging deeper, and she joined him. Slower and slower, stroke after stroke, they were both breathing hard despite the pace. “Incredible,” he breathed. “You feel incredible.”


She unfisted her hands from among the sheets and gripped his shoulders instead. Their eyes met and locked. She took a moment to steady her breathing before she replied. “So do you.”


She started to come as soon as the next stroke began. Hoping he’d forgive her for any marks, she dug her nails into his muscle as her body clamped down tighter than she’d known it could on his cock. He gasped, moaned and picked up the pace as he came with her. After a few quick, hard strokes that made her arch her back, thrusting herself against him, her pussy was wetter than ever. It was a good feeling, surprisingly satisfying.


She wrapped her arms around his neck and sighed. He was amazing. How could she have ever let him go?






Chapter 8


When Derek woke up Kelly was still asleep, completely naked and curled into a ball at his side. They were in her bed and his memories of how they’d gotten there and what they’d done the night before were a blur of heat and kisses and slow fucking. They’d fallen asleep at some point, though he couldn’t remember exactly when. He placed a hand on her hip and her eyes fluttered open.


“Morning,” he breathed into her ear.


She squirmed and giggled as his jaw brushed her neck and his stubble tickled her. “Mmmm,” he moaned, gripping her hip. Her motion had sent her ass right into his lap, and it pressed snugly against his crotch, soliciting an instant reaction. Memories from the night before flew back to him, suddenly more vivid. It’d been the best sex of his life, definitely. And the thought of doing it again… He stared down at her ass, so round and perfect. He couldn’t resist flexing his hips a little against it. He moaned when she arched her back in response, trapping his cock tight between their bodies.


Now they’d crossed the line of no return. He reached around to cup one of her breasts and his cock ached as he squeezed, causing her nipple to  press against his palm and her cleavage swell over the top of his hand, just a little too much for him to hold all at once. His whole body tingled with longing, and his erection throbbed against the round swell of her ass, urging him to enter her. They were both naked – he could be inside her in a moment. But there was a pleasure in waiting that made him hold back.

BOOK: Glazed
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