Girls' Getaway: Miami (Find Your Fantasy) (3 page)

BOOK: Girls' Getaway: Miami (Find Your Fantasy)
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Lady's Choice

Now that your decision’s made, you feel oddly relaxed. Maybe it’s the wine-- or maybe it’s the way his eyes light up when you tell him, yes, you definitely want him to eat your pussy.

He takes the empty wine glass and sets it aside. Then he takes your hand and guides you to the bed. Those hands make quick work of the robe’s belt. You don’t even consider feeling shy. You’re feeling surprisingly greedy for another orgasm despite the one you recently had in the shower.

His hands part he edges of the robe. Those warm fingers brush your nipples. His palms lay flat against the tops of your breasts and glide up. His fingers curl over your shoulders and knead the tense flesh there. “Relax,” he whispers.

He pushes the robe off your shoulders and it pools on the floor. Cold air caresses your heated skin. He glances down your body and you make as if to cover yourself. But he grabs your hands and holds them gently by the wrists. “Let me see you,” he whispers.

He leans in and breathes in your scent. “You smell amazing.”

You can't help the secret smile as you remember the jasmine soap and the hot shower.

He steps closer. “I want to taste you.”

The words go in your ears and zoom straight down to your pussy. You can’t believe it’s possible to be this wet again so soon.

He urges you back on the bed. The silky sheets caress your skin. His hands wrap around your ankles and begin a leisurely tour up your legs. You feel exposed but oddly empowered by the heat in his eyes as they take in every bare inch of you.

The hands urge you to spread your thighs. You reconsider your decision for just a moment. But then he licks his lips in anticipation and you could swear you feel it directly on your clit.

“Easy,” he whispers. “Let me spoil you.”

Your thighs ease open inch-by-inch. His gaze lowers to the buffet you’ve spread out before him. He leans over and runs a finger from the valley between your breasts down to your navel before delving down even lower to tease your cleft.

He smiles like you did something brilliant. “So wet already. This is going to be fun.”

While you watch, he lifts that same finger to his mouth and flicks out a tongue to capture every drop. “Mmm, you taste good, too.”

He removes his shirt, revealing ridged muscles covered in dark hair. A man. Not a boy. Just like you like it. You want to run your hands over his muscles, but he has other plans.

He lowers to his knees. Those broad, tanned shoulders press your legs further apart. Your sex blooms before his eager gaze. Those strong hands come up and cup your breasts. He lightly runs his fingers over your nipples, which pucker instantly. Then, without warning, he bends that dark head down. You catch just a glimpse of his pink tongue before he runs it from the base of your pussy to the peak of your clit.

“Mmm.” Your hips rise and press towards his face. You look down the length of your body, shocked to see how sexy you look in the candlelight with his face between your thighs.

That tongue comes back for another pass. Only this time you grab his hair with your hands and press him into your sex. He moans because he likes it. You like it too, so you guide his face up and down. He looks up at you and his face is glistening from your honey.

With a noise like a hungry animal, he dives back in for more. He slurps and licks and sucks and fucks you with his tongue. The sensations become your sole focus. The pleasure he’s giving you is everything. The rest of the world slips away.

That hot tongue circles your clit and those full lips suck gently.

“Yes,” you gasp, “more.”

He continues his onslaught with his mouth and slides a finger into your pussy. But you’re so wet, he adds a second finger. They slide in and out, but you’re craving something more. But what?

You buck your hips and moan. He doesn’t pause in his dedication to your clit, but he somehow knows exactly what you need.

The fingers go in harder, deeper. The tongue licks faster and harder. But still you want more, more, more.

When the pad of a single finger touches your ass, lighting shoots through your core. The shock of it is so foreign, so forbidden … and yet.

The lubrication from your dripping pussy mixed with the scandalous caress and the pressure on your clit and the fullness of his fingers are magic. You explode into a starburst of sensation. You scream from the center of yourself and your body is a livewire--electric and very, very much alive.

By the time the final spark fizzles out, you’re lying in an exhausted heap on the bed. The man places a soft kiss on your thigh. He whispers, “Thank you.” And then he rises and slips out the door.

By the time you realize it should have been you thanking him, you’re sitting up on the bed with your robe wrapped around your body. A mirror on the wall across the way shows a flushed woman with a serene smile, and you realize she is you. And you understand that no beauty regimen in the world can compete with the glow of a thoroughly pleasured woman.

Another knock sounds on the door. At first you think it must be him coming back, but it’s just an esthetician arrived to do your hair and makeup for the party. You surrender to her ministrations. And when she asks what you do to get that beautiful flush to your cheeks, you simply smile and tell her it’s your little secret.


To head to the party with your friend,
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Standard Beauty Treatments

Though he’s clearly disappointed by your choice, the hunk wastes no time ushering you to another room. This one is more like what you’re used to at home. A normal massage table sits in the center. Candles sit atop a narrow table along the wall. Pipe music dances out of hidden speakers and a small fountain in the corner adds to the relaxing soundtrack.

The man urges you to lay on your stomach. For a relaxing hour, he rubs and kneads every last ounce of stress from your muscles. As he works you over, you fantasize about what it would have been like to have him touching your pussy, licking it. The thought turns you on and he has to admonish you for squirming under his firm hands. But you never give into the urge to take him up on his offer. You're saving all that aroused energy for the party.

When the massage is finished, you’re shown to a room where a perky blonde applies your makeup with an expert hand. Excitement over the upcoming party has you feeling a little reckless. You ask the girl for a dramatic smoky eye and luscious glossed lips. She even styles your hair into a just-fucked tousle.

When you emerge from the treatment rooms, your friend is waiting with a large smile on her face. She looks gorgeous with her own expertly applied makeup and styled hair. “You’re going to knock the men at that party dead!” she exclaims when she sees you.

You smile and vamp for her. From the corner of your eye, you see the man who offered to eat your pussy watching you from the doorway. His eyes are so hot, you wonder if maybe you made a mistake in turning him down.

But, no, you decide, there’s an erotic sort of thrill to just being wanted.

You flip your hair over your shoulder and strut out of the spa to go put on your sexy dress. You're hoping your pussy will get plenty of attention that night from the man you met on the beach.


To head to the party with your friend, 
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The Party

The party looks like something out of a movie about a harem. Gauzy drapes float on the soft, warm breeze. Beautiful people lounge on low jewel-toned couches and floor pillows. Scantily clad waitresses pass around flutes of champagne. You’re wearing an impossibly short red dress and a lacey thong. You feel exposed and naughty and beautiful. Ready for the night’s adventure.

You and your friend are only a few steps into the foyer when you spot
. He looks up and meets your eyes across the party. His face lights up with recognition, and, you think, something more—anticipation.

He doesn’t play games. He simply walks across the crowded room directly to where you’re standing. Before you know it, your hand is in his and he’s dragging you to the dance floor.

Through a set of broad doors, you spill out onto the patio, where the dance area has been set up next to the infinity pool. A DJ spins dance music while bodies writhe in time to the beat. A few women have removed their shirts and several couples are basically having sex upright. Anywhere else, any other time, with any other man, you would have been shocked to witness this behavior. But your seductress is in charge, so you smile and follow his lead to the floor.

His hands land possessively on your hips and he comes in close. The hard outline of his cock presses against your stomach. His knee finds its way between your thighs. You meet his hot gaze and rub your sex against his muscled leg. Your hips swivel like they’re being controlled by a woman with more rhythm than you’ve ever possessed. With each sway of your hips, your red dress rides up. But you don’t care. His eyes are daring you to be shy, but you won’t give him that kind of satisfaction. You’ve got other surprises in store for him.

The beat of drums provide a sensual rhythm. The heat of him, the undulating limbs, and the sticky hot humidity and the scent of lust fill your senses. He kisses you. Long, slow, deep caresses that make you think of other places you want him to kiss with that expert tongue. His hands are everywhere, his tongued thrusts deeper, like he wants to consume you. You want to consume him instead.

You grab his hands and force them to his sides. Running your own palms down his ridged chest, you explore him. Teasing the planes of his flat stomach. Running your finger along his waistband.

He groans and tenses. “Let’s get out of here.”

You smile like a cat and shake your head. “Not yet.”

You reward his patience with a kiss that sets your skin on fire. You swivel your pussy against his hard thigh. The beat gets faster. You match its feverish rhythm. He’s plundering your mouth, grabbing your ass, urging you on. You feel the razor’s edge of tension rising in your center. His spicy scent and the salty tang of his sweat heighten the pleasure as you yearn for release.

The beat builds. Rising towards climax. His cock’s so hard and hot against you. Your pussy’s swollen and dripping and hungry for him. You want to wrap your legs around him and milk him until he’s dry.

The music reaches its peak the same time you do. A gasp of air. A rush of pleasure permeates every sinew and cell in your body. You throw your head back and release a moan that is lost in the cacophony of the music and the laughter and the cheering.

You go limp against him. His strong arms wrap around you. He withdraws his knee and supports your weight. His hands pet you like you’ve just accomplished some amazing feat. You look around and see your friend’s smiling face. Beside her is the handsome man’s friend—the one from the beach.

You recover enough to stand on your own feet. He keeps his hands on you, like he’s worried if he loses contact you’ll disappear. Which isn’t far from the truth because you suddenly feel a lot like Cinderella with hours to go before midnight arrives and you turn back into a pumpkin.

The four of you look at each other. You realize everyone is waiting for you to decide what comes next—or rather
comes next. Your friend smiles discreetly and excuses herself before you can beg her to stay. You follow her movements and see she’s already zeroed in on her own prey. Meanwhile, you’re aware of the two questioning, male gazes watching and waiting for your answer.


If you choose to go off alone with your handsome stranger,
click here

If you choose to have a private party with the two handsome strangers,
click here

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Please go back and choose your path.

Sex With Your Stranger

You take his hand and he leads you away from the dance floor. You look over your shoulder to see the other man joining your friend and the man she approached earlier. You smile. Tomorrow morning you’ll have fun comparing notes.

In the meantime, you turn back to focus on the gorgeous man you’re with. You still don’t know his name and you don’t want to. He hasn’t asked your name, either, and that’s just fine, too. Anonymity adds to the fantasy. Although, it’s not really a fantasy, is it? It's really happening.

You pinch your arm just to be sure. The pain reminds you that you’re making this choice of your own will. It’s not a dream or a fantasy undertaken during a session with your vibrator. You start to have doubts. But then the voice speaks. It’s her—your inner vixen. “This will be your secretest secret. The one you return to time and again when your life is dull. No one will know but you.”

“No regrets,” you whisper to yourself.

The handsome stranger looks back at you with his eyebrows raised. The door behind him is open. Golden light spills from the opening, inviting you inside. You smile at him and he returns your gaze with heat. It’d be so easy to let him take the lead, call all the shots. But passivity is for girls. You’re a woman. And if you’re going to create this memory for yourself, you’re going to be in charge.

This time you lead the way. Pulling him behind you, you walk through the golden doorway. Inside is a large bedroom. A bed covered in blue satin shimmers in the center of the room like an ocean. It looks so cool and inviting in the humidity. But you know that soon enough those sheets will be soaked with sweat.

The party is still raging outside, but in this sanctuary it’s quiet. You can hear his quickened breath. His excitement pleases you. You slowly lick your lips to tease him. His eyes flick to your moistened lips and his pupils dilate.

BOOK: Girls' Getaway: Miami (Find Your Fantasy)
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