Read Get-Together Summer Online

Authors: Lotus Oakes

Tags: #erotica, #threesome, #mf, #threesome sex, #mf sex, #mmf threesome, #mmf erotica, #mmf sex

Get-Together Summer (16 page)

BOOK: Get-Together Summer
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"Yes," he whispered, so soft he could barely hear
himself over the noise of the water. "Yes, please."

Dirk made a pleased noise, low and rumbling. "We've
got you," he said again, then slid an arm around Simon's waist,
pulling him close to hold, and helping keep him upright on his
feet. Before Simon could ask anything, Dirk reached between his
legs and wrapped slick long fingers around his cock, stroking it in
long, easy strokes. It felt good, and almost comforting, and Simon
began to lean into that when he felt Haley move as well.

At first her fingers were light, almost impossible to
differentiate from the shower spray, trailing along the curve of
his ass. Then, more firmly, she pressed between the cheeks, using
her fingers to press him open a little wider. Immediately he
stiffened, trying to move away, and she stopped.

"No good?" Dirk asked, his voice softer now, gentle.
"If you don't like it, remember ..."

Simon bit his lip and squeezed his eyes shut.

"No--?" Dirk's grip didn't loosen, but Haley pulled
away, her hands dropping away from him entirely. Simon took another
deep breath and let his forehead rest against Dirk's shoulder.

"No, it's ... it's all right. We can try it."

"Only if you're sure," Dirk murmured, in the same
soothing tone as before. "You know we don't mind if you don't want
to, right? There are other fun things--"

"We can do it, I said!" Simon huffed, without lifting
his head. "I just, I want to ..."

To come,
he couldn't make himself finish, but he turned his face into
Dirk's neck more and spread his legs wider, willing his trembling
to stop.

"If you're sure," Haley said, down by his hips. "Tell
me if you don't like it, all right?"

He nodded, mumbling something that could have been
assent. There was a brief pause, and then Haley's fingers were on
him again, touching lightly, skirting around his hole without
outright touching it, just as when she'd been washing him before.
Dirk began to stroke him again, long easy strokes, slicked by the
water, and the effect was both soothing and exciting. He let his
hips move a little more insistently as he grew used to it, panting
softly against Dirk's neck.

"Easy," Dirk murmured into his hair, gently as
before. "We've got you, just enjoy yourself, prettyboy ..." He
tightened his grip, pumping his hand a little harder, a little
faster, until Simon's hips were thrusting in time, teasing him just
on the edge of anything more.

The very tip of Haley's finger
pressed against his hole, dipping in without going too far. That
touch alone sent a violent shiver through Simon, stronger and more
intense than he expected, and he scrabbled for a moment against
Dirk's smooth shoulders for purchase and balance. She didn't
actually press much further than that, just dipping in small
shallow movements that echoed the rhythm of Simon's hips. Things
were building faster now, coiling into a heavy knot of tension in
his belly, and Dirk began to jerk him off even faster, and he was
crooning things to
now, those same low thick suggestions,
fuck yeah, you like her doing that, you want her
to keep that up, maybe later I'll just stick my dick in you and
we'll see if it makes you scream, I can fuck you while you eat her
out and you'd love it, wouldn't you, you'd love it so fucking much

Simon's orgasm took him by surprise; he jerked back
with a wailing cry, his hips jerking hard, incidentally driving
himself harder on Haley's questing fingers, and the cry strangled
itself in his throat; it felt a little like coming forever, unable
to stop. His knees actually did buckle, but Dirk and Haley both
caught him, helping keep him on his feet.

In silence they continued to wash up -- he was dimly
aware of Dirk working his fingers in Haley's hair and the smell of
apple shampoo tickling his nose. He heard them kiss more than once,
and felt lips brushing across his mouth and his cheeks, which he
clumsily tried to return as best he could.

After that, he was tugged from the shower stall and
wrapped up in a thick fluffy towel. He managed to dry himself with
it, mostly, though someone -- and he suspected Dirk, from the angle
of the fingers -- dropped another towel on his head and firmly
scrubbed his hair to reasonable dryness.

Haley's hand slipped into his, and Dirk's hand
settled on his back. Step by slow step, the three of them left the
bathroom and made their way to a bed. Simon couldn't tell if it was
Haley's or his own, and at that point, he found he didn't really
care. He fell on it heavily, rolling a little to make room as Haley
nudged up against him, and Dirk crawled over him until he was
sandwiched warmly between them.

Slowly, breath by warm breath, Simon fell asleep.


Simon awoke with a start, half-lurching up, his heart
pounding in his chest. For a moment blind panic shot through him,
followed by a deep and sickening lurch of resigned regret. He was
in his own bed; it was too dark outside to be anything but late
night. After all of that, everything had just been some sort of
wonderful, terrible, fleeting dream ...

He drew in a hard shaky breath.

Then a hand pawed at his shoulder, pulling weakly, as
if to draw him back down. He jumped, and was aware of the heavy
long weight plastered to his side, and the second, slighter one on
the other.

"Simon," Haley mumbled, her voice thick and slurred
with sleep. "Go back to sleep."

He sucked in a sharp breath, held it for a few long
moments, then let it out slowly.

"Simon," Haley said again, her voice almost a whine
now; Dirk snorted quietly and shifted, though he didn't quite rise
to waking.

"Oh," he said, and then, "Yeah," and, "Sorry."

He laid back down carefully, and slid an arm around
Haley's waist when she snuggled closer to him. He reached back with
one leg, squirming it to press between Dirk's, letting their weight
settle firmly on top of him.

And then, listening to the sounds of their breathing,
he let himself drift back to sleep.



About The Author

Lotus Oakes lives in Seattle, where the sun
shines more often than you might think, and writes whatever she
can, wherever she can. She has been writing for upwards of ten
years in a variety of genres and means to carry on in the same
manner from hereon.

You can see more from her at her
and at her
Smashwords author's page

BOOK: Get-Together Summer
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