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Authors: Lucy Kelly

Gateway to HeVan (12 page)

BOOK: Gateway to HeVan
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Rune set her down beside the bed
.  Addie reached forward, her hands up on his shoulders and brought him down to kiss his mouth.  Beside them, Kylan watched them kiss and his own arousal grew.  Addie pulled back and turned to Kylan, just as Arjun entered the room.  Rune began removing his clothing as Kylan and Addie were kissing.  Arjun closed the hatch to the bedroom and secured it.  As Addie had requested, they didn’t wish to be disturbed. 

Arjun and his brothers had spent time giving Addie her woman’s pleasure,
and received their own just by watching her.  Now Addie was insisting they participate fully again for the first time since she’d been put on bed rest.  The medicals hadn’t actually forbidden having sex but when Addie had been put on bed rest, Arjun and his brothers had bid that part of their lives goodbye until well after their daughters were born.  They were too concerned with possibly causing her harm or having her go into premature labor.

“Addie, are you sure this is safe for you and the babies
?” Arjun had to ask.

Don’t worry, Arjun, sex can’t hurt me or the babies.  We just need to be careful about straining my muscles.  So you guys are going to support me and the babies and we’re going to make love.”

By this time
, Rune was undressed so he helped Addie remove her dress and her bra as Kylan held her steady, rubbing her shoulders and back.

Addie crawled up on the bed, balancing her weight on her hands and knees.
Rune was naked, leaning against the headboard, waiting to see what she wanted.  What she wanted was him, and her other

made her way over to him, up between his legs and she began to kiss his chest, paying specific attention to his nipples.  He reached up and ran his hands over her shoulders.  “Your skin has always been soft but now it’s even softer.  It has a glow to it.  Don’t you agree, Arjun?”

“Yes, she’s grown more and more beautiful,” said Arjun
, as he came up behind her on the bed.  He ran his hands up the inside of her thighs, lightly over her mound and over her ass.  Kylan came up beside her and fondled her breasts as they hung down.  They had grown as her pregnancy had progressed.

Addie moved down and took Rune into her mouth
.  She was fully aroused and her secondary breathing passage had opened, allowing her to keep breathing, even as she took Rune’s cock and swallowed it deep into her throat. 

Taking him so deep was a glorious feeling for her.  His member rubbed against the sexual organ deep at the back of her
throat.  Addie could feel the sensation spear throughout her body.  This is what she wanted to get back—this total connection to her mates.  She wiggled her rear, telling Arjun silently what she wanted.

Kylan continued to pay homage to her breasts and supported her torso.  Arjun slowly entered her from behind

Addie relaxed her body and put herself in the control of her mates.  She let herself float away on the sensations
they were creating together.  The rhythm of Arjun’s thrusts set the pace for their lovemaking.  Addie felt her orgasm approaching and fought it. She didn’t want to stop.  But she couldn’t stop it and it rolled through her.  The convulsions of her peak clenched down and squeezed both Arjun and Rune.

groaned at the sensation. “Oh, I don’t think I can hold on.  It’s too much.”

swallowed again, squeezing Rune deep in her throat until she felt him lose control.  He started coming and she kept swallowing, drinking down his essence.

Rune help
ed her up, pulling out of her mouth, holding her steady against his chest as Arjun continued to move inside her.  Kylan came up on his knees beside her, still supporting her torso with one arm as he ran his other hand over neck and back.

held onto her hips as he continued to move in and out.

“Faster, harder, I need more,” she
said against Rune’s chest.

ran his hand down her back and between the globes of her ass.  She was leaking more of her juices there and Kylan pressed in with first one finger and then two in counterpoint to Arjun’s thrusts.

took over holding her up, bringing her arms over his shoulders.  She rested her head on his chest as she pushed back in a rhythm as old as time.  When a second orgasm rolled over her, it pulled Arjun along with it.  Arjun shouted out his release as Addie screamed out her own and went limp.  Only her
arms kept her from collapsing on the bed.  They lowered her onto her side, panting as she got her breath back.

Rune closely examine
d her, checking to see if she were okay.  “How do you feel?”

“I feel wonderful.  I’m a little st
icky, though; I could use a bath,” she said.

“You heard our mate
; she would like to be cleansed,” said Kylan.

“Kylan, you didn’t
get to make love with me.”

“Never worry
, my love, I participated enough,” he said.  “Besides, there is always tonight,” he added with a smile and getting a grin in return.

“That’s a promise,” Addie
told him.

felt the bond between them strongly.  All was right in her world.

Chapter Eleven



Malpha, Regent of HeVan, strode down the corridor of her home.  When the two warriors standing at the doors saw her approach, they snapped to attention.  One opened the door so she would not have to pause in her stride to enter her office.  He shut the doors behind her and let out the breath he was holding.

The regent’s mood had deteriorated each day the Venger was late in returning to HeVan.  Like most, he prayed the journey proved successful.  They didn’t believe the brothers from the
House of HeVanth had found the long lost queen.  They believed the brothers were delaying the trip home because they knew they would have to
with Malpha, uniting their Houses, when they returned.

The warrior didn’t feel much sympathy for them.  Even though it
would be a political
, it was needed for the good of their people.  The majority of the warriors would have to wait much longer before they saw a woman, let alone
with one. 

It was the only hope of most of the citizens
of HeVan the Goddess would once again bless their planet after the two Houses were
.  This was the belief of the warrior on duty, as well. He barely gave a passing thought to what Malpha was doing; he did his duty.

Malpha ignored her desk and went straight to the bar hidden behind two doors built into the wall.  She had spent most of the day refereeing a border dispute between two Houses.  One had twenty-five women of child-bearing years; three of them were not yet
.  The House which bordered them had none.  They had attempted to take the women when the first House would not trade them for goods.  It was ridiculous.  In their culture, the men always
the House where the woman they
with lived.  It was unheard of for a woman to leave her home and follow her mate to another House.  It had not been easy getting them to see reason.

She poured herself a glass of Seraphian brandy.  She was
down to five cases and the House of Seraph had stopped exporting it.  To make matters worse, she was under tremendous pressure to increase the maximum number of genetically bound mates from four to six.  This would mean a woman would have to have a different husband in her bed each day for up to six days before she was given any rest.

It did no good except alleviate the lust of the few lucky men to be
.  There were few children and there hadn’t been any females born for several hundred years now.  She should have never allowed Lords Arjun, Kylan, and Rune to leave all those years ago.  It was a fruitless errand and if they had stayed and
with her, perhaps the Goddess would have been pleased and connected to her.

Malpha was appalled at the way her culture had deteriorated.  They now had so few women, it had been necessary to place more and more men into positions of power. 

Every day, she went to the temple and prayed to the Goddess.  She wasn’t pleased with what the Council had done in her name.  She had no choice but to go along at this point.  If the Council turned out to be right, she hoped the KowLer would keep their word.  If her future
tried to palm some false woman off as the true queen, they would step in and take her.  They had been chosen from all the species the ships would have to pass by because they also had a lack of children.  Even if it had only been for a handful of years, the pull for fertile females was there.  They had also been chosen because, in form, they most closely resembled the Nephilim.  They were a little short for her taste, but quite good looking.

It was unfortunate their society was ruled by males.  They were such simple creatures―men
, making decisions with their fists instead of their brain.  When they did manage to use the wits the Goddess blessed them with, they were so emotional, too!  Really, they were like children, easily distracted and stubborn.

Later that afternoon,
Malpha was working at her desk while two assistants sorted through all of her incoming planetary transmissions.  They would rank them by priority so the regent’s time wouldn’t be wasted on the frivolous.

inter-planetary communications unit chimed.

“I’ve been expecting that message.  I’ll get it,” said Malpha, as she reached over to get the message from the unit.  Reading it, she smiled
; the waiting was finally over.  Then shooing her assistants from the room, she started to plan her wedding and the future of her world.  She believed they would have a history now.


Thors Asgar stood his post
in BianCa’s room.  It was only one day and already his duty had become bittersweet.  As the much younger—by nearly three hundred years—fourth child of the Belum and Beleti of his House, it was unlikely he would get a mate for several hundred years, if at all.

The princess was so beautiful.  He couldn’t stop looking at her.  He willed her to live.  He started to tell her of his life, how he grew up, his
three elder brothers and their
.  He planned to speak to her and see if it would increase her will to hold on to life.

Down the hall, Natalie was just waking up from a long night’s sleep.  When she woke
, she turned over in bed before realizing she needed to be careful.  She was surprised when there was no pain at all.  Slowly she sat up; she felt fine!  She got out of bed, her feet growing cold on the metal deck of the ship.  She rubbed one foot on the other as she looked around for slippers.  Finally spotting them under the bed, she bent over to pick them up.

“Natalie, what are you doing out of bed
?” asked Catherine.

Natalie nearly bumped her head
, getting up and spinning around.  She quickly put on her slippers.

“I’m feeling fine.  Not a twinge
—honest.  Go ahead and check me over,” she said as she hopped up backwards to sit on the bed.

like all the other descendants of the original Nephilim who had crash landed on Earth, had a psychic gift.  Her gift was related to healing; it helped her choose to become a doctor.  She could heal small hurts, but her main gift was as a diagnostician.  She raised her talent and took a closer look at Natalie.  Even with all their medical skills, Natalie should not have been well for another day.  Her internal organs couldn’t be expected to recover so quickly.

“Have you always been a fast healer?”

“Yep—actually, I have really fast reflexes, too.  It’s one of the reasons I got my black belt so quickly.”

“That’s probably your psychic gift
, then,” said Catherine.

“What do you mean?” asked Natalie.

“Didn’t you know?  All the female descendants of the Nephilim have some kind of psychic gift.  Weren’t you aware of it?” she asked.

“I get over colds fast and react fast
.  How would I connect that with being psychic?”

“I see what you mean.  I wonder how many other women are unaware of their gifts, or think they’re the only one with a gift and haven’t said anything,”
Catherine mused.

“I’ll mention it to Addie next time I see her.  But right now, I want to see my
with them.  Can you get them out of stasis?” she asked.

“We’ll put their stasis chambers on a shuttle
to KowLer with you.  As soon as you land, they’ll be awakened.  They will wish to fly right away, so you have to be ready for that.”

“What about the shuttle pilot
?” she asked. “We would want some privacy.”

“He’ll leave immediately and come back when you call,”
Catherine explained. 

“In that case, I want to take a bath and make myself pretty.
I’m going to ask Jennifer to pack us a picnic lunch to have after,” she said, hopping down from the bed.

Two hours later, Natalie and her
were headed to a secluded area on KowLer, deep within the borders of the KowLer clan.

Natalie was grateful when the shuttle pod pilot turned out to be her cousin
, Hakor.  She knew she could trust him.  She gave him a hug to thank him before he took off.  With his brother still in critical care in the medical bay, he had a lot on his plate. 

She made a mental note to do something nice for Maggie, his mate.  She waited until the shuttle had taken off before following the instructions given to her by
Catherine for opening the stasis chambers and waking her
. The clear, plastic-looking surface covering each of the men seemed to melt away. 

She was wearing a simple
, white toga-style gown tied over one shoulder.  It was comfortable and easy to remove or dress again.  On her feet she wore white sandals to match the toga.  She’d done her hair and smoothed perfumed cream into her skin.  She hoped they appreciated all the fuss because, normally, she was a jeans and t-shirt girl around the house.

Peet was the first to open his eyes
.  He looked around until he saw her and then he smiled.  She was smiling back at Peet when she felt Reeko touch her arm.

Both men slowly sat up and looked around them.

“Where have you brought us?” asked Peet.

Catherine mentioned you would only have this one opportunity to fly. King Ben KowLer wanted to give us a gift—and here we are,” she answered.

“You look very beautiful
, Natalie.  Will you watch our
flight?” Reeko asked.

“Yes, I’m looking forward to it.  Are you ready to fly now or do you have to wait for a
while?” she asked as she backed away.  “I brought us some food to eat and a blanket.”

“Spread out your blanket.  If you lie down
, you will be able to watch us with greater ease,” said Peet.

“What happens after you fly?”

“Then we’ll complete our mating bond.”

As they spoke
, they lightly moved their wings back and forth in preparation. Natalie could feel her arousal heating up.  Peet and Reeko both stood and walked to where Natalie was standing.  Peet bent first to kiss her.  They had kissed many times since they first met but this kiss was somehow deeper; it felt like more to Natalie.  Reluctantly, Peet let her go.  Then it was Reeko, taking her mouth in another devastating kiss.

When Reeko released her
, she stumbled back and might have fallen if they hadn’t quickly put their arms around her.  They led her over to where she’d put the picnic basket and blanket.  The pheromones from their wings were already affecting her.  Natalie untied the knot on her shoulder and her gown slithered to her feet. Then they gently laid her down on the blanket.  Peet and Reeko stood, spread their wings, and leapt into the air.

Natalie didn’t even try to sit up.  Instead
, she watched in awe as her two mates flew.  They looped around each other, clasping hands to build momentum and fling each other wider and higher.  The air filled with the perfume of their arousal.  Natalie reached and fondled her nipples. She squeezed her thighs together and arched her back.  Watching her
fly began to have a dizzying effect.  They must have realized how close she was to peaking; they began to spiral down to her.

As their feet touched
the floor, their wings still lightly swaying, she moaned as a long orgasm rolled through her body.  She was laid out on the blanket, a feast to their eyes.  They were both already shirtless.  They quickly removed their pants and shoes as Natalie raised her arms to them.

Peet lowered
himself onto Natalie, settling between her legs.  He took her mouth as he took her body, thrusting deep. 

“Ooh, that feels so good.
Take me harder—deeper,” she cried out.

He rolled over onto his back.  Instead of letting her sit up, he held her close and still as Reeko came down on his knees behind her. 

“I want to move,” she said.

“Reeko is going to come in behind you,” said Peet.

“She’s so gloriously ready for us, she’s dripping with moisture,” said Reeko as he fit his cock to her and slowly pushed his way in.”

She let out a long sigh as he filled her.  She felt so full, but at the same time she needed them to move. 

“I need you to move,” she said, making her wishes known.

Her two mates took her at her word and began to move.  As one thrust in
, the other pulled out—slowly at first, and then building speed.  Peet held her hips as Reeko wrapped one arm around her torso and the other tangled in her hair.

Natalie didn’t even try to move
.  She let her larger and stronger mates move her as they willed. 

“More,” she panted, “yes, yes,” she cried out
, even as she swallowed the juices flowing down her throat.  For a moment, she wished for a third mate to take into her throat.  She made a silent promise to herself to go down on her mates soon. 

BOOK: Gateway to HeVan
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