Read Full Moon Mating [Wolf Creek Pack 1] Online

Authors: Stormy Glenn

Tags: #Wolf Creek

Full Moon Mating [Wolf Creek Pack 1] (9 page)

BOOK: Full Moon Mating [Wolf Creek Pack 1]
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Once the sheet was off all of the way, Joe just stared at Nate, his eyes eating him up. He was breathtaking, much more than Joe had ever imagined his mate would look like. There didn’t seem to be a hair on his body, just smooth skin as far as he could see.

Nate had soft, defined muscles over his chest and down to his flat abdomen, pale brown nipples pointed up at him, begging to be kissed.

Even his tiny little belly button was gorgeous. Joe wanted to run his tongue around it until Nate squirmed beneath him.

On down past Nate’s tight abdomen, his magnificent cock stood, jutting up from his hairless groin. The skin there was smooth and lightly tanned, making Joe wonder if he sunbathed nude. He’d have to ask him later…much later.

Right now, all he wanted to do was run his tongue over that smooth skin. Crawling up between Nate’s thighs, his hands softly

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running up each leg, Joe knelt between Nate’s legs, his eyes gazing down at the treasure trove below him.

He ran his hands up Nate’s thighs to where they met. His thumbs lightly stroked the underside of Nate’s silky sac. His jaw clenched as Nate spread his legs even further and pulled them up to his chest.

“Oh, hell, baby,” he groaned at the sight of his pretty, tight pink entrance. He quickly raised his thumb to his mouth and licked it before bringing it down to press against him. He nearly came right there and then when Nate moaned, his tight little hole quivering.

“Again, Joe, please do that again,” Nate cried out, his fingers turning nearly white with the tight grasp he had on his legs as he held them to his chest.

“Hold on, baby, I need to get some lube. I don’t want to hurt you,”

Joe said as he dove across the bed to reach his nightstand. He pulled open the drawer there and grabbed a bottle of lube. He quickly moved back between Nate’s legs. Joe popped the bottle open and squirted some lube on his trembling fingers.

He squirted a few drops down the crack of Nate’s ass before closing the lid and tossing the bottle down onto the bed. He glanced up at Nate’s flushed face, wanting to be sure that he was ready for what Joe was about to do.

“Are you ready, baby?”

“Yes! Fuck, yes, please,” Nate cried out.

Joe chuckled at his eager response even as he lightly smoothed his fingers over Nate, feeling his body quiver at his delicate touch. Damn, he was responsive. If Nate was this sensitive to his fingers, Joe couldn’t wait to find out what he did when Joe was really inside of him.

Rubbing his fingers around in a circle, Joe rimmed the edges of Nate’s hole, pushing in little by little until Nate was nearly mindless on the bed, his chest heaving, his legs shaking. His head thrashed from side to side on the pillow.

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Joe watched it all, fascinated by Nate’s open response. He had never seen anyone so responsive to just a touch, and he hadn’t even explored the rest of his body yet. Nate was turning out to be the hottest thing Joe had ever seen. His eager responses made Joe feel ten feet tall.

Without warning, Joe pushed two fingers into Nate, immediately feeling the muscles around them clench in protest. When Nate cried out, Joe froze, thinking he had hurt him. His eyes swung up to Nate’s face, an apology on the tip of his lips.

His eyes widened when he watched Nate’s whole body begin to shake, his head falling back and digging into the pillow. His hands gripped his legs so hard Joe was afraid he was going to leave bruises.

A sudden thought coming to him, Joe watched Nate’s face as he moved his fingers in and out of him, moving slowly at first. But as Nate’s soft cries turned to whimpers, he sped up his movements, adding a third finger.

“Joe, more, fuck, need more,” Nate began to beg.

Fuck! So did he. Joe pulled his fingers free and replaced them with his hard, throbbing cock. His hands on Nate’s thighs, holding them down to his chest, Joe watched as he slowly pushed himself into his mate.

It was a sight he would never forget, not as long as he lived. Inch by slow inch, his cock disappeared deep within Nate’s tight grasp. For Joe, it was a beautiful sight. But not as beautiful as the sight that met his eyes when he raised them to Nate’s face.

Nate’s head was arched back, his mouth hanging open, soft whimpers were coming from his throat. As Joe pushed all of the way in, then slowly pulled out, Nate cried out as his cock brushed up against Nate’s sweet spot.

Joe kept his eyes on Nate’s face as he began thrusting himself in and out of him, his movements becoming faster and erratic as Nate’s muscles tightened around him with each plunge.


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He couldn’t decide which he liked more, pushing in and feeling Nate tighten around him, or pulling out and hearing Nate’s soft whimpers of protest. Both were driving him towards an orgasm faster than anything he had ever experienced before. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could hold out.

Grabbing Nate’s leaking cock, he began stroking him in rhythm with his own thrusts into his body, one thrust, one stroke. When he pulled out, he pulled up. When he pushed in, he pushed down. It went on and on until Nate started to cry his name.

Feeling Nate’s balls draw up tight against his body, Joe increased the power and ferocity of his thrusts as he bent over him, his long canines sinking deep within the soft skin between his neck and shoulder, marking Nate as his forever.

He heard Nate yell as hot liquid filled the space between them, covering his hand. He stroked him just a few more times before moving his hands up to hold Nate’s shoulders, imprisoning his body beneath his.

Nate’s inner muscles clamped down on his cock, squeezing him.

The scent of Nate’s release filled Joe’s senses, overwhelming him.

With a mighty roar, Joe came, filling his mate with his hot seed, claiming him.

As Joe collapsed against Nate’s body, he could hear the quiet moaning coming from him as the knot at the end of his cock extended, locking him in place within his mate. For several minutes, Joe’s cock continued to pulse, sending spurt after spurt of seed into his mate as his body was milked for every last drop.

All Joe could do was lie there, his body quivering with each pulse as he waited for his orgasm to subside, the knot keeping him a prisoner within Nate. As he licked at the small mating wound on Nate’s neck, he heard him cry out, his hips lifting as he came again.

Joe smiled, even as he licked the mating bite closed. He had told Nate that the bite would become an erogenous zone. He wasn’t
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kidding. He just hadn’t realized that it would be that much of a hot spot for Nate.

“Joe,” Nate whimpered. He dropped the tight grasp he had on his legs, letting them drop to the mattress as his hands came up to wrap in Joe’s hair. “Joe, my Joe.”

“Yeah, baby, your Joe,” he whispered as he turned his head to claim Nate’s lips with his. It was a gentle kiss, meant to convey emotion and contentment. Lifting his head, Joe rested his upper body on his elbows as he gazed down into Nate’s beloved face.

He was filled with such emotion, emotion that he knew Nate was reading…disbelief that he had finally claimed his mate, elation that Nate was his, even astonishment at how much pleasure he had found in Nate’s arms.

“So,” Nate said as he wiggled his hips, “did you forget to tell me about something?”

Joe felt his face flush. Yeah, he had forgotten to tell Nate about the knot. It had just slipped his mind. “Sorry about that, Nate. I meant to tell you but, honestly, it really slipped my mind. I guess my mind was elsewhere.” He chuckled as he looked down Nate’s luscious body.

“Does it hurt?” Nate asked.

“No, in fact, just the opposite. It kind of prolongs things for me.

Does it hurt you?” He didn’t know much about the knotting except what he had heard from his friends and his father. He had never knotted anyone before. That was reserved for his mate.

Nate shook his head. “Uh, no. There’s this spot inside, and that damn thing of yours seems to have latched right onto it. Every time you move, it…well, I don’t know exactly what it’s doing, but I’m not complaining.”

“Oh yeah?” Joe said as he grinned down at Nate. “You mean if I move like this?” he asked as he moved his hips in a small circle. The knot wouldn’t let him move too much, but apparently it was enough.


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Joe watched with awe as Nate’s head pushed back into the pillow and he groaned. “Oh yeah, just like that.”

Well, between this and the mating mark, Joe wondered if he was ever going to let Nate leave his bed. Watching him filled with passion and finding his release was the most awe-inspiring thing Joe had ever seen. Knowing he could give Nate that pleasure was an ego boost unlike anything he had ever experienced.

Joe chuckled at the protesting groan Nate gave as the knot receded and his softening cock fell from Nate’s ass. He rolled to the side of the bed, reached into the nightstand for some wipes, and quickly cleaned Nate and himself up. He tossed the used wipes into the trash can and rolled over to face Nate again.

“So, how do you feel, baby?” Joe asked as he caressed the side of Nate’s face.

“Tired,” Nate said as he grinned. “But a good tired.”

“I didn’t hurt you at all?”

“No. I haven’t quite figured out what you did to me, but there wasn’t any pain. It may take more research before I can form an honest opinion.”

“Oh yeah? How much more research?” Joe asked, liking the little game Nate seemed to be playing.

“Oh, lots more. It could take me quite a while to gather all of the particulars, several years, in fact. It’s never good to rush these things.

You need to take your time, get lots of data before even formulating the different possible answers.”

“Well, I certainly wouldn’t want you to form an opinion on such little information. Maybe I can help you with your…field research.

I’ve been known to be very helpful in situations like this.”

“Oh? And just what kind of field research are we talking about?”

Nate asked, a small smirk on his face.

“I’m sure I can…oh hell,” Joe swore as he rolled over to grab the phone when it began ringing. “Hello?”

“Joseph? It’s your father. I thought you were going to call me?”

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“Oh, hey, Dad. I was, but I got caught up in some stuff.”

“Then why don’t we talk now?”

“Now?” Joe asked, looking back over at his mate’s naked body.

“Right now?”

“Yes, Joseph, now. I’m sitting outside. I tried knocking on the door, but no one answered. Do you think you could come let me in?”

“Yeah, I’ll be right there,” Joe replied before hanging up. He rolled over to look back a Nate. “Sorry, baby, but my dad’s outside.

He wants to talk to me, to us, really. We need to get dressed and get our asses downstairs.”

Nate nodded, his face falling. “Nate? Baby? Are you okay?” Joe asked when Nate didn’t move from the bed.

“Yeah,” he replied, scooting to the edge of the bed.

Joe watched in confusion as Nate grabbed his clothes and pulled them on. Even if Nate had said nothing was wrong, Joe could tell that something was bothering him.

“Nate? What’s wrong, baby?”

“Joe? Your father can’t take you away from me, can he?” Nate asked after a moment. “I mean, he can’t forbid us to be together, right?”

“No, of course not. He’d never do that anyway, baby. I told you, a mating is a sacred thing for us. Everyone respects the bond that a mated pair has. He’d never take you from me. Even if he wanted to, I wouldn’t give you up. You’re mine now, and that’s all there is to it.”

“Are you sure?” Nate asked.

Joe wrapped his arms around Nate’s waist. “I’m sure, Nathan.”


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Chapter Six

Nate was nervous as he followed Joe downstairs to the living room. He could see Daniel’s tall shadow through the shaded window of the front door as he walked in to sit down on the couch.

He watched Joe hurry across the floor to let his father in. He gave Daniel a quick hug before moving back to sit down next to Nate. Joe wrapped an arm around Nate’s shoulders and pulling him close to his side.

Nate was a little nervous to be cuddling with his lover when his lover’s father was in the room. He knew that a lot of people wouldn’t approve of their relationship just because they were two men. Others wouldn’t approve because Nate was too weird.

“Well, I can see that asking if he is your mate is a moot point now,” Daniel began, looking across at the two of them.

“Yes, he is, and yes, I’ve claimed him,” Joe replied in a no-nonsense voice.

“Have you explained things to him, Joseph? Does he understand his position?”

“Dad, if you want to know something, don’t you think you should ask Nate? He’s not a moron, and I resent you treating him like he is.”

“Son, I never…” Daniel began.

Nate leaned up and whispered something in Joe’s ear, making him bow his head a little, his face turning red before he lifted his head and looked back across at his father.

“I apologize, Dad. I shouldn’t have spoken to you the way I did.

As you can imagine, I am a little possessive of Nate, and I get upset when people talk about him as if he wasn’t sitting next to me.”

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Daniel took a moment to reply, stunned at how easily Nate had put his son in his place and reminded him of the need to be respectful to his father and alpha. Even Joe’s mother hadn’t been able to do that.

“I understand completely, son, and I apologize to both you and Nate. It was rude of me to talk about Nate as if he were not in the room. My only excuse was that I didn’t want to frighten him as I did last time, so I was directing all of my questions to you.”

“You didn’t frighten me exactly,” Nate said, surprising Daniel when he spoke. “I just don’t like to be touched.”

“Which explains why you’re plastered to my son’s side.” Daniel smirked.

“Joe doesn’t make me hurt,” Nate replied as way of an explanation.

BOOK: Full Moon Mating [Wolf Creek Pack 1]
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