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Authors: Ashley Rose

Tags: #romance

Full Court Press (5 page)

BOOK: Full Court Press
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The opposing team was very vocal. Beck kept up communication and praised Travis and Torie when they scored. He called for a screen and got it from Torie. Carmondy saw it coming, though, and plowed through Torie, using her strength to knock her out of the way while she stayed right beside Beck.

Beck still got the ball but it was out of the key. She backed off a little. His skills weren’t as good this far away from the basket. He faked but she didn’t fall for it. He seemed to be making some non-verbal communication with Travis but she couldn’t very well turn around to look. Beck suddenly dribbled to the left and toward the basket, and Car kept up with him closely

“Screen!” Anderson called, but it was too late.

Car ran solidly into Travis, bounced off him and looked up in time to see Beck drive to the basketball and go up against Anderson. The shorter boy planted his feet and fell backwards as Beck ran into him, successfully getting a charge.

“Charge,” Anderson said from the ground, as Beck grabbed his hand and pulled him to his feet.

“No way, that was clean,” Beck said.

“That was totally a charge.” Anderson grinned.

“Don’t BS me. You weren’t planted.”

They were just bantering, not actually arguing.

“I was planted like a goddamn oak tree.”

“I’ll show you an oak tree. Shut up and check the ball.” Beck rolled his eyes and took up position on the block.

A few possessions later, the score was four to three. Carmondy’s team was winning.

Torie looked to pass to Beck but Carmondy wasn’t letting him get it so easy this time. She kept one arm up, discouraging the lob pass and did her best to keep between him and ball. They swung the ball around the perimeter a couple times before Beck managed to get her behind him. He had her on his back and kept the ball firmly between both hands. He leaned back but she wasn’t giving him any room, planting her forearm against his back and keeping her whole body against his to keep him from backing up.

He dribbled and pushed against her again, getting a feel for her. She wasn’t letting him drop step again, no way. He passed the ball back out but called for it again immediately. This time he took a step to the ball, which gave him room to swing around to face her. He moved the ball side to side, watching her reaction. He faked a shot but she didn’t fall for it, then he dribbled right toward her and she prepped for a charge. It didn’t come. Instead, he did a smooth spin move that brought him around her but only barely brushed her shoulder. She jumped for the block but he kept her at arm’s length with one arm and executed a hook shot with the other, swishing the ball.

“Nice move!” Travis said, giving him a high five.

It was a nice move. She wanted to learn it. In fact, she wanted to learn everything Beck had done so far, and how to defend against it. He was a great player. Car had a feeling he could do even more but was keeping the intensity down because it was just for fun.

A few minutes later, the game ended.

After a short break, they shot for teams again. This time, she ended up on a team with Kendall and Beck. The other team was Anderson, Travis and Torie. She thought it might be a little awkward, playing on Beck’s team after they had just been guarding each other, but it wasn’t. Beck treated her just like he had treated his teammates before. He passed the ball and called for passes, and they even had a good pick-and-roll motion going. They were unstoppable.

During one play, Carmondy was knocked on her ass by Anderson driving to the basket. Before she could get up, a hand gripped the back of her T-shirt, easily hefting her off the ground and setting her on her feet. Carmondy turned to see Beck walking back to his spot on the block. She was a little surprised at the action but he looked the same as always, expressionless.

She had trouble getting open on the next play. Torie was playing up on her hard, not letting her get the ball even after Car had tried a few different maneuvers. Anderson knocked the ball out of bounds, and Beck quickly jogged up to her, taking a hold of her T-shirt again. He pulled her a short distance away from the others while Kendall retrieved the ball.

“She’s cheating up on you,” he said, keeping his voice down.

“I know, I can’t get open.” She shifted a little uneasily. He was very close.

“Fake toward Kendall and then back-door cut. I’ll keep the key clear, and you’ll beat her easy.”

Car played the maneuver in her head. “Yeah, ok.”

“It’ll only work once, if she’s smart, but it’ll make her play honest.” Beck went back to his spot as Kendall returned with the ball.

Carmondy did exactly what Beck had said. She took a step toward Kendall and then changed direction, cutting hard for the basket. As Beck had promised, the key was clear. She scored the lay-up easy.

She looked up at Beck, who nodded. “Told ya. You smoked her.” The slightest hint of a smile crept into his features.

“Thanks.” She was mesmerized for a bit, as just that slightest change in his face had turned him from scary-looking to stunningly handsome.

“You should probably get back into you position now.”

“Right, uh...right.”

The rest of the day, Carmondy couldn’t stop thinking of Beck and the almost-smile that she had seen. Of course, for the rest of the day, he was still stoic at ever. He didn’t say a word to her, didn’t look at her, nothing. She couldn’t figure him out. Basketball Beck was cool but this other Beck was just not pleasant to be around at all. She didn’t understand how he could do that, just turn it on and off. Finally, she gave up trying to figure him out. Typically, boys weren’t worth the stress they inflicted, so why would he be any different?

* * *


Carmondy got up and left her house way earlier than any teenager should have to. She found the roads dry and traffic-free, and she arrived in town almost 45 minutes before the school even unlocked its doors. She sighed and drove to Anderson’s house. After briefly considering knocking, she decided to let herself in through the front door. She made her way upstairs quietly and almost died when she saw the comfy-looking couch sitting there waiting for her. The pillow and blanket were still there from the other night. A quick peek across the room showed her that Anderson’s other door was open and he was lying shirtless in bed. Most of his blankets were on the floor along with all of his pillows. She smiled and got comfortable on the couch, sinking into the plush, cloud-like cushions.

Carmondy was pulled out of her marvelous sleep not much later. She cracked an eye open and saw him standing over her in his boxers. He had nice abs. Why hadn’t she noticed that before?

“Morning, Sleeping Beauty.”

She sat up with a groan. “Hey.”

“How long you been here?”

She looked at the clock. “About half an hour.”

“Cool, I’m gonna get in the shower. Go make me some pancakes?”

“I guess so.” She rolled not-so-gracefully off the couch and headed downstairs.

The pancake mix was easy to find, and she quickly mixed up a batch, turning the little griddle on to warm up. She looked in the fridge and cupboards, where she found blueberries and chocolate chips.

She took both of them back to the counter she was working at and stirred the mix again.

A door opened from the garage and a woman walked in, scaring the shit out of her.

“Crap.” Car set the bowl down hard and put a hand on the counter to steady herself.

The woman looked at her for a moment. Her arms were full with grocery bags and a purse.

“Uhh, hi. Are you Anderson’s mother?”

“And you are?”

“I’m his friend. Umm...I just swung by this morning and...I’m making him pancakes.”

The woman set her stuff down on the table. “I didn’t know Andy had a girlfriend.”

“Oh, no, I’m not his girlfriend, just a friend. I stayed the other night because I couldn’t go home and anyway, it’s kind of a long story.”

“Ohh, you’re the person who stayed the other night? He said ‘Car’ and I assumed that was short for Carson.”

“No, um, Carmondy actually. We’re totally just friends though. I play basketball on the girls’ team.”

“And you’re just making him breakfast because...?”

“Well, I got to town early because it took me two hours to get here, but he let me sleep on his couch again for a little bit this morning and I said I’d make him pancakes.”

“Ahh, I see.”

Carmondy was a little apprehensive. “Is that okay?”

“Yeah, of course, that’s fine. I wish Andy would get a girlfriend. He fools around too much.”

“Yeah, well...he’s a guy, what can you do?”

She smiled. “I’m Jennifer, by the way. It’s nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you, too.” They shook hands and smiled. Car liked her already. “So tell me, does Anderson like blueberries or chocolate chips on his pancakes?”

“Oh, both.”

She wrinkled her nose. “Ew, on the same pancake?”

“Yes, I know, it’s downright disgusting.”

“Pretty much.” Carmondy spooned some of the batter onto the griddle and sprinkled both toppings over it.

“Mom! You’re home!” Anderson appeared, leaping down the last three steps of the stairs and gave his mom a hug.

“Good morning, Andy. Thanks for telling me that we had a houseguest.” Jennifer pushed him away and scolded him good-naturedly.

“Oh, guess what, Mom! We have a houseguest.” He smiled and sat down at the table.

“Very funny. Anyway, I’m going to bed. Do you two need anything?”

Car shook her head.

“Don’t think so,” Andy said. “Beck was looking for you...yesterday? Or what it the day before? I don’t remember. Maybe you should give him a call before you go to work this afternoon.”

“Does he need help interpreting his sister’s medical files again?”

Car froze. Her back was to them but it was obvious that she could hear.

Anderson didn’t say anything for a moment. “Uh, yeah.”

Jennifer cleared her throat. “Oh! Sorry, I forgot. Umm...yes, I’ll give him a call later.”

Car heard retreating footsteps. She flipped the two large pancakes over. There was something wrong with Beck’s sister? Damn, and she had made a crack about him having STDs or something.

“Car?” Anderson said.


“You heard that, right?”

“Uh, not if you didn’t want me to.” She turned around. His face looked a little pained.

“Just...don’t tell Beck, okay? He really wouldn’t like that you know.”

“But I don’t really know anything, just that he has a sister who has a medical file. We all have medical files, right?”


“I won’t say anything. I like my head on my shoulders.”

He laughed. “Well, that’s good. Are my pancakes done yet?”

“Keep your pants on, they’ve still got a couple minutes.”

He sighed and opened the fridge, rummaging around for some food. Car tapped the spatula on the griddle and took her time looking at the back of his jeans as he leaned over. He really did have a nice ass, the kind you just wanted to grab and see if it was as rock-hard as it looked. She’d been seriously lacking in the romance department since she and her boyfriend had broken up. She was really starting to feel the loneliness.

“You’re not burning my pancakes, are you?” Anderson’s voice pulled her out of her thoughts.

“What? Uh, nope...they’re perfect.” She flopped both pancakes onto a plate and set it in front of him on the table. “There you go, two disgusting blueberry-chocolate-chip-pancakes.”

He scowled at her and sliced into a pancake with his fork. “They aren’t disgusting.” He took a big bite and closed his eyes, seeming to get lost in the taste. “Mmm, they’re so good. Didn’t you make any for yourself?”

“I ate breakfast at home.”

He eyed her suspiciously as he pushed another huge bite of pancake into his mouth. “Are you anorexic or something?”

“No. Do I look anorexic?”

“No, you look ripped. I just hardly ever see you eat.”

“We don’t exactly hang out, Anderson. I eat, but I eat healthy, lots of protein and good fats.”

He snorted. “So are you staying here again tonight?”

“I don’t know. There’s supposed to be another storm moving in, but I don’t want to put you out.”

“You aren’t. If you need a place to stay, you might as well stay here. No sense in paying for a hotel or living with some stranger.”

“Just until this storm passes.”

“You really don’t know Washington very well, do you? Storms here don’t end, they just vary in intensity. It’s going to storm until March.”

She sighed and rubbed her face. “Great.”

“So whatever, you can stay here when you need to, okay?”

She nodded. “Thanks.”

“Oh, it’s not gonna be free, but we’ll work out the payment later.” He shot her a suggestive look.

“Actually, similar topic, there is a favor I was going to ask you. You can say no if you want.”

“Ooh, does it include unmentionable body parts?” he asked hopefully.


“Damn. Okay, shoot.”

“Well, it’s...and you know, we could work out some way I could pay you back.”

He nodded seriously. “Sexual favors.”

“Or not, but anyway, it’s about basketball.”


“Well, it’s just that you’re really good, especially with ball handling and long-range shots. I was thinking maybe I could get some pointers or something? I really want to be part of the girls’ team and I’m going to work on the teammate stuff too but I want to hone my wing skills.”

“Ah, so you’re looking for some private lessons or something?”

She shrugged. “Just whatever you think. I want to get better.”

“But I’m a point-guard, and you’re a power forward.”


“So you’re better off asking a post, like...Beck or something.”

She shrugged. “I always need to improve my ball-handling skills, and what if Coach wants to try me out as a guard? I need some practice.”

He nodded. “Sure, that sounds like fun. I’m game. But I still think a post would be more beneficial for you.”

She looked at him. “Do you really think that asking Beck for pointers is an option?”

He thought for a moment. “Okay, you got me there, but if he did say yes he could really teach you some good stuff.”

BOOK: Full Court Press
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