Fudge's Sprite: (Brothers of Devil's Comfort MC Book 4) (26 page)

BOOK: Fudge's Sprite: (Brothers of Devil's Comfort MC Book 4)
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No longer able to control my actions, or even caring about the outcome. I let go of the bed sheets and dug my fingers into the flesh of his back, as I hungrily, and successfully found my release.

Nick swallowed my howl as I let go, and when Nick’s hot seamen hit my walls, I swallowed his release, and thrust harder against him.

After Nick’s lovemaking, my body felt resplendent. As Nick looked down at me. His eyes glowing in the aftermath. I felt an answering warmth in my own body.

“I love you Nick.”

“Yeah, I love you too.”

When Nick pulled his body away from mine, I felt empty, and my heart skipped a beat at the loss of his touch.


“Shush, it’s okay.”

After some rustling, Nick finally removed the blindfold, and I had to blink as I readjusted to being able to see again.

“This is for you.”

Nick’s gift was simply wrapped. There was no garish bow or brightly colored paper. With trepidation, I open the gift. My breath leaving me, when I saw the beautiful carved tree plaque. At the trunk of the tree, a family had been carved.

“Nick, it’s beautiful. Did you make this?”

I could not help myself, as I adoringly traced the family. I knew Nick enjoyed whittling. He has been showing Toby and Amelia how to do it, and they both loved doing it with him.


I had to ask. Barely able to breath.

“There are four children.”

Nick’s fingers were following mine, as I traced the carving of the baby and the toddler.



“We just need their names to add to your tree Ellie.”

Tears welled up in me as I flung my arms round his neck.

“Are you sure.”

“I’m sure Ellie.”

Nick sat back on his heels, as he looked at me.

“Ellie, I’ve always known I wasn’t my father, and that I’d never hurt any kids of my own. I was just scared of loving someone, and losing them.”

“And now?”

“I love you Ellie, and I hope we both grow old together.”

With a giggle, I pulled Nick closer as I kissed him on the lips.














3 month earlier


“Are you comfortable Pet.?”

Through the gag, the girl muttered, and then nodded her head. The girl was a beautiful delightful toy to play with. She was suspended from the ceiling on a pulley and chain, and her body glistened with sweat. The room was heavy with the aroma of musky sex. Her back was flushed bright pink, and I was hard.

As I was about to bring the whip down on the girl’s back, the door swung open. Annoyed at the interruption. My fellow bikers knew not to come to my room. Especially when I had one of the club whores, and I was entertaining. I turned to give whoever it was a lecture. Only to have my tongue freeze to the pallet of my mouth.

At the door, with her mouth flapping open, and shut. Her eyes wide, as she took in the scene, was my Aphrodite. I could not even recall when my light flirtation with the redhead, had turned into an obsession.

After Quick Draw’s attack, Ivy had become a semi-permanent fixture of the club. She had been employed by the club to help Quick Draw fight his disability, and to take care of him. That had been nearly two years ago. In all that time, she has never been to my room. Ivy was more likely to leave a room as I entered, than to come purposely looking for me.

And the moment she does, I have some whore chained to the ceiling. My cock, which had been hard, was now throbbing urgently.


As she spoke, Ivy was backing out of the room. Her eyes blinking wildly, as she took in the scene. Fuck, I wanted to chase after the girl, but I was not in a position to do so. At the loss of Ivy, my cock deflated. Torn between what I wanted, and what I needed to do. I turned to the whore, and quickly brought her to an orgasm. After quickly cleaning us both, I left the whore in my room to go in search of Ivy.

When I found her, she was in the arms of another biker. Her body was close to his, and she was laughing at something he is whispering in her ear. I may not have the right, however, I was irritated to see her in his arms.

Since arriving in Comfort Springs, Ivy had never dated a member of Devil’s Comfort, never mind dance with one. The only bikers, she spoke to, was either Tabby or Quick Draw. And now to see her in another man’s arm was soul destroying. Perturbed by the closeness of their bodies, I ambled over to the dancing couple.

“Ivy can we talk?”

“There’s nothing to talk about Dec.”

“Come on Ivy.”

“Look Dec, I made a mistake, and I shouldn’t have come to your room.”

“Why did you?”

“It doesn’t matter now. Come on Sundance, let’s get a drink.”


Present Day.

Ever since the bedroom Incident, Ivy has ignored me. Each time, I attempted to talk to her, she walked away. On some occasions she had left the room. Today, well today, she was leaving Comfort Springs with Flynn.

For the last few weeks, I have watched as she became closer to the fighter. And now she was leaving Comfort Springs. Unobserved, I watched as she said goodbye to the old ladies. Silently, I prayed that she would change her mind. That she would give me a chance. Hopelessly, I watch, as she mounts the bike, and fastens the helmet, which Flynn passed to her. As soon as Flynn has turned off the street, I switch the engine of the Harley on, and follow.

Not once did she look back, as she left Comfort Springs. Was she aware that I was following her?  When day turned to dusk, and Flynn turned off into a motel. I parked the bike, and silently watched as they walked into a room.

Fear gripped me. I was losing her. For the last four weeks, Ivy has refused to talk to me. Unwilling to give up. I park the Harley next to Flynn’s, and knock on the room door. I was grateful, when it was Ivy, who answered, and not Flynn.

“What are you doing here?”

“To talk to you.”

“I told you Dec. There’s nothing to talk about.”

When Ivy was about to close the door, I grabbed her by the arm, and pulled her outside.

“Ivy, let me explain.”

“There’s nothing to explain. You’re into kinky sex Dec. Hey, that’s fine with me.”

Provoked at Ivy’s attitude, I drew her into my arms, and stole my first kiss. It was everything I knew it would be. The redhead, did not fight me. Instead, she grabbed me by the hair, digging her fingers into my scalp, as she deepened the kiss.

Consumed by the kiss, I began to guide, Ivy’s body up against the wall, and rub my cock against the junction of her legs. Ivy’s moans, is music to my ears. As my hand snaked to the front of the top, she is wearing, Ivy began to struggle and break away.

“You shouldn’t have kissed me Dec.”

“Baby you were there all the way.”

Ivy’s hand was on her face, her fingers stroking the plump red lips, which I had been kissing.”

“I know and I’m sorry. Dec I am sorry, but please go”



When I would have said more, Ivy ducked under my arm. As she went into the room, where Flynn is standing by the door, Ivy refuses to see my direction. My body may be sore from the fight, I had been in this morning. That, however, does not stop my hand from itching, to give the bastard another beating.

“You heard her Dec. Go back to Comfort Springs.”

As the door is shut in my face, I was tempted to beat it down, and demand what was mine. I have never had to woo a woman. They have always come to me. In need of some advice, I turn the Harley to return to Comfort Springs, and to my mother.






Jim beams





Alice in Wonderland

The Adams Family

Batman & Robin


Sylvester & Tweety pie




Smoke on the Water – Purple

Under My Skin – Frank Sinatra




BOOK: Fudge's Sprite: (Brothers of Devil's Comfort MC Book 4)
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