Read Fuck Valentine's Day Online

Authors: C. M. Stunich

Fuck Valentine's Day (10 page)

BOOK: Fuck Valentine's Day
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just wanted to have some fun,” he said without shame. I
appreciated his honesty, truly, and smiled. Maybe if Preston hadn't
thrown me down and fucked the shit out of me, Quinn and I might have
… I shook my head. I wasn't pledging my heart and soul to
Preston, but he was interesting to me. Interesting enough that I was
done with Quinn.

I told him with a pat on the hand. “Not gonna happen.”

it totally didn't happen in the courtyard?” he said, and I
rolled my eyes. Still, when I thought back on it, it was kind of
hot, especially when I imagined Preston with his hand wrapped around
his long dick, pumping his fist as I bobbed my head and swallowed a
mouthful of another guy's cum.
Hello world, my name is Andrea
Fisher and I enjoy recreational snowboarding, hikes through the
beautiful forests of the Northwest, and giving blow jobs in public
while an adorable geek-turned-dom whacks it in voyeuristic bliss.

snorted at my own joke and drew even more angry glares towards the
back of my head. Nice. Now I was not only that weirdo moaning girl
(yes, I did overhear someone refer to me as such), but now I was also
the freak who sits up front and laughs at their own jokes. I was
just glad that Preston wasn't looking my way.

you don't have anything to do on Valentine's Day, we could, you know
get together and – ”

a romantic candlelit dinner for two?” I asked sarcastically.
How cheese ball.
I fucking hate Valentine's Day.

was gonna say we could try out some of the positions in the new sex
guide I bought on Friday.” Quinn bent down and started digging
in his bag for said object. I reached out a hand and put a stop to
that real quick, surprised that I could still get a bit moist at the
thought of Quinn Prentis's uncut cock.
Jesus Christ, Andi, reel
it in. You've had a popped cherry for like, two days, and already
you're scoping out fresh meat.
I swallowed hard and tried to
smile at Quinn.

sorry, but no, thank you. I have plans.” He stared back at me
like he was confused, and I have to admit, his porn star mouth looked
really good in that little 'O' shape he was sporting.

thought you were single.” I tried to keep my smile plastered
on my face, but it was slipping a bit. How on earth did I explain
that Preston was my stalker turned lover? It was sort of a weird
situation. My eyes slid carefully over to the platform and caught on
Preston's strong, muscular back, and the way he moved so slow and
careful, without any hint of the power that was resting dark and
deadly under that ugly, blue sweater. When I looked back at Quinn,
he was frowning.

knew it. You're with that boxer guy, E.” I stared at him,
feeling quite stupid that I was the last person to get the joke.
Apparently even Quinn knew that Preston was a boxer and liked to be
referred to by the fifth letter in the alphabet. I must've looked
like a royal jackass when I went over to his apartment complex
spewing crap. “Guess we're not going to be trying out the
Seated Scissors,” he said, and I could only guess that he was
referring to a position in his book.

guess not,” I replied.

was dead wrong.

class, Quinn veered away from me as I approached Preston and ended up
hanging on some long legs near the front door. I think they had
heads, too, but it was hard to say since their legs were
topped with massive tits and scalps of bleach blonde hair.

is he going?” Preston asked me as I approached him tentatively,
unsure as to how our new relationship worked on campus. He hadn't
said anything about it, so I assumed we were golden, but it didn't
hurt to be cautious.

I asked, completely and utterly confused. I laid my hands on
Preston's chest and wished I could rip off his sweater right then and
there and start licking my way down his sexy belly. “Why do
you care?”

Preston began as he shifted his brown eyes from Quinn's back to my
face. He smiled and nodded at the professor as he moved past and
then flipped him off when his back was turned. “Pervert,”
he whispered, and then, “We have plans with him.”

Professor Pervert?” Preston laughed and stepped back from me.
I let my hands fall to my sides and tried not to be disappointed that
he was pulling away.

Quinn,” he whispered quietly. “You're going to fuck
him.” My eyes opened wide and refused to blink as I stared at
Preston's face and tried not to think thoughts like,
Rational Andi was right? Maybe he is crazy enough to turn me into a

want me to fuck another guy?” I said, and the thought sounded
even worse aloud than it had inside my head. Preston nodded and
pushed his glasses up his nose. I kept my drool in check, but just

have to have experiences before you can make decisions,”
Preston said as his lips curved up and his eyes flickered with just a
hint of jealousy, and a whole lot of lust. “If I'm the only
man you've ever been with, how will you be able to judge me?”

don't need to judge you,” I said to him, thinking that this was
all some sort of weird insecurity thing that he was going through. I
tried to step forward, but Preston stepped back which infuriated the
hell out of me. I squeezed my fists at my sides and tried not to get
angry with him. “Why are you doing this?” I asked and he
grinned, nice and big, teeth flashing bright for just a moment.
Goddamn, I never knew it was possible for a man in a
knitted sweater and khaki pants to look so fucking hot.
couldn't have been any more attractive to me had he been in a biker
gang. I paused on that thought and tried to imagine Preston
straddling a hunk of gleaming metal.
Okay, well he would
be a tad bit hotter if we was a biker, but not by much.

want you to experience another man,” he told me as he closed
the distance between us and took a massive breath, one that told me
he was holding back, that he really
did want to touch me, but that he couldn't. “You better take
the chance because it could be the only one you get.” I stared
into his face and tried to keep myself from leaping into his arms and
kissing the shit out of him. “Besides,” Preston
continued as his gaze slid over my shoulder and across the room to
Quinn's overly flirtatious back. “I want to watch.”

was more than happy to escort me back to my place.
if he'd be so eager if he knew that Preston was following, that he
was going to be standing outside my door holding his aching cock in
one hand and watching us fuck at his behest.
just say that I kept that thought to myself.

glad you asked me over,” Quinn growled, doing his damnedest to
get us into a traffic accident by massaging me between the legs while
I tried to navigate a tricky intersection. “You're not going
to regret it.”

I said as my stomach flip-flopped and my heart raced at the speed of
light, pumping hormones through my veins like poison, making me loopy
with passion. I wanted Preston. I did. I sort of, kind of wanted
to date him and try on my first big girl relationship,
this whole scenario was straight
out of one of my favorite porn movies and Quinn – despite being
a complete and utter douche – was out of a wet dream, so if the
guy I liked was not only okay with but
whole thing, why not play along? Why not have some fun? After all,
Preston was right in a way. He was the only man I'd ever slept with.
Did that mean that I had to fuck another guy to know he was good?
No, but it did mean that I was a bit limited on my perception. Maybe
this wouldn't have worked for everyone, but it was working hard for
me. “Shut the fuck up.”

are so hot when you talk dirty to me,” he whispered as he took
off his seat belt and leaned over to breathe hot and heavy against my
neck. I had no willpower to stop him, convinced that Preston was
looking at us both through the rear window, getting hard and angry at
the same time.

I nearly killed us both when I came within inches of hitting a parked
car and decided enough was enough.

it,” I barked and surprisingly, Quinn listened. He sat back
and smiled, unzipped his pants and fingered his dick through his fly
while I put the pedal to the metal and pulled into my driveway at the
same moment that Preston parked his car on the opposite side of the
street. The plan was that I'd take Quinn upstairs right away and
handcuff him to the bed, so that there'd be no chance he'd get up and
somehow find Preston in the doorway.

want me to bring my sex guide in?” Quinn asked with raised
brows and a sly smirk that he no doubt expected would burn a hole
through my panties. I rolled my eyes.

out,” I said as I climbed out of the vehicle and started up the
steps at lightning speed. Quinn was right behind me, sex book in
hand, box of condoms in the other. When I gave him a
just shrugged.

figured we'd probably need these sooner rather than later,” he
said, and I resisted the urge to punch him again. Quinn was hot as
hell, but he was also a little bit stupid.

said you were getting laid?” I asked him as I unlocked the door
and started straight up the steps to my room. Quinn closed the door
behind me and, of course, didn't lock it which was all part of the

at you,” he said as he followed after, so close behind that I
could practically feel his hot breath on my skin. “You're not
even giving me the grand tour, just heading straight up the stairs.
Besides, I could see the way you were breathing in the car. You want
me bad. You can say what you want to say to make yourself feel
better, but you brought me over here with a single purpose in mind.”
I stopped at the top of the steps and just stared at him as he came
even with me. Quinn did not seem at all disturbed about being used
for a booty call. Not one, little bit. “And I figured, why
not bring extra condoms, just in case?” he said with a wink.
“You can never have too many.” I rolled my eyes and
showed him into my room.

was so nervous that I was having a hard time thinking clearly.
should ease him into this. I can't just expect him to roll over and
play bitch for me. I have to be
calm, cool, collected.

you want to be on top or should I?” Quinn asked as he removed
his shirt in one smooth motion and tossed it onto the floor.
I thought as I stared at the swirls of color on his
midsection. His tattoos trailed up and over his pecs, traced his
pierced belly button, and disappeared, rather enticingly, into his
pants. He wasn't as ripped as Preston, but he had a damn fine body,
one that wasn't going to be difficult getting into.

glanced at the door and fought the urge to lean over and peek out the
crack to see if Preston was here yet. If he wasn't, he would be
soon. It was just a matter of time.

answering Quinn, I moved across the room, flicked open the handcuff
box and grabbed the metal in steady hands.

BOOK: Fuck Valentine's Day
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