Freeing Him: A Hart Brothers Novel, Book 2 (3 page)

BOOK: Freeing Him: A Hart Brothers Novel, Book 2
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“That’s where the fun begins. Isn’t that right, Storm?”

Storm flips his head in the air. I laugh. I don’t want Gabriella to be afraid, but I’m past ready to give Storm the lead on this. “I’m letting him go now. If you feel we need to stop, just say so. I don’t want you to get freaked. And just so you know, I need the reins to guide him so don’t grab them.”

“Will you be able to do all this with me in front of you?”

“Don’t worry, kea. I can do a hell of a lot of things with you in front of me.”

“Very funny.”

With a flick of the reins, Storm is off. Gabby lets out a loud yelp and for a second her hands fly up in the air and then clutch on to Storm’s mane.

“Relax, Gabriella. It’s all good.”

The wind rushes past and Storm takes us through his paces. It’s a perfect day for a ride: sunny and warm, not a cloud in the sky.

One snug arm around Gabriella and one on the reins, I let the sun warm me. The flow of the wind cleanses my apprehension of what is to come this evening. As it always does, a calm seeps into me as Storm carries us over small hills and vales.

It takes him longer than usual to tire, which I can only attribute to my extended absence, but in due course he does. His full gallop slows to a canter and finally a walk. He takes us to his favorite watering hole, a bubbling stream, and quenches the thirst he’s created.

“Wanna stretch your legs?”

“Don’t think I can move.”

I crane my neck and notice her face is more than a little pale.

“Shit, are you okay?”

“Other than having the hell scared out of me? Damn, Kolson, I thought I was going to break my fucking neck!”

After I dismount, I help her down. “Kea, I told you not to worry. Can I tell you a story?”

She shakes her head and tries to walk away. Her wobbly legs don’t let her go far.

“Listen, please.” My hand stops her and we stare at each other. Actually, it’s more like I stare and she glares back at me. I refuse to break contact, though. She needs to hear this.

Finally, a slight nod from her gives me the go-ahead.

“Storm was the only friend I had growing up. The dragon bought him as a joke. I was twelve and had never ridden before. Storm was not full-grown but damn close. And you see how big he is. My dad put me on him and let me go. I was scared shitless. Storm threw me right off and Dad made me get right back on. I didn’t want to but never in a million years was I allowed to show fear. My punishment would’ve been infinitely worse. And so it went. The scar on my lip is from one of the falls. I broke my arm too. I was constantly banged up, but my father made me continue to ride him.

“I began to sneak to the stables because I heard that Storm wouldn’t let anyone ride him. It wasn’t just me. Dad made me think I was the only one who couldn’t handle him. Made me believe I was a wimp. But I overheard the stable boys one day and how pissed off my dad was because he’d been trying to get on Storm and couldn’t even get a seat in the saddle. So I made a decision: I was going to do whatever it took to ride that horse. I started bringing him carrots and apples, all kinds of treats. But then I would sneak into the stable after midnight, when everyone was sleeping, and just talk to him. I figured that if he got used to hearing my voice, he wouldn’t get spooked when I was on his back.

“I’m not really sure what it was, but one day, I mounted, and he flicked his glorious mane, as if to say, ‘Where to, boss?’ And ever since, we’ve shared a bond. Besides me, only one other person can ride him, and that’s Grady. My dad can’t get near him without Storm raising a ruckus. I guess he can sense what a son of a bitch he is. I try to get out here every couple of weeks to exercise him, because Grady doesn’t like to give him his head like I do. Storm won’t let anything happen to me. He senses my seat, kea. He understands it’s me on him. There’s a thing between us. I love this guy—when I had nowhere else to turn, I could run to him, and he’d take me places and let me forget for a while. Your neck was never in danger. I would never put it in danger. And Storm would never put mine in danger.”

She stands before me, reaches out with her index finger, and traces the scar that extends down my chin. Next thing I know, her mouth is on it. And I want to rip her fucking clothes off right there. But I don’t. I give her this moment.

“Thank you for sharing that part of yourself with me.” Her hands move to my hair and she raises herself up to press a kiss to my lips. But that won’t do at all. I grab her and crush her lush body against mine. Against her mouth, I tell her, “Kea, I want to tell you every single thing about me, and I will when the time is right, but now I need your mouth on mine. And then I want to share another part of myself with you.”






If I didn’t love the hell out of him, I would punch him right now. But I can’t because he’s just shared a deep part of himself and it’s all because of that damn horse. Yeah, the one that I thought was going to be the death of me. That I’m standing here alive is an amazement to me, much less thinking about the fact that Kolson has just revealed a significant part of his past to me. His father and mine should be buddies. They are both mean fucks who ought to be locked away in a dungeon.

“So I suppose I need to make friends with your buddy over there, huh?”

Kolson chuckles. “Was it that bad?”

“Think back to the first time you rode him.”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t think of it that way. I knew he wouldn’t …”

“You did. I didn’t. I know the backstory now. But why didn’t you tell me beforehand? I think I would’ve enjoyed the ride more. I was freaking, Kolson. But I guess you were so excited about seeing him, you didn’t notice.”

He’s on me like lightning. “Kea, I’m so sorry. That was
my intention.”

that. However, it doesn’t change the fact that I was scared out of my wits. So, now that you’ve explained,” I make a little loop with my finger, “take me to your bestie and let’s all be friends.”

A corner of his mouth turns up. “Not yet. I want you to myself for a little while.”

His hands inch under my shirt and the heat sends shivers up my spine. His thumbs press on my waist and sink into my flesh as he bends his head toward my neck. He doesn’t touch me; he only inhales. Deeply. As if he’s filling an urgent need. After a little bit, he lets all the air go and its warmth washes over me.

“Your scent is so intoxicating.”

His hands leave my waist and he pulls my shirt over my head. As I stand in my white cotton bra, I look around to make sure we’re alone.

“No one is within miles of us.” How does he always read my mind?

One finger hooks beneath a strap and he slips it off my shoulder. His mouth presses a light kiss to the place where my strap used to be. He repeats the action with the other strap.

“Unhook your bra.”

I have no thought to disobey him. Why would I? The look on his face is so compelling; I want nothing more than to please him. My bra falls to the ground in a white fluff.


I flick the button of my jeans and unzip them. A couple of shimmies later, they join my bra. With nothing on but white cotton string bikini panties, I stand before him.

“Turn around.”

He loves to look at my ass, so I give him a show.

“Only you could make cotton look supremely sexy. Get rid of your panties, unless you want to leave them here in shreds.” Normally I wouldn’t care, but the thought of riding back sans panties doesn’t appeal to me, so I slip them off.

Kolson worships me with his hands. They trail across my chest and cup my breasts, tugging my nipples until they burn. I arch into him but I want his mouth on them more than his hands. He turns me around, pulls me against him, and spreads his hand across my abdomen.

“You’re gorgeous. You’re flawless, kea. Do you know that? Every time I touch you, it only makes me want to touch you more.”

Head dipping, mouth touching, tongue licking, sensations erupt all over my body like a thousand sparks igniting at once. Every time. My arms reach for his neck because I want to move closer to him, if that’s possible. “I want you. No, I need you, Kolson. Please.”

So fast I can barely think, he turns me to face him. Fingers unbutton his shirt with uncanny speed. When he takes it off and hands it to me, my brows lift.

“Put it on. You’ll see why in a moment.”

He finishes stripping and pulls me by the hand to the nearest tree. Before I can comprehend anything but the tree, he crushes his mouth on mine, taking any reasonable thought away. So much sex poured into one man should not be legal. Tawny skin wrapped tightly over honed muscle, he is profoundly beautiful. And every time I see him, my thoughts of his beauty grow deeper. He hums into my mouth as his tongue seeks mine, nibbling my lower lip.

“Your lips are so soft and sweet. They …,” he shakes his head, “I need you, kea. I always need you. You ground me. Make everything right again.”

He sinks to his knees and buries his face between my legs. I cry out. And it only earns me faster licks. My leg drapes over his shoulder—he’s done this to me so many times before, my body knows exactly how to position itself for the best angle. His fingers spread me, opening me up to him, exposing my clit. His tongue circles it, but it’s when his lips wrap around and suck on it that I love the most. And then he does this little thing with his tongue while he sucks and it sends me right over the edge. Every time. And when I come to my senses, my hands are grasping his hair, nearly yanking it out, and the poor man never complains.

He’s still down on his knees and he says, “You’re so soft, like the petals of a rose. Have I ever told you that? And you taste like salted caramel.” His thumbs brush back and forth across me, touching me, not in a sexual way, but more tactile. Like he can’t get close enough.

“Kolson. Make love to me. I need you. Inside me.”

“Yes.” He stands, his eyes filled with love and lust, and he brushes my hair back.

“What is it? There’s something different about you.” I can sense it.

“I love you.”

“I love you back.”

His forehead touches mine as his hands wrap around me, lifting me on to him. He slowly enters me, but then shakes his head.


“I thought this would be fast and furious, against this tree, but I find I want you slow now.”

He turns, drops to his knees, and gently lays me on my back. His hips swivel and he inches in me, up to the hilt until I gasp. Then he pulls out, just as slowly, and repeats the motion. It’s tormenting as I bite my lip in order not to scream.

“Scream, kea. No one can hear you.”

When I open my mouth to do so, it’s swallowed by his kiss. He laces my fingers with his as he raises my hands above my head, keeping our matched rhythm as he continues to torture me, pulling out almost all the way, then pushing back in until his piercing caresses those places within me that make me quiver. Hand on my hip, his mouth dips to my chest and his teeth softly sink into me. Oh, how my blood heats in my veins and my pleasure soars. His mouth travels to the side of my breast where he sucks and nips. It only intensifies the feeling of his cock as it slides in and out.

“Faster,” I urge.


He does this … likes to be in control.

One second he’s right there and the next he’s on his knees, leaning back, my legs spread wide as can be and him moving in and out at an achingly slow pace. He never stops watching me … my reaction. His hands are beneath me, lifting my ass, and it’s so good. Each time he fills me deep, he rotates his hips at the end and I moan as his piercing hits that spot—the one that drives me wild. My orgasm approaches and I tell him.

“I know. I can feel it. Gabriella, I want you on my lap when you come.”

He sits and pulls me on top of him, wraps me in his arms, and now I have control so I move faster. And then it begins … that staggering feeling that always starts in the arches of my feet and climbs up my legs, reaching my core, extending upward and throwing my body into instant euphoria. I call out his name and he comes too.

This is a tender moment between us. Something’s different with Kolson. He won’t tell me but I know it has to do with this damn visit. My bet is if he could physically crawl inside of me right now, he would.

Leaning back just slightly, I study him. “One of these days, I’m going to lick every inch of you and then nibble you to pieces. Especially your ass. I love your ass. It reminds me of a perfect peach.”

His brows arch. “A peach, huh?”

“Yep. Perfectly formed, firm, delectable. I’m just giving you fair warning.”

“Warning taken. I’m looking forward to it.”

“I loved that. Not that I don’t love every time we’ve ever had sex, but that was so nice. It was sweet. And intense at the same time.” I gently brush my fingers across his cheeks.

“Being here makes me think about how much I love you and how I appreciate the fact that I have you in my life.”

“Is that all?”

BOOK: Freeing Him: A Hart Brothers Novel, Book 2
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