Read Foster Siblings 3: Brokedown Hearts Online

Authors: Cameron Dane

Tags: #LGBT; Contemporary; Suspense

Foster Siblings 3: Brokedown Hearts (14 page)

BOOK: Foster Siblings 3: Brokedown Hearts
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Ben muttered, “Jesus, David,” cuffed him around the neck, and dragged him in close. “Hey, hey.” He pressed kisses into David’s hair and, in between, said, “Don’t get upset. I don’t want to see you sad or hurting. I like what you told me. I like that you care.” Ben’s voice caught too. “I like it a whole lot.”

Head spinning, David clung to Ben around the waist, his face buried in the man’s shoulder. “I don’t know if I should be mad at you for staying away.” Thick muscles muffled his voice. “I don’t know if it’s normal or sane.”

“Shh. Shh. I came back.” Ben tunneled his hand into David’s hair and tugged him out of hiding. “I came back.” Embers of gold and green sparked in Ben’s eyes, and with a lopsided smile, he brushed his nose against David’s. “I missed you.” He pecked a kiss to the edge of David’s mouth. “A lot.”

Shy but moved to act, David wound his arms around Ben’s neck and held him just as close. “I missed you too.” He grazed his lips against Ben’s, murmured appreciatively, and gently kissed him once more. “A lot.”

Before David could break the sweet kiss, Ben groaned and flexed his arm around David’s waist, squeezed him tighter, and stole another kiss. Ben brushed his mouth against David’s again and again and again. In between each touch of their lips, he flicked his tongue softly to David’s and rubbed his hand into the small of David’s back. Each touch wound its way through David in wonderful, whispery lines. David writhed against Ben, unable to stay still, and ground his growing erection against Ben’s thigh.

A rumble vibrated through Ben. “Hell yes.” He nipped David’s lower lip and scraped the skin with his teeth. “I love the way you respond to me.” Rumbling again, he slashed his mouth across David’s, slipped his tongue deeper inside, and pushed his hands down the back of David’s jeans.

Falling into everything incredible and seductive about this man, David still couldn’t completely shake a nagging voice of doubt scratching around inside his head. When Ben slid his fingers into David’s crack and touched his pucker, that scratch became a clawing tear, and David spun out of Ben’s arms.

Breathing heavily, still hot and hard, his hole throbbing from that minuscule amount of contact, David took another step away. “Maybe we shouldn’t do this.”

Chest heaving just as visibly as David’s, Ben wiped a hand over his mouth, but the move didn’t soften the harsh lines one bit. “I want to do this.” He looked David up and down, holding for a moment on David’s erection. “I think you want it just as much.” Ben’s jaw ticked wildly, and he ordered, “Take your clothes off right now, David.” Never looking away, never blinking, Ben undid the first two buttons on his own shirt. “And God help you when you’re naked, because I plan to take my sweet time learning every inch of you.”

Under the scrutiny of this powerful man, David shuddered where he stood.

Ben jolted in kind and uttered, “Jesus, that’s sexy.”

Without another word or further discussion, Ben pounced.

HEAVEN HELP HIM, but Ben couldn’t remember any man ever getting this upset over his absence and then so freely showing him every bit of that desire and fear. The raw openness in everything David did sank into Ben like a drug and made his head spin.

Circumstances had forced Ben to make the world’s shortest trip to Sweden—which, at the time, he’d taken as a sign that his choice to distance himself from David was a good thing—but when he’d seen David step out of another man’s truck a few minutes ago, he’d raced right over to put his scent on David all over again.

Jesus, I shouldn’t want him this much
. While nipping David’s cheek and breathing him in, Ben worked his own belt off and threw it on the floor.
But the hell if I’m gonna fight any longer that I do.

So fucking impatient for full contact, Ben ripped David’s T-shirt off, tossed it aside, and backed him onto the bed, where David scrambled to lie back on the pillows, his stare watchful and wide. David’s firm flesh and the pungent smell of his natural musk attacked Ben on every level. Ben growled and crawled up David’s body, kissing his warm belly and chest along the way, hungry to show his approval and prove David wanted this, even if he didn’t fully understand his needs right now.

With one more move, Ben settled himself atop David, face-to-face, chest to chest, and crotch to crotch. That long, stiff pole of David’s still jutted hard, and Ben rocked and slid their lengths together, moaning as he did.

His blue stare so damned bright, David looked up at Ben, visible fear but excitement also burning through from his core. Holding David’s gaze, Ben pushed up into the V David created with his parted thighs and ground their cocks together once more. David whimpered in response and rolled his hips awkwardly—
yes, honey, yes, show me everything
—and Ben succumbed to David’s unlikely innocence and sank into another kiss.

The moment Ben pressed his mouth to David’s, David parted his lips—Ben swore it was in welcome—and Ben dipped in for a taste.
. As much as Ben had loved that David had freshly brushed his teeth last time, he moaned and voraciously licked at the salty taste he got this time. Ben loved men when they took the time to clean, and he loved them equally when they were sweaty and dirty after a hard day of physical labor.

Another taste and touch of David reawakened the starving man in Ben, and he grabbed David’s hair to hold him in place for a deeper plundering. He licked into David’s mouth like an animal, not only to taste as much of David as he could, but to put his flavor on David everywhere he could reach.

For the overwhelming majority of Ben’s sexual life, he’d manage to contain the primal elements within him, the pieces that ached to brand a man as his and to mate with that man so completely and so often he destroyed the man’s desire and need for anything other than Ben’s body and heart. Ben had tried tempering his responses to David, but for some reason he couldn’t quantify, David’s vulnerabilities tore through most of the layers of facade protecting Ben’s basest needs, allowing the beast within to escape.

Right then, beneath Ben, David arched his spine, rolled his body up into Ben’s, and ignited yet another burner in Ben’s core. David fluttered his fingertips over Ben’s face and shoulders, as if wanting to explore but uncertain, and the sensation mainlined fire straight into Ben’s bloodstream.

Insatiable, Ben shoved a hand between their bodies. He tore at David’s jeans while at the same time he tugged the man’s hair and drilled his head back into the pillow. “Kick your shoes off.” He worked his hand into the loosened waistband of David’s jeans. “Help me get us naked.”

Breathy and a little tight, David said, “Okay,” and attacked the buttons on Ben’s shirt.

The man’s enthusiasm went to Ben’s head and stroked the hell out of his ego, something he hadn’t experienced in years.

Once David finished working open the buttons on Ben’s shirt, Ben reared up to his knees and peeled the material off his body. Ben knew his features weren’t what anyone would deem handsome, but he ate well most of the time and took care of himself, so he didn’t worry or lose sleep over the things about himself he couldn’t change. But fuck, as Ben unzipped his jeans and pushed his underwear and pants down to his knees, David openly looked Ben over, his eyes so damned alight with life, and the interest made Ben feel like a king.

Before Ben finished undressing himself, he tugged David’s jeans down his hips and thighs to his ankles, revealing skin with the lightest natural golden coloring covered in downy-soft white-blond hair. David’s long, slender cock lifted to his belly, and Ben’s mouth watered as he recalled the excitement he’d received sucking it to completion. That night, everything had happened so fast that Ben had barely gotten the upper half of the shaft past his lips. Looking again now, good Christ, Ben would have to rely on his ability to suppress his gag reflex in order to suck every inch of David. If he were to pull David’s cock all the way into his mouth, the mushroom head and shaft would push deep down his throat.

Just in thinking about relaxing enough to take all of David, Ben moaned, and his cock rose to full staff. Cataloging every inch of David’s lanky but muscular-as-hell frame, Ben pulled off the guy’s blue canvas sneakers and then did the same for his jeans and underwear, leaving David gloriously naked.
Holy mother
. As Ben took David in—a natural blond, clean-cut, enticing mix of handsome and cute, all-American-looking man, a type that in all Ben’s life had never been attracted to him—Ben’s cock wept his desire.
He is something special.

Too eager but unable to hide it, Ben threw David’s clothes across the room. The kitten mewled from the corner, and Ben blushed as he looked over his shoulder and found the animal peeking out from under David’s discarded clothes.

From the bed David chuckled, and Ben muttered to the scowling kitten, “Sorry, Elsa.”

Instantly David pushed up to his elbows. He quirked a brow Ben’s way. “Elsa?”

Caught, Ben looked into David’s eyes, all the while feeling his cheeks still burning with heat. “From the movie
Born Free
, about the lions. When I was a kid, there was a period where I watched it a lot,” he admitted but left out that it was the memory that tied him to the only good foster home he’d lived in as a child. “When I found out the kitten was a girl, that night I started thinking of her as Elsa.”

A soft smile graced David’s lips. “I hadn’t settled on a name for her yet. I like it.” Even softer, with pink dotting his cheeks, David added, “I like you.”

. Ben bit back a groan. “Don’t fucking kill me too early.” As he toed out of his work boots and jeans, he stroked his hand up the underside of his straining cock. He was so damned hard already. “Not this time. I have too many plans for us tonight.”

“I think I want those plans.” David’s entire frame tensed, though, and the red drained from his face, leaving him pale. “But I’m scared to let you fuck me. I’ve never done that before.”

Holy hell
. The man was one more confession away from melting Ben right into the floor.

Back in control, Ben shifted David’s leg and pressed a kiss to the bottom of his foot. “Only when you’re ready, honey.” He kissed his way up David’s calf and licked behind his knee, savoring the salty flavor of sweat embedded in David’s warm skin. “You’re not ready for me yet.” After kissing higher, up part of David’s inner thigh, Ben eased David’s legs wider apart and lifted his head to gain eye contact again. “But you will get accustomed to my fingers plying your ass.” He pushed two digits between David’s cheeks and softly teased his pucker. “And I’m gonna make you love it so much you can’t help but come.”

Ben pressed the tiniest bit harder on David’s hole, and David made a strangled noise and pulled himself up to the headboard, away from Ben.

Scowling, Ben grabbed David’s leg and pulled the man back to him. “Don’t retreat from me. I don’t like it. I haven’t given you any reason to be scared of me.” He crawled up, caging David in, and bit his mouth. “Quiet the fear in your head, David”—Ben reached down and stroked the full length of David’s granite-hard cock—“and trust what your body is showing us both it wants.”

Without giving David a chance to reply, Ben fused his mouth to David’s and swallowed any protest he might give. For the longest moment in the history of the world, David remained stiff and unresponsive. Ben kept brushing kiss after kiss after kiss across the man’s lips, and he switched from gripping David’s leg to rubbing the muscles coiled in his thighs. After a few more heartbeats of tension, David sank back into the bedding, licked into Ben’s mouth, and wound his arms around Ben’s waist, squeezing him tight.

Silently shouting in victory, Ben tangled his tongue with David’s, fighting a voracious battle he prayed they both would win. He scraped his hands up the sides of David’s long, lean torso, loving the cords of muscles that flexed everywhere he touched. David had the lightest smattering of blond hairs across his chest and down his belly, and Ben moaned as he tangled his fingers in those hairs and tugged hard. He loved body hair on a man.

With that sharp tug, David sucked in air and made a little noise. At the same time, he punched up his hips and smeared a line of precum against Ben’s stomach, giving away that his body liked the hint of pain even if it had shocked his sensibilities.

Back to fully hungry, Ben crushed his lips against David’s one last time, surely bruising the man’s mouth. Once he was satisfied some tenderness would stay on David’s lips, Ben licked down the man’s chin and along the column of his throat, savoring his musky, salty essence along the way. He sucked on David’s Adam’s apple and licked into the indentation below. In response, David swished his whole body into the bedding. His prick remained spike stiff, and Ben grinned. He grazed his lips across David’s chest and tugged at the downy hairs with his teeth.

This time, David squeezed his inner thighs against Ben’s hips, dug his fingers into Ben’s back, and breathily whispered, “Please, Ben. Please.”

Hearing that throaty plea transformed Ben from feeling like an all-powerful king to an immortal god. He did his best to ignore the deep throbbing in his cock and balls, a sensation that told him to fuck this man into unconsciousness right now and leave him ruined for any other man. Instead, his body hotter than Hades both inside and out, Ben continued to create a map with kisses across David’s torso and belly. Ben breathed David in and let the man’s earth-and-animal scent fuel his blood and keep his body poised to become one with David’s.

As Ben drew closer to David’s cock, each kiss to the man’s flesh elicited a quiver, exciting Ben to his core. Unable to go slow any longer, Ben swooped down, sucked David’s cockhead past his lips, and swirled his tongue all around the invasion, as if he’d never tasted a prick before.

David cried out and speared up for more, and Ben moaned as velvety-smooth, hot dick filled his mouth. During his dry spells, Ben often thought about sucking cock. He loved doing it and missed it when he didn’t get to worship another man’s penis. Ben valued the discipline within him that kept sexual interactions with strangers to an absolute minimum, though, so he rarely succumbed to those desires for anonymous sexual interaction.

BOOK: Foster Siblings 3: Brokedown Hearts
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