Read Forty-Eight Hour Burn Online

Authors: Tonya Ramagos

Forty-Eight Hour Burn (5 page)

BOOK: Forty-Eight Hour Burn
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“In due time, sweet thing. I’m still waiting.”

The cocky lift of his brow coupled with the tap of his toe to the side of her leg explained what he waited for. She spread her legs, wincing slightly at the uncomfortable pain in her knees. It heightened the growing sensation of embarrassment with her pussy opened to the elements of the room.

“Does it hurt?” Despite the concern of his question, his tone held no sympathy.

What happened to her friendly, compassionate Randy, her ally? She saw this Randy before, noticed often the ever-present, dominant danger in his charcoal eyes. Damned if it didn’t turn her on as much as the nice guy she first thought him to be.

“Some.” The first indication of desired humiliation flittered through her.

“Good. A little pain is what I want for you right now.”

“This is my punishment, isn’t it?”

“The start of it, yes.”

“You know why you’re being punished, don’t you, darlin’?” Gavin’s voice behind her breached her concentration on Randy and sent a fiery lace of double-edged, panic-lined need curling around her.

She started to turn, but thought better of it. Shifting her weight would only make her discomfort worse. She locked gazes with Randy and fought to keep the satisfaction from her expression as she answered Gavin. “Yes.”

They considered this punishment? Sure, the bite of pain in her knees and the icy air to her heated pussy made her uncomfortable, but the prize of sucking Randy’s cock made the sentence laughable. She swallowed, already anticipating the taste of his thick flesh in her mouth, of the long length down her throat.

“Put your hands on either side of my hips and hold onto the bench.” Randy waited for her to comply before he continued. “You are not to touch me with anything but that sweet mouth of yours. Now suck my cock, sweet thing.”






Chapter Three


Gavin enjoyed watching porn. What healthy guy below the age of eighty-five didn’t? Watching Georgia close her mouth around Randy’s dick, and then seeing the man’s shaft disappear as she sucked him all the way in and down her throat, proved a sight far better than any porn ever filmed.

He wished he thought to bring a camera into the bathroom. One sat in easy reach right outside the door on the dresser, but a chance to scope out the pearly gates couldn’t make him leave the reality show playing out in his bathroom long enough to fetch it.

His cock screamed in jealously. He expected the emotion, figured to be swamped with it, seeing his woman with another man’s dick lodged in her throat. Instead, he experienced a wave of that envy for an entirely different reason. He wanted to join.

“Amazing,” he whispered and sidestepped to get a better vantage point. “That’s so fucking beautiful.”

Georgia’s eyes were closed, her expression one of an intense concentration. She sucked Randy’s dick in slow, methodical strokes of her lips up and down his shaft, teasing, playing, and hungry, if the gradual increase of her movements served any indication.

“Christ, you should feel it!” Randy’s head fell back against the shower wall, his eyes heavy-lidded with the pleasure Georgia gave him.

“Oh, I will soon enough.” He wouldn’t be able to allow her control the way Randy did now, though.

That proved a difference between him and his buddy long ago. While Randy liked to dominate his women, he could go for a little give along with the take. Gavin only took. His woman would serve him in every way he bid, exactly as he told Georgia last night. His woman would submit to his desires without question or hesitation. In return, he would bathe her in pleasure so magnificent she would never doubt her need to obey him.

“Do you know the picture you make?” Georgia gave her head a little answering shake. “I was just thinking how I should get my video camera.” That got a surprised moan from her that might have been part protest. “The angle of your head as you take his cock down your throat, all that milky flesh of your neck exposed with your hair falling aside. You make it tempting to nibble on you while you’re feasting on him, Georgia.”

She moaned again, this time the sound an obvious plea.

“I said you make it tempting. I didn’t say I would do it. See, you would like that, wouldn’t you?”

“Mmhmm.” She paused with Randy’s cock halfway in her mouth and attempted to look at Gavin. With his position, he doubted she saw him.

“Neither of us told you to stop sucking.” Gavin made the statement a command, and she started again, her lips gliding down Randy’s shaft, easing up again. “I can’t give you what you want right now, darlin’. That would make light of your punishment.”

She whimpered, her movements slowing once more.

“Suck it deep, sweet thing.” Randy ground the words through clenched teeth. “I want to feel those luscious lips at the base of my cock. That’s it.” He drew a breath through his teeth. “Ah, yeah.”

“Sounds like you’ve got a wicked mouth, baby.” Gavin balled his hands into fists at his sides. The need to touch her, to sink his fingers into her hot pussy built an almost irresistible wall.

“Sinful is more like it,” Randy growled.

Gavin saw when Georgia started to move, her delectable stems inching closed. “You weren’t told to do that.”

She stilled, whimpering again, and he knew the punishment hit its mark. She had been enjoying herself despite the uncomfortable position. Her obvious rising arousal changed all that. Her milky flesh flushed as her need for pleasure escalated. The muscles in her thighs tensed, her butt cheeks flexing as she fought for control of her limbs. He angled his head and saw the gleam of moisture coating her bare pussy lips. Christ, Jesus, he had to look away before he dropped to his knees behind her and licked her dry.

“Why are you trying to close your legs?” He knew the answer, of course. He also knew asking her such questions would only tease her more. “Are you trying to put pressure on that swollen clit? Is your pussy flaming to be touched?” With each question, her movements increased. Her head bobbed up and down on Randy’s cock until the other man closed his eyes and rode the sensations of her fucking him with her mouth.

“We aren’t going to touch you. That’s part of the punishment. You can’t orgasm. You don’t have permission.”

She sobbed, and this time, it tore at his heart. She would be teetering on a precipice right about now, a suck and a breath from crumbling. Her strangled cry sounded on the verge of true tears, but her movements didn’t stop, didn’t slow.
Good girl
. He would reward her for that later.

“We’re going to teach you to control your release, to ask for that pleasure.” She stiffened, straightened, and shifted her weight, all the while maintaining her rhythm. She didn’t attempt to close her legs again, but instead thrust her ass out. Gavin nearly whimpered.

“Oh, darlin’, you have such a perfect ass. I can’t wait to get hold of you there.”

She froze, her eyes flying open in what might have been surprise, but damned sure looked like terror.

“Well, now, it appears I struck something there.” He leaned against the wall behind him and crossed his arms as he watched her. “Keep sucking, Georgia, unless you want this punishment to turn harder.” When she began again, he continued. “The ease of this discipline is that you can control when it ends. It might be the only chance we give you.”

He felt a twinge of guilt for the white lie but quashed it. In truth, Randy held total power over when the punishment came to an end. “All you have to do is make Randy come, and it’s over. Then we’ll shower and move on with our events for the day.”

Making Randy come, however, wouldn’t be as easy as Gavin made it sound. Like Gavin, Randy had been trained by a skilled dominatrix. Both men could hold off an orgasm until they were good and ready to blow their wad. He didn’t think Georgia knew of that small detail.

“Still, you aren’t sucking him faster,” Gavin observed. “Do you enjoy sucking cock that much, Georgia?”

“Mmhmm,” she said again, and when she didn’t resume the pace she set before he made mention of taking her ass, Randy fisted his hand in her head and did it for her.

Gavin lifted a brow as he watched his friend take over the movements of Georgia’s head. Could he be that close to losing it? Gavin never saw it happen, but with the way they both felt about Georgia, he knew it to be likely. Hell, he came close to exploding like a freaking rocket in the truck on the drive over.

Whether intentional or because he truly lost it, Gavin couldn’t say, but he knew when Randy filled Georgia’s mouth full of cum. His friend grunted his release, his hips lifting off the bench to meet the rapid bob of Georgia’s head, thrusting as she continued to suck.

Gavin’s gaze dropped between Georgia’s wide-spread legs, to the string of cum that dangled from her pussy to the shower floor. The desire to taste her, to bury his face between her legs made him light-headed.

When he tore his gaze back up, he watched Randy use his hold on her hair to pull her head up, bending his as he slammed his mouth to hers.


* * * *


“Did you come?” Randy whispered the question against Georgia’s lips, the smell of his breath a mixture of the sticky-sweet release she swallowed and the faint remnants of minty toothpaste.

Georgia shook her head and instigated another kiss, not yet ready to let him go. She needed the contact, burned for the passion she felt transferring from his mouth to hers. Her release teetered on the edge of a tattered string. One touch and that string would break. One touch and she would shatter in a delicious wave of orgasmic ecstasy.

He broke the kiss, pulling back to meet her gaze, and she couldn’t stop the pleading words that spilled from her lips. “Touch me. Please, touch me.”

Randy shook his head, apology glinting in his eyes. “I can’t.”

“You can!” she insisted. “At least turn the egg back on. I can’t stand it. I need to come.” She felt she might die if she didn’t find release soon. Everything inside her flamed with the need to find fulfillment, to experience the body convulsing bliss only stimulation to her channel could give her.

“I can’t do that, either, sweet thing. The control is in the living room.”

Georgia growled, the sound fit for a lioness headed into battle. Randy chuckled. The devil!

“You can touch yourself.” It wouldn’t help, and he knew it. She saw that keen knowledge in the blackened depths of his gaze. No matter how close to explosion she might be, her own touch would offer her little relief. Only his or Gavin’s would suffice. “You’ll have to. I want you to remove the egg from your pussy.”

Georgia shook her head. “You do it.”

Randy’s eyes turned cool, his expression taking on a stern look she grew accustomed to seeing on Gavin’s handsome face. “Are you defying me, Georgia?”

The question sent a ripple of excited alarm racing down her spine. Something rebellious and naughty inside her wanted to answer yes. Fear of the punishment he might give her compelled her to huff out a breath. “Fine. How do I take it out?”

“Just like you would a tampon. Reach between your legs and tug on the cord.”

“Touch only the cord,” Gavin added from behind her. “No pleasuring yourself.”

If glares could puncture, Georgia was certain the one she shot him over her shoulder would have penetrated that gorgeously arrogant flesh of his. Randy’s instruction had been different and Gavin knew it. Randy would have allowed her to touch. Forget that they already established a wordless communication that it would do her little good. Gavin, however, obviously planned not to give her an inch of space.

“You’re evil.” She narrowed her eyes at him as she stuck her hand between her legs and found the cord.

Gavin’s lips slid into a grin that bordered on boyish amusement. “I’m just getting started, darlin’.”

The feeling of abandonment came instantly as Georgia pulled the egg from her clinching womb. Need intensified to an almost unbearable height, but she came close enough to begging already. She would not allow them the satisfaction of doing that anymore right now.

Eyes still narrowed, she handed the toy to Gavin. Her eyes widened, and she stifled the beg she refused to speak when he brought the egg to his lips and licked her thick juices off the surface.

“That’s what you want, isn’t it?” His tongue traced the shape of the egg, teasing her, making her pussy weep for the same treatment. “Tell me what you want, Georgia. Better yet, ask for what you want. We can’t know what you want unless you ask us to do it.”

Oh, they could know, and they did. She harbored no doubt about them apples. Making her ask for what she wanted, hearing her say the crudely sexy words was all a part of the pleasure for them. And for her, she silently admitted.

“Will you do that for me?” She let her gaze fall pointedly to the egg he held in front of his mouth.

Gavin lifted a brow. “Do what for you?”

“Lick my…” Georgia gulped, the word sticking somewhere deep in her throat. It shouldn’t be so hard to say, to ask. She spoke just as crudely to Randy moments ago when she voiced all she wanted to do to his cock. Innocence became a thing of the past a long time ago, not that she had ever been that bashful to start. On the flipside, articulating all the thoughts in her head got stuck somewhere between her good-girl upbringing and her siren needs for the down and dirty.

BOOK: Forty-Eight Hour Burn
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