Read Fortune Knocks Once Online

Authors: Elizabeth Delavan

Fortune Knocks Once (9 page)

BOOK: Fortune Knocks Once
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Charlotte cast surreptitious glances at Colin as her attention repeatedly strayed from the housekeeper and her questions.


All I can envision is my naked body laid out for him.


He made faces at her between answering his steward’s inquiries.


Then Colin gave her a lascivious grin and waggled his eyebrows at her, leaving no doubt of his improper thoughts and wishes. She knew this was their signal to steal away, each to retire separately to their bedchamber where they would meet up to exhaust themselves in enthusiastic passion.


As the housekeeper finished, Charlotte gave her a quick nod of the head and without another word turned and moved toward the state bedroom she shared with Colin.


Colin lingered only seconds longer as he gave a few instructions to the steward and then sprinted for the doorway opposite to the one Charlotte had exited.


The housekeeper and steward stood still for several seconds not speaking, looking at the floor. Then they both lifted their heads and looked at each other. The steward lifted his brows in amusement, the housekeeper’s mouth slowly broke into a grin and then they both burst into raucous laughter.


“They are a bonny couple, no doubt,” laughed the steward.


“Did ya’ think they heard a word we said, either one,” the housekeeper said while wiping the tears from her eyes.


“And it’s missing dinner they’ll be, I’d wager heavily.”


“No takers on that one, sir. It’s often they miss dinner.”


Neither Charlotte nor Colin had ever noticed the subtle smiles exchanged by the servants over their romantic interludes, which was all for the better. Charlotte had thoughts only for Colin and he was lost in the foggy haze of a carnal lust and hunger that seemed to grow the more it was indulged.


Later that night, in bed, he turned her over gently and nudged her shoulder. “It’s your turn luv.”


She gave him a long look from beneath her tousled hair and languorous drooping eyelids.


Do not make me get up. I just want to sleep.


“Come on, I’m filthy. You know I cannot sleep with the dirt of the estate all over me. Call my bath. As lord of the castle, I demand it,” he almost shouted imperiously. She gave him a playful shove and an indignant look as she rose from the bed.


It was their ritual. They took turns bathing each other, dressing each other, exploring every inch of the other’s body. There was no part of him that she hadn’t adored and caressed and he had loved her with a vigor and enthusiasm unlike anything he had known before.


The following morning, Colin strolled into the bedroom as Charlotte was moving about the room, dressing slowly and contentedly. He moved behind her and swiftly kissed the back of her neck, exposed by her dressing gown. Then he turned her around so they were facing each other.


He gently brushed the hair from her face. “We need to return to London, luv,” Colin informed her somberly. “A letter arrived from my solicitor today. Your uncle is saying you were kidnapped and are being held against your will.


“We need to return to London, make a great fuss of moving in Society and deal with this directly before the gossip runs wild,” he declared, even as he moved to call the servants and begin packing for their trip.


She gazed after him with an uneasy foreboding that caused her to shiver unconsciously as she slowly moved to continue dressing so she could help him prepare for their trip.





Chapter Ten

Charlotte sat in the first floor sitting room of Colin’s London townhouse unsuccessfully attempting to read. After their late arrival in London the night before, Colin had risen quite early and gone out while Charlotte had languished in bed several hours longer.


Feeling unsure of herself and out of sorts with Colin for not explaining his plans for the day, she had alternated all morning between reading and staring wistfully out the window, wishing Colin would return. Her shoulders were slumped and her body drooped in melancholy uneasiness. Just being in London again made her remember the awful years with her uncle.


Can I not amuse myself anymore? Goodness, I have become an inexcusably clinging creature. He leaves for a morning and I am bereft. At least in my uncle’s house I could enjoy my solitude.


“Lady Elizabeth Seymour, ma’ lady,” said Gil looming in the doorway of the sitting room.


Charlotte’s head jerked up at Gil’s announcement and her face flushed with panic. The last thing Charlotte had expected today was to be confronted with visitors. With a confused and apprehensive look, she rose from her chair and moved forward to greet the blonde, blue-eyed goddess who entered the room. The woman looked to be about the same age as Charlotte but there all similarities vanished.


She was wearing a gorgeous, dark-purple coat dress with three tiers of pleated ruffles circling the neck and another pleated ruff standing upright and framing her regally held neck and head. The sleeves of the coat sported four poufs from shoulder to wrist accented with dainty ribbons.


A cotton lawn bonnet of eyelet lace, ribbon and silk flowers completed the ensemble, which made Charlotte feel like running from the room to hide her shabby, unfashionable attire.





“Charlotte, I am so happy to make myself known to you. I hope that I may call you Charlotte? I couldn’t be happier for Colin. When he told me about your marriage and asked me to come today I was delighted to do so.


“I am sorry to intrude but I couldn’t wait.” Lady Elizabeth said as she approached with both arms outstretched to clasp Charlotte’s hands in her own.


“Who s-s-s-sent you?” Charlotte asked, her voice quivering in panic.


Did this vision of loveliness say Colin, her Colin, had sent her here? And what is her design in coming?


“But Colin, of course. Did he not tell you I was coming?” Lady Elizabeth asked.


She calls him Colin??!!


Charlotte shook her head.


“Oh, that dratted man! That is just like Colin. Is he not the most frustrating male imaginable? Then you must think me terribly presumptuous?”


Who is this woman? Colin has no living female relatives to speak of.


Charlotte’s heart sank to her stomach as she contemplated the other relationship this beautiful woman and Colin could enjoy. Charlotte just stared at her wondering how to ask what she most wanted to know and realizing there was no polite way to do so.


He surely wouldn’t present his, his… his wife? Would he?


Seeing the dismay in Charlotte’s eyes, Lady Elizabeth’s face immediately changed from eager anticipation to concern.


“Whatever is the matter dear? Do you not know who I am? Do not tell me that he didn’t explain me? You can’t think that Colin and I…? Oh no, no, no, we are good friends, nothing more, never anything more.


“Colin was kind to me when I first came to London. It was a terrible time for me and I desperately needed a friend. That is why he knew he could enlist my help for you.”


Lady Elizabeth took a deep breath and held out her hand to Charlotte. “We must become the best of friends Charlotte. Colin is like a brother to me and now you must be as a sister to me. What do you say?” she said softly.


“I w-would like that,” Charlotte whispered quietly, mortified that Lady Elizabeth could read her thoughts so well. Charlotte slowly took her hand. Her face softened and she smiled tentatively.


I’ve never had a sister…or a friend.


“All settled then. Let us not bother ourselves with him anymore. We must make you ready and do it quickly. She chattered away circling Charlotte and slowly examining her front to back, head to toe. “And aren’t you a darling – so young and fresh looking.”


“R-r-ready for wh-wh-what?” Charlotte murmured.


“Ready to meet London and establish Colin as the most romantic madcap man in all of Britian for snatching you up and stealing you away as he did. Does that sound like a good story for the poisonous tongues of this town?”


Charlotte nodded her head.


“But still and all, it is clear we do have much work to do,” she said seriously. Charlotte stood there woodenly and awkward, feeling like an attraction in a freak show.


See the strange and unusual creature, right this way.


“Now you must not be offended at anything I say. Friends can say anything to each other, can’t they?” She gave Charlotte a warm smile that had just a hint of doubt.


Charlotte nodded her head in agreement and they gazed at each other for several seconds before they both broke into slight giggles.


“You must call me Lizzie, all my friends do.”


Charlotte nodded shyly.


“Let us sit and discuss our battle strategy.” Lizzie said as she yanked the pull to call for tea and then quickly conveyed her request to Gil when he appeared. Gil raised his eyebrows in surprise at her take-charge manner and glanced at Charlotte. When Charlotte shrugged her shoulders and gave him a sheepish grin, he immediately left to carry out the woman’s orders.


“Colin says we are to start shopping immediately and I certainly won’t argue with that.” Lizzie said with glee. “I will love sponsoring you in London and overseeing your debut, but we haven’t any time to lose if we are to be ready for tomorrow night.”


“T-t-tomorrow n-ni-ni-night?” Charlotte squeaked and gave her a questioning look.


“When Colin asked me to take you in hand and launch you into Society I could think of nothing more likely to cure my ennui and make this Season an utter delight. There is absolutely no reason not to start immediately and so we will begin with Lady Kirchdale’s musicale tomorrow night. Not a full debut, mind you, just a teasing glimpse of the elusive new Marchioness of Ormonde!”


Lizzie guided Charlotte over to the settee and they perched next to one another on the edge, with their backs straight and formal. Charlotte was uncomfortable and fretted with her dress, unsure how to talk to this friendly but strange woman sitting next to her with whom she had nothing in common.

BOOK: Fortune Knocks Once
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