Flutter (The Discover Series) (39 page)

BOOK: Flutter (The Discover Series)
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I could feel my heart sinking and I wondered if this is what he felt like when he thought of Scott and me together.

He made a frustrated sound and roughly covered his face with his hands before sliding them through his hair and turning away from me again.  I couldn’t say anything just yet while I tried to let what I was learning sink in. It never occurred to me that Adan could be someone else’s and the truth of that made a knot of agony form inside my stomach.

When I finally found my voice
I was talking to his back. “It’s hard enough continuing to see you after Scott asked me not too any-”

“Woah, wait a minute, he told you not to see me anymore.”

“I said he
me not too.”

“And what did you say?”

“What do you mean what did I say?”

“Exactly what I said Sara,
what did you say?”

“I told
him he could trust me.” I felt guilty all over again and it was only added to when I thought I could now be hurting someone else too. “You didn’t answer me Adan. I can’t stand to think I could be-”

“I don’t have a girlfriend Sara.” He said softly, cutting me off.

My heart skipped a beat with relief. “You don’t?”

He turned around finally and took a step closer, closing the distance between us. “There is no one else Sara.”

I searched his eyes. “I believe you.”

He looked torn and I wanted to ask him why, but he was walking away from me.

“Where are you going?”

“We should get back. I don’t want your uncle to worry about you.”

He was right, Andres was probably freaking out by now and I had left my cell in my car, but I didn’t want to leave things like this. When I didn’t move to follow him, he turned around, giving me one of his adorable smiles.

“Are you waiting to be carried?”

I took a deep breath, pretending to think it over. Covering a yawn, I said. “I am a little tired.”

He closed the distance between us. He reminded me of a dangerous jungle cat. “You’re aware that it’s dangerous to joke with me when it comes to having you in my arms.”

To prove his point he had me swept up in his arms before I could blink. I let out a small squeal when I know longer felt the ground beneath my feet. I was being cradled in the safety of his arms and once again I was hit hard with the memory. How could something this strongly familiar be something I was imagining?

I looked up into his face, wanting him to confirm it, but he just stared back at me.

“You know, sometimes I have the strangest feeling that we have met before and it drives me crazy that I can’t figure out why.”

“Is that a line?” He joked.

I couldn’t help, but laugh out loud. “I’m serious. Don’t you feel it?” I asked him seriously.

“Once upon a dream maybe.”

“I don’t dream about you.”
Nightmares where you’re being swallowed by black fog yes.
I quickly pushed away the memory. I didn’t want to think about that right now, but ignoring it was going to be a little harder. I could feel the crawling sensation around my ankle.

He had an intense look of concentration on his face and I was curious to know what had caused it.

“Adan? What’s wrong?”

Nothing.” He shook his head pulling himself back. “What were we talking about? Oh right, you dreaming about me. Care to share any details?”

I ignored his question. “It was something. That was some pretty serious focusing you had going on.”

“I was just wondering how you’ve been sleeping lately?”

“Is that your polite way of saying I look tired?”

“It’s my way
of saying I’m worried about you.”

I shrugged. “Andres has me working out harder these days. I think it’s just catching up to me.” I hated lying, but the truth about my sleepless nights was so much worse.

I was actually enjoying the kickboxing. The exhilaration from our workout was intoxicating and I looked forward to them now. I had started doing them on my own on the mornings I didn’t workout with Andres. I was surprised at how well my body was adapting to the moves.

“Why does he have you kickboxing?”

I frowned. “Did I say kickboxing?” I couldn’t remember…

He didn’t skip a beat. “I thought so. I guess I just assumed.”

“That’s so weird, I was just…”


“I was just thinking about the kickboxing lessons. Andres has me learning some kind of Thai training.”

“Muay Thai?”

“Yep, you’ve heard of it?”

“Yeah, it’s pretty extreme. How are you doing in that?” He sounded a little skeptical of my ability to pull off the complex training.

“I’m not sure I like the way you asked that.” I said with an arch of my brow.

He laughed. “I’m sorry. I just know that’s it’s an intense type of fighting. You’re so…” his eyes traveled down the length of my body and I was left with the smoldering heat.

“I’m holding my own thank you very much. I’m sure I could take you down.” I said defensively planting my hands on the flare of my hips.

His blue eyes burned brightly. “I’m trying to decide.”

“What?” my voice came out breathy as a side effect from his smoldering gaze.

“Whether I want to perceive that as a threat or a promise.” His body swayed toward mine and I wondered how we managed not to be caught in a blaze of flames.

I swallowed hard, and my body grew hotter under his intense stare. “I’d take it as a threat if I were you. Muay Thai is no joke and neither am I.” I tried to make the conversation light, hoping to extinguish some of the heat he created.

“I believe that.” I tried to control the tremble, but failed.


“Have I told you how much pleasure I take in the way you respond to me? If not, I do. Immensely.”

“I hadn’t realized I responded to you in any particular way.”


“Liar.” He didn’t skip a beat and he seemed to be in complete sync with my mind. “Haven’t we played this game before? I mean don’t get me wrong, I’d be more then happy to play it again. Like I said, I enjoy the way you respond to me.” He suggested enticingly.

“Playing games with you is like playing with fire.”

“Dangerous, but exciting as hell.” His grin was slow, teasing, sexy. “I guess that makes us two of a kind. Fire playing with fire.”

More like ice playing with fire.” I countered.

He laughed. “And which one of us is fire and which one of us is ice?”

“I think that’s obvious.”

“Are you sure about that? Because you burn pretty hot.”

“I forgot what we were talking about.”

He smiled. “Why does Andres have you learning Muay Thai?"

“He says its ‘good for me to know’, but I don’t believe him.”

“Why not?”

“Because of everything that’s happened-” I stopped short.


He looked concern. “What happened?”

“It’s nothing really. He just wants to make sure I can protect myself.”

“That doesn’t sound like nothing. Does he think you’re in danger or something?”

“No it’s nothing like that.” I quickly tried to change the subject. “You can put me down now.” I told him. He didn’t seem to be struggling, but I was starting to feel self-conscious now that I realized I was still in his arms. “I’m sure I’m starting to get heavy.”

He laughed at me. “Right. You’re avoiding.”

“No, but I’m no longer suggesting. Can you put me down now?” I said ignoring him.

Slowly he let me slide down the front of his body and it was like match being struck. My body started to smolder and burn. “Only, because I wanted to do that.” He let me go and I swayed a little. He held on to me until I had regained my balance.

“Thanks.” I said pulling away avoiding eye contact. “We should be heading back now.”

Before I could turn away he had a finger under my chin lifting my face to look at him. “Promise me something?”


“Promise me that you will tell me if you’re in danger.”

“Adan-” He stopped me before I could protest.

“Promise me.” He said firmly.

“Okay.” I agreed.

“Promise me.” He said softly.

He didn’t play fair. “I promise.”

He looked pleased. “Thank you. Now let’s get you home.”

He twirled me around, nudging me






It didn’t take us long to get back to my car.

I was far from ready to let the night be over, but I was already dreading the confrontation I knew would be waiting for me at home. I wanted to ignore my cell, give Andres a little more worry time, if he didn’t want to tell me what there was to be worried about, why should I make it easier on him. I knew how that sounded, I knew I was being a brat, but if it was something that he had me training to take on an army for, why should I be the last one to know?

When we reached my Jetta, I hit the button to unlock the doors and pulled it open.

“I need to check my cell really fast.” I explained bending over and pulling out the thin mobile phone from my bag.

“Take your time.” I heard him mutter behind me. I chose to ignore his suggested tone.

Hitting the button on the side, the phone lit up and I slid my finger over the screen to unlock it. Groaning, I ducked out of the car and turned to lean in the crook of the open door.

“Worse then we had thought?” He asked leaning against the car as well.

“Way worse.” I said showing him the lit up phone.

He made a face and whistled. “Ouch. Someone is in trouble.” He said reading the
missed calls.

“Thanks.” I said with a pout. “It’s your fault.”

He laughed. “I hope you plan on leaving that part out when explaining your where a bouts tonight. Here’s an idea,” He held up his hand placing his finger against his temple, “let’s blame it on Scott.”

“Ha, ha.” I said sarcastically. “Geez, I’m so glad he doesn’t know how to use text.” The phone went off in my
hand, buzzing wildly, as Andre

number displayed across the screen. I hit ignore, annoyed, before shutting off the screen and tossing the phone into the driver seat.

“So it’s really that bad?” He asked observing my behavior.


“Whatever he did to deserve this punishment.”

“Are you taking his side?” I said shocked.

“Easy.” He said hold his hands up. “How can I take sides when you won’t tell me what’s going on?” He asked innocently. “I just sympathize-”

I opened my mouth to defend my actions, but he was talking over my attempted interruption.

“I’m just saying- I would hate to be on the end of your cold shoulder.”

I narrowed my eyes at him. “Let this be a lesson then. Beware.” I had meant it as a joke, but Adan suddenly looked regretful. “I was joking.” I said.

“I’ve been officially warned.” He said softly, his smile almost sad.

“I don’t think you have anything to be worried about.” I was hoping to lighten his mood. I didn’t like seeing him upset, even if I didn’t understand why.

“Why is that?”

I just couldn’t imagine anything you could possibly do, to make me that upset with you.”

He looked hopeful. “Let’s hope I can keep it that way, but just in case, can you do me a favor?” He leaned away from the car and closing the small distance between us, until the tips of his shoes touched mine.

The way he was looking at me, I would have agreed to anything. “Your favors seem to be stacking up, but tell me and I’ll think about it.”

He grinned. “Remember this feeling,” I gave him a puzzled look. “Remember what is feels like to not imagine being angry with me. Can you do that for me? Just on the off chance that I may need it on my side in the future. Insurance if you need to label it, collateral damage.”

“That’s a pretty big favor.”

“I know, but I’m good for it. I promise.”

“Okay.” I agreed. I was going to pretend that his irresistible way with words had nothing to do with my decision. “I better go. I have major damage control to do.”

He nodded, but made no attempts to move. ”I guess that means having to say goodbye.”

“That is what’s customary in most situations.” I said. “Or we can say goodnight.”

“I like goodnight better.”

“So do I.”

“So it’s decided. We’re saying goodnight.”

“Not goodbye.”

There was nothing left for me to do, but the actual leaving part, which neither one of us wanted to do.”

BOOK: Flutter (The Discover Series)
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