Read Flirting in Traffic Online

Authors: Beth Kery

Flirting in Traffic (15 page)

BOOK: Flirting in Traffic
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“God, you’re sexy, honey.”

Esa clenched her eyes shut, taken by surprise by the emotion that crashed through her at what she’d heard in his tone. She bent and drew her panties over her thighs. By the time she’d stepped out of them she’d gained a measure of control over her feelings.

She turned to face him with a newfound pride. That’s what the sound of the pure, raw desire in Finn’s deep voice had given her just now. She stood still while his gaze ran over her belly and hips, lingering between her thighs, scorching her in the process. When he just nodded once toward her chest, seemingly incapable of speaking for the moment, she unfastened her bra and slipped it off her shoulders.

“Come here,” he said hoarsely after a moment.

Chapter Fifteen

Esa walked toward him, her heart hammering loudly in her ears, pausing just inside his spread thighs. She made a little strangled sound of arousal when he put his hands on her waist and pulled her to him. She stared down at him in helpless desire as his blond head moved forward. His nose and lips almost skimmed the skin of her stomach…almost. He remained a fraction of an inch away from her as he moved his head over her and inhaled deeply.

,” she groaned, completely a prisoner of her desire at that moment.

“I love the way you smell,” he muttered, more to himself than to her. He planted a single hot kiss on her bellybutton. Her abdominal muscles quivered in longing at the simple caress. Her fingers came up to tangle in his soft collar-length hair as he pressed his lips along her stomach and hips, tasting her occasionally with his agile tongue, taking love bites from her curving flesh. His hands lowered to explore her buttocks, shaping and molding her into his palms.

If another man had been doing it, Esa likely would have felt self-conscious about her body. But Finn’s warm, cherishing mouth and caressing hands made her feel so rich in her femininity, so soft, so beautiful.

When he scraped his teeth along a lower rib her nipples pulled unbearably tight. Before she knew what he was about he grabbed her wrists and pushed her hands toward her breasts.

“Hold them up for me,” he said, his light blue eyes gleaming silver in the dim light as he looked up at her.

She hesitated only a second before she gathered her breasts in her hands, cradling them from below. Her face tightened with mixed arousal and poignant emotion when he leaned forward and slipped an erect nipple between his lips.

He watched her for a moment as he drew on her breast so sweetly. She clamped her thighs together to still the ache he wrought. His tongue was a warm, abrasive lash one second, a sleek soothing glide the next. Her hands trembled around her breasts. She closed her eyes and moaned when he transferred his mouth to her other nipple and moved his hands to the backs of her thighs. He reached into the tight crevice, coaxing her to part for him.

,” Esa cried out in helpless abandon when he slid a finger into her slit. He lifted his head a fraction of an inch from her glossy, erect nipple.

“You’re so wet,” he praised, his voice thick with lust.

Without consciously realizing she did it, Esa plumped her breasts in her hands, offering herself to him for further ravishment. He accepted her offer eagerly, dipping his head and drawing on her nipple with a steady, firm suction, palming her left buttock and lifting her flesh in order to make an easier passage for a second finger.

Esa’s eyes shot open when he worked the first well-lubricated finger through her labia and rubbed her moist, sensitive tissues. Moments later the simmering fire in her flesh flashed into a blinding explosion.

“Shhhh,” Finn whispered softly as his lips brushed against her temple. Esa blinked in disorientation. She was lying on her back on Finn’s bed and he leaned over her, still wearing his unfastened jeans. Her breath passed raggedly over her lips in the aftermath of her orgasm.

“Oh my God, that felt so good,” she mumbled as her hands rose to touch his beautiful golden body. She could feel his hard penis pressed against her thigh. It emanated heat, driving her wild. She reached for him.

But he thwarted her attempts by grabbing both her wrists and pushing them to the mattress above her head.

“What are you doing?” she asked, miffed at being denied the treat of caressing his lean, well-defined muscles gloved in thick, smooth skin or stroking his long, shapely cock.

“I’m tired of your teasing me all the time. I told you I was the boss here in bed.” Although his look was hard, his lips curved into a sexy grin. “And the boss says you have to keep your hands above your head.”


“You don’t want to find out,” he told her pointedly. Esa rolled her eyes.

But she didn’t move her hands.

Instead she lay there in growing trepidation and anticipation as he knelt between her knees and deliberately spread her thighs wide. Her hips shifted restlessly.


“Yes?” he asked as he looked up at her.

Esa swallowed heavily. She experienced a strange brew of paradoxical emotions. She wanted to close her legs and lower her hands to cover her vulnerable core. She also felt a powerful desire to remain spread like that for Finn—stretched open wide. Her fingers clutched desperately to each other when he began to lean down over her, his eyes on her face.

“I-I don’t think that—”

think. No running this time, Esa,” he told her softly. He opened his large hands on her thighs, keeping her spread wide, and lowered his head.

And Esa forgot how to breathe.

She stared up at the ceiling wide-eyed, seeing nothing as sensation flooded her awareness. Nothing could distract her from the intense feelings that Finn’s firm, agile tongue or sublime suction wrought on her flesh. He’d taken away all possibility of action, holding her firmly so that her hips couldn’t squirm away from his exquisite, deliberate torture. She couldn’t even hold his head to her, cherish him, attenuate the pressure when it became overwhelming.

She just had to take it. And it was so,

Finn growled low and feral a while later when she arched up off the bed, her muscles flexing almost unbearably tight as she came. He nursed her through the roughest part of her storm while she cried out and whimpered and her fingernails pressed crescent shapes into her palms.

She watched through heavy eyelids as he rose up over her and dove for the bedside table. Her body throbbed with a dull, heavy ache. When Finn shoved his jeans and underwear to his thighs she realized just how aroused he was. He wasted no time in sliding on a condom and positioning himself.

She cried out sharply when he arrowed into her in one stroke, hard and true. He shouted out simultaneously and dropped his cheek to her shoulder, pressing his lips to her neck. Esa waited anxiously as her body accustomed itself to his presence and Finn’s warm breath struck her in rapid puffs of air. He lifted his head slowly when she caressed his shoulders and back.

“Put your arms back on the bed, Esa,” he ordered.

Her eyes went wide. She slowly replaced her hands above her head on the bed.

His cock throbbed inside her.

He came up off her upper body, leaning on his muscular arms. Esa panted shallowly as he pinned her with his stare and began to move.

After a moment, Esa closed her eyes. It was really too much for her to bear. Pleasure swamped her. His cock filled her so perfectly, rubbing and agitating deep, secret, virgin flesh. But it wasn’t just that. Watching him as he watched her, feeling him merge with her so completely…it felt like the most intimate moment she’d ever experienced.

And Esa didn’t know what to make of that.

He allowed her the small escape of shutting her eyes for a while as he built the friction in her all over again. But then he changed the angle of his assault on her senses and slammed into her more forcefully.

“Open your eyes,” she heard him demand in an uneven, rough voice.

She followed his command, her face clenching with desire at the sight of him. He held his long, lean beautiful body off her with his hands on the headboard behind her. Their pelvises smacked against each other briskly with each downward plunge of his long, deliberate thrusts. His golden torso gleamed with a coat of perspiration.

When she looked into his heavy-lidded gaze his formerly smooth, long strokes became delicious, fast jabs. His handsome face tightened at the amplified pleasure.

“Come, Esa. Come with me.”

Esa jerked her head back and screamed, submitting to his command without conscious thought, climaxing powerfully. Finn roared as he joined her. He continued to pump into her hard and fast throughout his own orgasm, the sensation of his spasming, thrusting cock giving her the longest, most explosive orgasm she’d ever experienced in her life.

He collapsed on top of her, panting heavily. Esa finally moved her arms, stroking his back languorously, loving the feel of his weight on her and the bursts of his breath on her shoulder. Eventually his ragged gasps slowed and evened and he resituated himself more comfortably on top of her. He groaned when she lightly scraped his skin with her nails.

A heavy, warm sensation settled into Esa’s limbs. She felt her body sinking…sinking further into the mattress, further into this drowsy, delicious fog.

“Finn?” she muttered sleepily.

He lifted his head to look at her.

“You were right,” she whispered. She saw him quirk up one brow slightly in query. “I should let you have the driver’s seat more often. At least when we’re not in a car.”

Esa struggled to keep her eyelids open in order to see his growing smile.


“Yes,” she mumbled.

“Go to sleep.”


And just like that she did.

The sun shone brightly through Finn’s floor-to-ceiling windows when Esa blinked her eyes open groggily the next morning. She stirred lazily, only to sit up when she realized Finn wasn’t in bed with her. She’d slept without dreams last night, warm and content within the circle of his arm.

At dawn she’d awakened to see his gaze on her. They’d made love again, slowly and sweetly, and in the end with a wild, intense abandon.

Afterward Esa had stared out the window as panic rose slowly in her breast. Eventually she’d joined Finn again in sleep. But this time her rest had been haunted by anxious dreams.

She was falling in love with him. Last night had signaled the treacherous moment when she crossed that line that led from cautionary infatuation to dangerous devotion.

Esa groaned softly and fell back on the bed.

She must have fallen under some kind of spell last night to let down her guard so completely. Maybe there was magic in the air on All Hallow’s Eve. Because in the blazing light of day the events of last night—the memories of their passionate, soulful lovemaking—took on the quality of a dream.

It hurt knowing that while she’d fallen for him for all his wonderful characteristics, he’d given no clear indication that he cared for anything besides the convenient mutual sexual gratification that was behind their initial hook-up, an opportunity for some self-soothing rebound sex.

But surely there was more to it than that for him. Last night—his touch, his intensity, the raw need in his tone when he’d said her name.

All things that were easily ascribable to lust, Esa reminded herself grimly.

She jumped when the bathroom door opened. She was surprised to see that Finn had showered and dressed. He looked thoroughly edible in a pair of faded jeans and a light blue t-shirt that highlighted his lean, muscular torso, healthy tan and brilliant blue eyes to breathtaking effect.

“Do you have to go in to work?” she murmured when he came over to the bed and sat down.

He nodded before he leaned down and gifted her with one of his slow, hot, patentable kisses.

“I don’t want to but I need to—at least for part of the day. We have a lot to do before we open that express lane for Monday morning traffic,” he said softly next to her lips a few seconds later.

“It seemed just perfect to me.”

“Monday morning traffic is a bit more complicated to consider than one red-headed speed demon in a Ferrari,” he teased her warmly. He delved his fingers in her hair and studied the way it looked in his hand for a silent moment. “You were going to tell me something about a misunderstanding last night. Remember?”

“Oh, right. I guess I forgot with everything else that happened,” Esa said, trepidation jolting through her at his unexpected words.

He met her gaze and smiled. “It’s okay. You sort of made me forget about everything else too. So what was it that you wanted to tell me?”

Esa swallowed uneasily. “It…it actually all started with that car.”

His forehead scrunched in confusion. “The car? Your Ferrari?”

“Well the thing about it is, see, it’s not really
car. Those license plates and everything—SXKITN69.
As if
,” Esa rolled her eyes, her nervousness increasing when Finn’s gaze narrowed on her. “And—you’ll think this part is funny,” she said, although the last thing Finn looked like doing at that moment was laughing, “I’m not really the publisher of
Metro Sexy

“Why did you tell me you were, then?”

“Well, I never really did. You just

He gave her a strange, unreadable look and straightened. “I assumed that because your name was on the office door and you were sitting behind your desk.”

Esa bit her lip anxiously as she sat up in bed, securing the sheet around her breasts. It sounded even worse than she’d expected when she said it out loud. But she’d started now—she couldn’t stop. “That’s not my office. It’s my sister Rachel’s office. Everybody calls
Kitten. It’s her Ferrari.
the publisher of
Metro Sexy
. My offices are actually in Orland Park. I’m a physician.”

BOOK: Flirting in Traffic
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