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Authors: A Nichols

FlakJacket (12 page)

BOOK: FlakJacket
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Jordan spent most of the morning and early afternoon getting David’s affairs in order. He dealt with the insurance company and had the spill cleaned up. He discussed some problems with shipping that came up in the office. Periodically, he would receive a text message from Myrna that things were moving slowly along in the hospital. David had been cleared for surgery on his hand and arm and had even been awake one time, knowing who she was and apologizing profusely for his actions toward her and the baby.

There were no messages from Madison; that was not a good thing. Jordan got into his car and drove back to the hospital as soon as he could to wait with Myrna. Madison had taken a taxi and gone home right before he arrived; he didn’t have a good feeling about that. He messaged her that he would be home as soon as he could. His team had responded reminding him that she had a speech that night and that they would take care of it.
He was always putting her last, but he trusted his men to keep her safe.

He was home at 10:30; David was resting comfortably and Myrna’s parents had joined her to get her home. The house was very quiet without Madison. He had asked Myrna not to say anything about his coming child, not even to David until he told her it was OK. He stressed the importance of that, and she apparently understood. He also explained that he and Jessica hadn’t been seeing each other, and that the woman who carried his child needed to remain anonymous for now.

He poured a drink and thought about those words,
anonymous woman.
Is that how Madison felt—no commitment, no support. He had already done what she needed him to do—impregnate her—and she could go on without him; she certainly was strong enough. He took a drink, and looking into the glass, he recalled that this was the first alcohol he had had in the last month. She was the difference. He paced the hall, wondering when she would be home. He checked his phone to find updates from his staff. She was just leaving the venue; there had been no incidents so far. Then another message came in:

Flak Jacket—subject is indicating she will go home with hosts. What do you want us to do?

“Over my dead body,” Jordan murmured. He messaged back that he would take over her close protection from this point on. He texted Mr. Connors, the host for this evening’s speech and discussion. It said only a few words: Miss Kelly needed close protection at all times, and he was on his way. He would bring her clothes with him. Would they please find someplace for him to sleep? The return message was very accommodating; they would expect him, and they completely understood.

When he walked into the Connors’ house, the look on Madison’s face was priceless. “Good evening. I’m Jordan Lassiter.” The Connors jumped up to meet him, shook his hand, and he was given a drink and asked to sit while the discussion continued; he noted that Madison was having difficulty keeping up with it, her wide eyes continually flitting to his nervously. He stood. “With your permission, I would like to check out the house for safety. May I go upstairs?”

“Certainly. Madison will be in the guest wing of the house. Turn right at the top of the stairs. We’ve put you in the room next to hers.” Jordan smiled and took the stairs two at a time. Madison almost fell off the couch watching him go. The discussion ended around midnight, and her hostess showed Madison to her room. She thanked her prettily and went into the room cautiously wondering where Jordan was. He wouldn’t dare try anything here. She knocked softy on the door next to hers, pushing it partly open to find it empty. Her small case sat on the foot of her bed, so he must have checked out her room. It was filled with her sleepwear, her bathroom toiletries and a clean change of clothes for the next day. She could smell his scent in the room.

She locked her door and went to the bathroom, putting out her things; when she was done, she sat on the bed.
Where in the hell was he?
She heard no sounds from the room next to hers. The lights went out throughout the house. She had no idea there was a connecting door between the two bedrooms and that the bath was a shared one.

Jordan knew; he had scouted the building plans for the house before arriving, accessing them on the construction company’s site. He waited exactly one hour before he unlocked the connecting door and walked into her room wearing only his jeans. She lay in bed trying to sleep, but having a bad time of it. She was used to having his body beside her. He said only one word: “Madison.” His low voice resonated right through her.

She turned to him and sat up, a cry on her lips that he effectively shut down with his mouth. “I missed you, so I thought I would come to be with you. You need to keep your voice down though.” She was in the camisole and lounge pants that he had brought. As he spoke, his hands moved over her face and down to her chest and to her breasts, circling them with his fingertips over her camisole top before pinching them roughly between his thumb and finger. A smothered cry left her mouth at the brief pain. He pulled her top up and ripped it over her head, leaving her bare for him, as his hands continued to play. He knew her body so well.

“No, Jordan.” she whispered as she tried to push him away. “Not here.”

“Oh yes, Madison—especially here because you tried to run from me again. I said ‘no more running.’ This will happen every time you do, no matter where you go. Be very quiet unless you want to invite an audience to watch us.” His mouth shut hers effectively as his nearly naked body pushed her covers aside to rest beside her. He wore only his jeans, his feet bare. Within seconds, his hands were on her shoulders, and he was over her body, her arms pushed above her head, his bare torso caressing hers. “Did you have a vision of this?”
Witch—me here with you, ready to take you
? “We go bareback tonight, Madison; I’m making a claim on you, so no more condoms. No more—just you and me and the child.”

She struggled ineffectively against him, keeping her lips tightly closed to stop her cries as his fingers moved under her pants and into her wetness, circling her. His mouth laved her breasts, sucking on them, first one and then the other.

He plunged two fingers into her to her soft cry, and then he carefully moved them in and out for long minutes keeping her effectively trapped and her arousal on the rise. His mouth continued its assault on her body, finding the tips of her breasts again and planting kisses on her abdomen. ”How’s my son?” His hand rubbed over the place where the baby lay, and her body stopped fighting as her hips thrust up to meet his fingers. “My call, little witch. You will wait.”  

He pulled her body up out of the bed and stripped her of her pants. Then he took her into the bathroom, closing and locking both doors as he did so. He turned on the shower and pushed her with his body, moving her towards the steady water flow. He shut the glass door behind them as the water began to hit her. “Hands on the grab bar, Madison, and lean far over.” Her body was on alert, but she still tried to stop him with her words.

“No Jordan. We shouldn’t do this.” He was shucking his jeans as she protested, his hard body on view, and he was more than ready.

“We can, and we will.” He placed her hands on the bar and pulled her hips back stretching her body out as far as he could. “Don’t let go.” His hands were on her hips holding her firmly in place, and his fingers were back in her again, readying her. Her mind was all over the place; he pulled his fingers from her and his body crowded her from behind, pushing himself into her, inch-by-inch, skin on skin to her keening cry. “You will never run from me again.”
“I am claiming you.” He was as deep as he could go, and he began a steady rhythm, her body pushed up by his strong thrust and pulled back with his hands on her hips as she held on to the bar. His lips were nibbling her back, and his hand moved from her hip to slap her hard on her backside. “Tell me you will not run again.” His hand came down hard on her again. “I want to hear it.”

She could feel her climax threatening, unable to scream or speak because of the situation, the water beating on her back as he maneuvered her exactly where he wanted her. His hand fell again, the sting sharp and radiating across her. His hand fell yet again, each blow harder than the one before it on her wet flesh. Tears filled her eyes as emotion flooded her. “Please, Jordan.”

“Yes, you will please Jordan this night.” He could feel her climax building as her body tensed and tightened around him, and he held his own body still, deep inside of her. “No,”
. “Not yet, not until I have your promise not to run from me again.”

“I would have come home,” she tendered.

“This was to be my punishment for today, Madison, not to have you tonight, right? Well, now you see that I am capable of anything, and your body is mine. We can stay here in the shower until morning. I have no problem with that.” He hit the cheek of her ass hard again, the heat fueling her passion.

He held himself tight in her, pulling her hard against his groin, still deep, using short thrusts to keep her climax just out of reach. But he would not give her the friction she needed to come. “Still so obstinate.” He thrust up hard inside her, striking all the bundles of nerves that were ready to detonate inside her. She couldn’t help it; she screamed out, but his hand cut off her cry; the water streaming over her was a good barrier to sound.

“What if someone comes in?” she whispered.

“Look what an eyeful they will have. He maneuvered her body until she could see the mirrored tiles in the bath, her body erotically bent at the waist as he pushed into her from behind, his hands heavy on her hips. She would have bruises there tomorrow, she knew. The vision before her was of a man taking what was his, and she could feel all of him, his bare skin abrading her inside walls. “Still undecided?” He turned the showerhead up to pulse, and her body reacted to the change as the stream of water struck her back and ass in stinging blows, adding to her already overloaded sensual system. She would never forget the vision of the two of them together.

“What’s it going to be?” She knew he would stop again and drag her back from her climax if she didn’t comply.
Game, set, and match to Jordan. She couldn’t hold out any more.

“I promise.” He turned up the water and the pulses struck with heavier jolts.

“What did you say?” he demanded.

Her voice rose. “I said I promise.” She saw the muscles in his face relax from the Bedouin warrior she knew him to be, and he softened the water flow, but his body began its assault on her all over again, pushing in and out, his actions repeated in the mirrored walls around her. His one hand was on her breast, now, tweaking it and pulling on it, the other held her hip in a death grip; his hand fell from her breast to give friction on her clit.

“Come for me, now, Madison, and remember who I am and that I will always want you.” She exploded around him, the climax catching her in all its glory, and he quickly joined her; the aftershocks ran through her body and triggered his again until she couldn’t stand. His arms were the only things that kept her from falling. He emptied into her as the smell of sex and vanilla filled the shower. Then, he just held her to him as the warm water poured over her, and his body left hers. His arms still held her up.


ordan turned off the faucets and pulled her into him, helping her stand and turning her to wrap his arms around her and kiss her lips sweetly. She was one complete example of carnal satisfaction; her body was carefully marked with small black and blue reminders of his dominance. The man was a genius at sex; this was just one more reminder of how much he owned her body.

His breathing settled as his hands memorized her changing form: her breasts were fuller, and her stomach, firmer. He grabbed a bath towel and wrapped it around her, lifting her from the shower stall, still holding her close to him. God it was good to hold her. His mouth found hers, kissing her softly again and again as she rested in his arms. Then he stood her before him and began to dry her body punctuating his care with kisses, his hands gentle on her as he noticed her white skin bruised from his grasp. Water dripped from his body as her tongue reached out to lick the drops from his chin. “I have no words for what just happened between us,” she stated.

“No words necessary. I said you were mine.” He took her to her bed as she snuggled against him; she was sated, falling asleep in his arms even as he placed her in the bed, her back to his front. When she awoke, he was no longer with her. The bathroom had been cleaned and put back to rights, but the door between the rooms was open, and she could see him stretched out in his bed, naked. She shook her head and tiptoed in to cover him, softly pulling the door almost closed. She stood with a silly grin on her face as she heard his phone alarm go off and knew he would be coming for her.


hey said goodbye to their hosts, and Jordan expressed his thanks for their allowing him to stay to protect Madison. They had no idea how he had covered her, and she meant, really covered every square inch of her body. His hand on the small of her back guided her to his car. They had had no time to talk, but Jordan’s body had had an entire conversation with her last evening that she wouldn’t soon forget. He helped her and buckled her in, rounding to enter the driver’s side. She waved as the car went down the winding driveway. “I have a meeting with the State Department this morning.

“No, you don’t. What you do have is an appointment with a gynecologist.

“Jordan?” He didn’t answer. “Stop this damn car.”

“You can change doctors if you don’t like Dr. Lambert, but I think you will like her. I need to know you and the baby are all right.”
“Don’t fight me on this!”

“Why don’t you just announce to the world that I’m pregnant? A headline in the
New York Times
would do, you know. I mean, why would I want to keep him a secret?” Her sarcastic tone ate at him, but he could sense her fear as well.

Jordan swallowed his temper to reply. “This is a private clinic, and I am well aware that the news of this child needs to be embargoed for your safety. But I won’t take any chances with your health or his.”

BOOK: FlakJacket
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