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Authors: Silvia Violet

Fitting In (7 page)

BOOK: Fitting In
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“Fuck!” Mason cried.

Jack grabbed his hand and squeezed. “His cock feels so good inside you, doesn’t it?”

“Yes, oh God, yes.”

Gray pulled back then pushed forward again, moving more slowly than Mason wanted him to. “Harder,” he demanded. 

Gray growled. “Suck Jack and I’ll give you what you need.”

Mason raised up, finding the ability to support himself this time. He reached for Jack’s shaft, and Jack positioned himself so Mason could swallow him down. When he started sucking Jack in earnest, Gray started fucking him like he wanted, hard and fast with no mercy. 

Seconds later, Gray changed his angle and slid over Mason’s prostate. Mason nearly choked himself on Jack’s cock as sensation zinged through him. Gray kept hammering into him, hitting his sweet spot again and again. The dizzying pleasure combined with the sensation of Jack’s dick filling his mouth drove Mason to the edge of insanity. 

He went wild, driving back onto Gray while taking Jack all the way down, milking his cock, tugging on his balls, determined to make him shoot so hard he’d scream. Mason hummed around Jack as Gray pounded into him, used him, owned him. Then Gray fisted Mason’s cock, pumping him with firm, sure strokes. Mason lost it. 

He pulled off Jack and cried out. His body bowed. His thighs tensed, rock hard. He cursed and yelled and struggled for breath. Gray kept banging him, digging his fingers into Mason’s hips so hard he’d surely have bruises. 

Then Gray gave a strangled shout, rammed into Mason, and came with short, ferocious jerks of his hips.

Mason took Jack back into his mouth as he enjoyed Gray’s shudders of pleasure. In seconds, Jack was coming too, shooting his musky cum down Mason’s throat. Mason took it all, swallowing again and again.

When Jack softened Mason let him go, and the three of them collapsed together. Gray tugged on Mason’s waist until he pulled both of them up onto the bed. Mason drifted into unconsciousness, more sated than he’d ever been.

Mason woke up some time later when Gray stirred beside him. The big man was curled around his back, and he had his leg hooked over Jack’s prone form. Gray groaned and shifted, making the springs of the bed creak. “Fuck, I never even got undressed,” he groaned. 

Mason rose up on his elbows and looked over at Gray, blinking the sleep out of his eyes. Gray’s uniform shirt still covered his chest. It was rumpled and had suspicious stains along the hem. His pants were tangled around his knees. The sight made Mason smile. It also stirred his cock. He was already thinking about how much he’d like to be “arrested” again. 

Gray must have guessed the direction of his thoughts. “We need sleep first.”

Mason nodded, only a little disappointed, because he knew Gray was right. After watching Gray kick off his pants and drop them on the floor, Mason forced himself to sit up. He winced at how sore his ass was, but he moved cautiously to the edge of the bed and lowered one foot to the floor. 

“What are you doing?”

He looked at Gray. The man’s eyes were narrowed like he was about to accuse Mason of another crime. “I was…uh…going to get dressed and go. You said you needed to sleep.”

“I do need to sleep, curled up with you and Jack.”

Gray said the words in his loud, booming voice, and Jack stirred. 

“What’s wrong?” he asked, squinting up at them.

“Mason was about to run, and I told him he needs to stay.”

Jack rolled his eyes. “How about asking instead? Playtime is over.”

Gray harrumphed. 

Jack reached for Mason and laid a hand on his arm. “Please stay.”

Mason looked from one man to the other. 

Gray reached for his hand. “I’d like you to stay.”

Mason saw uncertainty in the strong man’s eyes. Was this more than just a fun fuck for him too? He glanced at Jack, who was looking at his partner with unmistakable love on his face. That look shattered Mason’s confidence. They were a couple. He shouldn’t intrude. The three of them had fun together. That should be enough.

“I don’t think….”

Gray ran a hand through his hair. “Look, I’m not good with words.”

Jack snorted. 

“Shut up, asshole.”

Jack laughed. “He’s good with other things.”

Mason couldn’t help but grin. The two of them arguing while Gray wore his uniform shirt and nothing else was adorable and sexy as hell all at once.

“This may have seemed casual and fast, but we don’t do this a lot. We’ve played around with someone else a few times, but with you….” Gray shrugged. “I don’t know, it’s not just—would you just stay the night? Please?”

Mason’s heart pounded.

Jack grinned. “He’s trying to say that we really like you, and we don’t want to send you off like some trick. This was meant to be more than that, and we want to snuggle up with you now.”

Gray nodded. “Yeah, what he said.”

Mason knew better. He could so easily fall for them, and that would lead to him getting hurt. They wanted more than a quick fuck, but they were still a couple, and he was still going to walk away alone whether it was now or days or weeks from now. Even knowing that, he couldn’t resist their earnest expressions and their obviously sincere desire for him to stay. So when Jack lifted the covers and motioned from him to crawl back under them, he did, and he slept better than he had in months.

















When the alarm went off the next morning, Jack got up first. He took his turn in the shower then headed out of the room, mumbling something about coffee and breakfast. Once he was gone, Mason forced himself to leave the warm cocoon of their bed. Gray made a few growly protests as Mason extracted himself from the man’s arms, but he didn’t fully wake.

Mason took longer than he should have in the shower, letting the hot water pound away some of the soreness from the night’s exertions. As he enjoyed the soothing heat, he wondered if Gray and Jack would ask him back again. He wanted them to, and yet he didn’t. He was already much too attached to them. He craved the feel of their hands on him, the taste of their skin, the slap of Gray’s hand on his ass, and the burning stretch of Gray filling him up. He wanted Jack to fuck him, as well. His cock swelled, and his hand dropped to it as he imagined them both fucking him at the same time, something he’d never done.

He forced himself to ignore the powerful fantasy. He needed to get dressed and go home, not stand in their shower jacking off. He shouldn’t have stayed in the first place. No matter how much he wanted them, it would be better if he treated this like a one-time thing. He wondered if he’d be able to slip out the door and run without having to face them. Was he really that much of a coward? No, but he was that scared, because he longed for more than just another round in their bed. He wanted to get to know them. He wanted a relationship with them, but three-ways made for hot sex, not long-term partnerships. It was difficult enough to make things work with one other person, balancing three people’s needs had to be next to impossible. Besides, Gray and Jack were happy together. He wouldn’t fuck with that.

Gray stirred when Mason got out of the shower. He rolled out of bed and grunted something that might have been a greeting or might have simply been an attempt to get Mason to move out of his way so he could get to the en suite bathroom. Mason couldn’t help staring at his fine ass as he walked away, but once Gray had shut the bathroom door, he dressed and headed for the kitchen, seduced by the smell of coffee. As much as he would prefer to sneak away, he couldn’t leave without saying something to Jack. He intended to thank him for a wonderful night, grab a quick cup of coffee, and get out of there.

When he saw Jack behind the counter stirring a bowl of batter, he was transfixed. When he was in his police uniform, exuding confidence, Mason found Jack sexy as hell. Here in his kitchen, hair wet from the shower, wearing an old t-shirt and scruffy jeans, relaxed and so focused on cooking that he hadn’t heard Mason come in, he was stunning. 

Mason swallowed, trying to moisten his suddenly dry mouth. He didn’t move, scared he’d disturb the scene in front of him. He guessed that Jack was making waffles since he had a waffle iron out on the counter. Mason hadn’t had a homemade waffle since he used to spend occasional nights with his grandma when he was a kid. 

Jack laid down the fork he’d been stirring with and reached a finger into the bowl. When he brought it to his lips and licked the batter off, Mason bit his lip to keep from moaning. He wanted to reach into the bowl for more batter and paint Jack with it, then slowly, carefully lick it off. He couldn’t help thinking about licking Jack’s face clean after he’d sucked Gray off the night before. Heat raced to his cheeks as fast as it was going to his cock. Had he really done that? 

Jack noticed Mason as he opened the waffle iron and started to pour the batter over the surface. “Good morning. Did you sleep well?”

Mason’s heart pounded and panic threatened to consume him. What was he doing here in the midst of this domestic scene? He needed to leave. Fast. “Um, yeah, but I should really get going.”

Jack frowned. “But I’m making breakfast for you.”

Several seconds passed before Mason found his voice. Talking to Jack now in the kitchen was scarier than submitting to him and Gray could ever be.

“There better be some for me too,” Gray hollered as he walked into the kitchen. Mason turned to look at him. He was fresh from the shower, and his wet hair was curling up at the ends. He wore low-slung sweats and a dark green t-shirt that strained across his shoulders.

A vivid memory of Gray squeezing Mason’s hips as he drove into him with hard, punishing strokes made Mason momentarily dizzy.

He shouldn’t stay another second. He could not let himself get pulled further into their world. He’d had some great sex, but that was all it could be. Jack and Gray’s love showed in the tender looks they gave each other, the way they touched, the way they knew what the other was thinking.

Mason believed that they considered him a friend and not just a quick fuck. They wouldn’t have asked him to stay the night otherwise, and Jack certainly wouldn’t be making waffles for a hookup. He wished he could be happy being friends with benefits, but as it was, his desire for them was bordering on obsession. If he stayed there, in their house, watching how easy they were with each other, he’d only become more enthralled and more desperate for something he couldn’t have.

Jack grinned at Gray, oblivious to Mason’s discomfort. “I tripled the recipe just for you.”

Mason glanced at the bowl. It looked like Jack had enough batter to make waffles for the whole police force. 

“Thank you, but I really should go.” Mason’s voice was embarrassingly shaky.

“You’re not leaving without breakfast.” Gray took his arm and tugged him toward the kitchen. 

Jack rolled his eyes as he ripped open a package of bacon and started laying pieces in a frying pan. “Stop being a Neanderthal. You can’t just order Mason around.”

“Everyone would do better to just listen to me, you included.”

Mason got the impression that Gray was referring to something specific, but Jack blew Gray off. He looked back at Mason from where he stood at the sink, washing his hands. “We really would like you to stay.”

“I…um…I’ve got to get some errands done before I head to work.”

Gray glared at him, and Mason was sure Gray knew he was lying. But instead of calling him out, he positioned himself behind Jack, who was once again in front of the waffle maker. With his gaze still on Mason, Gray wrapped his arms around Jack and reached down, cupping his lover’s cock. “I was hoping we could go another round or two once Jack got us energized.”

Mason sucked in his breath as Gray stroked Jack through his pants. Jack pushed back into him, sliding his ass against Gray’s crotch without losing his concentration on making waffles and turning the bacon.

Staying would be so easy, good food, hot sex, two men he was falling in love with.
What the fuck?
No! He wasn’t in love with them, couldn’t be in love with them.

Jack finished pouring batter and closed the lid of the waffle iron. He turned his head so he could kiss Gray, his expression pure bliss. The thought of a man looking at him like that made Mason’s chest ache.

“That would be…um…great, but I should really go.”

“Are you okay?” Gray asked. “Did I freak you out last night? Things don’t usually get that intense so quickly.”

Intense didn’t begin to describe it, but Mason shook his head. “No. I loved what you did to me, all of it. It’s not that. I just can’t stay.”

Mason could tell that they wanted to keep questioning him. Both of them were far too perceptive not to pick up on his unease, but he wasn’t about to tell them that he was falling for them or that he was jealous of what they had with each other. They deserved their happiness, and he needed to walk away.


Mason unlocked the door of his tiny garage apartment. It was far from luxurious, but it was clean and in good repair, and he was close enough to Duke’s east campus that he could take his daily jog around the perimeter wall and pretend he was still a student. 

He put the plastic container of waffles and bacon that Jack had packed for him on the counter and opened his utensil drawer in search of a fork, still in awe of Jack’s skills in the kitchen. If Jack and Gray had stayed at his place, they would have been lucky to get cereal or toast. His idea of cooking was boiling pasta and opening a jar of sauce or heating up a frozen pizza. 

How awesome would it be to wake up to a meal made by Jack every morning? Of course, he probably didn’t make a big breakfast on days when he and Gray had to work, but even coffee and toast shared with Jack and Gray would be better than anything he might have alone. 

Mason didn’t do the errands he was supposed to do that afternoon. Instead, he spent the day lying on the couch—on his side thanks to his sore ass, which reminded him of Jack and Gray every time he moved—feeling sorry for himself and watching sad movies.

BOOK: Fitting In
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