Read First (Wrong) Impressions: A Modern Pride & Prejudice Online

Authors: Krista D. Ball

Tags: #Young Adult, #jane austen, #Fiction, #Romance, #books, #comedy, #krista d ball

First (Wrong) Impressions: A Modern Pride & Prejudice (31 page)

BOOK: First (Wrong) Impressions: A Modern Pride & Prejudice
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She could totally do this.

She knocked, and Darcy opened seconds later, as if he’d been standing, waiting.

He was devastatingly handsome. Still wearing his typical business attire: dress shirt, tie, dress pants. A nervous smile flickered on his face. “Hey.”


“Come in,” he said, stepping back.

“Wow, this place is bigger than my apartment!”

The room, doubtless the best and biggest at the hotel, was set up like an apartment. It had a hallway, a small kitchen, a living room, a dining area. She could see off to one side a door to the bedroom, partially closed.

Darcy shoved his hands in his pockets. “I heard about work.”

She shrugged. “It wasn’t going to be a good fit, with the changes.”

“What are you going to do now?”

She shoved her own hands in her pockets. “I don’t know. I’ve had a job offer already. I’m just not sure what to do right now.”

They looked at each other for a moment before he said, “Thanks for coming over. I know it’s late.”

“I wasn’t doing anything. How long have you been in town?”

He licked his lips. “About an hour.”

She smirked and ducked her head. Then she looked up and smiled at him. “I wanted to say, in person, how much I appreciate you helping my sister. I had no idea what you and G did until Lydia let it slip. Then Mary told me everything.” She took a step closer. “Thank you.”

Darcy took a deep breath. “I didn’t do it to…I didn’t do it to…” He didn’t finish, but looked up with a pleading expression.

“You didn’t do it to make me feel obligated.”

He nodded.

“I know that.”

“I’m sorry it took so long to connect after you left. I’ve been buying that company up here, and they were in the middle of a bid for work in India, so I’ve taken over that.” His voice faltered. “I didn’t think you’d want to see me. But then, Aunt Catherine told me how she’d warned you and you wouldn’t swear me off. I thought, maybe…Lizzy, I’m not good with this. If you’ve sworn off me, or only want to be friends, or…just tell me. My feelings haven’t changed. I still love you.”

After everything, he still loved her? After all she’d said, the way she’d treated him, after the money he’d spent trying to find her sister, after his own sister had exposed her private life to the world? Lizzy’s heart quickened; he still loved her.

“I didn’t do it to bribe you or to guilt-trip you.”

“I know,” she whispered. “That never occurred to me.”

He took a cautious step forward.

She needed to do something. Say something. Lizzy started to tremble. She wanted so badly to tell him how she felt, how her feelings had changed, but she couldn’t get the words out. Her thought processes had shut down. She just stared.

Tentatively he reached up and touched her face. “I’ve missed you.”

Lizzy leaned into his hand. “I’ve fallen in love with you, William.”

The expression on his face was one she’d treasure for the rest of her life. His breath hitched in his throat and his mouth twitched as he tried to smile, laugh, and talk all at once. “Do you mean it?”

“William Darcy, have you ever known me to hold back?”

Lizzy kissed the palm of his hand. He stared into her eyes, full of hot desire, and leaned forward. She reached out and cupped his face, in a mirror of his gesture. In turn, he kissed her hand and chills shot through her body.

He leaned down and, his mouth millimeters away from hers, said, “I love you, Elizabeth Bennet.”

His lips brushed hers, soft and gentle, as if he were afraid this was a dream and he was going to wake up. Lizzy’s heart beat so hard that her vision blurred and a wave of dizziness washed over her.

He pulled away from the kiss, his chest heaving and his breath hot on her cheek. “I’ve wanted to do that for months now.”

Lizzy linked her fingers into his hair and pulled him back to her mouth. This time, it wasn’t soft and gentle. William’s arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her towards him, so much that she balanced on her tip-toes. He grabbed a handful of hair and kissed her deeper.

Darcy murmured, “I love you, Lizzy. I love you so much.”

“I love you, too, William,” Lizzy managed between breaths.

William’s hand trailed down her back and he pulled her against him. Lizzy ground her hips against his hardness and a groan escaped him. He tightened his grip and his kisses turned from sweet and passionate to hungry and wanting.

Lizzy pressed her fingertips into his back to stop them roving all over his body.

Suddenly, William pulled away. Gasping, he said, “We can go somewhere out and just talk.”

She looked up at him. He was so handsome, with his strong jaw and expressive eyes.

Why hadn’t she seen before how much he loved her? It was written all over him. How could she be so blind? He was so gentle, so caring, so uncertain of what he could do to a woman.

“Everything else can wait. As long as you need. Just as long as I can be near you.”

If she’d not fallen in love with him before, that would have sent her into a puddle on the floor.

Lizzy reached up and loosened his tie. “Why on earth are you still wearing this thing?”

“I came straight from my last meeting. I thought you might find the gesture…” He blushed. “Never mind.”

She tugged the still-knotted tie over his head. “You were hoping I’d find it sexy, that you rushed here to see me as soon as your corporate masters released you?”

He reddened more. “Don’t tease me.”

“If you want me around, Mr. Darcy, you’re going to find that I will tease very often.”

She unbuttoned the first button of his shirt. She planted a kiss on the bare flesh and enjoyed how he trembled. Lizzy was all about safe. Never let her hormones take over. So she asked herself would she regret this in the morning. Would she regret letting William touch and kiss and envelop her all night? Would he still be there in the morning? The next morning? The next week?

“Has there been anyone since…” her voice trailed off, realizing how stupid the question was. Of course he hadn’t been with anyone else since they talked that night. But she couldn’t fight the worry, the mistrust.

“Lizzy, listen to me.” He cupped her face. “I don’t know what kind of men you’ve dated, but let me explain what kind of man I am. I’m not the kind of man to sleep with other women while in love with someone else. I’m not the kind of man to dream about you and flirt with someone else. There’s been no one. There’s only you, Lizzy.” He looked down. “There’s only going to be you.”

In that moment, Lizzy made a decision. Her hands shook, but she undid the next button on his shirt and said, “I would like to go somewhere else.” She flicked a look at the bedroom before undoing another button. “If you want to.”

William licked his lips. “Um, I didn’t bring anything.”

Another button. “We did have our safe sex talk months ago. We’re both clean. I’m on the pill.” She tugged his shirt out from his pants and undid more buttons. Good God in Heaven. He was all rippled muscle underneath his stuffy shirt and tie. “I love you. And I trust you.”

His fingers were shaking, too, but he undid her first button. “I love you. And I trust you.”

She lifted his arm up. She eyed him. “Cufflinks? Seriously?”

A mischievous grin spread over his face. He pushed the collar of her shirt open to reveal a strap. “Red bra? Seriously?”

She pushed him and let out a shriek as he grabbed her by the hips and picked her up. Lizzy wrapped her legs around his waist and clung to his neck. They kissed and laughed as he carried her to the bedroom and she stripped off his shirt and expensive cufflinks.

Shirtless, he eased her down on the bed. His muscle was the chiseled kind that showed he looked after himself without being fanatical. Just like she’d expect.

He kissed her nose. “Lizzy, if you want me to stop, let me know. At any time. “

“Thank you for saying that, William.” She wrapped her legs around the small of his back and pulled him down. “I want to make love to you tonight.” She grinned. “Provided you’re up for it.

It turned out that he was up for quite a lot that night.

Chapter 42

March 14

The morning sun streaming in though the open window cast an orange glow, as Lizzy stirred. She was asleep on her front, while William was curled around her naked form. She reached for the sheets to cover up her body, trying not to wake him. It had been dark last night; morning had a whole other look to it.

“Good morning,” William said sleepily.

Lizzy blushed. “Good morning to you.” She grabbed the edge of the sheets, and yanked them over her naked behind.

“Are you cold?” He slipped a hand under her and rolled her onto her side, so he could curl around her. “Let me warm you up.”

The sheets fell behind her, leaving her entire front exposed.

“Close your eyes,” she said.


She reached around to grab the sheets and tugged them under her arms. She wiggled back into place. “You can open them now.”

“Elizabeth Bennet,” William said in a playful tone, “don’t tell me you’re shy.”

“It’s been a long time since anyone but Jane’s seen me in the buff.” She gave a nervous chuckle. “Things aren’t as lean as they used to be.” She glanced over her shoulder. “And you’re like Adonis. If I’d known you looked like that under your clothes, I would have ripped them off

“You are beautiful,” he said, kissing her ear. “I love you.”

She reached around to kiss his lips. “I love you, too. So, what happens now?”

He nuzzled her neck. “To start, I’m on vacation for the next week. You’re welcome to stay here with me.”

“I am technically unemployed now,” Lizzy mused. “It would be like a mini vacation. What happens after?”

“The deal for the purchase of that educational company finally went through, so I’m up here for the next three months working that out.”

“Three months?” Lizzy said hopefully. “Seriously?”

“If you’d said you didn’t want to see me, I was going to commute.” William kissed her again. “I can’t believe I’m here with you.”

“Neither can I.” She laughed. “This is a surprise for me.”

He propped himself on an elbow. “You aren’t regretting this, are you? Am I moving too fast?”

Lizzy rolled to face him and pressed against him. She wrapped a leg around his. “The only thing I’m regretting is what I said to you last year.”

“I deserved it. I was so rude to you at the beginning.”

“Lizzy is…
,” she said, trying to mimic his voice.

“Will I ever live that down?”


William grinned. “That probably made liking me a lot harder.”

“Wounding my pride? Never a way into my pants.”

“Good to know.” He tugged her closer. “So, when did you fall in love with me?”

Several answers came to mind until she said, “When I saw your beautiful condo.”

He replied by tickling her side, which made her yelp. She pushed him onto to his back and climbed on top, tugging the sheets with her.

“Lizzy, I saw you naked last night. You don’t need to cover up.”

“Shut up, you arrogant, pompous ass.”

They laughed and shared a long kiss. As it was about to lead somewhere, William’s phone rang.

He looked at the caller ID, gave her a shushing gesture, and answered, “Good morning, G.” His smile was wicked. “Why are you waking me up?”

Lizzy leaned forward enough to hear G say, “Well?”

“Well what?”

“Have you seen her?” G demanded in an exasperated voice.

“Who?” William winked.

“Oh my God, William, I’d strangle you if you were here. Lizzy. Did you see Lizzy Bennet?”

Lizzy snatched the phone from his hand. “Yes, he’s seen me.”


“G, you still there?”

Darcy stifled a laugh, and Lizzy kicked him.

G let out a high-pitched squeal and hung up the phone. Lizzy gave the phone back.

“You’re evil.”

“Nonsense. Now, where were we?”

“You called me a pompous ass and then climbed up there.”

She grinned at him as she propped herself up on her elbows, pressing her breasts together. “I suspect G is tweeting her heart out. Will the tweets be full of high-pitched squealing, do you think? Or will they use code words?”

“Mmm…” He stared at the long line of her cleavage. Then, shook his head, “Were you speaking?”

She swatted his head and he grabbed her into an embrace and they kissed. Lizzy’s cell phone rang.

“Hold on, that’s probably Luke seeing the tweets and freaking out.” She rolled off Darcy, flashing him breasts in the process. “Hello?

“Where are you?” Jane demanded. “I woke up this morning; no one is home, no note, nothing. Charles and I have been scared out of our minds.”

“Charles, huh?”

“Oh, please, Lizzy. We spent most of the night pacing the floors calling your cell. Why didn’t you pick up?”

“You called my cell? Oh, it was on vibrate.” She looked over her shoulder and winked. “I didn’t hear it.”

“Well? Where are you? I was ready to report you missing to the police.”

Darcy climbed on top of her, cupping one of her breasts in the process. He took the phone and said, “Good morning, Jane.” Lizzy snickered, keeping her ear near the phone.

“Who is… is that Darcy?”

“Your sister is perfectly safe in my hotel room.”


“Hotel? Room?” Lizzy could almost hear the light bulb click on in Jane’s brain. “Oh! Hotel room! Oh! Oh! Goodbye!”

Darcy dropped the phone on the nightstand and laughed in Lizzy’s ear. “Should we check Twitter now, or give it, oh, twenty minutes?”

She lifted up her hips to press against him, and he tightened his grip on her. “Let’s wait.”


Lizzy and Darcy pulled out their cell phones and read their text messages aloud to each other; they mostly consisted of WTF and OMG, with a splash of, “are you serious?” Lizzy placed her head on William’s naked chest and read out the Twitter freak-out:

@anabean: #&)U )rjupf js9q8e9q rwufhsdhfosdjf !!!!!!!!!! FISTPUMP


BOOK: First (Wrong) Impressions: A Modern Pride & Prejudice
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