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Authors: MJ Nightingale

Fire In His Eyes (4 page)

BOOK: Fire In His Eyes
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Very funny, but doesn’t that feel better, Monica.  Don’t those cool sheets on your nipples make them harden?”  It wasn’t the sheets that did that, it was his words and the way he said them, and I told him so. 

He groaned.  “I’d better stop, baby.  I don’t want to have our first time be on the phone.”  I blushed knowing he was talking about phone sex, and I was glad he couldn’t see that.
“So, what do you do, Monica? For work, I mean?” He asked in an obvious attempt to change the subject. 

“Work?  I am teacher, high school English
!”  I lay down on the pillow with the phone pressed to my ear.  I heard him groan through the receiver. “What?” I asked, “Bad track record in school, or something?” I teased.

“No Monica, that’s not it.  I am just picturing you with a bun i
n your hair, a pencil behind your ear, and a ruler in your hand.  God, even casual conversation with you has me imagining all kinds of naughty things. I am hot for this teacher.  I’ve always wanted to screw a sexy teacher.”  And, the conversation with Victor was back to sex just like that. 

I laughed.
  “I’m pretty hot for you, too, Victor,” I admitted.  “I have never just met a guy and felt what I felt –so instantaneously.”  That was the biggest understatement of my life.  This man had me imagining things I hadn’t even thought of or heard of before.

“I get off work at three tomorrow, Monica.  I am going to come home, take a nap, shower and ch
ange.  Then I am coming for you, and we are going to fuck, and it’s going to be the best sex you have ever had in your life.”  The way he said the words had left me feeling anxious and wanting. I was speechless, yet wanting him to do exactly what he said.  I felt a wetness in my pussy, and wished he were here right now. I had the sudden urge to touch myself.  How could his words alone do this to me I wondered.  “Where do you live?” he asked.  I told him I lived in Hudson in Pasco County, an hour from Tampa and gave him my address.  “I live right in Tampa so I should be there around eight o’clock.  Is that all right?  I will take you to dinner, take you home, and I want to be crystal clear about this, then I am taking you to bed.  Ok?”

“Ok,” I answered.  “I am looking forward to it.
Very much!”  I can’t wait, I screamed inside.

Are you on the pill, Monica?” he asked tone suddenly serious.

“Yes,” I replied a little caught off guard by the sudden change in the direction of the conversation.

“Good, baby.  I don’t want any accidents.  And just so you know I am clean, I just had a checkup.  I want to feel every inch of you when you tremble around me.  Is that okay, Monica?” he asked.  His husky tone was back.  When I didn’t answer right away he added, “But I’ll bring condoms if you want me to.”

“N-no, that’s okay.  I trust you.  I had some tests done
, too,” I added to reassure him.  I wanted to feel him as well.  His description sounded so good to me. The way he was speaking was making me hotter and hotter. But then an image of my sister popped into my head.  Unprotected sex had cost her so much early on in her life.  “B-But,” I stammered, “Just for a little while maybe we should.  We don’t know each other at all.  You don’t know me.”

“I am not worried about that Monica, not with you.  Even though, you’re sexy as hell, I know an innocent when I see one.  That makes you even sexier to me,” he added.
  “But if it will make you feel better.  I’ll bring protection, okay?”

“Okay,” I whispered lamely, and then added after a slightly awkward pause,
“Victor, I am very excited about tomorrow night.  I am so glad you called.”

Me too, baby. I’ll respect your decision. Good night, Monica.  I’ll see you tomorrow, well tonight actually. Wear a dress for me.”  With that he hung up. 



The school day dragged
on slowly and I did end up showing a movie because even though I had maybe five hours of sleep after talking with Victor, they were filled with dreams of him with those ice blue eyes on fire for me.  Our talk on the phone kept running through my mind all day too.  While the students watched the film, I spent the day dreaming of him. 

I called Ana on my lunch break and filled her in
on my plans with Victor for that night, but I didn’t give her any details about the suggestiveness of the phone conversation.  They were too delicious to share.  She was happy for me that he had called and that I would get to see him so soon.  “Okay, so dinner is first. That will take about two, maybe three hours with drinks, then hanky-panky by eleven,” she stated gleefully getting right to the point.  I could hear her clapping her hands together in the background. I laughed.  That was just like my sister, such a horn dog. “Now, don’t drink too much,” she cautioned, but then added suggestively, “You’re going to want to enjoy yourself, and the alcohol may dull the pleasure.”

“Ana, please.  I’m at work,”
I squealed behind my hand in the teacher’s lounge.

she teased but then became serious for a second.  “I’m going to call your house at eleven o’clock to make sure you are okay, and that he is not some kind of maniac or something.  If he is, just say on the phone, you did not talk to mom today, and I will rush over, grab a shovel out of the garage and bash his brains out. Okay?”  That was my sister, too, very over-protective.

“Ana, I am a big girl now,”
I pointed out, and after last night’s phone conversation I seriously doubted I would be backing out now.  If he did half of what he promised, I considered myself very lucky indeed. She really was over the top sometimes when it came to my safety when she put herself into all kinds of risky situations.  But she was the older sister, and she believed that gave her license to do as she pleased.

She interrupted me
firmly, “Code words are-I did not talk to mom today. Got it?”  She stated emphatically.  She wouldn’t be taking no for an answer.  I had no choice but to give in.

I got it!”  I laughed while shaking my head.  “Okay, let me go now.  I have one more class today, then home I will go to make myself sexy.  I will talk to you later around eleven, I guess.” 


It was seven o’clock and I had just finished straightening my hair.  My hair was long and naturally wavy, but in the Florida heat it could get quite frizzy if I did not blow it out or straighten it. It reached about half way down my back when it was straightened, and was one of my best features. 

Deciding what to wear though was going to require some thought though. 
Victor wanted me to wear a dress. I didn’t have a lot of sexy clothes or dresses.  Dan and I hadn’t gone clubbing or dancing and had only gone out to family style restaurants that didn’t require some kind of dress code.  I had a couple of cocktail dresses for work functions, and some gowns for when I chaperoned prom or homecoming.  I was stumped.  I did have one black cocktail dress. But a little black dress? Too cliché! I looked through my closet for the second time, and realized I did not have anything sexy enough in any other color.  I was a teacher, and a bit on the conservative side.  I almost panicked, but then I thought I could always wear one of my shifts from work and take it up a bit and forgo the blazer.  The navy blue would do.  It had a nice shimmer and a low cut square neckline that revealed a bit of cleavage and the rounded tops of my size c cupped breasts.  I took the dress off the hangar, dropped my towel on the floor and held up the dress against me to see if I could make this work.  It was fairly new.  I had only worn it a couple of times and it was form fitting enough to be considered sexy, but not slutty.  It would have to do.  I was thirty not twenty-one, anyway.  The dress went to just above my knees.  I could easily cut the bottom and hem it up five or six inches.  Satisfied with my decision, I put the dress aside for now. 

Next, I want to my lingerie drawer.  Here I was able to choose more quickly as I had a large selection.  I loved the feel of pretty things under my clothes, as it gave me a feeling of confidence knowing what I wore underneath was not quite so conservative.
I put on a black lacy bra and matching panties.  I knew they looked good against my olive skin tone and turned in the mirror to see how they would appear from all angles.  Not very innocent looking.  Perfect!

Now to attack that dress again. 
I threw on a t-shirt and went out into my back screened lanai where I kept a portable sewing machine on a small table.  I laid the dress on it, quickly cut six inches from the bottom, folded it up an inch and set a new bobbin in the sewing machine with blue thread that matched the dress. Within ten minutes, I finished the job with a nice hem and a little back slit to make it moveable.  Thank-you mom, for making Ana and I learn how to sew.  Why we ever thought it was a pointless skill when we were younger, I’ll never know.

made my way back to my room, donned the dress, and liked what I saw.  The navy material had an elasticity that hugged my body.  It fit like a glove.  It had a shimmer that made it dressy with just a hint of sex appeal.  The dress now reached me just above mid-thigh.  It was perfect.  I was five foot eight, and had great legs.  I had always thought my legs were my absolute best feature.  I was a runner too, and had great definition in them especially my calves.  When it came to shoes, I picked out a pair of dressy black sandals with only a two inch heel.  I had noticed that Victor was only a few inches taller than I was, and I had three inch heels on the night before, so two would do for tonight.  I knew guys liked the height advantage as well.

Back in
the bathroom, I applied a bit of make-up--the usual black mascara, a bronze eye shadow with some shimmer, and a rose gloss to my lips.  On my way to my bedroom I glanced into the living room and realized it was just a few minutes to eight.  Victor would be here soon.  I was excited and nervous at the same time.  So, I quickly put in some sapphire studs for a bit of sparkle, but no necklace.  Soon, I kept thinking as I finished with the earrings.  Just the thought of him made me simmer with heat and anticipation.  I put my shoes on leaning against my bed, spritzed a bit of perfume into the air and walked through it, and went back into the living room.  I took my ID, some money, my credit card, and keys and transferred them into a small black clutch.  That is when I saw lights in the driveway.  My heart beat faster and lurched into my throat.  He was already getting out of his car as I walked to the front door.  I had it open before he could even knock. 

“You look fan
tastic, Monica.  Sophisticated, yet sexy as hell. What a combination!”  And just like that, without hesitation Victor grabbed me around the waist and pulled me to him, holding my body against his.  His eyes possessed me, and I was mesmerized by them as his head dipped and he began to kiss me.  My eyes closed involuntarily, as his tongue teased my lips seeking permission to enter.  This man knew how to kiss.  He tasted good, minty and something spicy, too.  His hands were in my hair, holding me in place.  One hand began to drop down my back, as it made its way slowly to my rear and began to caress and squeeze me.  “Firm ass, nice.  I can tell you run.  So do I.”  His words were spoken between passionate kisses that trailed down from my lips to my chin then neck and collarbone and then back up again.  He gave each and every one of those parts some sensual attention.  I was breathless and had never felt this desired before. He knew seduction intimately. I could do nothing but hang on, moan my pleasure, and well just hang on.  He held me with one hand in my hair, and the other cupping my rear and pressing me into his erection.  Through the soft material of my dress and his black dress slacks, I felt every inch of him, every inch sending waves of pleasure through me.  His kisses began to slow, he dipped back to my neck inhaling my scent, and I could hear him softly breathing as he tried to gain control of himself. He was just as affected by this passion between us as I.  It made me smile inwardly, and I was glad he seemed just as affected by me as I was by him. 

first, Mi Cara.  I’ll taste the rest of you later,” he promised in my ear, and gently bit my lobe just below the sapphires I had put in my ears earlier.  He pushed me back slightly to gaze into my eyes.  “You smell great, by the way.  You – are – irresistible,” He punctuated each word as I watched the fire in his eyes blaze.  I could lose myself in those eyes.  He then turned me around and gently cupped my behind and pulled me into him so that I could feel his arousal against my ass. “Real nice ass,” he whispered. 

I fumbled for my keys as he distracted me senseless with his hands on my rib cage just below my breasts. 
My heart still hammered inside my chest and I wondered if he could feel it. I don’t know how I did it, but I managed to close and lock the front door.  His hands lightly brushed the sides of my breasts causing my breath to hitch, and then they were back down on my ribs and hips. He gently held me at the waist, turned me around again and gave me a soft kiss on the lips.  It was tender, yet still full of restrained desire. Pulling back and breaking the kiss, still with one hand possessively around my waist, he steered me towards the passenger side of his black Lexus.  It wasn’t a new car, but it was in good condition. He held open the door for me and helped me get seated before he smoothly closed the door and proceeded to come around to his side of the car.  I watched him walk.  He was graceful, but fast, and moved like a panther stalking his prey.  While crossing in front of his car, his eyes were locked on to mine never breaking contact.  He slid into his seat, and started the engine.  Everything this man said and did turned me on like nothing had ever done before. He exuded sex in every look, every touch.  What was I getting myself into, I wondered.  Was I ready for this?  My mind had so many questions, but I was going to listen to my body tonight.

BOOK: Fire In His Eyes
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