Fire and Ice: Book One: Burned (The Fire and Ice Series 1) (13 page)

BOOK: Fire and Ice: Book One: Burned (The Fire and Ice Series 1)
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Chapter Twenty-Three




It's been all I
can do to keep my hands, and filthy wandering mind, off of Hailey for the last
few days while she's been staying with me at my apartment. The funeral was
morose, as was to be expected, and now she's sitting on my couch, balled up in
the fetal position, a numb expression gracing her features.


I feel the need
to comfort her, yet I know she needs her space as well. I've been crowding her;
too close, afraid if I back away, she'll wander away from me, straight into the
arms of Jordan. I feel he's lurking, just waiting for me to drop the ball.
Ain't gonna happen.


Looking at her
frail form, I can't take another minute of watching her wallow in her misery,
and I slowly stalk to her side, gingerly taking a seat next to her and wrapping
my arms around her, pulling her back against my chest. I lay my face against
her hair, breathing in the soft lavender smell of her shampoo. It's heavenly
and has me yearning for her touch, her taste.


Thankfully, she
managed to eat a bit at the luncheon Jim had prepared at the bar for after the
funeral. Many of the town's citizen's, now knowing of Hailey, being regular
customers of hers, had shown up to pay their respects. A nice turn out, but
doesn't mean shit when your loved one is lying six feet under; believe me, I've
been there.


Hailey leans
back against me, as I murmur against her hair, "Need anything, baby?"
She shakes her head, obviously still mourning the loss of the only relative she
had left to lean on. My gut is telling me I need to step up and be that person
for her, now. I need to take on that role and protect her from the pain and
anguish she must be feeling at this very, not just today, not just
now...but in future days to come.


"Did you
get enough to eat?" I whisper into her hair. She shrugs, leaving me
feeling helpless. I suck at this shit.
Grow a
pair, man the fuck up and take care of your woman.


"You look
spent, Hailey. How about a nap? Come on, I'll lie down with you," I tug on
her hand, gently coaxing her off of the couch, as she complies in a trance like


I usher her
into my bedroom, not bothering to shut the door for privacy. At this point, it
feels as if she's become a part of my home; something I never saw coming, and
never want to end.


I guide her to
stand in front of the bed, turning her back to me, as I unzip her dress. She's
standing still, her head hanging down, arms still; it's as if she's in a daze.
I slide the fabric from her body, and turn her to face me, tilting her chin to
meet my gaze. Her look is forlorn.


She needs a
distraction, and I bend down to place a feathery kiss on her lips, letting my
lips linger for long moments before she advances on me, deepening the kiss
further, wrapping her arms around my neck and trailing them into my hair,
tugging gently. My cock springs to life, immediately responsive to her
unexpected affections she's lavishing on me.


Blood roars in
my ears, and sears through my veins at the heated kiss that begins to ensue
between us. I wrap my arms around her slim waist, pulling her against me, my
straining cock pushing into her belly, as my body begins to grind against hers,
seemingly of it's own accord, while she mirrors my movements with her own.


Perhaps she
needs this, craves my touch to ease her pain. I'm eager to comply, no matter
what the reason. I've needed her touch, her skin against mine, for days now.
There will be no holding back at this point. She's in for the ride of her life.






Damn, I want
this man in the worst way possible, and the best way I can describe, all balled
into one divine, mystical feeling I cannot express through words, alone. My
desire for him is potent, all consuming and enflaming all at once. I'm burning
inside for Kellan with every fiber of my being. I need this, him, and only him.
It's been him all along. How stupid I've been to even fathom otherwise. I was
drawn to him like a moth to flame the very first day I had met him.


His searing
eyes beckoned me, burned a hole straight into my soul where he resides. His
body had mine on full alert from the moment we touched, as an electric current
ran through me, shaking me to my core, blazing my insides with a scorching
intensity the likes of which I have never experienced with anyone, and doubt I
could ever again. I love him with my whole being, and I plan to show him with
my body just how deeply my rivers run for him.


As he rocks his
hips into mine, I slide my hands from his spikey gelled and mussed hair, down
to his chest and begin to unbutton his shirt. He's worn a simple black button
up shirt, which he's left hanging out, his sleeves rolled up to his elbows,
with grey khaki pants, and black Doc Martin's. This is Kellan Haines dressed
up, and I love the look. He's stayed true to himself, yet dressed his best, out
of respect for my mother. I cannot ask more of him.


As I take my
time, sliding each button through it's hole, I can tell he's losing ground,
becoming impatient, as he grips my waist firmly with his fingers. I finally
reach the last button, letting the shirt fall open, and graze my palms up his
torso, smoothing over the taut muscles of his chest, and peeling the shirt from
his arms.


I languorously
let my hands travel back up his arms, admiring the intricately designed ink
gracing his skin, taking in each piece of art, as if I were at a museum,
studying ancient relics. Chancing a glance at him, his gaze is intently heated,
boring into me with wanton need.


Unbuckling his
studded belt, and unclasping his pants, he takes in a sharp breath as I begin
to unzip them ever so slowly, teasing him, as his erection desperately strains
against zipper, springing free, as I slide the zipper down to a stop. I don't
think Kellan owns a pair of underwear.  Quirking my lips in a devious smile, he
looks severely affected, and ill amused, as his breathing becomes labored.


I slide my
hands into his pants and begin to push them to the floor, as he toes his shoes
and socks off simultaneously. While stepping out of his pants, I take the
opportunity to kneel in front of him, the memory of my dream flooding my mind.
Yes, I want to feel him in my mouth, just as I had in my dream.


He groans, and
makes no attempt to stop me, but rather grabs my hair and pulls it behind me,
holding it away from my face. His gaze is impassive and a bit expectant. Has he
been waiting for me to make this move on my own, fearful of asking it of me?
I'm overthinking. This is about Kellan's pleasure, not the how or why of it


I bring myself
back to the now, and grasp his rock hard shaft, running my thumb over his soft,
velvety head, swollen with the evidence of his arousal, leaking with drops of
his pre-cum. I remove my grip to take a swipe at the seeping liquid with my
forefinger, and insert into my mouth, looking up to Kellan seductively as I
suck it. Kellan lets out a fervent moan, tipping his head back in pleasure. The
taste is salty and foreign, and I immediately crave more of it.


that's hot, baby," he manages.


I take the head
into my mouth, licking it gently, as I moan softly around it, "Mmm
hmm." His cock twitches against the roof of my mouth and I slide my lips
further down the base, guiding my one hand to grip his shaft, and the other to
cup his heavy, tight balls as I begin to massage them.


Hailey, keep that up and I'm not gonna last much longer," he warns.


He's pulling at
my hair, as if trying to slow my movements, but I'll have none of that. I
continue my sweet exploration of his cock with my tongue and mouth, coating it
until it is saturated, licking and sucking ever so slowly as I feel his body
tense and his breath become ragged.


you have to stop," he implores me. "You have no idea what you're
doing to me, Princess."
Stop? Not on your


He tries
desperately to push me away, but I refuse to relent as he groans out,
"Babydoll, I can't wait, I'm gonna come. Stop, please." I moan once
more against him, taking him deep into the recesses of mouth, sending him over
the edge as he explodes; his orgasm coating the back of my throat as I swallow
it with glorified pride and adoration. He's given up all hope of pushing away,
and pulled me into himself as far as he can, tensing up, and shivering with his
forceful release before he finally pulls out of me, leaving me feeling
instantly empty, as I lick the salty remains from my lips.


Kellan leans
his weight against me, propping a hand on my shoulder, as if he's having a hard
time standing, as his breathing slowly begins to calm.


He chuckles,
and as I gaze at him lovingly, he tips me a crooked smile, breathing out,
"Fuck me, Hailey. That was mind blowing."


plenty more where that came from," I retort with a smirk.

Chapter Twenty-Four




Holy fucking
shit. I've died and gone to heaven. Or maybe I've just died, and I'm in an
alternate universe, imagining this whole scenario in what's left of my mind in
the afterlife, or whatever happens when you leave this sad, sorry excuse for a
planet. Maybe I had a fucking seizure in the shower this morning, or passed out
cooking breakfast and smashed my head against the counter. Maybe Jordan shot me
after the funeral as final retribution for stealing Hailey away from him. I
don't think he'd score any points in his favor, but at least I'd have gone out
with bang.
Very punny.


My orgasm
subsides, and I am brought back to reality, realizing I have not died, but what
Hailey just did to me felt like heaven on Earth. I can barely stand, as the
aftershocks wrack my body. I can't count the seemingly titanic amount of
blowjobs I've received; yet none compare to Hailey's sweet oral exploration of
my cock she's just demonstrated on me, splintering me into a million pieces.
That was by far the best goddamn blowjob of my life. She's a fucking expert. A
pang of jealously courses through me at the thought of her pleasuring other


The words are
out of my mouth before I can stop them. "Talk about fucking unreal? There
must be a lot of happy guys out there." I mentally wince as an


I tip her a
small smile, trying to cover my faux pas, but her expression is wounded and
contrite. She quickly crawls into that place I've become familiar with, her
safe place, where she hides from the world, tilting her head to the floor and
fiddling with her hands, as she whispers, "I've never done that before...with
anybody but you, Kellan."


My brain seizes
for a beat, and I go slack jawed. "
I question with awe at the revelation. She gently shakes her head back and


I place my
finger under her chin and tilt her face to meet my eyes, running my other hand
over her hair, as I say in a quiet tone, "Jesus, baby, I'm sorry. I didn't
mean to..." She smiles a sad smile before I try to recover, lifting her
from the floor to stand before me. I peer down at her lovingly, taking her face
in both of my hands as I stroke her cheeks with my thumbs. "Princess,
you're a natural," I say, before capturing her lips in a firm kiss, as she
quickly opens for me, our tongues immediately beginning an urgent, feverish
dance with each other. I can still taste the faint remains of my orgasm, and it
turns me on that much more.


Hailey throws
her arms around my neck, pulling me into her further, as I let my hand travel
down her side, over her hipbone, and hike her leg over my hip. I'm hard again
in an instant, my dick throbbing with need against the heat of her pussy. I
reach between us, massaging her clit as she moans her bliss into my mouth,
rocking her hips into mine, pulling me closer with her leg. My mind wants to
make sweet, gentle love to her, but my body wants to fuck her with an
animalistic force.


Fuck sweet and
gentle. I drop her leg to the floor, spin her around, and hoist her onto my
dresser, shoving the few belongings I do have on its surface to the floor.


I pull her ass
to the edge of the dresser and angle her hips upwards as she takes in a sharp
breath. Propping her feet on my shoulders, she's spread out before me like a
full I can't wait to delve into.


Using one hand,
I caress and palm her left breast, teasing her puckered nipple as she sighs in
pleasure. My right hand travels to her sweet, wet spot, stoking her fires,
readying her for my entrance. I intend to be swift. I stroke her soaked lips
and insert two fingers, stretching her a bit as she moans in satisfaction as I
slowly rub her swollen clit. She protests with a mewl as I withdraw my fingers
to slip them into my mouth, savoring her sweet and tangy flavor.


As I continue
to massage her breast, I ask in a husky voice, "You like that, baby?"


Her eyes close
as she responds, "Mm hmm..."


"Tell me,
baby. Tell me what you want, Hailey," I command.


she replies simply.


"Not good
enough, babe. Tell me everything. Tell me what you want me to do to you,


Her head lulls
back and forth before she says, "You know what I want, Kellan."


"You have
to tell me," I goad her, as I tease her entrance with the head of my cock,
my thumb kneading her clit.


Ooh, Kellan...,
" she manages. "I need you
inside me."


"I know
you do, baby. I want to be inside you so bad right now. Tell me how you want to
fucked." I know it's killing her; the waiting. I need her as badly as she needs
me, but fuck this is hot.


Kellan, I want you to fuck me so bad it hurts."


"You want
fucked hard, don't you, Hailey?" I ask, beginning to pant as I slide the
tip of my cock in and out of her pussy a fraction of an inch. I'm dying here,
but I know this will be worth the wait. "Tell me you want fucked
hard," I demand.


yes, Kellan...fuck me hard," she strangles out as she squirms against me,
barely able to hold herself up.


"Look at
me." She opens her eyes and fastens them to mine, blinking rapidly.
"That's it, baby. Don't take your eyes off me." She nods as I
continue, "You ready?" I breathe out as she nods again.


Slamming my
cock into her, we both wail out in ecstasy as I still for a moment, her eyes
going wide, as I stare at her intently before setting a ferocious pace that
leaves us both covered in a sheen of sweat and nearly breathless. As I thrust
into her, I can feel her heat, and her core tightening.


hold back, baby. Come whenever you're ready," I prompt. My stamina is
quickly fading, and I'm nearly tipping over the edge, but I want more. This
feels like nothing I've ever felt before, but I need more.


"Tell me
you love me, Hailey." She instantly stills and I refuse to relent.
"Don't stop...keep going. Tell me you love me," I breathe out as I
pull her hips into mine, my orgasm so close I can barely hold on. She's
gripping me like a vice.


Complying, she
pants out, "I love you, Kellan."


Not good
enough. I need more. As we tumble towards oblivion, I let her legs fall to
floor, thrusting into her one final time as I stiffen, pouring myself into her,
physically and emotionally, as I pull her into me, crying out into her hair,
"Jesus, Hailey, I love you so goddamn much. Please don't ever leave
me," I plead.


She throws her
arms around me, gripping me to her as I feel her tears begin fall against my
back. "Never," she promises.






"Are you
really that dense," Georgia fired at me, as we prepared our shots for the
evening. I frowned, not understanding why she couldn't just be happy for me for


"I don't
know why I bother with you," I retorted, annoyed.


playing you like a fiddle, and you're just gonna let him walk all over you like
a door mat." She was getting more and more riled up by the minute.


I huffed out a
sigh, rubbing my forehead, before saying, "Georgia, you weren't


God," she murmured under her breath, as she rolled her eyes.


"You know
what I mean. You didn't hear it in his voice, the complete and utter resolve in
his voice. I've never been so sure of anything in my life; even when I told him
myself, it didn't seem real until he said the words."


Georgia leaned
back, an intimidating look crossing her features, as she clapped her hands
together in a slow cadence, mocking me. "Well, isn't that special,"
she bit out. "You and
lover boy
can walk
off into the sunset and get matching tattoos and shit," she said


that's a great idea!" My head suddenly snapped towards Kellan's voice
behind me, as he entered the kitchen, wrapping his arms around me, and planting
a chaste kiss on my cheek before resting his chin on the top of my head.


"What's a
great idea?" I asked befuddled.


"Let's get
matching tattoos," he answered.


God," Georgia said snidely. "You're going to mark yourself for
this..." I gave her a stern look of warning and she clamped her mouth


Kellan blew her
off, keeping his cool, and effectively ignored her. "Let's do it," he
prompted, his eyes lighting up with glee as he turned me around to face him.


"You do
know what they say about matching tattoos," Georgia kept on.


I volleyed my
eyes back and forth between Georgia and Kellan before he finally spoke up.
"It's supposed to be a bad omen," he admitted.


"Well then
why do you want us to do it?" Kellan was impossibly unpredictable.


nothing's going to happen to us, baby," he reassured me, grabbing my hands
and swinging them back and forth, as he brought me closer to him for a
lingering kiss.


" Georgia coughed into her fist, as
we both looked at her, exasperated.

BOOK: Fire and Ice: Book One: Burned (The Fire and Ice Series 1)
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