Read Fire and Desire (BWWM Romance) Online

Authors: Rebecca K. Watts

Fire and Desire (BWWM Romance) (8 page)

BOOK: Fire and Desire (BWWM Romance)
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Not wanting to prolong the inevitable, Emily changed out of her riding shoes into her wedge-heeled sandals. Smiling at a few onlookers, she headed toward the Starbucks entrance.

Tiffany had worked for an insurance company when she first approached Emily about working for The Playhouse. Barely making it to her month marker, she informed Emily she turned in her two-week notice to them. Emily tried to encourage her to work both, but Tiffany was grown and could do as she wished. In her monthly meetings, she always tried to encourage her girls to have a backup plan because the adult industry didn’t come with a retirement package.

Tiffany patiently sat at one of the high round tables. She was dressed business casual in a silk peach top, black slacks, and medium heels. Her micro braids were swept up into a bun on the side of her head.

Walking up to the table, Emily took notice of how Tiffany’s top matched her bronze eye shadow and lip gloss perfectly. Emily admired her flawless chocolate skin and size nine body. Tiffany was thick in all the right places with a small waist, big hips, and D cup bra size. This is was exactly why Emily hired her. Not all men wanted a size two. A lot of them wanted to see someone that they felt was obtainable, and Tiffany fit the bill and more.

“You’re here to give me another lecture, boss lady?” Tiffany took a sip of her latte.

“Not this time.” Emily sighed, taking a seat.

“Then what’s up?” She gave a half smile.

Emily kept a straight face. “Since you’ve been with The Playhouse, you’ve been suspended for nudity in Free Chat a total of three times. What you did the other day was unacceptable. You were playing with a dildo for everyone to see. It may have been easier to take if you weren’t shoving it all up inside you, and of course, you were once again nude. You know Free Chat is not secure and children could be watching. Yes, we have all the warning signs, and you have to be a member to get in the site but still…”

“I thought I clicked the Nude Chat button,” came her weak reply.

Emily was taken aback. She no longer felt sorry for Tiffany. “Are you serious? You really expect me to believe that? You knew you weren’t in Nude Chat when you saw the nonpaying customers still in the room. The only good point is at least you did make some money off of it because a few men decided to go cam-to-cam and show themselves stroking their penises while you pleased yourself. You are too big of a risk to my business. You’re a smart girl, so I hope you have a backup plan. I am still confused by what would possess you to do that. Anyway, here is your final check.” Emily placed an envelope on the table.

“I’m sorry.” She lowered her head.

Saying nothing, Emily headed out the door, relieved to have the burden off her chest. She put back on her riding shoes, hopped on her bike, and headed downtown. It was a beautiful day out. As she sped by, she saw females walking down the street in their hoochie shorts, belly shirts, and high heels.

By the time she made it downtown, the traffic was bumper to bumper. Glad she chose to ride her bike, she averted traffic by going down alleys and in between cars. She made it to the spot where the riders hung out just in time to see her good friend Devon with two blondes—one black, one white—on him, trying to convince him to let them ride. The sister was so bold she climbed on his bike, straddling him. Her legs were spread so wide her skirt was hiked up her legs allowing Emily to see the underwear she wasn’t wearing.

“What’s up, Devon?” She stopped her bike next to his.

“Emily! My girl!” He beamed while pushing No Panties off his bike. She scampered over to a group of girls. “She at least could’ve shaved that mess if she was going to let it all hang out like that.”

“You may want to sanitize your seat,” Emily joked.

“Whatever, but I’ll spray it with Lysol just in case. How you been, baby girl? You talked to Kenny lately?” The moisture on his short twists sparkled as it reflected the sunlight.

“I’ve been great. Business is good, and Kenny is on a photo shoot with some of my girls.”

“Photo shoot? Man, who knew me hooking you two up would have him become a big shot photographer and you a big-time business owner.” He wiped his bike down with a towelette he pulled out of his back. “How’s my lil man doing? His daddy still up to his old tricks, or is he locked up again for not paying child support?”

“Sean is fine, and last I heard, Sperm Donor was in his second home—jail. They picked him up for a suspended license, which was suspended for failure to pay child support. I only know because he called me collect like I care. I didn’t answer, but I did call the courthouse to see what he was in for this time.”

Devon laughed. “No shit? Did he think you were gonna bail him out?”

“If he did, he’s crazier than I thought. The money I make is not for him. He needs to get a job and quit living off of people. Enough about him, what have you been up too?” She didn’t want to waste any more time of her life talking about a man who did nothing but cause her misery.

“Deejaying of course. I’m doing real good and booking a lot of gigs. I’m thinking about opening up a studio.” Passion flared in his eyes.

“I’ve heard some of your mixes on the radio. Opening up a studio? I’m impressed. I may need to get with you later on to do some guest deejaying at my club when it opens.”

A girl in a bikini walked by and pointed at Devon’s bike, then Emily’s. They shook their heads. Emily knew Devon had been turned off by the last girl, and as for herself, she didn’t allow anyone on the back of her bike.

“Club? Now I’m impressed. I mean, you talked about it, but dang…I didn’t know how serious you were. I honestly thought you were just a young girl with one too many dreams. Hell yeah, I’ll do it. Whatever you need, baby girl.” He took his helmet off the side of his bike and put it on. “I gotta roll out, but call me on the real. Don’t be a stranger.”

She gave him a hug and watched as he rode off. The same two women who were messing with Devon headed her way.

“Oh, hell no. You chicken heads better kick rocks!” She lowered her shades and peeled off. There was no way in hell she was going to allow them to get on her baby.

By the time she made it home, she was soaked in sweat. As long as the bike was moving, she got a cool breeze but with each stop light, she cooked in the Georgia heat. She took a shower and prepared for her evening with Antonio.

Emily stood in her walk-in closet, debating on which summer dressed she’d wear. With time running down, she opted for the white and gold halter top maxi. She pulled her hair up in a bun but allowed a few loose curls to fall.

The reflection in her full-length mirror showed her sun-kissed brown skin looking radiant. Taking a deep breath, she walked out of her room to wait for him.

As she neared the bottom of the stairs, Ryan said, “And here she is.” He and Antonio looked at her with a smile.

Lei è straordinaria
.” Antonio’s eyes lit up.

“I have no idea what you said, but from the way you’re smiling, I hope it’s something good.” She walked over to him and gave him a hug.

“You look amazing,” he said.

She blushed. “Thank you.”

“Where are you kids off to?” Ryan asked.

La Grotta Ristorante Italiano,” Antonio said proudly. “It’s one of the best Italian restaurants in the city.”

“I’ll take your word for it, man. I only go to places where I can pronounce the name.” Ryan laughed. “Have fun.”

“Are you ready?” Antonio asked.

She nodded.

They headed out to his car. To her surprise, he ditched his truck for a black BMW with all the bells and whistles.

“How was your day?” Antonio navigated through the evening traffic.

“I’ve had better, but it’s the nature of the beast. I’m sure you have your own not-so-good days with your company.” She leaned her head back into the soft leather and enjoyed the ride. It had been a long time since she wasn’t the driver. A cherry air freshener scent filled the air—gentle and not overpowering.

“You had to let someone go today?” His eyes didn’t leave the road as he reached over and took her hand in his. His hand was soft yet firm against her skin.

“Yes. Even though she was dead wrong and knew the outcome, I still feel bad.”

“It’s okay, darling. Focus on the good you did by not allowing it to bring down your business. It’s your business, and the buck stops with you.”

The way he said “darling” made her heart skip a beat. Being called “baby” was the norm for her. “You’re right. Thank you.”

She pushed her business to the back of her mind and concentrated on Antonio. He navigated the traffic with ease while casting smiles her way. They arrived at the restaurant in no time.

They hostess greeted them and showed them to their table.

The vaulted burgundy ceiling was a perfect contrast to the ivory walls while the tables were decorated with cylinder shaped napkins. “This place is lovely,” Emily said.

Antonio responded with a wink of acknowledgment, then turned to the waiter. “I’ll have Liquor 44 and Ice Wine for the lady.”

“You do really pay attention.” She was impressed. Ice was her favorite out of all wines. There was a bottle in her cabinet marked “do not touch.” She was saving it for a special occasion.

“More than you know.” He smiled.

After ordering their food, they made small talk. When the food arrived, Emily’s stomach took over. She was famished. The first bite of veal melted in her mouth and danced on her taste buds. Cutting up the rest, she dove in.

Emily felt eyes on her. She looked up to see Antonio smiling. “Sorry,” she mumbled.

“No, by all means. I love a woman who’s not ashamed of eating.”

“Good, because I’m hungry.”

“Do you mind if I ask you something?” His smile faded.


He grabbed her hand. “Why is it that a beautiful woman like you is not taken?”

That wasn’t something she’d bothered to think about since her ex. She took a moment and reflected and decided, “I haven’t found anyone worthy.”

“Room for desert?” their gracious waiter asked.

“My goodness, no,” they answered, sliding their plates away from them. They looked at each other and laughed.

“Very well then, I’ll get this out of your way and bring you the ticket.” The waiter cleaned off their table and brought Antonio the check.

Antonio paid the bill, and they made their way to the valet. “Did you enjoy yourself?”

“I did.”

“Good, because I plan on taking you on a real date next time.”

Emily giggled as the valet held the door open for her.


Antonio shook his head at Emily. It had been two hours and they were sitting in the office. “I don’t care what other men say. There’s no way I’m getting turned on from some strange woman dancing when I’m sitting in a room with a group of men.”

The topic had turned to strippers after passing a club on the way back to her house. Antonio took over for Ryan and kept his eyes on the monitors while she sat at her desk, sorting through pictures from the photo shoot. Kenny had gone ahead and taken the liberty of started with the calendar girls while in Miami. He sent an email of the pictures to Emily right after he wrapped up.

“I understand. I’m not opening up a strip club. Certain men like privacy, and that’s where my back rooms come in. It’s just like my website, one on one.” She laughed. “In reality, there is sharing on the website, but the men are still in the privacy of their own homes or wherever.” She clicked the mouse, selecting Asia’s picture as one of her favorites. Antonio shook his head in agreement. Asia looked stunning in her red teddy, lying on a white rug in front of a fire place.

“I’ve been to plenty of gentlemen’s clubs and have seen some amazing women. They still don’t do it for me.” His hazel eyes were on her for a moment before he turned back to the monitors. “Take, for example, all the beautiful women you have on your website. Not once have I felt the urge to…um…do what the men do.”

“Masturbate?” She held back her smile at Antonio’s uneasiness.

“Yes, that.”

“You’re not getting the privacy or the connection. You’re watching twenty to thirty-five girls at once. I bet if you clicked on the view for just one, it would be different.” Emily got up and walked over to him. Her arm brushed his, causing her to shudder as she reached for the touch screen. “How about Brittany?” She selected the blonde.

“Is that who you think my type is?”

“I was just selecting someone in a private show. You pick. Vixen, Cherokee, Dawn, and MsX2u are available.”

The look he gave made her feel as if he were looking into the window of her soul. “I don’t care who it is or how private it is. They don’t interest me.”

“Not even if it were a private dance?” She looked at him and frowned.

“Every man isn’t led by his other head. Other things can motivate us.” He crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair.

“You want to bet?” She smirked. Her eyebrow rose.

“Oh, I know where you’re going. You just have to be right. I’ll take on whomever you send my way.” He paused. “When it’s done, you will see. I miei occhi sono per voi.”

BOOK: Fire and Desire (BWWM Romance)
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