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Authors: Kasey Millstead

Fighting to Stay (4 page)

BOOK: Fighting to Stay
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hips surge upward as he finger fucks me mercilessly.  His tongue swirls around my sensitive flesh and again, I feel myself building.  He latches onto my clit and growls.  The vibration sends me flying on a first class ticket to Orgasm Central.  I brazenly grind myself against his face as he fills Christa’s ass with his own release.

I collapse onto the bed, panting.  My mind swims with
a mixture of pleasure and alcohol as I close my eyes and try to regain a steady breathing pattern. 

What the fuck just happened?
  I totally got off.  I’m stunned and shocked, but damn, I’m tired.  I close my eyes and begin to drift off, but not before I absently realize that Christa has already left the room. 

Just as I am about to succumb to sleep, I hear the telltale sound of a foil wrapper being ripped open, then a set of lips close around my nipple.  My back arches and I whimper.

“Want your pussy, sugar.  You gonna give it to me?”

“Yes,” I mewl.  All thoughts of sleep are forgotten, as
he slides effortlessly inside of me.  He begins to move, slowly at first.  I can feel the ridges of his piercings as they scrape against my inside walls.  I clench my muscles around him in rhythm with his thrusting. 

My blood starts to boil in my veins as m
y body breaks out in goose bumps.  He slams inside of me, each time harder than the last.  Each time hitting deeper than before.  Every muscle in my body begins to contract; from the tips of my fingers, to the tips of my toes.  I dig my heels into his ass and hold him tightly to me as I moan and shudder through my orgasm.

“Fuck yeah, sugar.  Tighten that sweet pussy around my cock.”

“Oh, god,” I moan.  He smashes into me faster. The room is filled with the sounds of our bodies colliding, his balls slapping against my ass, my heavy breathing and his grunting as he prepares to come.  With one final thrust, he buries himself inside of me and groans through his orgasm.

He slides out of me and I feel him get off the bed.  I assume he’s getting rid of the condom, so I roll to my side and close my eyes. 
An arm slides around my waist a few seconds later and he pulls me into him just as I succumb to sleep.

Chapter 5


I wake early the next morning…well, early as in,
mid-morning, but before everyone else.  My mouth feels like it’s full of cobwebs, my head is pounding and stomach is churning. 

I quickly and quietly redress in my clothes from the night before and exit
the bedroom.  I need coffee. 
  Then I have to get back to Jenn’s and have a hot shower. 
I am going to process the events of the previous night.
I can’t believe I sucked another woman’s breasts.
NO! I will think about that later. Now isn’t the time.

I tip toe through the numerous bodies sprawled throughout the clubhouse.  There are half naked and fully naked girls passed out on the furniture and on the floor.  I don’t see any bikers though, so I assume they must all have bedrooms here.

“Oh,” I shriek.  I look down at the woman who has my ankle in her grip.  Her bleach blonde hair is looking like a rats nest and her makeup is smudged all over face.  The denim skirt she’s wearing has ridden up to her hips, leaving her g-string clad ass on display for the world.

“Where you goin’, schexy?” She slurs, clearly still drunk.

I give my leg a tug and her wrist turns limp, releasing me.  “’Bye,” I give a tight smile and a small wave, before leaving as quickly as I can.

After stopping to grab a Starbucks, I make it back Jenn’s and have a shower.  I collapse on the bed and throw my hands over my face
, falling asleep immediately.

“Lace, you here?” 
I stir and open my eyes.  “Lace?” Jenn calls again, her voice getting louder as she gets closer to me.

“In here,” I try to shout, but my voice is husky and thick from sleep.

“Oh, hey.  How do you feel today?” She laughs, taking in my appearance.

“Like shit,” I answer, dryly.

“Ha!  You look it, too.”

“Bitch,” I grumble; feigning annoyance. 

“You know you love me.”  Jenn lays beside me on top of the covers and asks how my night was.

I flush.  My face heats so quickly, and it’s so hot, I know I must look like I’ve kissed the sun.

?!” Jenn shrieks.

“Oh, god,” I groan, “don’t scream.”

“Sorry, sorry.  But your face…what did you do.  Or, more to the point,
did you do.” She waggles her eyebrows at me, awaiting my reply.

“I m
ay or may not have slept with a biker dude…and there may or may not have been another girl involved.”

“Oh my god, seriously?”

My heart drops as I realize Jenn may think I’m a slut.  I don’t think I am.  I mean, it just happened. It wasn’t planned and it’s not something that will happen again.  It’s not like I did it in public.  It happened in the privacy of a bedroom.  That doesn’t make me a slut or a whore, or anything but someone who had an awesome night that I’m not going to regret.

“Whoa,” Jenn looks at me intently.  I hadn’t realized I had said those words out loud.  “I don’t think you’re a whore or a slut.  I think it’s fucking
that you had a ménage.”

“Oh.  Have you ever had one?”

She scoffs.  “I wish!  But, Switch would never share me, and if I’m honest, I couldn’t share him either.”

I nod.  It must be nice to always have someone.  Someone you can rely on, someone who will catch you when you fall and support you when you soar.  Someone who loves you unconditionally – not because they have to, but because they
to.  I only hope I can find a love like that, one day.

“So, was it good?
  Who was it with?”  Jenn asks, excitedly.

I blanch.  “I didn’t ask his name,” I admit, quietly.

Jenn doesn’t look at me in disgust, like I thought she might have.  She simply smiles and demands I tell her all the gory details.

I fill her in, leaving nothing out.  By the end, her mouth is gaping wide.  “That is fucking hot!  I need a cold shower.  I’ll b
e back.”  She runs out the room and I burst out laughing.

It was pretty hot.

“Oh,” she pauses at the door to look at back me, “Just point him out next time we’re at the clubhouse and I’ll tell you who he is.” She winks and then she’s gone.  Five minutes later, I hear her shower going.


Chapter 6


2 weeks later


Fuck she’s beautiful.  I know her name is Lacey.  She’s the best friend of my brother’s girl. 
.  She’s so fragile.  So fuckin’ beautiful.  Shiny dark hair falls down her back in waves like a chocolate ocean. 
  Listen to me, soundin’ like some damn pussy poet.

She’s the woman of my dreams.  I haven’t stopped thinking about her since I first caught a glimpse of her beauty.  She was standing at the bar, laughing with Jenn.  I had to get closer to her, I don’
t know why, so I put down my full bottle of beer and walked over to the bar to order another one.  Just being that close to her, without even touching or talking, did something to me.

I watch her.  I’m
watchin’ her.  I’m like a fuckin’ stalker.  I shake my head at the thought.  I don’t know what it is about her.  That night we fucked at the clubhouse, all night I couldn’t take my eyes off her and I knew I had to have her.  I thought, one night and she’d be out of my system.  Man, was I wrong.  I can’t stop thinkin’ about her.  The way her skin tasted of salt with a hint of peppermint.  The way her pussy tasted.  Not like fuckin’ strawberries or honeysuckle or shit like that.  It tasted like fresh, clean
.  Best tastin’ cunt I ever had.  I feel my cock start to swell and I adjust my junk in my jeans. 

Christa had joined the party that night
.  I shouldn’t have let her.  I’ve been fuckin’ Christa for a couple of years.  She doesn’t do much for me, but pussy’s pussy and when it’s easy, who am I to argue?  It don’t matter who I fuck though, since the night I had Lacey, no matter who’s bouncing on my cock, it’s only her I see. 

ven though I was beat after Christa had drained my balls and I didn’t think I could come again, I still had to have her wrapped around my cock.  When we went to sleep, for the first time in
I slept with a woman in my arms.  It shocked me that I wanted her there, but my gut cramped at the thought of her leaving.  I pulled her close to me and slept like a damn baby.  She was gone in the mornin’ before I woke, but I’ve been keepin’ an eye on her ever since. 

My phone rings and I take my eyes off her to look at the screen.

“Roam,” I answer, holding my cell to my ear.

Prez wants you at the meet,” Zeus tells me.

“Storage Unit?”

“Yep,” he confirms.


“An hour.”

“See ya then,” I end the call and after taking one last look at Lacey, I fire up my girl and roll out.  The entire ride to meet with our potential new business partners, my mind is filled with
  She’s drivin’ me fuckin’ crazy.

I want her.  I want her in my bed and on my bike.  Somethin’ about the way she carries herself tells me she’s not like other girls.  She’s been broken.  I want to fix her. 

I just don’t know how I’m goin’ to convince her that I’m the one that’s goin’ to fix her.

I shake my head again to clear my thoughts of her, then I gun my throttle and revel in the roar of the pipes as I coast down the freeway. 

This is fuckin’ freedom.

Chapter 7


Three weeks later

“Two Whiskey’s. Neat,” I shout across the bar to Mitch.

He slides the drinks across to me and I take them back to the customers who ordered them.

Twenty Two Oh Eight bar is packed tonight.  There are people crammed in everywhere and it’s crossed my mind more than once tonight that it might be a fire or health code violation to have this many people packed in the bar, but it doesn’t seem to be worrying Mitch or Carl (the other bartender) or Candy or Slash (the security guard). So, I try not to let it bother me.

Slash is a beef of a man.  Tall, black and built like a mountain.  He’s also got a jagged scar running across his cheek.  I’m not sure if his nickname is born of the scar on his face or his extracurricular activities, but something tells me it’s probably a bit of both.
  Carl looks much the same as him, minus the scar, on account of them being brothers.

I do my rounds, squeezing through the throng of people who are all out to listen to Alabama’s hot new rock band, Fury.  I stack a bunch of empties in the crook of my arm and start walking back to the bar.

“Hey, darlin’.”  I feel his hand touch my leg before he slurs the words at me.

“Get your hand off me,” I snarl back at him. 
My lip curls as I take in his greasy hair and wrinkled face.  He gives me a smile and I notice the tobacco stains on his teeth.  I fight the urge to gag.  Then, I fight the urge to knee him in the crown jewels when his hand travels up the back of my thigh to squeeze my ass.

“I said
, get your fucking hands
me.”  I try to jerk away, but his grip is surprisingly strong for a dirty old man.

“C’mon, darlin’.  I’m just havin’ some fun,” he grins again.

Just as I’m about to put my load of glasses down, I hear a voice growl from behind me.

“The lady asked you to get your hands off her.”

I freeze and a shiver runs over me.  The good kind of shiver.

“Ah, c’mon man.  I was just havin’ some fun.  She loves it. I can tell,” Old Touchy-Feely whines.

“You best be keepin’ your hands to yourself, old man, or you might find you wake up one day with

I swallow. Hard.  And judging by the bobbing of his Adam’s apple, so does Old Touchy-Feely. 

“You okay, sugar?”  His lips rest just below my ear lobe, on my neck, and they move against my skin as he speaks.

“I’m fine,” I whisper through a whole body shudder.  A shudder I’m sure he felt because he’s pressed close enough to me. 

“Good,” he says.  Then his teeth find my lobe and he bites down gently, dragging my flesh through his teeth before releasing me.  I resist the urge to either orgasm or spontaneously combust, and instead, I get back to work.

I don’t see him again for the rest of night, but I feel someone watching me the entire time.
It’s the same feeling I’ve felt every now and then over the last three weeks.  It’s not the usual creepy feeling you get when you feel someone’s eyes on you, it’s a

Hours later, my feet are aching and I can hear my bed calling my name.  The band is packing up the last of their instruments and
most everybody has gone home for the night.  I cash out and then make a quick stop to the bathroom before I leave.

I do my business, wash my hands and then as I open the wooden bathroom door, it pushes back against my hand.  I feel my heart thud hard in my chest and my hand automatically reaches up to steady its beat.  “Oh, Lord.  You scared the hell out of me.”

He looks me up and down, slowly, before his eyes come to rest on mine.  His are blazing.  He looks like he wants to eat me alive.  My knees tremble at the thought and at the same time my stomach clenches. 

He removes the toothpick from between his teeth,
takes a step forward so the door closes behind him and then he drawls, “Didn’t think I’d just walk away, did you, sugar?”

“Uh…I don’t know,” I squeak.  He’s so close, yet so far away.  My nostrils are full of his scent – it’s a heady mixture of leather, oil
and spice.  My nipples tingle and I feel my eyelids lower as my breathing shallows.

How ridiculous
am I that a man whose name I don’t even know, can have such an effect on my body?

“C’mere.”  His voice is like a whisper, but not.  It’s husky and thick, but quiet.  A shiver runs through my body before I launch myself at him.  His mouth slants down and takes possession of my own, and I am lost to him.  Lost

He presses me back against the wall and I feel every hard inch of him caging me in.  He deftly removed my jeans and then firm hands grab my ass and lift up.  I wrap my legs around his waist and I feel him between us, releasing his cock.  I kiss his jaw and lick a trail along his neck while he puts the condom on.  Then he thrusts inside.

My back arches and my nerves quiver as he torturously rubs his piercing backward and forward inside me.  Steadily, he begins to build until he’s slamming into me.  I bite down on his shoulder to muffle the sound of the scream that is begging to be released from my throat.

He reaches down and captures on
e of my nipples into his mouth, sucking deep.

“Oh, god.  Fuck me harder,” I all but scream.  Sweat is trickling down my back and I feel so hot
.  “Oh, god, it feels so good,” I moan as he fills me.

“Sweetest fuckin’ pussy I’ve ever had.  Fuckin’ beautiful.  So fuckin’ sweet.  You like my cock, sugar?  You gonna take all of my cock?”

I whimper and feel myself get even wetter at his grunted words.  “Yes,” I cry – in answer to his question, or just because it feels good, I’m not sure.

“Yeah, that’s my good girl.  Now tighten up that sweet little cunt of yours and come all over my cock,” he breathes in my ear.  The he clamps his teeth down on my lobe at the same time as his fingers find my nipple and he grinds his pelvis against me.

I scream.  My legs tense around him, gluing him to me as I jerk in his arms as my orgasm rips throughout my entire body.

He rams into me once more, before shoving his face into my neck and shuddering through his own release.

“Fuckin’ hell, sugar,” he pants, breathlessly.  “So good,” he mumbles.

I lay my head back against the cool wall and try to regain my breath.

A few seconds later, the air in the room changes and I resist a whimper when he pulls out of me.  He lowers me to the ground and I quickly pull my jeans back up and re-button my shirt without looking at him.  I hear his own zip
per go up and he walks over to the trash can to dispose of the condom.

I know his eyes are on me, waiting for me to look at him, but I can’t, so I kick at the floor with the toe of my boot.

“That should never have happened.  That shit won’t happen again.” he states.  My eyes snap to his and I look at him, shocked.

Then I get mad. 

“You,” I shout, pointing my finger at him for emphasis, “followed me in here.  I,” I point to myself, “did
ask you to.  I can
believe the kind of asshole you are.  You’ve been inside me twice and never even had the fucking courtesy to tell me your name, or ask me mine.  Fuck you.”

Then, I do what I do best.  I run.  Out the bathroom door and straight to my car.  When I get to Jenn’s, I run straight into the shower and scrub myself raw in water as hot as I can stand.  I scrub away the sickening slut aura that clings to my body and I scrub away
lingering scent.

When I finally
get under the covers, I try my hardest to fall asleep, but I can’t stop thinking about
.  Eventually sleep finds me, but it isn’t until I see the sun peeking through the curtains, signaling dawn.

BOOK: Fighting to Stay
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