Fighting Temptation (Bay State Series Book 1) (5 page)

BOOK: Fighting Temptation (Bay State Series Book 1)
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I can only seem to imagine sex with one woman. The same woman I'll be seeing in just eight short hours.

Fuck my life......

mood swing




My nerves are completely shot.

I hate starting a new job. I had a few in high school and college, but this is for real, and meeting new people forget about it. I eventually do well with most people. It's just getting to know them that sucks. John told me that he went to school with a couple of the other guys that we'll be working with and that I'd be fine. Yeah, easy for him to say, he already knows them.

As I pull up my stockings, I look at myself in the mirror. Five feet seven inches, long shapely legs, slim waist, curvy hips and a c-cup bra. I've been told several times that I have the perfect body.

Today I chose my new black pencil skirt, soft pink sleeveless blouse and pink two inch heels. Opting for comfort verses pain like Rachel put me through the other night, making me wear those death traps. Twisting my hair up and securing it in a clip, I add a little blush and some lip gloss. Ready to go. I do love having my own bathroom. Grabbing my purse I head to the kitchen to find my roomies.

“Hey, there's some eggs in the pan if your hungry.”

“No thanks Rach, my stomach's in knots. I'll just grab a coffee at Dunkin Donuts on the way in.”

“You need to get it right, we call it Dunkies around here. There's one on the way to the office, actually there's probably ten. One can never have enough Dunkies around them.” John finishes with a small laugh.

He turns to Rachel. “Bye babe have a good day, love you.”

“Love you too, I'll miss you.”

“Aww, aren't you two the cutest, now let's go before I puke.” I laugh at them and scrunch my face up in mock disgust.

“You just wait. When you find the one, I'll be making fun of you. Then we'll see if you think it's so funny.”

“Mark my words girl, it ain't happening. Jackson ruined all that romantic shit for me. I thought I found the one and he crushed me. Remember? So I'm not even going there again. See ya later.” I give her a quick wave.

“See ya,” She waves back as we walk out the door.

Parking the car and turning to me with sympathy in his eyes, John starts his pep talk. “Listen I've known these guys a long time. Sure I haven't seen them in what seems like forever, but they're good people. Are they gonna give you a hard time? Most likely, but only because they want to be funny. Just try to ignore them the best you can. You'll be with Braydon most of the time so they'll most likely not even have the chance. Braydon can be,” he pauses, searching for the right word. “Very particular and anal, just be patient with him and try your best, you'll do great. If you have any problems don't hesitate to come find  me.”

Not able to form words, I just nod and get out of the car. Walking up to the building, I feel extremely overwhelmed. “This place is huge, I'm so gonna get lost.” I mumble. Taking a huge breath, John opens the door for me and we walk inside. At the front desk I approach the woman who's name tag says Karen. “Hi my name is Ilyanna Sicliano and this is John Stevens. We're starting at B.C.O Financials and were told to check in with you.”

She takes a quick glance at her computer, typing something quickly before looking back at me. “Yes, Ms. Sicliano, take the elevator on the right side of the hall to the thirty fifth floor and take a left. Go through the double doors and Melissa can assist you from there.”

“Thank you very much.”

Arriving on the intended floor John lets out a long whistle. “Wow, nice.”

I don't reply, my stomach has now hit rock bottom. Moment of truth, time to come face to face with the man featured in my dreams for the past month. Lord please let me get through this day. I send up a silent prayer, hoping someone's up there listening. And there he is as soon as we walk through the doors, smiling that oh so sexy smile that makes my panties wet.

“Good morning glad you could make it on time. Let's take a quick tour.” He looks over at John. “Then I'll show you to your office.”

Looking back at me with a smirk he says, “You, unfortunately are stuck with me.” Thankfully he laughs or I would have taken it as an insult.

Once we're finished with the tour and John situated in his office, I find myself alone with Braydon, felling extremely uncomfortable.

“I'm just going to go over some basic client information with you today. Get you used to our operating system, phones, and fax. We have a meeting at one o'clock in our conference room to go over monthly budgets and a few issues that have come up recently. You can just sit and look pretty while taking notes, after that I'm sure we'll find something to occupy the rest of our day.”

I feel so awkward, all I can think about is throwing myself at him. “Sounds good, you have a lovely office.” Large windows facing out over the skyline, smooth oak desk. Mmm, I can picture myself on that desk. I slap that thought down real fast. This will never work if I can't control myself. I need to focus.

His eyes are serious as he looks me over, sending chills up and down my spine. “Thank you, but not half as lovely as you.”

Heat rushes my face. He has a way with doing that. What a charmer. This is going to be so much harder than I ever imagined.

Sitting in the meeting later that afternoon all I could do was watch him. It's like the other people in the room don't even exist. Watching his hands, his lips, imagining them on me.

“Are you getting this down?” His tone makes me feel like a child being scolded.

My thoughts put away for now, I stammer out an apology. “Sorry sir, kinda zoned there for a minute.”

“Please pay attention.”

“Yes sir.” I say breathlessly at his authoritative tone. His eyes widen briefly, whether at my voice or words, I'm not sure. Oh yes sexy man, I would love for you to boss me around.

Dammit........ Why does my mind stay in the gutter around him?

“Thank you. Now where was I? The Carter account has had some depreciation, we need to take a look at those numbers to see what we can find. Also Lucy Norman's account is being moved to Henderson's. We'll need to see that her portfolio's properly transferred there. Unless anyone has any questions, that's a wrap. Thanks everyone.”

He looks around the room at everyone gathering their things and leaving the room. “Let's get back to my office and go over what we covered here. I like to be very thorough and expect you to do the same.”

The rest of the day he seems very cold towards me. I couldn't help think I did something to make him this way. “Can I ask you a question sir?”

“Sure, call me Braydon.”

“Did I do something to upset you this afternoon?”

He strokes his chin in thought while studying me. “You did great, it's not you I'm upset with, it's myself. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a few things to wrap up. You can head on out and I'll see you in the morning.”

I just leave without another word. If he's upset about something I don't want to pry and piss him off. Talk about a complete three sixty from dinner the other night and this morning. He seemed so nice, flirty even. Hmm? I guess I'll just have to take his word that it's not me. Hopefully he gets it worked out.

I definitely prefer fun flirty Braydon, opposed to this version of him.


Two weeks. That's how long it's been since I started working for Braydon. I let out a long sigh, what is with this man?

The comment he made about it not being me is sounding more and more like a lie. It seems like in the meeting that first day he flipped a switch. Dr. Jekkel, Mr. Hyde. And me? I can't seem to put a halt to my dreams about him. Only now they're darker more demanding. Gone are his sweet words, replaced by harsh commands.

“Place your hands above your head.” When I didn't comply he repeated it even more harshly adding, “Do it now, or I'll do it for you!”

I did as he said, not wanting to see just how rough he would be if he did indeed do it himself. He tied my wrists together using something I couldn't see. It was soft so that was good I suppose. It's always so dark in these dreams.

He started to run his hands down my sides, not touching my breasts on his way and I started to squirm. “Don't move.”

“But,” I started to say.

He placed a finger over my lips. “Don't talk, just feel.”

I did as he asked because oh boy, did I want to feel him. This time unlike my other dreams, I was on my back. He spread my legs wide and crawled up in between them.

“So beautiful,” He whispered, as his hands slid lower removing my panties on their journey down. “I can't wait to taste every inch of you.”

“Oh, please.....”

“Shhh, do you want me to stop?” I frantically shook my head back and forth, his touch sending electricity through me.

I have never felt this from anyone's touch. His hands stroked back up to my inner thighs and I let out a loud whimper. Finally they reached my sopping wet center.

“So wet for me Ilyanna.” He said, his words a warm caress to my pussy. “I can't wait to sink my hard cock into your softness, and make you beg for it. And you will beg.”

“Please.” I felt like I was going to combust. Right at that moment he shoved two thick fingers deep while I writhed, trying to get some movement.

    “Stop!” I did immediately and he started to pull them out. I let out another whimper and he shoved them back in, going a little deeper and harder with each thrust. It felt so good, he knew just how to stroke my heat. I was loving every minute of it, until I couldn't stand it anymore. I needed his cock, bad....

“Yes..... God Braydon yes...... please......” He removed his hand and positioned himself at my entrance. As soon as I felt the head of his swollen cock start to stretch me, I woke up!




Now extremely horny and having no desire to get up and grab my vibrator, I picture Braydon and that smile. I run my hand down to my panties and find them extremely wet. Playing with my clit through the fabric until I can't take anymore, I pull them to the side and shove two fingers in thrusting them frantically, grinding my palm on my clit.

Bucking on the bed, I glide my other hand to my nipple and start to twist and pinch. Imagining it's his mouth and fingers. In, out, in, out, I pump myself until I fly over the edge with his name on my lips.

Going into the bathroom to wash my hands, I look in the mirror to see a pair of satisfied eyes staring back at me. I decide that I'm going to get to the bottom his attitude towards me. He seems just fine with everyone else.

Maybe I'll play up my looks a little more, some flirting. Yeah, maybe that will do it. I'm going to make him want me. I need to have him. I need to get him out of my system. Perhaps I'll stop having dreams about him if I have the real thing. Oh, I'll play hard to get and that will make him want me even more, drive him crazy.

After all he deserves it. He's been driving me crazy for two weeks.

Payback's a bitch!

On a mission




I can't do this shit. It's been absolute fucking torture. Ever since that first meeting where all she was doing was staring at me like she wanted to eat me alive. I'm trying to be good. Really I am.

Every day, whether she's wearing a knee length skirts or pants, I just want to yank her into my office and bend her over the fucking desk. Her awkwardness around me along with the way she looks at me despite me being a complete dick to her lead me to believe she's also affected. I make a mental note to try and talk to John about it. Maybe get some insight into their nightly plans to lay low in the wings and observe her. I doubt she acts this way around everyone.

   Walking into his office, I see he's on the phone. He holds up a single finger, letting me know he'll just be another minute. “Okay babe, the club tonight sounds great. See ya at home, love you.” Hanging up, he looks at me. “What's up boss?”

Jackpot. Couldn't have walked into a better conversation. “Not much. Just coming to see how your first week's been.”

“It's been great, everyone here's been pretty cool. The girls are loving Boston so that's a plus. We're going out tonight to celebrate at the Rain. You should come with us.”

“Sorry I can't, I have plans tonight with Frank and George. Maybe next time? You guys have fun.”

“Yeah, you too. And thanks again. I missed this city, it feels good to be back.”

“No, thank you. You've already proved to be a big help and I appreciate it.”

Back in my office, I try to come up with a plan. Being inconspicuous in a club should be pretty damn easy, especially one as busy as Rain.

Mission to learn the true Ilyanna Sicliano is on.


From just a few tables away I sit and watch as she interacts with her friends. A completely different person than I'm used to seeing at the office. I can't hear what they're saying, it's too damn loud in here. She's laughing, smiling, and bouncing up and down in her seat to the music.

   When I first got here I saw the girls on the dance floor, she was shaking that sexy ass to some hip hop song. No chance of them spotting me while they were dancing, so I snuck off to find a table.

Luckily I saw John but he didn't see me, he was too busy watching his woman and making sure no men approached her I'm sure. She was saying something to Rachel when they got back to the table, the other girl just laughed as they took they're seats.

It was about twenty minutes later that I decided I had seen enough.

   Yup, she was different around me that's for sure. But why? Is it because I'm a dick towards her? I can't help it. Not really, if I'm nice to her this feeling I'm having will only get worse. I don't know if it's fear of rejection or fear of what I've been trying to avoid. Another relationship, not only a relationship but one with an employee.

I think back to what my mother said. True, it is my rule to break. What if she's not attracted to me? Where would that leave me, having to work with her every day? All these questions in my head. I've come to two conclusions. She either hates me, or is as attracted to me as much as I'm attracted to her. Makes sense. I'm acting far from normal and it seems so is she. I can't say I'd blame her if she hates me, I've been a shit to her.

Just when I get up to leave she locks eyes with me. Fuck, fuck and double fuck! She says something to John, who looks back at me with a confused look on his face. Of course he would, I lied and told him I had plans. I guess I should come up with a convincing excuse and go over there. Thankfully I wasn't still sitting at the table when she saw me. That would have been a bitch to explain. Sitting at a table by myself, staring at her.

“I thought you had plans tonight?” He asks.

“They bailed on me so I figured I would take you up on your offer to join you guys.”

With a quick look at the girls, I say with my best deadpan expression, “Rachel, it's a pleasure to meet you. Ilyanna.”

Have to keep up the asshole persona and test the waters. I'm having an internal debate. I want this woman, yet I don't want to. My brain and mouth are at war with each other. What my mouth is saying, I shouldn't give a shit what she thinks of me. My brain however wants to know if she only acts the way she does around me if we're alone and why.

She immediately gets tense and doesn't say much, just sits there quietly while I talk with the others. Looking around the club I ask, “Nice club huh?”

Rachel's the one to answer. “We've been here a few times, we love it.”

“Me too, I used to come all the time but the guys have been dragging me to a new club over by Fenway.”

“I think we've walked by a few times when we're over that way.” Of course John knows which club I'm talking about. “The new gentleman's club right? Can't say that's our scene.”

“Oh come on, don't spoil my fun. I was going to throw your bachelor party there.” That earned me the stink eye from Rachel, and I almost died laughing at the look. “Please Rachel? It's not like he's going to sleep with any of them.”

“Really it's alright, that's really not my thing. I have all the woman I need right here.”

    “Awe, your so sweet babe.” She says as she leans over to give him a kiss.

    As they're making out I look over at Ilyanna who's looking everywhere but at me. “So how was your first week at the office? I hope your new boss isn't giving you a hard time.” I joke trying to lighten the tension I feel radiating off of her. If she only knew how hard she makes me.

“It's been fine. Hey guys, can we get going? I'm really tired?”

Wow, so she wants to act like I'm not even here. She barely acknowledged my question. Burn, damn she hates me. That's gotta be it. I guess I'll just keep my attitude the same then, not gonna kill myself trying to make her like me.

Rachel looks at her with a questioning look. “Ooookay...., I guess we could get going. It's been nice seeing you Braydon have a good night.” I tear my eyes away from Rachel and turn back to Ilyanna but she's already fled the table.

I look to John who's watching his fiancé chase after her. “She hates me doesn't she?” I really don't know where his loyalties lie. So I sit and patiently waiting for his answer.

“She hasn't said anything like that to me. Come to think about it, she never talks about you. She's said that she enjoys work though and acts really happy at home all the time. I'm sure she'd have said something. She's not one to keep stuff bottled up.”

“Can I let you in on a secret? And I'm only telling you this because I need some advice. Please don't say anything to Rachel.”

“No problem, what's eating you up? I can tell you've been in a funk lately.”

“That girl's got me so fucked up in the head, I don't know what to do. All I can think about is her and it's pissing me off.”

“Are you saying you have a thing for Ilyanna? I was wondering why you were acting strange around her.”

“Yeah, I'm afraid I'm into her in a big way. I looked her up the day I got her resume, I haven't been able to do shit without thinking about her. It's driving me fucking crazy. I've been pretty shitty towards her too, thinking it would help me to stop feeling this way.”

“I don't know what to say. If you feel that way about her it doesn't make sense for you to treat her that way. Then again it kinda does make sense, they say it's easier to be hateful towards people your closest to. Just try being a little nicer to her, see if it changes the way she acts. Chances are she's attracted to you too. Hey, I'll catch up with you later. Rachel's over there flagging me down. Give me the weekend, I'll see if I can dig a little without giving anything away.”

“Thanks man, I owe you one.”


The next week passed pretty much the same. John had nothing to report, saying anytime the subject of me came up she changed it. I tried to keep my distance as much as possible. Of course having to train her didn't help my cause all that well. “Did you get those papers filed? I asked you forty five minutes ago!”

“Yes I did, about twenty minutes ago.”

“Go through my emails and see if you can find anything from Carter, I've been expecting a reply from them. I'll be on a conference call for a couple of hours. If you need anything ask John.” I turn and leave the room without waiting for her reply.

I really need to get laid. I'm starting to sound like a catty bitch. The only problem is no one's caught my attention except my hot as fuck assistant and as far as I can tell, she can't stand me. I should have taken John's advice. What could it hurt being nicer to her? Come Monday I'll be a changed man. Maybe I should go home and stalk her Facebook again and jack off to let out some frustration with my fist.


Her black and yellow polka dot bikin's my favorite, most likely because it shows the most skin. She has the most perfect looking tits. I imagine what her nipples look like and immediately my cock stiffens. I take it out of my boxers and start to stroke, using the precum leaking out of the tip to get it nice and lubed up. Imaging it's her tight wet pussy. I'm mentally removing those two tiny scraps of fabric as I squeeze tighter and stroke faster.

When I erupt it's her name on my lips. Who the hell am I kidding? I can't fight it anymore. I need to have her. Question is, will she have me? Guess I'll have to wait and see how she reacts to the real me.


Holy shit! Where has that professional dressing girl gone that I hired? Hot damn, if I didn't think she was sexy before, I sure as hell do now. Fuck I can't have a constant wood all day. I certainly can't stay seated at my desk either.

   Today she's in a much shorter than usual snug black skirt, nude stockings, red heels, and a white blouse with a few too many buttons undone. Is she trying to kill me.

    “Good morning Braydon, I hope you had a nice weekend.”

“I did thank you.” I swallow hard and try not to stare, but fail miserably.

“Is everything ok sir?” She asks with a tilt of her head and cute little smile.

“Yes, yes everything's fine. Let's get to work shall we. After you.” I motion to her with a sweep of my hand, indicating I would follow. Nothing wrong with wanting to look at such a sweet ass in that skirt.

“So what's on the agenda for today?” She asks, while bending over my desk and giving me a nice view of those tits.

“I was thinking we could audit some financial statements.” My cock is straining against my pants, she really needs to move before I have an accident like a teenager. “We'll be looking for arrears, consistency, and debt ratio.”

   “It's a good thing your helping me with this sir, it's a little different than what I'm used to.” She's definitely doing this on purpose, maybe she's sick of my attitude and she's trying to lighten me up a little. She sits and keeps uncrossing and crossing her legs, licking her lips, and playing with her hair. Which is effectively pushing her tits out and giving a nice view of her thighs while doing it. I wonder if she realizes I have something she can come help me with?

“I certainly want you to be comfortable in all aspects of my business, your my assistant. Therefor I need you to be as knowledgeable as I am in every detail of day to day operations.”

“I'm here for you to teach me sir,” she licks those damn lips again. “I'm a really fast learner.” Oh God I'm sure you are. I don't say that out loud of course. The things I could teach her. We spend several hours like this, her flirting's making me insane.

“Could you go grab us some lunch? We can eat in here today so we can get through these audits. I imagine we'll work on them tomorrow as well.”

“Sure, what do you want?”


“I'll take pastrami on rye with swiss and mustard. The deli down the road is awesome. And a coke please.” She's stands and bends down over my desk again while I write my order down on a post it.

“Be back shortly.” She says and winks at me.

What the fuck? Where has this woman come from? I wonder as I watch that ass sashay out of my office. If she wants to play, we'll play.

Question is who's gonna cave first?

BOOK: Fighting Temptation (Bay State Series Book 1)
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