Read Fiery Match Online

Authors: Tierney O’Malley

Tags: #science fiction, #erotic Romance, #alien

Fiery Match (2 page)

BOOK: Fiery Match
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Once in a while, he would talk to people, but she noticed that he would still glance at her shop as if making sure she did not disappear. So weird, really. Funny thing was, she liked it.

Nikka had been a recipient of hot guys’ attention, although most of them were jerks only interested in feeling her boobs.

Then Richard happened. He wooed her, pursued her relentlessly until she fell for him. It was too late when she realized his true intentions—to show his friends that he could make her sleep with him. Richard. God! She hated that name.

Richard, the only serious boyfriend she had sex with happened to be a
asshole. He’d hurt her physically and emotionally so badly she thought she’d never recover from it.

At one point in her life, she’d been such a gullible idiot to get swept away by flattery.
Not anymore
. Not after Richard.

Now Cor… he used flattery the first time they’d met. She became alarmed, but at the same time it roused her curiosity. There was something about him that she couldn’t really put her finger on. Even from the short distance he exuded a powerful aura that bordered on something dangerous. Yeah, he had that going. Aside from those things, he watched everyone like prey as if expecting someone or
to attack him.

Men, she noticed, would walk around him with wary looks, as if afraid to get near him, while women would walk back and forth trying everything to get his attention. One even pretended to trip and landed on top of him. He helped the woman, but that was it. He went back to watching her store, lounging like a model waiting for his picture to be taken.

Over six feet tall, looking delicious in his faded low rise jeans, he rode a wicked and sleek MV Augusta F4CC that he drove every day that most likely cost more than her store and life insurance, and his wavy blond hair that passed the base of his neck could make any one lose their manners and stare at him.

But it was his eyes—the most beautiful green eyes she’d ever seen—spoke intelligence. And when he smiled…Lord, he could melt any woman’s bones in her body. Yeah, he had that going. She’d bet her store he could have any woman he wanted. After all, who would say
to a package like that. Lord, all she wanted to do was rub herself all over him while drooling.

Nikka laughed to herself. She sounded like a rabid dog in heat. Between two vases of flowers, she stole a glance at Cor. She was so put off when he asked her out five minutes after he stepped in her store that she scowled and told him not to come back. But since then, he started sitting on the chair across the street watching. So creepy, but deliciously creepy.
Ugh! stop, brain
. She shouldn’t feel this way.

Sweet pea! The man was driving her nuts. She couldn’t work without looking across the street every damn five minutes.

Lately, she’d been getting up before her alarm went off in the morning so she could spend more time getting ready. She even used her new makeup kit just because she wanted to look pretty in case he
cross the street again to see her. Worse, she began having fantasies about them making love. Each time got hotter and hotter. Her thoughts filled with wicked ways a couple could do it in bed.

Oh, God. How many times had she imagined Cor’s mouth on her clit, sucking her hard, making her come while his hands squeezed her breasts?
Too many times to count

Whether she admitted it or not, Cor had become an obsession. Lord, her attraction grew each day and now she would be willing to throw caution away just to have a little sampling of him.

But what was he waiting for? If he were serious about asking her out, why not come back and ask her again? If he did, would she say
? Gah!

Feeling her body temperature rising, she picked up a bucket of white roses, walked around the counter, then stood in front of the window where she had a row of buckets filled with assorted flowers neatly arranged.

Her friend, Samuel, who lived in the apartment behind the store, believed that Cor had the hots for her. Now, there lies the problem. She didn’t want a man to pay attention to her simply because he had the
for her. She’d met a number of those men to last her a lifetime. She wanted a man to see her without thinking about sex, to see her as a woman with feelings and not just a body.

Was that how Cor saw her? An object?

Cor must have had been used to women falling for him in a hurry. All he had to do was ask the woman out and he’d have her in his bed. No wooing, no flowers, no movies. Yeah, he probably expected that. He wouldn’t ask her out the first time he walked in her store if he wasn’t used to getting any women he wanted.

Nikka watched Cor talk to the elderly couple. She liked the way he laughed. As if that was a habit, too.

He was undeniably charming. When the couple left him, he started scribbling something. Then he stood up. Hands in his pockets, he looked to his left and then to his right.

Oh, dear. He’s crossing the street.

She watched with her heart in her throat. Cor’s stride was purposeful.

Dear me. He’s coming this way.

Quickly, she busied herself. She pulled different flowers from different buckets. She stood behind the counter and started making a bouquet that her customer ordered earlier. She knew he was coming, but still, the doorbell startled her. Goodness. She needed to calm down.


Holy smokes! Even his voice sounded so so…sexy and deep as if he was saying hello to a lover after a long fiery lovemaking.
Stop, brain!
Taking a deep breath, she met his dark green eyes with her boring pale blue eyes.

Her breath caught in her throat.

From afar, he looked so enigmatic. This close, he was even more handsome. She could see the dark brown highlights on his blond hair, strong jaws, and boy, he smelled of cologne. Subtle scent, but it was there.

“Hello. What can I do for you?”

“Nice question.” Cor’s brows arched mischievously. She could almost hear his thoughts. All naughty and had nothing to do with flowers.

“Are you looking for a single rose, bouquet, corsage, or just checking the quality of my flowers?”

“I’m looking for you.”

Cor stared at her so openly it was borderline rude. Still, if she were to be honest with herself, she could stare at him forever and not get tired of it. Now, that was rude. “I’m here. So how can I help?”


Chapter Three



“Would you really help if I tell you what I need? Or is your offer actually empty? Just a bullshit question you ask everyone who comes in here.”

Nikka looked surprised, her mouth opened and closed. “What?”

“I said—”

“I heard you the first time.”

“So are you?”

“Am I what?”


“No,” she huffed indignantly.

Nikka’s deep frown made him realize he was doing this wrong again. Cor raked his hair back with his fingers.
Son of a bitch
. He’d never been good in flowery speeches.

If he wanted to be as successful as Kyr, he’d better not screw this up. “I started off the wrong foot when I first walked in here. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay.”

“I want a do-over.”

“A do-over.”

Cor breathed a little easier when the corner of Nikka’s lips turned up. “Try again.”


“I’m Cor of Rhyn.”

“Corofryn? What an unusual name.”

Despite her butchering his name, he smiled. “Cor. My name is Cor. I’m from Rhyn.”

Nikka’s smile took his breath away. Her face brightened, sky blue eyes round, and her curved mouth…tempting.

“I’m Nikka McLeary, a local. Born and raised here in Seattle and owner of this shop.”

“Nice to meet you, Nikka.” Cor looked around the shop. It was like being in the garden of flowers of different colors.
Like my mother’s garden
. He looked down and frowned at his boots. This was no time to think about what he had lost.

“You okay?”

“Yeah. You seem to be happy selling flowers.”

“I am. I’m a hole in the wall, but people are buying. I’m not totally invisible.”

He nodded. Here we go. Now would be the perfect time to tell her about Rhyn and himself. He prayed to his gods that Nikka would accept. The Orkinians annihilated his planet. A number of Rhynians were chosen to hold their ground, trained to destroy the fucking Orkinians once and for all. He wanted to do that—to hold a weapon again and defend his planet. As soon as his task here was over, he’d go back.

He’d seen envy and angry looks, even from his friends, directed his way and his brothers. He’d heard them say they were chosen to do this
task because of their father’s rank. Some even said that he and his brothers were weak and not battle ready, throwing insults his way. It angered him. He argued with his father to keep him on Rhyn, but he wouldn’t budge. If he failed to do this mission, he wouldn’t have a face to show back to his planet. He doubted he could live with that kind of shame attached to him.

Fuck, he’d make Nikka see how important she would be, for him and for his planet.

“You don’t have to work ten hours here everyday, Nikka. I can help you.”
Did that question come out right?

“I’m getting by. Thank you, though.”

“I have money. Name the amount you need to expand, open another shop, and hire staff.”

“Thanks for the offer, but I’d rather keep my debt below five hundred dollars.”

“You don’t have to pay me back. Consider my offer a gift.”

Nikka smiled, shaking her head. “You know, I should be offended by your offer. But, since it is obvious that you didn’t go to the
School of Picking Up Women
, I’ll let this insult slide.”

“Since when did giving a woman a gift become an insult? My brother Kyr offered Jade money. Now, they are married.”

“Is that what you expected in return?”

Cor rubbed his face with his hands. He was seriously fucking this up. “I’m sorry. You’re right. I lack in social graces.”

“So what made you cross the street today?”

“You,” he said casually with hopes that she wouldn’t be alarmed.

“Me? But you’ve known I’m here. You stared at my shop all day, but you didn’t come in until now. Got tired of watching me?”

“I will never tire watching you, at’vi.”

“You know that’s creepy, right?”

“My sister-in-law said…never mind.”

“Okay. If you need something for your sweetheart other than flowers, I have a few plants in the back, and greeting cards.”

“I don’t have a sweetheart. But, mademoiselle…” He put his left hand behind his back and brought his right hand to his waist. With a smile on his face, he kept his gaze on Nikka, then bowed. “I’m hoping to have one right now.”

Nikka laughed. “Oh, dear. Well, you came to the wrong place, Sir Cor. I don’t sell sweethearts.” Her eyes grew openly amused.

Sense of humor. He loved that. Relieved that she didn’t rebuff him, he decided to grab the chance. “At’vi, I’ve been watching you for weeks because—”

“You’re not IRS, are you? Because, buddy, you got nothing. I am a good taxpayer.”

Cor laughed. She had spunk. Oh, damn. He liked her a lot. “Don’t worry. I’m not slapping you with IRS forms.”

Nikka pretended to wipe her forehead with the back of her hand. “Whew! What a relief. So, I already told you I don’t sell sweethearts here. How else can I help?”

Cor thought about Jade’s advice. He walked toward the bucket filled with long stems with white bell flowers. They remind him of the flowers that grew in the field behind their house. Here they called this flower Lily of the Valley. He pulled a stem, then walked back toward the counter, and handed it to Nikka.

“Nice choice.”

“There’s more.”


He pulled the napkin from his back pocket. This had better work. “Nikka, I…”


He unfolded the napkin and stared at the letters. His heart pumped so fast, he feared if it went any faster, he would pass out. Damn. That would be humiliating.


“Nikka,” he began to read. “The moment I saw you, I knew, that my long years of searching are over.” He took another deep breath and met Nikka’s gaze. “No other woman ever made me yearn to see her until you. I knew you were the one I’ve been looking for. The thought of you is enough to make my heart double its beat. The sun shines brighter, and changes the color of my skin. Yeah, it must be you who could make my dreams come true.” He tucked the napkin back in his pocket, then stared at Nikka.

She had that look of shock on her face. She was also opening and closing her mouth like a fish out of water. “I-I don’t even know what to say. I guess, thank you for the wonderful poem. Oh, gosh.”

If he were to guess, he’d say he was the first to write a poem for her. “You asked what I found out after watching you. I found out that two souls from two different planets could meet with the hands of fate. I found you for a reason. You are my match.”

“Match? You figured that out just by watching me?”

“I can prove it.”

Nikka sighed. “May I see the napkin?”


“I want to see it.”

“It’s written in a different—”

Nikka snatched the napkin from his hand.

He groaned.

She laughed while unfolding the napkin. “I saw you scribble something. I just want…what is this?”

“My language.”

“What do you mean your language? This writing looks some kind of ancient letters.”

“It is.”

“You write ancient language?”

“You could say that.”

Nikka turned the napkin clockwise, frowned at it, and then turned it again. “Are you an archeologist or professor of ancient history?”

He took the paper napkin and handed it back to her the right way. “No. I flunked history in college and not interested in archeology. Nikka. Please listen.”

“Read this again.”



Cor read the letter word for word. When he was done, he folded the paper and was about to tuck in back in his pocket but Nikka took it again.

“You wrote this?”

BOOK: Fiery Match
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