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Authors: Rachael Orman

Fiend (9 page)

BOOK: Fiend
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“I have to claim you again. I need the reminder that you belong to me and aren’t going anywhere,” he grunted. His hands clutched the sheets on either side of me instead of my hips like he normally did. I didn’t like it, so I grabbed his wrists and gently pulled until he released his grip. Moving them to my hips, I smiled up at him briefly before he started rocking against me.

Something in him relaxed when I moved his hands and he slowed his frenzied movements to a more leisurely pace. I arched against him and felt my release building from the easier strokes.

When I cried out with my orgasm pinging through every nerve in my body, he collapsed on me and stopped moving. He hadn’t gotten off, that much I was sure of even in my relaxed haze.

Pushing on one of his shoulders, I got him to roll onto his back where I straddled him and took him into my body again. My palms spread over his chest as I rode him slowly. His eyes latched onto mine and refused to release me.

“Yeah, Precious, ride me.  Use me to give yourself pleasure,” he murmured after a few minutes of no sound but that of our bodies sliding against each other.

I continued moving at the same pace I had been. It was quick enough to gradually be leading me toward another release, but not fast enough to be rushing it. I liked having a tiny bit of power over him, even if it was for a brief period of time. I wanted to show him I wasn’t looking for fast and easy, but long and good. It’s what I wanted not just in bed, but in our whole relationship.

It touched me that he was as upset by everything; however, it’d take more than a bitchy ex to get me to let him go. I needed him too much. I’d come to rely upon him too much to give up so easily.

When I arched my back and cried out with my release, he gripped my hips, holding me down on him as he bucked against me, letting out a guttural groan as I felt his cock throbbing deep in me as he, too, found his release.


Chapter 10






I hated that Mariah had ruined our date and she didn’t even realize it — she was all smiles and professionalism when I returned to the office after lunch. I only half-listened to my patients for the rest of the day as I couldn’t get Alix out of my head, even more so than normal. I had to find a way to make up for it. I didn’t want her thinking she was anything less than what I wanted. I only wanted her, no one else.
When I finally was done working for the day, all I could think about was getting to her to make sure she understood she was mine.

It was only after I roughly fucked her that I found I relaxed. Being inside her body, reinstating my ownership was the only way I could finally start to let the afternoon go. Cradling her to my chest, I rearranged us in a more comfortable position against the pillows and I ran my hand over her hair for a few minutes while I tried to center myself and regain the control I’d been barely able to hold onto since lunch.

Once I felt her relax against me and I figured she’d dozed off, I carefully escaped her grip on me to go to the bathroom. I wet a washcloth with warm water and returned to her. Taking my time, I cleaned between her thighs and crack thoroughly while making sure I didn’t hurt her. She simply moaned quietly at my touch, but did nothing to stop or question me.

I left the washcloth on the counter before washing my flaccid dick in the sink, then went back to the bed. Pulling her close, I soothed one hand down her back and held her hips close with the other. It didn’t matter that the arm I’d snaked under her was losing circulation; I needed her in my arms and to be touching her as much as I could, even if she was sleeping.

Time passed while I watched her sleep — it could’ve been minutes or hours, I couldn’t tell or care. At some point, she opened her eyes and looked up at me with a lazy smile.

“Why aren’t you sleeping? You have to be exhausted after working all day and dealing with my hysterics, then fucking me senseless,” she murmured sleepily. Her palm ran up my chest, then down my arm before making its way back to where I’d had it trapped against me.

“I don’t want to miss a moment with you,” I breathed.

“You are crazy. Sleep now so you aren’t tired tomorrow.” She pulled back and I released her. Rolling to her side, she put her back to me before scooting into me again. “Sorry, I normally sleep on this side.”

“It’s okay. I can still hold you like this,” I said, folding one arm under my pillow as the other slid around her waist. I shoved a leg between hers and breathed in her scent.

“Please sleep. I’ll feel terrible tomorrow knowing that it was my fault you didn’t rest,” she pleaded.

“I’ll be fine. Go back to sleep,” I whispered.

She did as I instructed and before long I felt my eyes getting heavy, finally giving in. As much as I didn’t want to miss a moment, sometimes the body took over.

In the morning, I woke to a soft caress running along my abdomen and peeked open one eye. Alix was smiling at me as she sat on the bed, already showered and dressed.

“Wake up, Master. You need to go to work, sir,” she said softly, but hearing her use such words outside of the club and any sexual activity woke me up faster than anything else.

“Keep talking to me like that and I’ll be late to work.” I rolled onto my back and stretched.

“Nope. Not today. You were late because of me once already and I refuse to be the cause of it again.” She patted my stomach and stood up from the bed. “Plus, I have stuff to do so you have to leave.”

“Am I being kicked out of your house?” I gaped at her. I’d never had someone do such a thing.

“Mmm, as tempting as it would be….” She rubbed her chin as if she was considering it. “I can also give you a key so you can lock up after you leave.”

“A key?” My heart stuttered a beat before racing. A key to her place? Was she really ready to take that step with me?

“That you can use for now,” she clarified, and my heart slowed.

“I suppose I’ll hurry and get ready so you don’t have to worry about leaving me with a key.” I tried to not let my disappointment show. I knew things were moving rapidly between us, but it was like so much had already been established and shared between us that other couples didn’t get to until they’d been dating for months or even years.

“Oh, stop it. If you want a key, just say so. I have no problem giving you one. I figured you’d freak out if I gave you one on my own,” she said with a shrug before looking away.

“Would you like a key to my place? I’ll get one made for you today,” I said hoping to show her I was more than ready.

“I don’t even know where you live, so it really wouldn’t do me any good,” she sighed, and I realized what an ass I’d been. I’d never taken her to my place, so of course she was a bit hesitant to give me a key to hers.

“Well, I guess that’ll have to be remedied then, won’t it?” I climbed from the bed and took her into my arms. “I feel the connection too. It’s quick, but who cares. As long as we’re both on the same page and feeling the same things, then fuck everyone else and what they expect or say.”

She nodded her head, but refused to meet my eyes. Hooking a finger under her chin, I forced her to lift her head.

“Don’t do that. Talk to me. Tell me what is going on in that head of yours.”

“I’ve never been good at relationships, I don’t know how to do them or how to keep you happy once the newness wears off.” She lifted a shoulder as a sad half-smile tilted her lips.

“Just you being you makes me happy. Forget about everything else, because it’ll come naturally.” I pressed a soft kiss to her lips, then another on her forehead. “I do need to go, though. Will I see you tonight?”

“I don’t know when I’ll get off work and I have a lot going on right now, so probably not. Tomorrow?”

I could see the plea in her eyes so I smiled.

“Yes, tomorrow then. I’ll text you later,” I said before pulling on my clothes and leaving. It was getting harder and harder to leave her when I had to go to work, but I had no other choice. At least my day was filled with out-of-the-office appointments, which would be good to keep me distracted.

Returning to my apartment to shower and change, I realized I needed to either start taking a change of clothes with me, leave clothes at Alix’s or bring her to my place so I wouldn’t have to always make an extra stop before going to work.

Since I only had to stop in briefly, then head out to meet clients, thankfully I wasn’t late to meet them. I’d only talked briefly with Mariah to get my schedule for the day before leaving again. She’d frowned at my brisk demeanor, but I didn’t have time to spare.

My first couple was a pair I hadn’t met before outside of the office, Tara and Chase. They hadn’t been together long, but were already feeling the strain of hidden desires. I knew Tara from when she’d been in another relationship. She had a hard time simply expressing what she wanted without me there because of her past. I was working to get her to open up and not fear every man would be like the one who’d made her so afraid to share herself.

We were meeting at Tara’s because it was where she was most comfortable. When I arrived, they were both waiting on the couch for me in jeans. My suits often made me feel overdressed, but also in control. I wasn’t the one getting intimate, they were, so they were the ones who needed to be comfortable.

“Welcome, John.” Tara smiled and shook my hand.

“Tara. Chase.” I nodded at each of them as she closed the door behind me. “Since I’ve already met with Tara about today, I’d like to have her go prepare while Chase and I chat for a few minutes.”

“Okay,” Tara said eagerly before sauntering down the hall. If I didn’t know what she’d been through I’d think she was simply enjoying the voyeurism of having someone watching them, but there was a lot more under the surface when it came to her.

“How are you feeling, Chase?” I asked sitting next to him.

“Anxious. I’ve never done anything like this and I’m afraid I won’t be able to, uh, perform.” He looked down at his hands as he picked at his nails.

“You’ll forget I’m even there after a bit, I promise. Now I know we’ve talked about a lot of topics in my office, but today I want to specifically address spanking and restraining, as that is what Tara requested we start with.” I crossed one ankle over the opposite knee and leaned back against the cushion.

“I’ve never done either. I suppose you could say I’m all vanilla,” he laughed softly, but I simply nodded. I knew he was, but that was easily changed when done in small amounts and as long as he was comfortable and open minded.

“I’ll be there to guide and teach you. Don’t be afraid to speak up if you are uncertain or uncomfortable with anything. Now, how about we go see what Tara has prepared for you?” I stood and he followed after, swallowing hard. He led me toward the bedroom even though I knew where it was, but he didn’t know I’d been in her house before with her ex and I wasn’t about to tell him.

He stopped in front of the door that was left slightly cracked and wiped his hands on his thighs before pushing it open farther. A breath hissed out from between his teeth at the sight that awaited us.

Tara was leaning over the foot of the bed, naked, her ass pushed into the air. There were scarves piled to one side of her and a riding crop on the other. Her body was already flushed and her folds glistened with her arousal.

“If I wasn’t here, where would you start?” I whispered to Chase. He cleared his throat and shifted uncomfortably.

“I’d bang her just like that,” Chase said, shyly.

“No, that’s not how it’s going to happen. Strip to your boxers,” I instructed and stepped back from him to give him a bit of privacy to do so. He hesitated for a moment before finally pulling off his shirt and shucking his jeans. “Go stand on the side of the bed and I’ll show you how to restrain her like this.”

He nodded and moved to stand next to her.

“No, next to the bed, not her.” I stepped behind her. “If you are going to touch her, it’s to show her who is in control, not to arouse her.”

Running my hand up the center of her back firmly, I snagged a handful of her hair and pulled her head up off the bed. A gasp left her, but she wiggled her hips against me.

“Do not move or I will be forced to punish you,” I growled at Tara, who whimpered but nodded. I turned to look at Chase. “Like that.”

“Uh, okay,” he stuttered.

“Now, take one of the scarves and wrap it around her wrist then pull it back to wrap it around. Knot it around her ankle. It’ll spread her wide and make it hard for her to wiggle around much, which is what we want,” I instructed and watched as he attempted to do as I asked. Surprisingly, he did it quite well. “Repeat it on the other side now.”

The position made her spread her legs wide to the sides of her full mattress while holding her torso flat against the bed so her wrists could almost touch her ankles. If the scarves had been shorter, we’d have to find a different way, but I’d known they’d be long enough.

“Behind her. Touch her as you move so she knows where you are, unless you want to surprise her. That’s a benefit of this position. You can do as you please and she is at your mercy. Remember, though, this is about trust. She is trusting you not to take it further than she wants, and you are trusting her to let you know when she’s had enough.” I moved beside him and lifted his hand to her ass. “Caress, squeeze, her flesh. It’ll start the increased blood flow she desires. Make her want you, want more of what you can give her, what she can’t get from anyone but you.”

After a few moments, I could tell he was getting the hang of it. He used both his hands on her bottom and she thrashed on the bed, moaning out her desire for more.

“Now.” I nodded once at him and he knew instantly what I meant as he lifted one hand and brought it down against her ass. She groaned and yelled for more. He repeated the move, but harder, on the other side.

“Yes!” she screamed out. “Harder!”

I stepped back as Chase took over and took turns slapping one side then the other. When her skin was bright pink, I returned to his side.

“Since you have her blood flowing well to that area, you may want to caress her skin between blows since it can get a lot more intense as the skin becomes a deeper hue of pink and red. Listen to her and she’ll tell you what she needs.” I walked around to his other side and picked up the riding crop. It was short and black with a leather flap at the end. “When your hand grows tired or too sore, you can use the crop to continue, but it’ll sting a lot more than your hand will, so keep that in mind. Or you can use it to tease her.”

“How would you tease with that?” Chase asked, halting his movements to watch me.

“May I?” I asked, showing him I wanted to stand where he was. He nodded and stepped aside. I trailed the tip of the leather down her spine from her nape to the top of her ass. “You can use the tip to stimulate, like this.

“Or you can use it to sensitize other areas, like this.” I gently slapped the outside of her thighs a few times before moving to the insides. “And when you feel comfortable, you can even use it to bring an orgasm if she’s turned on enough.”

I slapped the crop against her wet lips and she arched her back as much as she could as she gasped.

BOOK: Fiend
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