Fernando - Bad Boy Love (Bad Boy Love Series Book 1) (11 page)

BOOK: Fernando - Bad Boy Love (Bad Boy Love Series Book 1)
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He chuckled into her ear, licking and biting her earlobe. Then he laid her down again and gently undressed her, exposing her most intimate parts to his gaze. Her skin heated under his hungry stare, and she almost came just from his intensity.

When he removed his own pants and underwear, her eyes widened at the sight of his erection. He was long and thick, beautiful. And hers.

“You’re gorgeous when you flush like this,” he said and grazed his thumb over her most sensitive spot. Her pent-up desire spiraled out of control, and in the next moment, her muscles tightened and spasmed as the strokes of his thumb sent her over the edge.

Still shaking, she returned to the present with a very naked and very turned-on Fernando hovering over her. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…”

A devilish grin appeared on his face. “No reason to be sorry, Chiquita, but you’ll have to do it again.” Then he reached for his wallet, pulling protection from it, and quickly rolled it down his length.

If she’d thought her orgasm had cooled down the passion, she knew better the moment he parted her thighs and slipped between them, rubbing himself against her wet folds.

“Nando...” she begged, arching into his hard length. He gently joined their bodies together, filling her completely. Gwen moaned, putting her injured wrist over her head and smoothing her good hand across his back down to his ass, squeezing tight. That man was pure muscle and passion. It didn’t take long before his steady rhythm had her ready to topple over the edge again.

“Chiquita, I can’t hold on much longer,” he whispered into her ear, his harsh breath warm against her skin.

“Then don’t,” she answered and arched up, changing his angle. In one last stroke, he exploded inside her while her inner muscles convulsed around him in an orgasm even more powerful than the one before.

They lay still for many minutes until their breaths had stabilized, and she felt more satisfied than she could remember. After he’d rolled off of her and discarded the condom, she snuggled up to him and teased, “I figured you’d be a rough lover, not the vanilla kind.”

He chuckled and kissed her nose. “I can be as rough as you want me to, but not while you’re injured. Until your concussion is completely healed, we’ll take things slow.”

She stuck out her lower lip. “But that’s like…another week or two.”

“Anticipation is half the fun.”

“You know you’re being mean.” She pouted harder, and he kissed her bottom lip, then pulled it into his mouth.

“So they say,” he said when he let her go, then got up and began getting dressed.

“What are you doing?” she asked, pulling the sheet over her breasts.

“Going home,” he said as he buttoned his jeans. “It’s for the best.”

“Best for whom?”

He sat down beside her, still shirtless. “Chiquita, you need your rest, and besides, I have to get up early tomorrow morning and be at the gym.”

Gwen severely doubted she needed rest, and she could well rest with him at her side – or maybe not. Her fingers traveled along his stomach, and surely enough, her desire for him kick started again. But Fernando took her hand and pushed it aside. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Chiquita. Sweet dreams.”

He strode into the living room, putting on his shirt as he went. Moments later, she heard the door close behind him.

Chapter 20

Nearly a week later, Gwen woke, having slept better than she had in weeks. She stretched her good arm over her head and glanced out the window. Sunshine was pouring in and her heart filled with joy. Fernando would like the surprise she had for him. She’d told him only that he needed to bring shorts and sandals.

Today was his day off, and he’d promised to come by early to spend the day together. He’d come to visit her every day after work, but he still wouldn’t stay over, which was something she was working on.

Gwen showered and then packed a picnic lunch, hampered by her casted wrist, but not willing to let anything steal her joy today. Fernando arrived right on time and swept her up into his arms, kissing her breathless before walking to the couch. He sat down, pulling her onto his lap and started kissing her in earnest, his hands finding their way below her top. His rough hands scratched over her sensitive skin, causing goosebumps to appear.

Not that she minded. She loved how he couldn’t keep his hands to himself, but today she had different things in mind. When his hands began to toy with the button on her shorts, threatening her to succumb to the rising heat in her body, she stayed his hand, “Not now. We have places to be and things to do.”

He smirked. “Places and things more important than sex?”

Gwen smirked right back. “Yes. Don’t worry, you’ll get sex later.” She slipped off his lap and located the rental’s keys. “You’re driving.”

He caught the keys she tossed him. “My pleasure. Where are we headed?”

“You’ll see.”

She loved the curiosity on his face and couldn’t wait to see his eyes light up when he saw the ocean for the first time. She gave him directions to the highway and grinned like a kid on Christmas morning when he tried to coerce her into telling him their final destination. “Curious much? Remember, anticipation is half the fun?”

“But I don’t even know what to anticipate,” he protested.

“Wait and see. I promise it’ll be worth it.” She slipped her hand onto his thigh and felt his muscles tense. Would they ever get enough of each other? She hoped not.

Traffic was light, and the drive didn’t take as long as usual. Soon enough they reached the parking lot for El Matador Beach.

“A beach?” he asked with wonder in his eyes.

She nodded. “Not any beach. My favorite beach.”

He parked the car, and she asked him to carry the collapsible cooler that contained their picnic lunch. Gwen slung two beach towels around her neck and grabbed her beach bag to hike down the steep gravel path.

They picked a shady place on the sand to unpack their things and then went off, exploring the caves and wading in the water as it came ashore. Gwen’s heart warmed with the childish excitement she saw in Fernando’s eyes as they fooled around. More than once, she urged him into the water, but only to her knees. Getting her feet wet would have to suffice – for at least another five weeks.

When the sun stood high in the sky, they retreated to their shady corner under a rock formation and assailed the picnic bag until not a single crumb was left. She cocked her head. “I guess I underestimated your appetite.”

He bared his teeth like a wolf. “I could always have you as dessert.”

“No way.” She giggled and headed down to the beach. When he reached her, he took her into his arms and placed kisses all over her face.

“You promised me sex, remember?”

Gwen’s entire body flushed at the prospect of getting down and dirty with him – on a public beach. “Not here. In the light of the day.”

“I can see you want me.” He stared at the tight peaks forming beneath the thin fabric of her bikini and licked his lips. Heat pulsed through her veins. “I might just drag you into my lair where nobody can see you or come to your rescue.”

She swallowed. It was one of the most enticing offers she’d ever received, but rational thought won over her hormones. “This is a public beach. Kids might find us.”

“You’re right. And I’m sad.” He took her hand, and they walked down the deserted beach.

After a while, she said, “Tell me about your childhood and your sister.”

Grief flickered across his face. “I remember being happy before my parents were murdered. That day changed my entire life. I did my best to make sure it didn’t change Amada’s too much.”

“How old were you?”

“I was fourteen and Amada eight.”

“Surely the state didn’t leave you to care for her alone,” she asked, horrified.

“No, but we would have been better off if they had. They gave custody to a relative. The man was a drunken pervert. When he tried to touch Amada, I beat the crap out of him.”

She covered her mouth with her good hand then pressed her fingers into her temples. “Did you call the cops?”

“No.” He squeezed her hand.

“Or at least your social worker? You had one, right?”

“We had one, and whenever she came for a visit, our guardian showed up and played nice. I was afraid she’d send both of us into foster care, and we’d be separated if she knew he no longer lived with us. I couldn’t let that happen. I had to take care of my little sister, she needed me.”

“You need to tell someone what happened,” she urged him.

Fernando shook his head. “That happened many years ago. Besides, where I come from, we don’t believe the police can solve our problems. Most of the time their interference makes life harder.”

Gwen looked at him with tears glistening in her eyes. He had been so young when he’d been forced to take on responsibilities that should have never been his in the first place. No wonder he turned to the gang life and crime.

“And, believe it or not, I needed Amada as much as she needed me. Without her, I wouldn’t have been able to deal with my grief. More than once I wanted to kill myself, but never did because she needed me.”

Gwen felt a tear run down her cheek. Fernando was a lot softer and more tender than his macho behavior and rugged appearance made people believe. The more she got to know him, the more she was falling in love with him.

“Don’t cry, Chiquita.” His thumb wiped her tear away. “That was a long time ago. I’m turning my life around for the better, remember?”

She gave him a small smile, unable to form words. Gwen took a few deep breaths to control her emotions.

“Tell me about Vivian,” he said.

“Viv is my best friend and has been since we were in school. Her family kind of adopted me and I think of them as family.”

Fernando grinned. “She threatened me.”

Gwen’s mouth fell open. “What? What do you mean, she threatened you?”

“She threatened to sic her five brothers on me if I broke your heart.”

She laughed. “She did? That is so like her, but can I tell you a secret?” When he nodded, she whispered, “It’s not her brothers you should be worried about.”

“Be glad you have someone willing to come give it a try.” His eyes filled with sadness and Gwen leaned forward to kiss him. Gentle. Reassuring. Passionate. The kiss soon turned into a promise for more.

Dressed in nothing but her flimsy bikini, she latched onto him, pressing every possible inch of naked skin into his hard muscles. When he pulled her up, she held herself in place by crossing her legs behind his back. But the evidence of his arousal throbbing against her opening brought her back to her senses.

She pulled away. “We have to stop. I would rather not attract an audience.”

He let her slide down and leaned his forehead against her own. “I need to cool off.”

“Go take a swim; the water is sure to cool you off.”

Fernando eyed the water and then took off running for the waves. She wandered back to their towels and watched him act like a little child in the ocean while she drooled over his hot body.

He deserves to be happy.

Chapter 21

As Fernando finally emerged from the ocean, he almost felt guilty for having left Gwen alone for so long while he enjoyed the water. Almost.

He found her sitting on the sand, looking beautiful and reading a book. With a cute gesture, she waved off his apology. “Don’t worry about me, Nando. I wanted you to see the ocean and have fun. And...” she pointed to the book, “…I had good company.”

He glanced at the book in her hands and felt oddly out of place. The last book he read was…he couldn’t remember ever having read a book.
Maybe I should give it a try?

“What are you reading?” he asked.

“A murder mystery. Since I’m on sick leave, I’ve been burning through all the unread books piled up on my shelves. If you like, I can lend it to you when I’m finished.”

“Sure.” He grabbed a towel and dried his hair before sitting down on the blanket next to her. He stole a kiss. And another one. She put her book away and leaned against him, her casted arm resting on his thighs.

“Can I ask you something personal?” she said after a while.


“What made you want to change?”

Fernando sighed and watched the waves roll in. “It all started with Karen. She said I was a good man.”

“That’s all it took? A beautiful woman telling you that you’re a good man?” she asked him, disbelief in her voice.

“Well, kind of. You know when I was lying there, bleeding and with the very real chance of dying, it occurred to me that I couldn’t just pick up the phone and dial 911 like everyone else. I was sick and tired of living like a criminal.”

“What happened?” Gwen grazed his thigh with the fingers peeking out of her cast.

“Hm. Karen called this nurse she knew, who came to stitch me up despite the fact that it could get her into serious trouble.” He didn’t mention it was the same nurse who took care of Gwen at the hospital, nor that she’d warned him not to break Gwen’s heart.

“And Karen?”

He chuckled. “She didn’t want me. The next morning, she left, and I assume she’s now happily married to her then-boyfriend.”

“She didn’t want you?” Gwen turned in his arms. “Come on, heartbreaker. How can a beautiful woman resist your charms?”

“That’s what I keep asking myself,” he said with a grin. “She was beautiful, all right, but nothing compared to you, Chiquita. With you, my knees gave out, and it was too late for a rational thought the moment I met you.”

She softly kissed his lips. “You should be glad then that I didn’t resist your charms.”

He cupped her chin and forced her to look into his eyes. “You never stood a chance. I’m not blind, you know? I can see the desire in your eyes every time I look at you. Like now.”

Gwen closed her eyes. “Let’s not get sidetracked here. What’s your reason to change? The one that carries you through the tough times?”



“Yes, you. You’re my reason to change. You’re worth the effort. I love you.”


Gwen was stunned into silence. Thankfully, Fernando didn’t expect an answer from her because he sealed her mouth in a passionate, punishing kiss. A kiss that evoked feelings in her she wasn’t sure how to deal with.


Love was a big word. And their relationship status was something she’d always pushed away – procrastinating the decision on how to deal with it. But that couldn’t go on for long. She had to either cut the ties or come clean with her boss. Both alternatives lacked appeal. She tabled the thought for later.

“Let’s go home. I’m starving,” she said.

“Me too.” He glanced at her breasts with such a hungry stare, she felt the blood flushing her body.

Back in the car, he said, “Thanks for the wonderful day. I guess now I understand why you love the ocean so much.”

As soon as they arrived at her place, he swept her up in his arms and carried her inside, whispering in her ear, “And now I’m going to finish what I started at the beach.”

The promise was music to her ears. Her desire had built up the entire day, waiting, more desperate by the minute, until he would finally make love to her. But instead of taking her to the bedroom, he pushed her against the wall and ravaged her mouth, his hands making short work of her clothes. Then his fingers were buried deep inside her as his mouth sucked her nipple.

She moaned with need and used her hands, injured one included, to sculpt the muscles of his back.

“None of that. You’re not allowed to move your injured wrist.” He pulled away to rid himself of his clothes and sheathe his erection. His eyes took a leisurely stroll over her body, and she shivered at the pure desire in them. Black dilated pupils. A sheen of sweat forming on his skin. She wanted that man. Badly.

Gwen used her finger tips to trace his abs and when she – once again – forgot about her injury and grabbed him with both hands, a sharp pain shot through her wrist. She closed her eyes, not wanting him to see her pain, but he’d picked up on it anyway and warned her, “If you don’t stop using that injured hand, I’ll have to take you to your bed and tie your hands to the bedposts.”

At his words, her entire body flushed with longing, leaving her core with a pulsating ache. An ache that only Fernando could satisfy. “You would do that?” she whispered, her voice thick with lust.

“I will if you don’t behave, Chiquita.” He rubbed his stubble against her soft skin and gently bit down her neck. Her legs would soon give out if he didn’t stop doing that. Never had a man aroused her the way Fernando did. Her whole body was on fire, and he was taking his sweet time.

Finally, he pulled her up and settled her opening above his throbbing length, gently sliding her onto him. She wrapped her legs around his waist and gasped as he filled her up, so entirely, so completely, there was no room left for anything but utter pleasure.

BOOK: Fernando - Bad Boy Love (Bad Boy Love Series Book 1)
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