Read Feathers Online

Authors: K.D. Peters

Feathers (3 page)

BOOK: Feathers
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I couldn’t help but smile.  “Thanks.” I said, hugging him back.

Truth be told, I missed my cousin when I was down in Florida.  Raziel and I were like two sides of the same coin at times.  Like my dad and his father, he was a handsome guy now.  He had white blond hair and dazzling blue eyes.  He was also very good to me.  We’d been best friends since childhood, and I doubted it would ever change.

“New IPod huh?  Put anything good on here yet?” Raziel asked, taking a seat beside me and scanning through it.

“Just a little.  So, how’s your morning been?” I asked him.

“The usual, at least for Christmas.  But I wanted to get down here anyways.  I couldn’t believe you came back last night.  You could’ve called me and told me you were coming.” Raziel complained.

I sighed.  Obviously, Michael and Raphael didn’t tell him the whole truth about this.  “I couldn’t.  It was kind of sudden.” I admitted.

“Sudden?  What do you mean by that?” Raziel asked, looking over at me.

Here went nothing.  “Grand mom kicked me out yesterday.”

“Are you kidding?” Raziel said in disbelief.  “Why would she do that?  She finally lost her marbles too?”

This was just what I’d been expecting.  But before I could say anything, I heard Raphael speak.  “That’s enough Raziel.  I don’t think anymore needs to be said about it now.  It’s done and over with.”

I looked over to see him coming in with Michael.  Honestly, he never seemed to change much.  As I said, Raphael was a bit of an intimidating figure in himself.  Though I’ll admit that Raziel was far less intimidated then I was most of the time.  He loved seeing how far he could push his father at times.

“You could’ve told me that last night!” Raziel said, now a bit mad.

“And you would’ve made things worse.  So you need to leave it alone now.  Let Mia be happy.” Raphael responded.

“Hi Uncle Raphael.” I said as he patted my head, walking by to take a seat.

“It’s nice to see you’re back for good now Mia.  Though the circumstances could’ve been a little better.” Raphael admitted.

“It’s okay.  I’m fine now.” I assured him.

Raziel sat back, handing my IPod back to me.  “So I guess you’re gonna be starting school with me when we go back now.  That should be interesting.” he said.

“I don’t think we should have any problems with all of it.  If anything, the records could probably be transferred fairly quickly after tomorrow.” Raphael said, glancing at his phone.

“They may be able to start her without them as well.  Honestly, Penny did leave us in a bit of a bind this time.” Michael admitted.

“Such a shrewd woman.  I told you that you should’ve fought her more.” Raphael told him.

“We’ve already talked about this Raphael.  It wouldn’t have been in our benefit, and you know it.” Michael responded. 

This was an old conversation in the end.  Raziel and I both knew it.  Raphael had been saying since I’d first come there that Michael should’ve fought my mother more for me.  It wasn’t that Michael didn’t want to though.  He actually feared what may happen with me if the fight dragged on.  My grandmother was prepared to fight him with everything she had, and make my life miserable in the process.  Well, even more miserable.  And Michael couldn’t see that happening to me.  So he relented just a little, but insisted on having me every summer at least.

“You know, this should be pretty interesting.  Now they’ll be two of us there.” Raziel said, smiling to himself as he sat back and typed a quick text on his phone.

“Just remember, no trouble Raziel.” Raphael told him.

“Me?  Never.” Raziel laughed.

I had to admit, I did feel like I was home now.  I couldn’t help but laugh slightly to myself.  Raziel wasn’t really bad, but he had been a troublemaker at times.  He was right about things being interesting though.  If I really sat back and thought about it, this would make two Renaldi children in that high school.  I almost felt nervous when I realized that one.  No doubt others would be attracted to us for our parents’ status.  After all, they were the richest men in town.

As we were sitting there though, I heard the sound of another car pulling up into the driveway.  Michael looked over at the window.  “Looks like she made it here early this time.” he commented.

“You know, I don’t think we told her that Mia was here now.” Raphael reminded him.

Raziel looked over at him.  “Hold up.  You didn’t tell Aunt Gabrielle that Mia was here?  Didn’t you talk to her this morning?” he said in disbelief.

“I did.  But I forgot to mention it, considering I was too busy asking you to get off of your phone so that we could get ready to leave.” Raphael reminded him.

I laughed to myself as Raziel made a face.  But he didn’t say anything more.  Michael quietly got up and went out to greet her.  I decided that perhaps it would be in my better interest to follow.  After all, I didn’t get to see Gabrielle that often.  She was my only aunt, and their younger sister.  Standing by the door, I watched her getting out of her car. 

In all honesty, Gabrielle was a very beautiful woman.  She had auburn hair that fell to her waist, and vibrant blue eyes.  She smiled when she saw Michael.  “Hey.  Merry Christmas.” she said, hugging him.

“Merry Christmas to you too.  I see you made it earlier then you thought.” Michael said, smiling at her.

“Well, I lucked out in having a friend switch shifts with me the other day.  So I’m actually getting all of Christmas and tomorrow off.” Gabrielle said.  She looked absolutely thrilled.

“I guess we’re all having a pretty good holiday then.  I happened to get a very unexpected gift last night.” Michael said happily.

“Really?  What is it?” Gabrielle asked, looking very curious.

“I got my little girl back.” Michael said happily.

I waved, smiling in spite of myself as she looked over and saw me.  I could tell she was very surprised.  Raziel walked over beside me and took my hand.  “Better go out and say hi, or she’ll probably get upset and think you didn’t really want to see her.” he joked.

I followed him outside after slipping my coat on.  “Goodness.  This is a surprise.” Gabrielle said, hugging me.  She was really a very sweet woman, and very gentle.  She was actually a doctor, hence her talking about shifts.  It looked like she really had lucked out this year.  She was typically working, considering she didn’t have a husband or any children.  I never had figured out why that was.

“She just got back last night, and now she’s gonna stay.” Raziel said happily.  Okay, so he was more then pleased about all of this after all.

“Well, you certainly did get a good Christmas gift this time.  It’s been so long since I’ve gotten to see you Mia.  You’re so beautiful now.” Gabrielle said, looking me over.

Somehow, I knew that one was coming.  But I took it in stride.  “Thanks.” I said.  “It has been a while, huh?”

“It certainly has.  Where has the time gone?  I can’t believe you two are sixteen already.” Gabrielle said, glancing back at Raziel.

“No kidding.  It flies anymore.” Michael admitted.

By then, we were back in the house.  I was kind of grateful.  It was pretty cold out there.  Raphael was waiting for us as well.  “I see you got the holidays off this year.” he commented as Gabrielle hugged him.

“I’m glad of it.  How’ve you been?  I haven’t gotten to see you for a while now either.” Gabrielle said, smiling at him.

“The same as always.  Though keeping Raziel in check has been a bit more difficult.” Raphael said.  I had the funniest feeling that he was making a joke out of it.

“Need a little bit of freedom, you know.” Raziel said, crossing his arms.

I stood by Michael and listened quietly.  It felt so strange to be in such a loving atmosphere for the holidays.  But at the same time, it also felt good.  This was what family was supposed to be.

We ended up having a nice family dinner and enjoying the get together.  But after everyone left, I decided that maybe it was time for me to have some alone time with my dad.  After all, he’d been good enough to take me in the night before right out of the blue.  I thought about trying to call my mother, but decided against it.  In all honesty, I was craving the loving atmosphere I was feeling now.  I didn’t need to be reminded of the cold one I’d been able to leave behind.

I found Michael sitting in his study when I went looking for him after my shower.  He was speaking on the phone, so I stood by the doorway and listened.  To my surprise, it sounded like he was speaking to my grandmother.  In fact, he had her on speaker phone.  It took me a moment to register that one though.  Guess I was too used to listening to her exchanges with him from living down there.

“I don’t care.  The records will be sent up as soon as possible.  I don’t want anymore of her down here.” Grand mom was saying.

Michael sighed.  “That’s fine then.  But honestly, you could have at least warned me so that I could have been there to get her.  You had her terrified being in that airport all alone.  And on Christmas Eve of all times.” he said.

“Do you think it matters to me what that child thinks?  She shouldn’t have happened in the first place.” Grand mom said.

“This is an old argument Penny.  And I don’t much care to have it on Christmas.  Mia is staying with me now, so none of it matters.  Just make sure to have the records sent promptly.” Michael said, hanging up.  He looked a bit exhausted now.  He was probably very unhappy to have even had that conversation.

In spite of myself, I walked over and hugged his shoulders.  “Thanks Dad.” I whispered.

I felt him sigh.  But it was more of a happy one.  “Anytime darling.  I’m just glad to have you home.” he said softly.

I’ll admit that I actually did feel a bit happy that night.  My life was changing for the better now that I could be there with the family who really cared about me.  I guess the one thing I just didn’t count on was just how much it was going to end up changing.




              The next week passed very quickly for me, and in no time, I found myself driving to my new high school.  Though I knew that Raziel would be there waiting for me, I couldn’t help but feel a bit nervous.  To be perfectly honest, I had never been good with the unknown.  Another trait I’d probably picked up from my anti social mother.  I considered that the only good thing in all of this was that I would know someone there.  Though I spent my summers with them, I didn’t know most of the other kids in the area.  Like I said, I wasn’t the most social creature.  And it didn’t help that I was wearing new clothes or driving my own new car.

In that last week, things certainly had been busy.  The day after Christmas, Gabrielle had decided to stop by and visit.  When she realized that I’d come there with only that small suitcase full of clothes though, she’d just about had a fit.  And beings she hadn’t known I would be there to get me anything, she decided that her gift to me would be to take me shopping.  And when she said shopping, she meant shopping.  I ended up with a massive new wardrobe by the time we got back.  Of course, Michael thought it was great.  I guessed I could live with that one too.  However, what he decided next was a bit harder for me to swallow.  Namely, the new car.

When they say that kids with rich parents tend to be spoiled, the Renaldis were no exception.  I learned this rather quickly from Raziel.  For his sixteenth birthday, Raphael had went out and allowed him to pick a car.  Of course, it wasn’t exactly something inexpensive either.  He picked a Lexus RX330.  Brand spanking new right out of the show room.  And, be as it may, Michael decided to follow suit now that I was there.  I protested as much as I could, but he was insistent.  I needed a good car to get around, beings I did actually have a driver’s license.  I’d gotten it down in Florida with money my grandfather had left me before he’d passed away and that Grand mom couldn’t touch.  I talked Mom into allowing me access.  But I’ll admit that now I kind of regretted it.

The only good thing about the whole fiasco was that Michael did listen when I said I didn’t want a luxury car.  He allowed me to choose.  I ended up picking out a Ford in the end.  While I had reservations, I’ll admit that I also couldn’t resist this car when I saw it.  It was a pretty black Mustang.  I didn’t really look too much at the price tag either though.  It might have changed my mind, and Michael wasn’t about to let me get away with that.

So, there I was, driving a brand new Mustang into the school parking lot.  As I turned off the ignition, I couldn’t help but sit there for a moment and reflect on what was about to happen.  No doubt the entire school would be talking about the new girl now.  Already, Raziel had claimed that he’d gotten questions about his cousin coming there.  Somebody had started the rumor.  But Raziel refused to tell them anything about it.  They’d just have to wait and see for themselves.  Of course, they would.  Everybody would definitely want a good look at Michael Renaldi’s daughter now that she was going to be living in Madison.

I finally forced myself to get out, but I remained standing by my car.  Raziel wasn’t there yet.  He’d said he might be running a little late that morning because there were a few things he had to do.  Just my luck, I thought.  My first day, and I’m all alone.

I was so lost in my thoughts I didn’t even hear someone walk up near me.  “Excuse me.” A male voice said.

I jumped, turning quickly and staring in disbelief at two brilliantly green eyes.  There was a guy standing near me.  But he was the most handsome guy I’d ever seen.  He had jet black hair, and eyes that were as green as emeralds.  Judging by the backpack over his shoulder, I took it he must have been a student there.  But I’d never seen him before.

Before I could get anything out, he spoke again.  “Are you new here?  I don’t think I’ve seen you before.”

I quickly pulled myself together, feeling a bit more then embarrassed.  “Uh, yes.  I am.” I managed to say.

The guy looked at me for a moment like he was looking me over, and I felt my cheeks burning more.  But then, he just smiled.  “I see.  If you’d like, I can show you where the office is so that you can get your schedule.” He offered.

I honestly couldn’t believe it.  He was really nice.  “Sure.  You don’t mind, do you?” I asked softly.

“Of course not.” He replied.  “Come on.”

I quietly followed him out of the parking lot and to the front of the school.  Somehow, all of this made me very nervous.  Just what was a guy like this doing helping someone like me?  He couldn’t have known who I was just by looking at me.  Still, I decided to push all of that aside for the time being.  I could at least be polite.  “Thank you for this.  I really appreciate it.” I managed to say.

At that, he turned and stopped for a moment.  “It’s no problem.  I’m Sean Morrison, by the way.” He said.

“Sean Morrison?” I said.  I didn’t recognize the name.  But I guessed I could ask Raziel later.

He just smiled at me.  “And I’m guessing you’re Mia Renaldi.  I’d heard Michael Renaldi’s daughter was coming here.” He said.

“You know who I am?” I said, feeling a little more then dumbfounded.

“Of course.  You look a lot like him, and you’re very, very pretty.” Sean answered.

I felt myself blushing then.  But something about this felt strange too.  There was something about Sean Morrison that was just unnerving for me.  I just couldn’t put my finger on what it was.

We were both quiet as he led me inside.  There weren’t a lot of people there yet, which I counted as a good thing.  The main office was right there near the doors, and for that, I was grateful. I wasn’t sure how long I could stand being around this guy.

In the office, an older woman was sitting behind the front desk.  She looked up when she heard us enter.  “Well, you’re in early Sean.” She commented, pushing her thick framed glasses back up her nose.

“Good morning Ms. Hardy.  I was just bringing you a new student.” Sean told her.

“Oh.  You must be Mia Renaldi.  Mr. Renaldi called the other day to make sure we had everything ready for you.” Ms. Hardy said, standing up.  We both watched as she shuffled over and went into a file cabinet to pull out my schedule. 

“Thanks for the help.  It was really nice of you.” I said, making myself look at him again.

“Like I said, it’s no problem.  I can show you where your first class is too.  I have nothing else to do this morning.” Sean replied casually.

But before I could answer, I heard the door open again.  “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Raziel said, walking over to us.  He was addressing Sean though.  The feeling of hostility was definitely there.

“Good morning to you too Raziel.  I see you were running late again.  Another late night rendezvous?” Sean asked him quietly.

“That is none of your business.” Raziel snapped.  “Just what are you doing with Mia?”

“Nothing at all.  I was showing her around, beings you couldn’t make yourself be on time.” Sean answered.  He seemed very unconcerned over Raziel being so mad at him for whatever reason.

“Don’t give me that.  Nothing you do around here is without a reason.” Raziel said, grabbing his shirt.

“Raziel?!” I said in disbelief.  I really wasn’t sure of what to do.  Raziel had never acted this way in front of me before, though I’d known that he’d had his share of fights throughout his school years.

By then, Ms. Hardy was speaking up.  “Raziel Renaldi, stop that this instant!  Let him go!” she yelled.

Raziel reluctantly did as he was told, but he was still eyeing him.  “Get your schedule Mia.  We’re getting out of here.” He said quietly.

I quickly did as I was told.  A part of me was more then worried about what might happen if we stuck around any longer.  But Sean didn’t look too concerned.  Instead, he simply walked back out of the door.  I followed as Raziel walked out as well.  I made it out there just in time to hear him speak.  “Stay away from her.  You’ve already been warned about trouble.” Raziel was saying.

“None intended.  I was simply being nice.  You should try it yourself some time.” Sean answered.

“Stay away from her.  I know the last thing you want is trouble for your mom now.” Raziel warned him.

At that, Sean’s eyes narrowed a bit.  But he simply turned and walked away.  I stood there for a moment in shock.  What had just happened?  Slowly, I made myself walk over to Raziel.  “Raziel, what’s going on?” I asked him quietly.

Raziel sighed, running a hand through his hair.  “Sorry about that.  I wasn’t expecting him to actually show up today.” He apologized.

“I guess you know him?” I asked.

“You could say that.” Raziel said.  He looked down at his watch.  “Guess we should get you to class.  Let me see who you have.”

I knew this tactic pretty well by now.  This was how Raziel avoided subjects.  He simply changed them.  But I wasn’t about to argue with him now either.  I’d seen enough already to tell me that for whatever reason, he had a very strong dislike of Sean Morrison.  So I just handed him my schedule.  “It looks simple enough.” I said.

Raziel nodded.  “Yeah.  You’ve got Mr. McCready for your first period.  That’s good.  You’ll be in class with Anna.” He said.

“Anna?” I repeated.

“Oh yeah.  Keep forgetting this is your first day.  Anna Smith.  She’s one of my friends, and she’ll help you out in the mornings.  I’ve got my two afternoon classes with you, so you don’t have to worry about them either.” Raziel explained.

I nodded.  May as well agree, considering I had no clue of what I was doing.  And after that scene, I really wasn’t too sure about my time there.  A part of me wondered if I should mention this to Michael.  Maybe he’d have some insight as to why Raziel reacted like he did.  After all, Sean had only been nice to me.

Sitting down in my first class, I let my torture test begin.  Thankfully, I didn’t have to endure alone.  Like Raziel had said, one of his closest friends was in there as well, and sitting right beside me.  I really wasn’t that much of a fool when I met Anna Smith.  She knew far too much about Raziel to just be a friend.  And when I asked her, she did admit to me that she was his girlfriend.  Still, I refrained from asking her about the whole incident with Sean.  The truth was, I was kind of hoping to just forget about it by then.  But, as usual, that’s easier said then done.  And it would be proven at the end of the day.

I’d dare say I was having a decent first day at school there other then the morning incident.  As the bell rang to let out my last class, I quietly shook Raziel awake.  We were in English, and apparently, he slept through this class all the time.  The teacher glanced at him a few times, but didn’t bother with him.  Though I did see her writing a note at her desk when she looked his direction.  I had the sneaking suspicion it may have been notes on what to report to his father about his sleeping habits.

Raziel blinked his eyes open after a minute of me shaking him.  “Is it over yet?” he asked groggily.

“Yes.  But I think you’re gonna get a note sent home.” I said.

“Again?  Doesn’t she ever give up?” Raziel complained, sitting up and stretching.

“You always pick this class to sleep in, don’t you?” I guessed.

“What better one to sleep in?  It’s boring in here.  I hate going over all these old dead authors.” Raziel said.

I had to laugh as I stood up.  “Come on.  You know there are at least some good older books out there.  You actually told me once that you liked Shakespeare.” I said.

“Shakespeare actually had some action in it, not all this love mush and politics.  Who gives a shit about a woman being independent in the eighteenth century and then falling in love like an idiot?” Raziel retorted.

“Speaking of, why didn’t you tell me Anna was your girlfriend?” I asked as we walked out.

BOOK: Feathers
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