fate of the alpha - episode 2 (6 page)

BOOK: fate of the alpha - episode 2
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Cressida knelt at the foot of the mattress and Javier followed suit. His nearness filled Cressida with longing. And that pissed her off.



avier’s heart raced until he could feel his own pulse pounding in his ears. He had heard the bigger boys joke about being with two women at once since he was a kid. The idea of it had always filled him with heady lust. But he had never found himself in that situation.

And he had certainly never pictured it like

Cressida was kneeling beside him, her wicked mouth still glistening from what she had done to his poor cock. She smelled like Arbor Mist and the ocean after a storm. He wanted to bury himself in her, not just her mouth or her pussy, he wanted to taste her hair and her chin and tickle the spot behind her kneecaps until she shrieked with laughter.

And though she was pretending not to, he knew to his core that she wanted him, too. Her restless energy practically reverberated into him every time they touched.

Before them, Ophelia’s lily-white legs were spread wide to reveal a thatch of dark pubic hair and the coral lips of her glistening vagina. Her enormous breasts somehow looked even larger when she was lying on her back. Her strong arms stretched behind her head, fingers laced and supporting her neck. She had closed her eyes in total abandon, trusting, with an alpha’s indifference, that the two wolves at her feet would do her no harm.

And she was right. If confidence was sexy, alpha confidence was irresistible. Javier was absolutely quivering with a need to please her and he could see that despite her bravado, Cressida felt the same.

Cressida moved and he turned to her. She was gesturing up and down on Ophelia’s body - indicating that he should choose which half to serve.

He waved her up toward Ophelia’s breasts. He knew she would be more comfortable there. Though he was worried about his own self-control given which job he had left to himself.

Cressida crawled up to Ophelia’s breasts. He was hypnotized by the movement of her round buttocks, and the teasing glimpses of her pink slit peeking back at him each time she lifted her knee.

She buried her face in Ophelia’s left breast without hesitation and snaked her tongue out to tease and caress the large brown nipple. His cock throbbed in response as he remembered the feel of her tongue on his own skin.

He gasped involuntarily, and she opened her eyes without ceasing her assault on Ophelia’s nipples. Her expression was furious.


He had forgotten what he was supposed to be doing.

He obediently lowered his head and began to nuzzle Ophelia’s thighs. She smelled like perfume and raw power. He ran his hands up her legs and spread her open with his hands. Her spicy scent intoxicated him.

Just as he prepared to taste her, he heard the mattress groan and looked up to see Ophelia lift Cressida by the hips and turn her around. Cressida was now on her hands and knees, facing him, with her pussy hovering over Ophelia’s face.

Cressida’s eyes were dark with desire and her lips were swollen. Her tousled hair framed her face and gleamed in the light coming from the bathroom. She was a wanton angel and he had to have her.

Ophelia moaned and tossed her hips and he was pulled back into the task at hand.

He leaned down and gave Ophelia’s pussy a long, lingering lick, while staring straight into Cressida’s eyes.

Her naked desire pierced his soul and his dick hardened to the point of pain.

Ophelia smacked Cressida in the ass, hard.

She froze in confusion for a moment, then seemed to realize what was being asked of her.

She leaned down and joined Javier. He was lapping at Ophelia’s opening. Cressida slid a finger through Ophelia’s curls to find her clit.

Ophelia slapped Cressida’s ass again, so hard the sound echoed off the windows.

No hands

Javier was worried, but Cressida’s expression seemed annoyed rather than pained. She removed her finger and braced her weight on both elbows, pressing her tanned body against Ophelia’s pale one, to get close enough to explore her fully without interfering with Javier’s work. The sight of the two of them melded together did things to him and he closed his eyes and prayed silently not to come.

He clung to Ophelia’s hips and lapped away at her until the danger passed. The ripple of her muscles under her ample curves fascinated Javier. But the scent of her desire was soon so captivating, he couldn’t stop to enjoy anything else in his desperation to stimulate her further.

Ophelia bucked her hips a little, and he saw that Cressida had eased her tongue through Ophelia’s fragrant folds and found what she was looking for immediately. She was already curling her tongue around the little knot, coaxing it delicately until Javier could actually see it swell.

Cressida’s face was an inch from his. He could hear the silken sound of her tongue against Ophelia. Her heart hammered. She must be beside herself with lust. Javier felt like he would explode at any second, without even being touched.

Ophelia’s clit was stiff and swollen now and Cressida licked and sucked at it frantically. Javier had to concentrate to keep up the long slow strokes of his tongue.

“Oh, good girl, good boy,” Ophelia sighed, and Javier felt the burst of warmth in his chest again at having pleased her.

The praise seemed to drive Cressida into a frenzy of unsatisfied lust. The blush on her cheeks deepened, and she took out her frustration on Ophelia’s clitoris.

It was impossibly distended now. She could probably suck on it hard for just a few seconds and...

Then to Javier’s shock, Cressida abandoned Ophelia’s clit entirely and began mouthing weakly around the pulsing nodule – teasing it without touching it.


He could barely contain a sigh of despair as he remembered why they were there in the first place.

To distract Ophelia.

Which meant that they couldn’t make her climax.

None of them could come. Until they could sense that Ainsley was safely out of trouble.



ome days Grace Kwan-Cortez wondered where she had left her common sense. Being a police officer in Tarker’s Hollow required discretion and a certain amount of rule bending. But was she really going to a public hospital
in uniform,
accompanied by an alpha wolf and a mysterious warlock, to bust out a coma patient who might or might not turn into a wolf?

This was so far beyond the pale that even Dale, the interim sheriff, didn’t know what was going down. She hadn’t had the heart to tell him.

Grace tried not to think about what might happen to her if someone caught on. Instead, she focused on her best friend by her side.

Ainsley was fighting admirably against the pull of the full moon. She walked carefully down the tiled hallway at a measured pace. From all Grace had been told about the subject, Ainsley was probably being tossed back and forth like a rag doll right now between her libido and her desire to shift and run through the woods.

At least they had libido troubles in common.

Grace tried her best not to look at Julian, who was traversing the endless hallway on the other side of her. Since their kiss, Grace had been fighting a full-blown obsession with him. Last night, after the magic she’d expelled, she’d had to soothe herself with a frigid shower and a glass of white wine to wash down the migraine meds. But then the dreams...oh...

The sooner the professor finished his tour of duty and went back to New York, the better. It was getting harder and harder to remember what an ass he was.

At last they reached Sadie’s room. Grace nearly gasped at the sight of her. Sadie’s small figure lay on the hospital bed in complete stillness. She looked tiny without her gardening hat and tools. And without Camilla Parker Bowles.

The small screen beside Sadie showed a steady row of waves and blips, confirming that she was alive and breathing. A huge window gave a view over the parking lot and the cloudy night sky.

Ainsley shuddered and strode over quickly to release the blinds, obliterating the view.

“Now what?” Julian asked.

Before anyone could answer, Ainsley spun around, reminding Grace of a K-9 officer on high alert.

A moment later, a very attractive male nurse appeared in the doorway.

“Grace.” Owen called happily. His cheeks dimpled and his green eyes crinkled with pleasure.

Grace smiled in relief and allowed him to put an arm around her. She couldn’t help notice Julian scowling. Was he

“How can I help, honey?” Owen asked.

“I’m so glad you’re here.” Grace said. “Sadie is one of ours, we need to get her out before the moon.”

Owen whistled.

“Don’t wait until the last minute or anything!”

“We’ve got a
going on right about now. Ainsley Connor,” Ainsley offered him a hand, which Owen pumped enthusiastically.

“Oh wow, hi! I’m Owen Blaine. I’m dating one of your pack, Brian Stevens? I’m the pack’s liaison at this hospital. I didn’t realize you were coming tonight or I would have made arrangements so this would be easier. It’s good I was on night shift.”

Ainsley smiled. But not as hard as Julian. Wow, he
jealous. Grace decided to table that thought.

“Why isn’t she getting better?” Ainsley asked.

Owen grabbed Sadie’s chart.

“She was admitted with blunt force trauma to the cranium as well as minor cuts and contusions.” He looked up from the clipboard, shook his head and gave Ainsley a frank look. “She’s been unresponsive ever since. The minor wounds have all healed. But the head trauma hasn’t made any progress and the doctors don’t know why. I’m even more stumped now, knowing what she is. Maybe her age is a factor - maybe she’s not healing as quickly as a young wolf would?”

Ainsley stared at him blankly and Grace could sense that her friend was beating herself up for not knowing more about wolves.

“Owen, listen, what’s the fastest way to get her out of here?” Grace asked quickly. “Without risking your job, of course.”

“Personally,” Owen pursed his lips. “I think the best way is to cover her and say you’re headed for the morgue in the basement. Then sneak her out into the back parking lot. You can use your morgue key. I can cover for this patient’s absence until my shift is up at 8 AM. But you’ve got to get her back here by then.”

Grace tried not to think about how much could go wrong with that plan.

“It’s not like anyone’s likely to miss her,” he added. “She’s only had one visitor.”

“As long as he didn’t have a wolf’s head cane,” Grace joked.

“How did you know?” Owen asked.

Crap. Garrett had been here. Of course he had.

She exchanged a worried glance with Ainsley, who only shrugged. Nothing they could do about it now.

“Thank you for your assistance to the pack,” Ainsley said in her alpha voice. Owen was clearly tickled, but he shrugged his wide shoulders modestly. He opened a cabinet by the window and pulled out two plastic wrapped sets of scrubs.

“Grace is fine in uniform, but the two of you should suit up.”

Ainsley grabbed the simple blue set of scrubs he offered, leaving Julian with a loud geographical print. Grace managed not to giggle as he pulled them on. A look of distaste marred his handsome features.

All of a sudden, the whole crazy scheme seemed like more of a caper than a heist. A lightness crept into Grace’s heart.

“I’m going to take her off the monitors now,” Owen warned. “You’ll hear the beeping but I’m going to override. She’s not on life support, thank goodness, so she’s safe. And I can do this myself.” He pulled suction cups off Sadie’s chest and a plastic clip from her finger.

A series of loud beeps came immediately, then silence as Owen pressed buttons on the monitor’s keypad. Then he removed the tubing from her IV.

“What happens if I don’t remove the port and she shifts?” he asked.

Grace and Ainsley shrugged.

“Better to be safe,” he said, and peeled back the tape holding the port to Sadie’s little hand.

Grace turned her gaze away. She was normally pretty no-nonsense, but something about Sadie’s vulnerability tugged her heartstrings. When she turned back he was smoothing a band aid onto Sadie’s hand in its place.

Owen gently covered Sadie with a sheet in the age-old indication that the bed’s occupant was deceased. Then he looked up at Grace.

“Okay, you have until 7 AM. May the force be with you.”

“Thank you again, Owen,” Grace said, grabbing the end of the bed and pushing it into the hallway.

To reach the elevator they would have to pass about twenty rooms and the nurses’ station. Grace did her best to set a businesslike pace. She had learned, through years of police work, how to put on the visual blinders and strong posture that told civilians not to distract her from her duty. She only hoped that Ainsley and Julian could follow suit.

The fluorescent lights seemed brighter than before and the Halloween decorations on the patients’ doors more garish. Her shoes slapped the tile floor loudly as they approached the nurses’ station.

The constant double beep of the phone lines told her that they were busy tonight. That was a good thing. They would hardly be likely to take special notice of a group of unfamiliar nurses with a gurney.

They passed the bustling desk without incident, and Grace allowed herself to turn back to Ainsley and Julian and give a slight smile.

As if on cue, an elderly lady in a wide open hospital gown came bursting out of the room in front of them and skidded on the floor, hanging onto the doorframe for dear life.

“Help! My roommate is dying!” She grabbed Julian by the arm and shook him hard.

“I- we,” he indicated the gurney helplessly.

was isn’t in a hurry anymore! Rosemary needs you

With that she whisked Julian into the room. Grace caught one last glimpse of his panicked face as he disappeared.

BOOK: fate of the alpha - episode 2
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