Read Fate (Choices #2) Online

Authors: Sydney Lane

Fate (Choices #2) (5 page)

BOOK: Fate (Choices #2)
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Chapter 9


I thought I had it all figured out. Just ignore her. Quincy Priest doesn’t exist. That’s so easy to do when she’s not around, but sitting in class with her is pure hell. Every time I look at her, she's smiling at Declan or laughing at something he says.

Don’t get me wrong. I see her sneaking glances my way. It’s just that I ignore them. But when she’s not looking…. I watch her, too. I’ve noticed that
, when she’s really happy, she talks louder than usual. When she smiles, her nose wrinkles just a tad. And when she’s nervous, she twirls her hair around her finger and chews her bottom lip. She’s right handed, and she prefers to write with a pencil instead of a pen. She listens intently, and she seems to like psych class. And she watches me when she thinks no one is looking.

As for me. My heart stills when my eyes accidentally meet hers. She takes my breath away when I catch her scent
, and my body remembers our kiss every time she smiles. I crave her touch in a way that I’ve never wanted anything else.
So much for ignoring her.

When I meet Eric and Declan for lunch, things just don’t feel right. I know it’s my fault, but I can’t shake the feeling that I’ve d
one something wrong. Even if Quincy is the one who lied, I should have known better. Girls lie all the fuckin’ time. I know this, and I still got punked. She was so smooth that I didn’t suspect a thing.
Haven’t I learned anything?

When do you all want to go down to the farm and get the bonfire ready?” Eric interrupts the inner turmoil I’m drowning in. “I have plans with Jenna on Friday, so I’m thinking Saturday morning would work best for me.” I don’t even want Jenna, but the mere mention of her name irritates the hell out of me. She reminds me of Quincy.

“Works for me. What about you, Brody?” Declan asks. There is no sarcasm, no bitterness there. It’s as if the whole dancing incid
ent with Quincy never happened. Except it did. And now I’ve kissed her. He’s just so damn trusting.

shrug my shoulders, trying to appear unaffected. “Fine with me. We can go up early before everyone else gets there. Are you all planning to spend the night?”

Eric nods. “Yeah. We can go hiking Sunday morning.”
Yeah, that’s exactly what we need to do. Go hiking with hangovers.

I look over at Declan, and he shrugs his shoulders while smiling at Eric. “I doubt I will since I’ll probably have to drive people back to town, but
I think Eric has something else in mind.”

I told you. She’s different. I'm not going to sleep with her until I know where we’re headed. But damn! It might kill me in the meantime.” Eric grimaces as if he’s in real pain. “How do you do it, Dec?”

“I told you. It’s different when you really care about the person.
It becomes more than an act, more like a connection. I’m not a saint, but I love the flirting, the light kisses, and secret touches. It’s…. foreplay.” Declan is one of the nicest guys a girl could meet. If I can’t have her, at least I know she’s in good hands.

When I look back and forth between them, they burst out laughing. My confusion must show on my face because Declan confesses. “We made a bet.”
Holy fucking shit!
I knew something was up when Eric didn’t sleep with Jenna when he had the chance.

“You st
upid sonofabitch. What have you done?” A smile spreads across my face, and I can’t help but rub it in. He so fucking deserves this.

Declan laughs a
nd nudges Eric in the arm. “Go ahead. Tell him.”

“He caught me while I was drunk, talking all of his sentimental love shit
, a. And, like a dumbass, I bet him that I could go 60 days without sex.” He lets out a deep breath, and I swear his hand trembles when he reaches for his drink.

I throw my
head back and laugh until my sides hurt. It doesn’t get any better than this. “And you fucking trust him?” I ask Declan between large gulps for air. “He can say he hasn’t slept with her all he wants, but you’d never know if he did.”

Declan shrugs his shoulders and narrows his eyes on Eric. “
I don’t think he’d take a risk like that. He has a lot riding on it if he loses or gets caught lying.” He smirks. “His guitar.” I whip my head around, my mouth hanging open, and stare at Eric in shock. He loves his Fender Strat.

“Yeah, well, if I win, he owes me
five hundred bucks.” He levels his eyes on Declan. “And I’m going to enjoy taking it from him.” I’d almost bet my Jeep that he’ll never see that money.

We’re still laughing when Seth lumbers up and collapses into the chair beside me. “What the hell are you all laughing at?”
He looks at me, only making me to laugh louder.

Eric sighs. “Dec
lan thinks he’s a comedian.” I'm going to get a lot of mileage out of this. Sixty days worth to be exact.

Seth shrugs
, not aware that he’s missed our inside joke. “Did you decide when we were going to the farm? I need to know so I can make plans.” What he means is that he needs to plan on being sober enough to get there. What I’d give to never have to worry about anything.

I speak up, knowing I’ll end up taking care of his drunk ass anyway. “I’ll drive you down with me Saturday morning. We’ll clear the field, get the bonfire ready, and stay for the party. Get some pledges ready to help

Seth nails
Declan and Eric. “Don’t you sorry asses ‘girl up’ this weekend. I’m tired of you disappearing with those chicks. This is a guys’ weekend.” I sit up straighter, even though I know he’s not talking to me.

“Too late for that. Eric is bringing his girl
,” Declan speaks up, childishly smiling again. He really wants to win that bet.

“Yeah. What about your girlfriend?” Seth a
lways seems to step right in a big pile of steaming shit, and I’d love to shove his head in his ass.

slowly shakes his head, looking down at his hands while twiddling his thumbs. “Man, she’s not my girlfriend…” He looks up, a smile on his face. “But I’m working on that.”

Relief washes
over me, a whoosh of air escaping my lungs. I suddenly feel as if I can breathe easier.
She’s not dating him
. Yet. But it really shouldn’t matter. I respect Declan enough to know I should walk away.

I’m just not sure I can.



Chapter 10


On weekend nights at Players’, there are two bartenders, and I'm relieved to see Devin behind the bar when I walk in. He's a cool guy, and we have a good rhythm behind the bar. Devin has the “boy next door”. He’s all sensitive and smiles topped with a helping of fuck-me dimples. I, on the other hand, am the brooding, tatted-up guy you may not want to take home to momma. The girls don’t have a chance when we play the good guy/bad guy act on them, and we make a killing every single weekend. They’d never guess he has more ink than me, maybe even some questionable piercings.

"Hey, man! You ready for a big nig
ht?" He smiles, nodding toward a group of sorority girls surrounding the bar. When I look over my shoulder, I see Whitney with her friends. She smiles and winks at me. In the past, I might have jumped right on that, but no matter how hard I try, I can't summon a reaction. I raise my chin in acknowledgement but try not to encourage her clingy behavior. I still haven't forgotten the party. Drunk Whitney was not fun.

Devin and I fall into our normal routine, and
 I'm in my zone when he whistles in my ear and says, "Day-um! Have you seen the new chick?” I snap my head around and see Quincy waiting for drinks. "I got this one, man." A foreign emotion rushes over me when he swaggers to the end of the bar to talk to her. Something I’ve never felt before.
And I don’t like it one bit.

I stand back as Quincy introduces herself to Devin, a smile on her face as her eyes twinkle up at him. So trusting. That girl is going to drive me crazy. When he leans across the bar and gives her braid a tug, her giggle lights me on fire. I laugh to myself when I debate throwing a bottle of Jack and hitting Devin in the back of the head.

It’s hard enough watching her with Declan without having to watch every guy in the club ogle her. And she’s so damn oblivious, walking through the crowd, smiling at everyone she passes. Does she even notice the guys who stop talking midsentence as she walks by? They can’t take their eyes off her, and I
find myself wishing she’d worn pants instead of shorts.

When Devin walks back toward me,
he shoulder bumps me, and I hit back with more force than necessary. “Man, did you see her?” I grunt in response. “I’d like to hit that.”

“She’s off limits.”
My voice is low but serious. The beer he's pouring from the tap runs over as he stares at me in disbelief. “I mean it.” I throw darts at him with my eyes, hoping that I don’t have to prove it.

“Whatever you say, man. Plenty of fish in the sea.” He smiles, shrugging his shoulders, and goes back to flirt with the girls
who have been camped out at the bar all night. I can already see it. I’m going to have to kick someone’s ass if she keeps working here.

I steal glances
at Quincy all night, and the tension between us becomes thick, the air shifting each time she comes to the bar to collect her drinks, as if I can feel her before I see her. Once, our hands brush together, and I swear electricity zaps right up my arm. When her breath hitches in her throat and her cheeks turn a light shade of pink, I know she feels it too.

“Aren’t you here late for your first night
? Vince usually takes it easy on the newbies.” I have no idea why I’m asking. There are so many lines I’m crossing by doing this.

“I have this last group to cash out, and then I’m done for the night. Jenna’s going to meet me here, though.”
She seems nervous, affected by me, and I don’t know if I should be concerned or impressed.

My mouth opens before my brain thinks.
“Really? You going to be dancing?” Her eyes widen before she nods. “Good, I’m out early tonight, so you better save a dance for me.” I don’t want anyone else touching her, and maybe, like a dog, I want to mark my territory.

Jenna walk
s in a few minutes later, prompting me to search the bar for Eric and Declan. This is probably the moment that should knock some sense into me.
If you need to hide it, it’s probably not right.
Instead, I’m relieved when I don’t see them, and I rush my closing duties so I can go dance with temptation.

Quincy disappears to the back, and Jenna leans against the wall. Crossing her arm
s, she watches me as I work. I'm tempted to ask her what the hell her problem is, but I get the distinct impression she's not a girl I want to mess with. I don’t need her going all ‘mother bear’ on me tonight.

I’m almost finished when Quincy walks around the corner.
I’m awestruck. She’s no longer wearing her uniform, and her hair is loose, falling over her shoulders. She shouldn’t be allowed to look that good. I watch her, fully aware that every guy in the place is doing the same.

I lose sight of the girls
as they are swallowed up on the dance floor. Song after song, I try to catch a glimpse of them, but the floor is too crowded. I turn away from the bar when Devin slaps me on the back, grinning as he looks over my shoulder, “Damn, man. They just keep coming, but they all call your name.”

My first thought is that I hope I’m not going to have to deal with Whitney tonight, but my annoyance quickly turns to shock when I spot Jenna standing at the end of the bar
. She looks amazing, of course, her smile full of mischief. “What can I do for you, Jenna?”

“Just so you know, she’s out there dancing by herself.
And I’ll take a ginger ale, thank you very much.” She winks at me, and her smile is contagious. I find myself smiling broadly, and I figure she either just did me a huge favor or she’s sending me to my downfall.

my head, I yank the bar towel out of my back pocket and throw it on the bar. With a jerk of my head, I let Devin know where I’m headed. He mumbles under his breath, but I don’t stick around long enough to find out what he said.

Techno music is not my thing, but I like the lights. The flash is a little disorienting
at first, but when my eyes land on Quincy, I see her clearly. She's dancing with her arms raised over her head, her hips moving in rhythm with the beat. The lights enhance her movements, making her look like an apparition. With one flash, she could be gone. She’s in her element, and I want to be there with her.

As her eyes connect with mine, the dance floor suddenly feels
too large. I can’t get to her fast enough. Her shy smile breaks me, and I wrap my hand around her small waist, pulling her to me. It’s just not enough. I lean down, resting my forehead against hers. She timidly reaches up to brush my hair off my brow, and I grasp her hand, pulling it to my lips. She inhales sharply when my lips graze her knuckles.

A slow song begins, and I pull her closer still, my leg between her thighs. We move well together, our bodies in tune with one another.
I see the question in her eyes when her thigh finds my erection. “It’s you, Quince. You do this to me.” I’m not making any excuses.

I almost lose my shit when she runs her hand down my chest and pushes her hips into me. There is no sign of hesitation as she grinds into me over and over.
My focus is on her, and I feel every touch, every breath, every movement..... With Quincy pressed against me, our bodies moving as one, nothing else matters. I like watching her come alive under my touch, watching her become braver with each move.

I know we have to stop putting on a show in the middle of the club where we both work. “It could get embarrassing in here if you keep doing that.” I smile down at her, watching the pink creep into her cheeks.

Lowering her eyes to the floor, she reaches for my hand and lead
s us from the dance floor. Jenna is waiting for us, and Quincy abruptly drops my hand. I watch a silent exchange between the two girls before Jenna asks, “Hey, Brody. You going to the party?”
Are they coming over?

I’m headed to the house, but I have to get some sleep. We have the bonfire tomorrow, and we usually end up staying all night. You all coming?” My eyes follow a bead of sweat as it slowly glides down Quincy’s neck before Jenna’s words bring me crashing back to reality.

“Yeah. Declan and Eric invited us earlier this week.”
Bam. Another reminder. Sweet. Beautiful. His.

“Well, girls, it’s been fun, but I gotta get some sleep. See you tomorrow.”
Quincy looks confused as I back away, her smile slipping from her face. I don’t waste time wondering what her problem is. That girl is either oblivious or a very good actress, and I’m not sure I want to know which one it is.

At the bar, I stop to tell Devin I’m heading out. When I turn to leave, my path is blocked by a very short, very cute blonde. I recognize her from the
party. “Hey, you’re…. from the party.” Cory? Carie?

“It’s Corrine.
” She purses her lips, pouting because she can tell I didn’t remember her name.

Yeah, I remember." I smirk. She caught me, and she knows it. “How could I forget you?” She is hot, and when she turns those bright green eyes on me, I know that, on any other night, I’d be in her panties so fast her head would spin. But I’m beginning to think Quincy broke my dick. Hasn’t worked right since I kissed her.

Don’t you dare, Brody!” Her words are slurred. “Don’t play that game with me.” She sounds serious, but her eyes twinkle with mischief. She’s cool.

“No playin’.
” I smile and do something the old me would have done. “So, Corrine, you interested in coming to a bonfire with me tomorrow night?”



BOOK: Fate (Choices #2)
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