Fallen (Stolen, Book Three) (An Alpha Billionaire Romance) (3 page)

BOOK: Fallen (Stolen, Book Three) (An Alpha Billionaire Romance)
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“We met in Tahiti, actually,” Ethan replied. “It was kind of a whirlwind romance.”

“Clearly,” his father said, and it was as if he already knew everything—as if Ethan had just told his father they’d spend the entire time fucking. The older man’s eyes were predatory and not at all kind.

Oh god. If her cheeks weren’t red before they had to be blazing now. It was a necessity to avoid making eye contact with anyone right now.

“So when did you two discuss the realities of this situation?” Robert asked. “Or did the fact that we’re engaged in a multi-million dollar legal battle with your father somehow never enter into the equation?”

He paused and Harper finally looked up, realized he was talking to her. His gaze bore into hers as if this was a test, but she didn't look away this time. She swallowed her nerves and answered.

“On the steps of the courthouse when my father was trying to get a change in venue several weeks after I got back.”

“Which was denied,” he said, lifting his glass but keeping his stare locked on hers. Was he waiting for Harper to defend her dad?

Part of her wanted to, just to spite Robert Wentworth. But the truth was, he had every right to be furious with her.

Valerie moved to the wet bar and Harper heard ice clinking into a glass.

“Yes it was denied. As it should have been.”

Harper hated that people assumed she was on her father’s side. Of course it did look that way and that’s what her parents wanted all along. A unified front. Except she was done uniting with a liar.

A ghost of a smile tugged at the corner of Robert’s mouth.

Ethan ran his thumb along the underside of her ribs. The touch let her know that he was there with her. There was finally someone on her side and it felt amazing. She leaned a little closer to him.

“You’re mother was a Harpswell, is that right?” Valerie asked, breaking some of the tension that Robert’s questions had raised inside Harper.

“Yes, her grandmother was Louisa Harpswell.” Which meant that Harper’s great grandmother had been the heir to Harpswell Enterprises. Her father had owned over half the high end grocery stores in the country at one point, passing along his fortune to his four children.

In turn Louisa had divided it among her heirs, six children, Harper’s mother being one of them. Of course Harper’s mother’s fortune had been mishandled by her father, right along with the rest of it, a fact that Harper’s mother still refused to see.

“So you don’t agree with what he’s doing now?” Robert watched her carefully and even though Ethan tightened his hold on her, she shook her head.

“I don’t. But he’s never listened to me before, so he’s not going to start now. He does what he wants to do.” Harper took a sip of her iced tea to try and quiet the tumbling in her stomach.

“He’s got Clayton Associates as his representation right? They were the ones who represented World Bank’s CFO when he was accused of embezzling millions. They won that case I believe, despite the fact the bank was the victim.”

Harper knew the case. It had been all over the news for months and the jury came back that John Statan was innocent, even though he had in fact stolen millions over two years. The biggest twist of the knife was that World Bank had received billions in government bailout money and apparently had no oversight in place. Allowing the CFO to do what he did.

The fact that Clayton and Associates somehow managed to get him a free walk was what made her father hire them as soon as he was exposed. They were ruthless and calculating and weren’t above pushing the envelope to get a not guilty plea for their clients.

“Yes, that’s who he hired.” Not like it was a secret or anything.

“Have you always lived in Boston, Harper?” Valerie interrupted. Once again Ethan’s mother steered the conversation away from what was quickly becoming a very uncomfortable situation.

“Yes, this is where I’ve always called home. My parents have a place outside the city but my apartment is right in the middle of everything. I like knowing I can get to pretty much anything I need in less than five minutes.”

“Refill?” Valerie asked, nodding to Harper’s glass. A woman pushed a cart past the doors and stopped near the table, setting out glasses of water before moving away.

“Yes, thank you.” Valerie busied herself at the wet bar again and Harper shifted, trying and failing not to meet Robert’s stare. It wasn’t hostile but she could feel the scrutiny in his gaze.

Ethan’s hand moved over her lower back as he sipped his drink. Silence swirled around them and heat climbed into her cheeks. She expected it to be awkward, maybe even a little unfriendly considering who she was, but aside from Robert’s questions it had been pleasant so far.

Just as Ethan’s mother gave her a fresh glass of tea, another woman came into the room. “Dinner is ready,” she said softly.

They moved to the patio when Ethan pulled out her chair and then sat next to her. The sun had just dipped below the horizon and lights that looked like old lampposts from decades ago lit up around them, casting their table in a warm glow.

The scent of the ocean swirled around them every time a light breeze blew lifted the ends of her hair.

“We’re ready, Martha,” Valerie said to the woman, who immediately moved to the cart and began setting plates around the table. A beautiful arrangement of basil, tomato and slices of mozzarella fanned across the plate and was drizzled with balsamic and olive oil.

Simple and elegant.

Her father would ostentatiously served caviar and truffles just to prove he could.

She cut off a small bite and closed her eyes when the taste hit her tongue. “This is delicious,” she said to Valerie.

“The basil and tomato are from the kitchen garden. I enjoy eating what’s in season,” Valerie said.

Harper took another bite and reached for her iced tea. Everything was so amazing.

“So does your father think he has a chance at this slander suit?” Robert asked. “It’s pretty ballsy to turn around and countersue someone you stole from.”

Her hand shook and tea sloshed out onto the tablecloth. Her eyes widened. “I’m so sorry,” she said to Valerie, who waved away the concern with a smile.

Ethan tensed and his fork hit the plate with a clatter. “Enough,” he growled.

“I’m getting to know the girl who has dragged my son into the tabloids,” Robert said. “And who happens to be the daughter of the man trying to ruin this family.”

“Robert,” Valerie admonished. “Harper is our guest.”

“Drop the questions, Dad,” Ethan all but growled at his father.

“I think I have a right to ask. We’ve heard nothing about her and then you’re linked to her in the tabloids. How can I not wonder if this is all part of Matheson’s plan? Use his daughter to get close, to find out what our strategy is and then report back? Even you have to admit it’s a hell of a coincidence. How well do you really know her, son?”

“Robert, I think that’s enough,” Valerie said. Harper saw the warning in the gaze she aimed at her husband. “Ethan, sit down and we won’t talk about this again.”

“We have a right to know who we let into our house.” Robert set his glass down and aimed his stare at Harper. “I didn’t get where I am by blindly trusting people.”

“I know her enough to know that it’s straight bullshit coming from your mouth.” Ethan dragged his fingers through his hair and tossed back the rest of his drink before pushing the chair back so hard that it tipped over. “Harper doesn’t have an agenda here, Dad. You’re the one who’s guilty of that.”

Tension filled the air and Harper’s stomach twisted. The tiny bit of food she’d eaten threatened to come back up. Of course his father would have questions. Of course he would be suspicious.

“How do you know she has no agenda?” Robert pressed. “What are the real chances that you both were on vacation at the same time and place with everything going on? Surely even you can see the chances of that are astronomical.”

Ethan clenched his fingers at his sides and his face grew darker and darker.

Harper didn’t want this. His parents seemed to be good people, she could tell that just by the little time she’d spent with them. She could plainly see that they loved Ethan. They weren't trying to manipulate him like her father had been doing to her.

Panic rose in her chest and she sucked in a breath. They needed to settle down, to talk this through.

“We’re leaving,” Ethan snapped.

Valerie’s face fell.

Ethan reached down and took Harper’s hand, tugged her to her feet.

“Ethan please. Sit,” Valerie pleaded.

“Not when he can’t let this go.”

Ethan and his father stared at each other, neither backing down.

“I’m pregnant,” Harper blurted out.

Two sets of startled gazes flew to her face and heat climbed into her cheeks. She hadn’t meant to just throw that out there, but she’d desperately needed to stop the fighting. She wasn’t going to be the reason that this family pulled apart.

Valerie covered her mouth with her fingers. Robert looked from Harper to Ethan with a frown. Ethan clenched and unclenched his fists but said nothing. Finally Valerie stood and patted Harper on the arm.

“Ethan, why don’t you and Harper go for a walk? It’s a beautiful night and I’m sure that she could use some air. I’ll have Martha reset the table for two so that when you get back you can eat quietly. In the morning, maybe we can all sit down and talk?”

Harper quickly agreed to the plan. As it was, she had no idea if Ethan was pissed at her for telling them like that.

“Fine,” Ethan growled, grabbing her hand to help her from her seat. He swung his angry gaze toward his father. “But no more questions about the case. We’re not here to be cross-examined.”

Robert seemed to acquiesce, but his eyes were dark and forbidding as ever as he watched them walk away.

Ethan tugged Harper along the patio until they reached a wooden walkway that led out to the sand. Her heels sank immediately and she pulled him to a stop.

“Hold on.” As quick as she could she slid them off her feet and left them there, then twined her fingers with his once again. The heat from his hand crawled up her arm and even though the sun had set and a cool breeze wafted from the water, she was warm. Safe. Protected.

“I’m sorry I just blurted that out. Everyone was hurting and I didn't know what else to do. I guess I panicked.”

He stopped and stared out at the ocean for a few long seconds before turning and looking down at her. His gaze was softer and he pressed his lips to her forehead. She leaned into his touch.

He always made her feel like she was the most important person in the world.

“I planned on telling them in the morning anyway,” he said. “Until my father started in on you, and then everything went out the window.”

“I expected that,” she finally said. “I’m actually surprised at how civil your father’s been, considering who I am.”

“Well, I didn’t come here tonight to listen to him play Sherlock Holmes. We’re together and he needs to realize that I won’t put up with that shit. He was trying to use you and that fucking pisses me off.”

His jaw was tight and the lines of his face harsh in the moonlight. She hated that it was her fault that he was unhappy, that there was tension between him and his father. She stepped closer until she was pressed against his chest. Then she let go of his hand and slid her hands up his shoulders, higher until she was cupping his face.

His dark gaze met hers and she could see the anger swirling within the depths.

“But you stood up for me. You defended me.”

She stood on her toes and pressed her lips to his, darting out her tongue to trace the curve of his bottom lip. His hands slid to her waist and he gripped her tight. Waves lapped gently at the shore and little by little, Ethan relaxed under her fingers.

“Thank you,” she whispered against his lips.

“You don’t have to thank me,” he said back. “Well, maybe you can thank me another way.”

His hot breath washed over her lips, but when he tried to deepen the kiss she pulled back with a smile. His eyes were softer now, but she could see the edges of hunger that always made her breath hitch. She had wanted to help calm him down but she had a feeling that if she didn’t take a step back, he’d have her down in the sand faster than she could say hell yes.

Not that she minded sex with Ethan. Who was she kidding? Not minding equaled a constant state of crazy arousal whenever he was near. He could make her come apart so fast and so easy. No one had ever done that before.

“It’s beautiful here. Have your parents always lived here?” she asked in an attempt to cool her own wandering thoughts. A little sand in her nooks and crannies wouldn’t be so bad, right? Except his parents were on the lit patio not thirty feet away.

“It’s been in my mom’s family for generations.” He didn’t let her change the subject so easily though and his lips were back on Haper’s, soft but determined. He swiped his tongue in her mouth like he was a starving man and it sent delicious shivers to collect between her legs.

Voices carried across the night air. People were further down the beach, but close enough so that she could hear them. Ethan wrapped his arms tighter around her waist and pulled her against his chest.

“I had no idea he was going to do that,” he said, his breath hot on her lips. “But I should have known when he called and invited us over. He’s never that agreeable.”

Harper laughed. “Come on, he’s not that bad.”

“We can leave right now if you want. I told you I’d take care of you and if his shit made you uncomfortable, we can head back to the city right this fucking second.”

“It’s okay. They’re actually taking it a lot better than I expected.” It was partly a lie, but sometimes a little white lie was necessary. Ethan was hurting and angry and she need to protect him, too. She lifted her face so that she could see his eyes. “I haven’t heard a peep from my parents, but if I do, I know it’s not going to be good. Maybe give your dad a chance. Hell, my father would probably have you tied up in the basement torturing you for insider information about your family. A few questions is hardly water boarding, Ethan.”

BOOK: Fallen (Stolen, Book Three) (An Alpha Billionaire Romance)
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