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Authors: Anjela Renee

Fae Street (9 page)

BOOK: Fae Street
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Chapter 22

Richard didn't want their time together to end, so he needed to come up with another activity. As much as he appreciated Gretchen lending him her car, he knew he needed something bigger. Thirty minutes later, they pulled into the Lexus dealership and he knew exactly what he wanted.

“I need a bigger car. Do you mind helping me shop?” Richard asked Cam.

“Not at all; this will be fun.”

They walked into the showroom and Richard spotted exactly what he wanted. A Lexus GX460 SUV. It was perfect. He opened the door and sat in the car. The interior was a tan leather and felt so smooth and comfortable. He could already imagine road trips with Cam sleeping in the seat next to his.  He looked out the window to see a smiling salesman standing there. The man probably already had the sale closed in his mind.

“You like the feel of the GX?” the Salesman asked.

“Yes. I think it would be perfect for my family. I'll take it, and I want extras; sun roof, heated seats, six CD disk changer, USB ports in front and back, and the DVD system for the kids with wireless headphones.”

“Richard, maybe we could look around a little first,” Cam suggested.

“Take your time. My name is Peter and I will check on you in a little while. If you have any questions, the receptionist can page me.” Peter walked away and Cam left the car. She walked around and took Zoe and Lyle from the back seat.

“You don't like this one?”

“It’s a nice car. I just think it’s a very big purchase and a look around before a decision is made would be a good idea.”

“I think you are wise beyond your years.” Richard gave Cam a small kiss on the forehead. He wanted her and every time he came into contact with her, he imagined her under him screaming with pleasure.  Richard took Lyle by the hand and started walking as quickly as he could get Lyle to walk, as he needed some distance.

Cam placed Zoe back in the stroller and walked outside not far behind Richard. They walked out into the car lot and there were so many cars Cam wondered how anyone could decide. When she caught up to Richard, he was looking at a two seat sports car.

“So, find something you like.”

“Yes. You would look totally hot in that car next to me.”

Cam started blushing profusely almost to the same color as her hair. She playfully swatted Richard on the arm. “Stop it, Richard.”

“I need something much more practical. It’s a nice car, but wouldn't make a good family car. I can’t believe I just said that. I have a full grown child. And it’s not like he started as a baby either.”

“At least you got to skip the smelly diapers and waking in the middle of the night.”

Richard thought of himself as a modern man, but couldn’t help thinking that was the job of the mother. He doubted Alexa ever did any of it; the nanny probably did everything. He wondered what Lyle looked like as a baby and if he could get some pictures from Lyle’s grandparents.

“I would happily do it to get those years back.”

“So you
developed feelings for your son,” Cam whispered. She looked over to see Lyle playing patty-cake with Zoe, not paying attention to the conversation between her and Richard.

“Not yet. I want those years back so I can feel the way I think I should. Maybe if I had been there in the beginning, I would feel something now.”

“Just be his friend and protect him and it will come. I promise.”

“I need to get away from this bitchin’ hot car before I do something impulsive.”

“I think I see some minivans ahead.”

Cam led the way over to a very nice, fully loaded Lexus Minivan. She pulled the side door handle and it opened automatically. Cam smiled when she saw the built-in car seats.

“I can tell you like this one. Let’s go for a test drive.” Richard looked up and saw Peter the salesman running with a set of keys. He handed it to Richard and climbed into the third row of seats. Cam happily strapped both kids into the car seats and climbed into the front seat. Richard took her hand for a moment and started the car.

“This model if fully loaded with most of the options,” Peter the salesman shouted from the back seat. He pushed a button and a movie started playing for the kids, some Disney thing. Then he helped Zoe and Lyle put on the headphones and sat back in the third seat.

“Can you imagine long car trips with the family?” Peter added.

“The ride is so smooth and the seats so comfortable.”

“You like this one?” Richard asked.

“Oh yes. It’s so nice.”

“More than the other one?”

“Yes. This one has more features for small children. I love the built-in car seats and it’s so roomy. Lyle seems to love the DVD player.”

Richard drove and then turned off into a driveway and turned the car around. Cam seemed to like it and that’s all he needed to know he would buy the car.

Richard signed endless documents pertaining to the sale of his brand new silver 2014 Lexus Minivan. Peter handed him the keys and promised to have someone return Gretchen's Car by the end of the day. Richard couldn't help but notice Cam as she smiled a huge giddy smile the whole time. She was beyond excited.
Wait until she finds out the car was mostly for her.

The salesman handed over the keys and Richard gave them to Cam. “You can drive home.”

“Richard, I don't have a driver’s license. Cars aren't used in the other realm, so most Fae don't drive.”

“Well, I guess I'm going to have to teach you. But not with the kids in the car. Come on, Babe, let’s go; I have other plans for us today.”

Cam sat in the brand new minivan, reveling in the newness of the car and enjoying the ride.


An hour later they pulled up to an Audubon Zoo. Richard paid for parking and pulled up into a parking space.

“Where are we?”

“The Zoo; kids love the Zoo. Well, I think they do.”

Mommy, Richard is a fun daddy.

“He's my daddy,” Lyle responded out loud.

Richard turned and looked at Lyle, not sure where that pronouncement came from all of a sudden.

“That's right; I am your daddy.”

“Zoe says you’re fun.”

“Is that right, Zoe, do you think I'm fun? Well, I think you are cute and fun, too.”

Zoe smiled and clapped her hands frantically. She reached for Richard and when he got closer, she latched onto his neck and hugged and slobbered on him in her attempt to give him a kiss.

Chapter 23

Lyle jumped up and down, watching the Penguins through the thick glass. He smiled like it was the most wonderful thing he had ever seen. Zoe was perched on top of Richard’s shoulders, clapping and giggling. Richard looked at his phone and was shocked to see it was nearly 6:00 p.m. He noticed Cam dragging and yawning and thought it was time to head back to the house.

“Ready to get back?”

“I’m so tired; I could sleep for a week.”

Richard put his arm around Cam. It wasn't sexual in the least bit, but it felt comfortable and right. “Let’s go and we can get some fast food on the way home.”

“That sounds perfect.” Cam leaned her head against his chest and looked up into his eyes. She thought maybe she wasn't crazy; maybe he did have feelings for her too.

Cam and Richard arrived home with the food to find an angry Gretchen and pissed off looking Adrian. He left his phone off so they could get some alone time—that probably wasn't the greatest idea. Yeah, definitely not a smart move on his part.

“Richard, where have you been? I have been trying to call you all day,” Gretchen said in an accusing tone.

“Sorry, Gretch, I wasn't thinking.  I turned off my ringer so I could enjoy the day with Cam and the kids.”

“Aunt Gretch, Daddy took me to the Zoo. I saw penguins; they can swim so fast. And Richard took the car right to a window…”

Gretchen softened at Lyle's smiling face and then she scowled at Richard. “We'll talk about this later,” she hissed.  

Gretchen took Lyle to the kitchen so he could eat his kid’s meal. Everyone found a seat and began eating. Richard was formulating a plan in his head to get Cam alone tonight. He needed to be with her alone to feel her skin against him to kiss her beautiful lips. After dinner, Cam took Zoe to bed and Richard was left with Lyle. He helped Lyle into his pajamas and then put on a cartoon and settled onto the couch. Lyle started getting tired and drifted off to sleep on Richard. Cam finally came back from putting Zoe to bed.

“I think it’s time for me to put him to bed, too.”

“Do you need help?”

“No. Stay here; I'll be right back.”

Richard scooped Lyle up into his arms, but instead of taking him to his room he carried him to Cam's bedroom and put him to sleep in her bed. He kissed his son and tucked him into bed. He didn't want to admit it, but he knew at that moment he had feelings for his son. He wanted to protect him and he liked spending time with him. The look of joy on Lyle’s face at the Zoo was priceless and he wanted to see it again and often. Richard found Cam in the living room, flipping channels on the T.V. Richard sat next to her on the couch and he tentatively put his arm around her as she leaned into him and looked up into his eyes.

Cam felt a comforting tingle through her body.
I could get use to this
, she thought. He brought his lips against hers in a sensual slow kiss, his tongue exploring and tasting her mouth. Cam dropped the remote and straddled Richard’s lap as they kissed with a passion that set her body on fire and wouldn't be calmed no matter what.

“I want to be with you. I need you,” Cam said, breathy as she was pulling away from his lips. He kissed her neck, wanting her and claiming her.

“Oh, Baby, if only you knew how many times I’ve dreamed of this, of you and I together,” Richard said huskily.

“We can’t; not here,” Cam said, looking around. The last thing she wanted was to get caught by Gretchen or Adrian.

Richard scooped her up and carried her quickly to his room, almost running.

“Wait, what about Lyle?”

“Sound asleep in your room. It makes more sense. You have a single bed I have a king. We will share from now on.”

Richard kicked the door shut and put Cam on the bed. He shrugged out of his T-shirt and pants, only wearing his boxers. Cam started at the perfect specimen in front of her. His body was perfect and sculpted, and his tawny skin so beautiful. He had just enough chest hair to make him look manly and it drove her wild. That only other time they had been together, it was dark and she hadn't had time to fully appreciate how fucking hot he was. Now that she was fully appreciating him, she felt so self conscious about herself. Fae were normally fine with body differences, but these past months in the human realm had taught her that men here preferred tall, thin women. She wasn't tall and not that thin either. She wasn't fat, but had curves thanks to motherhood.

Richard could see a change in Cam’s face and he knew instantly something was bothering her. Maybe she changed her mind; maybe she didn't want him after all.

“Cam, it’s okay if you changed your mind. We can stop. I don't want to pressure you.”

“Well, to be honest I'm feeling a little unsure. I know you humans like skinny, perfect women and after Zoe was born my body changed.

“Cam, I've already seen it all and I want to see it again.”

“It was dark last time.”

“Sweetness, I'm a Werecat. My vision is just as good in complete darkness. I didn't see anything that doesn't turn me on. I want you and I can see by the way you look at me, I know you want me, too.”

Cam nodded her head and stripped off her clothes with Richard’s help. He kissed her neck and Cam fell back onto the bed. Richard still had on his boxers, but she could feel the evidence of his excitement and a large one at that. She shuddered, her body reacting to his kisses and her body temperature rising.

“Oh, Richard.”

“Yes, Baby. I'm going to make you feel so good. You are beautiful and don't you ever forget that.”

“Oh please, Richard, I need you now!” She groaned.

Richard kissed his way down to her breasts. He took one nipple into his mouth and gently sucked and nibbled. Cam reacted immediately, moaning and tugging on his hair. Richard didn't mind her pulling his hair; he liked a little roughness. He could smell her arousal permeating the air like a sweet flower. He spread her legs and ran his fingers along her slit. He could feel how wet she was already. He dipped his head between her legs and explored her folds with his tongue. He loved the way she tasted and continued licking and teasing her clit.

“Oh, Richard,” Cam murmured. The things he was doing with his tongue. He must have taken a class or something as no man can do such exquisite things on his own.

“Oh, yes. Right there.” Cam moaned at the feel of his tongue on her. He licked her just the right way. She could feel her pleasure building and knew she was going to explode at any moment.

“Oh yes. It’s happening, it’s happening,” Cam yelled as her orgasm took over her body, and she continued moaning until the last of her pleasure finally subsided.

Richard finally lifted his head up and smiled. Not just any smile, but a smile of victory.”Is my baby satisfied?”

“Very. I could get used to this.”

“I'm not quite done; that was just an appetizer.”

Richard stood up and quickly took off his boxers and revealed his erect cock, big and ready.

“You are so beautiful, Richard.”

“No I'm not. Men are only beautiful to the women they love.”

“I want to please you this time.”

Richard liked the sound of that. He knew Cam was still new to lovemaking so he wanted to take things slow and do whatever she wanted. He leaned back on the bed with his head against the headboard. He placed his hands behind his head and waited.

“I am yours; do whatever you want.”

Cam had to calm herself, as the first thing she wanted was his cock inside her. She wanted to enjoy him as he enjoyed her. Cam got on her knees and leaned over him, her beasts swaying. She took his cock into her mouth. Just the head at first. She ran her tongue over it and tasted the bead of pre-cum.

“Oh fuck, Cam; that feels so good,” Richard responded to her efforts, moaning as she smiled around his hardness.

Cam was encouraged by his reaction and took a little more into her mouth. She moved her mouth over his cock a little faster. She was surprised how much she liked to feel him inside her mouth and how her body reacted to his moaning and reactions. At that point, she couldn't take it anymore and straddled him, and in one swift movement impaled herself on his cock. She gave herself a moment to stretch to accommodate his size, and then Cam started riding him; moving slowly at first then faster. Richard sat up and took her breast into his mouth as she rode his cock. Both sensations were more than her body could take. She exploded into another orgasm and Richard followed just seconds later.

Cam snuggled up to Richard and within moments was fast asleep, basking in the afterglow of their lovemaking.

BOOK: Fae Street
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