Read Eyes in the Sky Online

Authors: Viola Grace

Tags: #Romance, #Science Fiction Opera

Eyes in the Sky (7 page)

BOOK: Eyes in the Sky
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“Why did you need to tell me this in person…so to speak?”

“Because this is so highly classified that only you, I, Brodin and the Avari are aware of what is about to make a base out of rubble. It is an experiment on a grand scale.”

Riasa nodded. “Right. I will wait here for the courier. Can I go finish breakfast now?”

Relay laughed. “Yes. It will probably need heating up.”

Riasa twisted her lips. “No, I will need new stuff. Mist ate everything else.”

“Then, go and enjoy breakfast. Remember three minutes from the blood drop. Only do it when the design is complete.”

Riasa saluted and Relay dimmed the projection.

Her stomach rumbled, so she returned to the dining hall and tried to think of what to tell her companions if they asked her.

When she got a new tray and sat down, no one asked her a thing, but Mist stole another one of her breakfast rolls. Stabbing him with a fork just had no effect, but she was really trying.


Chapter Nine



“You are a little tired but otherwise fine. Congratulations on taking to being a Guardsman.” Gray finished the scans and smiled.

“Have you dealt with a lot of folk from Resicor?”

Gray rubbed her neck. “You could say that. We had to find a way to hack through the restrictor suits used at the dome. Our first patient was incredibly brave.”

Riasa got queasy the moment she heard restrictor suit. “You got it off?”

“We did, and she is now fine and flying. It was a joint effort between Teklan and Morganti, but we managed to create a system to take the suits off without too much damage, and then, I reset them to genetic specifications.”

“Wow. That’s…wow.”

“Your people are very impressive and the talents we have seen hunger for freedom with a ravenous determination.”

“Good description. Am I done?”

“You are clear. Where to next?”

“I am going to check on Taboth. I have heard his design is rather nice.”

Gray smiled. “Can I come? I have seen it but only in the beginning stages. I hear it is incredible now.”

“Sure. Come on.”

Natu had told her where Taboth was plying his original trade, and when Riasa entered the room, she gasped.

Taboth looked at her and smiled. “Just the person I wanted to see. Riasa, when do you think construction can commence?”

Riasa was walking through a semi-transparent holographic projection of a base that would be the envy of anyone who saw it. The central spire marked it as a Citadel but the rest of the graceful spires, observatories, auditoriums and accommodations were stunning in detail.

“I think they will be able to begin shortly. Is it completed?”

Taboth nodded. “I have missed it so much, I went a little overboard. It is too ornate?”

She looked around her at the crystalline structures and smiled. “I believe it is just right. May I have a copy of the blueprints?”

He handed her a crystal. “I am guessing you want to read them over, to see what you can see.”

“From what I can see, you have even put in com lines, sewage treatment and water lines.”

He blushed. “You can see that?”

“That is my job. What do you think, Reset?”

Reset was smiling as she looked around. “I want to live here. Can I take a job at the Citadel when this is done?”

“Ask General Brodin.” She chuckled at the sheer admiration in Reset’s face.

Riasa lifted the crystal and stared into it, reading the data and relieved that there was a scale registry in the design. She was having a waking nightmare of setting off the canister and having a tiny building appearing.

Grounding and shielding was also included. “Taboth, did you check the other Citadel constructions?”

He shrugged. “Of course. All psychics need shielded areas. I thought it good to do not only a few classrooms but an entire tower dormitory.” He paused. “You can see that?”

She winked. “If it can be depicted in a visual format, I can read it.”

The entire design was well thought out and proof that Taboth knew what he was doing.

She tucked the crystal in her cleavage and looked at the rendering one more time. If the finished product were even close to the projection, it would be a structure to be admired and studied.

“Taboth, when construction commences, would you like to be there?” She had initially been thinking of setting off the canister and watching by herself.

“Please. If materials need to be substituted, I would like to put in my opinion.” He grinned.

“Noted.” She smiled. There wouldn’t be a chance to change anything. The canister wasn’t going to ask for a second opinion.

Her suit started talking and she jumped. “Vision, please report to the commander’s office.”

She winced. “Please excuse me. Wonderful work, Taboth. You should be very proud.”

He grinned and bowed happily.

Riasa nodded to Reset and left the room, heading around the corner to General Brodin’s office.

A man in a plain black bodysuit similar to her own was standing in the office with a canister in his hands. He looked at her, and to her surprise, when she looked back, she could see circuits and minute robots making up his body.

She blinked in surprise. “Um, Avari courier, I presume?”

He grinned. “If you designate me as such, then you are the one I have been sent for. Here is the canister and you have received the directions. I will remain and record the events.”

She took the canister, carefully avoiding the top of it. “General Brodin, may I have permission to rebuild the Citadel?”

He tilted his head. “Just like that?”

She shrugged. “Is there a reason to wait?”

Brodin laughed. “I suppose not. I will summon those who want to watch it go up.”

“Taboth is eager to see his work become reality.”

“Of course. Give me an hour and we will be ready for you.”

She smiled and turned to the courier. “Thank the Avari for making this attempt possible.”

He inclined his head. “They thank you for the chance to practice a craft they thought long gone.”

She excused herself, left Brodin’s office and sought out Natu in the gym with her arms carefully cradling the canister.

“Natu, we have an hour until the Citadel is going to be attempted. Would you like to help me pick a spot to start it?”

He set the weights down and blinked. “Repeat that?”

“The canister is here and the attempt at rebuilding the Citadel is going to take place in an hour. Do you want to help me pick a spot to put the canister? I am guessing that it needs to be centred.”

“Of course, Riasa. Now?”

“Please. Folks are going to start showing up, and I don’t want to be stumbling around in the rubble. I would much rather have eyes in the sky for this.”

He chuckled. “You want me for my wings.”

“For a start. The rest of you can wait.” She grinned.

“I am going to have to start charging for favours of flight.”

“You can work out your rates later, for now, get me into the air.” She leaned in and pressed a quick kiss to his lips. If he hadn’t been sitting, it wouldn’t have been so easy, but he was so she did.


She had found the optimal spot, and Natu was standing by to take her to safety. She looked and focussed on the tiny people that came into clear view as she looked at them. Taboth was wringing his hands nervously, the courier was staring and the two Drai were standing with their mates and watching the proceedings.

“Okay. Ready.” She set the canister down and stroked the top. A small panel slid aside to open and show the receptive divot with the tiny gleaming needle. “Here we go.”

She pressed her finger down, felt the sharp sting, and the moment she pulled her hand back, the panel slid shut while the canister began to hum.

Riasa moved into Natu’s arms and he took off, flying in a widening spiral until they were with the crowd.

Taboth was looking around. “Nothing is happening?”

Riasa checked the timer she had set on her wrist, and she watched the time tick down to zero.


Everyone gasped when the canister exploded and the debris began to swirl in a slow vortex that reached under the ground before it slowly twisted upward.

Esur murmured, “This is very familiar. It is similar to the manner in which our home was created, Roxanne.”

The structure took shape slowly, building upward over hours.

Riasa leaned against Natu as the magnificent facility took shape and climbed upward in the jewel tones designed by Taboth.

Taboth was watching with tears running down his face. It was coming together exactly as he had designed it, and he was overcome with emotion.

The courier stood through it all in complete silence, watching the nanites reshape the rubble into usable structures.

The sun was setting when the build finished and the courier turned to her. “You may open the gates.”

Taking the hint, Riasa walked across the tarmac, down the pathway and up to the gates of the Citadel. She pressed her hand to the large gates, and they swung open at her touch.

Taboth was behind her, eager to explore.

She entered and headed for the primary spire with Natu next to her.

Riasa looked around at the campus made of jewels and metal. “It makes me wish I was still a member of the Citadel.”

“Well, technically you have never signed a contract with either the Citadel or the Sector Guard. You could be both.”

Riasa laughed. “You are right. I have gone into action as both but no paperwork was ever processed.”

Natu put his arm around her waist as they entered the main administration building. “That was my fault. It was suggested to me that I skip that part of the collection process. I knew I forgot something.”


“Probably. There was something about my future being brighter if you were not pinned down immediately.” He winked and walked up the spiral stairs with her.

“She is one wily woman.”

“That she is, but she treads a delicate line. She can see what happens when her hints are too bald and when they are too obtuse. This time, she has struck it on the head. You are now a valued employee to both the Sector Guard and the Citadel, so you can determine your own terms before you sign a contract with either or both.”

She smiled. “I would like to work on terms with you first. I am thinking that the other decisions will keep.”

Natu grinned.

When they made it to the top of the spire, they looked out over the plains of Teklan, the Sector Guard base and the distant mountains. She nodded as she looked around. “Yes, now I am home. So, will you be willing to move here?”

“Of course, Riasa. Where you go, I shall follow. I might be a little pushy from time to time, but where we live does not matter to me. Of course, the height here is right up my alley.” He shivered and extended his wings.

The wide archways at the top of the spire were open to the winds, and without asking, he grabbed her and launched himself from nearest archway, and they fell together until he couldn’t hold off any longer. With his wings extended, he beat the air and coasted along the top of the buildings of the new Citadel.

Riasa clung to him, her mind whirling with things that needed doing. They needed full wiring for communications, supplies, clothing, bedding…the list went on.

Natu flew in a corkscrew, and she hung on as he worked to distract her. He knew just how to shake her out of a mood. She could see it every time he looked at her.

Tomorrow was time enough to make plans to create the most exciting Citadel ever conceived. Crime-solving talents were not thick on the ground, but teaching folk to use what they had was a step. Riasa had her plans and those around her were going to have to give into her vision.




Author’s Note



So, still in Resicor, working toward what is actually going on and why. I know but I have no idea how I am going to get this out and about.

I am taking July 15
off because I need a vacation, so there will be no books released by me that day.


Thanks for reading,


Viola Grace

[email protected]




About the Author



Viola Grace was born in Manitoba, Canada where she still resides today. She really likes it there. She has no pets and can barely keep sea monkeys alive for a reasonable amount of time. Her line of day job tends to be analytical which leaves her mind hopping to weave stories. No co-worker is safe from her character analysis. In keeping with busy hands are happy hands, her hobbies have included cross-stitch, needlepoint, quilting, costuming, cake decorating, baking, cooking, metal work, beading, sculpting, painting, doll making, henna tattoos, chain mail, and a few others that have been forgotten. It is quite often that these hobbies make their way into her tales.

Viola’s fetishes include boots and corsetry, and her greatest weakness is her uncontrollable blush. Her writing actively pursues the Happily Ever After that so rarely occurs in nature. It is an admirable thing and something that we should all strive for. To find one that we truly like, as well as love.


BOOK: Eyes in the Sky
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