Read Eye of the Beholder Online

Authors: Dana Marie Bell

Tags: #Romance, #Paranormal, #Literature & Fiction

Eye of the Beholder (11 page)

BOOK: Eye of the Beholder
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She turned off the water. “Mostly. I still need to brush my hair, wash my face, put on my makeup, what are you doing?” She watched as, naked, he bent over the tub.

“You ask me that a lot. Have you noticed that?”

Dear God, he had the most incredible ass. He turned on the water before turning to the toilet. “I gather you want a shower?”

He lifted the seat. “Yeah, don’t you? Where are you going?”

She ignored the sounds of him relieving himself and left the bathroom. She’d just go ahead and get dressed while he did his, um, morning stuff.

She pulled the nightgown over her head and tossed it on the bed. She leaned down and pulled her panties off, adding them to the growing pile of dirty laundry. She’d need to get to that sooner rather than later. Relying on the men to take care of things was getting old, even if Kir was a fairly decent housekeeper.

She missed her apartment, more than she’d thought she would. The freedom to do whatever she wanted, whenever she wanted was something she’d cherished after living with her overbearing father. But she had the feeling that freedom was a long way off for her now. Until Grimm was stopped permanently none of the men were going to be willing to let her out of their sight.


Especially Travis
She didn’t turn around. Even though he’d seen her naked breasts in the mirror last night she hadn’t been aware of it until after the fact. Add in that this time she was not only completely naked but
bent over
and he had to be getting an eyeful. Turning around now felt tantamount to giving him permission. “I thought you were going to take a shower?”
Because I planned to have clothing on the next time I saw you.


She looked over her shoulder to find his gaze glued to her ass. She slapped her hands over the globes, horrified.
I thought you were a gentleman.

He sighed happily and walked forward, his arms reaching for her. “Someone lied to you, then.”

She squeaked and dove for the bed, determined to preserve what was left of her dignity.

She didn’t make it. She found herself over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry. “Shower time.”

He stroked her side with his cheek, the gesture loving and sweet. His beard tickled her side, making her want to squirm. “I didn’t say I wanted a shower, and I especially didn’t say I wanted a shower with you.”

He put her directly under the spray, grinning when she sputtered. “You’ll feel a great deal better once you’re clean.” He picked up a bottle of shampoo, pouring some directly onto her head. “Ready?”

One of her hands flew to her breasts, the other to her pussy, covering them from his heated gaze. “For what?”

He began washing her hair, his left hand massaging her scalp. His right arm was around her waist, pulling her in tight to his body and out of the spray. If he’d had a right hand she bet it would be stroking her butt.

“I can wash my own hair.” She could hear the huskiness in her voice and knew he could too. It might have had something to do with the heated iron bar digging into the back of her arm. She risked a quick peek down to find the head of his penis practically against her belly button. She lifted her head quickly to find a satisfied male smirk on his face.

“I know.” He dipped her back, rinsing the soap from her hair. When it was gone he leaned in for a nipping kiss to her neck before standing her back up. “Now for the rest of you.”

He soaped up a washcloth, running it over her body with intense focus. He didn’t miss a single square inch of her skin. She struggled a bit when he began washing her pussy, but the attempt was half-hearted at best. After all, this
to be a dream. Naked and wet in the shower with Travis, watching his hard, wet cock bounce around and knowing that all she had to do was reach out and touch it?

Oh yeah. She’d dreamt this before. It usually had a really good ending too.

But, just to make sure…
She reached around and pinched her ass, jumping when it hurt.

“Hold still, sweetheart.”

Okay. Not a dream. She pulled back some more, ignoring the throbbing protest in her clit. “Travis?”


The heat in his gaze nearly scorched her skin. She threw up her hands, holding him off, trying to shake the sensual spell he seemed to have cast over her. Unfortunately that put her, sputtering, right under the spray.

His lips curled slowly, amusement replacing the sexual awareness. “I swear you’re a disaster waiting to happen.” He grabbed her wrist and pulled her out from under the water. “Talk, then sex?”

“Breakfast!” she practically shouted in his face.
What the fuck am I doing? I’m turning down actual,
sex with Travis.
From the feel of things it was gonna beat the dreams all hollow. She put the back of her hand to her forehead.
Nope, not feverish.
Just insane.
But she just couldn’t shake the feeling that everything was happening so damn fast, just rushing up on her and sweeping her along. She didn’t like the feeling one damn bit. Still. Wet, naked shower with Travis. Wet, naked,

She batted at his hand when it reached for her breast.
Yup. I’m insane.

He eased back and kept the rest of the shower as platonic as possible between two naked people who, judging by the size of the erection he was sporting and how wet her pussy was, wanted each other. She found herself watching his cock as it bobbed, water dripping off of it like a fountain. She was fascinated by the way he washed the chiseled abs right above it. She could feel her eyes glazing over as he stroked it with the washcloth, scrubbing his balls, then stroking down muscled thighs she was dying to sink her nails into. He then returned the washcloth to his furred chest and she damn near whimpered.

She looked up from his cock to find him staring at her with so much male smugness she wanted to reach out and smack him one. That was when she knew he’d washed himself that way deliberately.

She crossed her arms, making sure to pillow her breasts on them, leaning back against the tile wall. She crossed her legs, her brows rising in challenge.
C’mon, big boy. You can do better than that.

His grin was smug, his hand continuing its slow caress of his chest. When he turned around and began soaping that hot, tight ass of his she nearly groaned out loud.

She hoped she could pull this off. “You done yet?”

The washcloth paused. He shot her a look over his shoulder. The hot look was giving way to one of speculation. “Not yet.”

“Mmm.” She yawned, not quite sure where all this courage was coming from. “Well, I’m done, and I’m hungry.” She stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel. “Meet you out front.”

She didn’t hear him moving as she stepped out of the bathroom. Once out, she bowed her head, fanning herself. If she’d stayed in there any longer she would have spontaneously combusted.

She’d never dressed so quickly in her life. Hoping she just hadn’t royally screwed things up with Travis, she made it out of the bedroom before he left the shower. She knew she’d just given the guy mixed signals, but he’d gone from completely ignoring her to naked shower games in the space of a few days. She was a little confused by his rapid turn-around. Besides, the man was a freakin’
. That was still wigging her out a

She was glad to see her twin waiting for her just outside her bedroom door. He always knew when she had something she needed to talk about. “Hey, little fox.” He took her by the arm and pulled her into the den, closing and locking the door. He handed her a plate of bacon, eggs and toast and sat her at the desk. “So what’s it like to be loved by a god?”

And that summed it up, right there. Two words she was having a problem equating Travis with.


She buried her face in her arms. “What if it’s just pity?”

Jeff chuckled. “Oh, hell no, it’s not pity. Trust me.”

She peeked at him from under her arm. “Last time I checked Travis was into busty blondes who think a fjord is a kick-ass truck.”

Jeff nodded, running a wide toothed comb through her curls, getting the tangles out of her wet hair. The sensation of the comb had always soothed her. It had become something of a ritual between them. Others might think it odd, or think it had something to do with Jeff’s being gay, but the reality was it helped them both. She just told people it was a twin thing, because she didn’t quite understand it herself. “True, but you didn’t see him in the hospital. The whole time you were there, when you were unconscious, when the doctors told us you might not walk again. He was…” The comb paused as Jeff shook his head. “I can’t even describe it. He never left your side, Jamie. He just sat there, holding your hand, staring at you. You could tell when he was thinking of you, because he’d have such a look of pain on his face it almost made me cry. I caught him once, just stroking your hair, and I did cry, just from the look on that man’s face. You could also tell when he was thinking of Grimm.”


She lifted her head in time to see Jeff grimace. The comb started stroking through her hair once more. “Let’s just say that if Travis ever looked at me like that, I’d find the deepest, darkest hole I could find, plant my headstone behind it and dive in. Then I would sit there and pray for someone to come and fill in the hole.”

Travis got dressed as quickly as he could, but he wasn’t fast enough. She’d disappeared into the den with her twin, and the locked door told its own tale. He huffed out a frustrated breath and was headed for the kitchen and breakfast when his cell phone rang. “Hello?”


He held the phone between his shoulder and his ear and grabbed a coffee mug, placing it next to the pot. “Yeah, Morgan?” He heard the sound of the den’s door opening and peeked into the living room. Jamie and Jeff were still murmuring to one another as they took seats on the sofa.

“I just went by your house, and…”

“And what?” He stared at Jamie, only paying half attention to what his operative was telling him. He was still confused as hell over what had happened in the bathroom and he didn’t like it one little bit.

“It looks like someone put a hose in every room and turned them on.”

Jamie sat with her head close to her twin’s, whispering back and forth. He would give anything to know what was going on in her head. That little scene in the shower that morning had left him hard as a rock and stunned out of his mind. She was avoiding him.
I think I fucked up
. He’d pushed too hard too soon, and now she was running from him.

“Hello? Are you listening, or are you mooning over my sister again?” Morgan’s voice crackled with annoyance.

got his attention. “What did you say about my house?”

“Water. Damage. Hope you have insurance.”

He frowned, his attention finally diverted from Jamie and Jeff. “Water damage?”

“I went to your place to deliver the papers on the Solberg case, remember? You were supposed to meet me there this afternoon.”

The cop, right.
They’d only gotten the case a week after Jamie had entered the hospital. The wife was firmly convinced he’d left her for another woman, and wanted solid proof before she filed for divorce. From everything Morgan and Magnus had been able to gather, she was right. Magnus said he’d taken pictures of the man fucking an unknown blonde woman and had, in fact, moved in with her.

“Anyway, I arrive, open the door, a metric ton of water sloshes out and you owe me new shoes.”

“Fuck.” This day just kept getting better and better.

“It looks like every pipe in your house burst all at once. Freakiest thing I’ve ever seen. Water spraying everywhere, and the worst part? All your wards are blown.”

“I do not need this shit right now.” He rubbed his eyes tiredly, wondering how the fuck Grimm had gotten through his wards to wreak his damage.

“Yeah. Listen, you might wanna come over here, take a look around. Trust me, you’re not gonna believe it until you see it. Don’t worry, I turned the water main off. By the way, your carpet was apparently filthy. Have you never heard of Rug Doctor? You owe me new jeans too.”

“I’ll be there as soon as I can.” He hung up the phone, his gaze tracing the back of Jamie’s head lovingly. “Jamie, I have to head out for a little while. I have a small problem I need to take care of.”

She turned. Those eyes of hers seemed to see right through to the heart of him. “Grimm?”

He nodded. “Seems the Old Man did something to the pipes in my house. The entire place is flooded, and from what Morgan said the damage is pretty bad.”

“It’s a set-up.”

He nodded. “I know.” He turned. “Logan—”

“No.” Jeff stood and stretched. “I’ll go.”

Travis didn’t miss the relief on Jordan’s face, or the annoyance on Logan’s. He nodded anyway. “Let’s go.” He walked over to Jamie and leaned over her, balancing on the stump of his right arm. Taking her face in his hand he leaned down, kissing her with all of the pent-up passion she’d left him with in the bathroom. By the time he was done they were both breathing hard and her eyes were once more glazed over. “Be good.” He kissed the tip of her nose before walking away. It took every ounce of his self-discipline not to limp from the hard-on he was sporting.

A man had his pride, after all.

Logan stared thoughtfully at the closed door to the condo. “Y’know, I have something I need to take care of. Why don’t you guys order in enough pizza for the whole gang? I’ll call the M and M’s and Vlad the Impaler. Make sure you get extra hemoglobin, ok?” Logan sauntered off into the den, shutting the door behind him.

“Vlad the Impaler?” Jamie snickered, wide eyed, as Kir frowned after Logan.

“He never asks to order in pizza.” Kir got up and followed Logan from the room, leaving the girls alone on the chaise.

Jordan quickly dialed the pizza place, ordering enough to feed an army. Jordan and Kir shared the same unhealthy pizza obsession, so Jamie wasn’t too surprised.

BOOK: Eye of the Beholder
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