Exquisite Redemption (Iron Horse MC Book 3) (8 page)

BOOK: Exquisite Redemption (Iron Horse MC Book 3)
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“Trying to kill me,” she panted. “I know.”

? Why the fuck would they do that?”

She gave a bitter chuckle that cut right through me. So much pain there. “It wasn’t anything I did, at least I don’t think it was, but I’ve got a relative who gambles and some think threatening me will make her pay up.”

In the distance, bike engines roared and I scanned the area around us. We’d reached the side of a huge, tricked-out RV by now and she propped me up against the door. The interior of the vehicle was dark and the door was evidently locked because it didn’t open when she tried. Muttering a curse, she gave me a quick head-to-toe sweep, her gaze lingering on the gun still in my hand and the blood-soaked cloth of my jeans over my injury.

“You’re a liability. Stay here.”

“You are fuckin

Before I could finish my statement, she’d assumed a modified shooters stance and was crouched down, sneaking quick peeks around the side of the vehicle with a deadly intent that fascinated me.

Her smooth voice carried easily to me on the cool evening breeze. “Don’t shoot the guys with the Iron Horse patches, correct?”

There was no more gunfire so I didn’t have a hard time hearing her at the other end of the massive RV. “Don’t fuckin’ shoot anyone. Shit, woman, get back here.”

Completely ignoring me, she kept her gun at the ready. “Damn it, I can’t see anything right now. All those people running stirred up the dust.”

Totally thrown by the pretty young thing acting so completely blasé about the whole situation, I grunted as I stood on my good leg, fighting off the dizzying sensation as my body tried to cope with the shock of being shot. “I
get the fuck over here.”

She looked at me with her brows raised and such a sarcastic expression it made my hand ache to spank her. “Oh, I’m sorry, you must have confused me for one of your bitches that you say suck, and they say how hard. That shit is not going to happen with me. Now, considering I just saved your ass, wouldn’t the polite thing to do be to back the fuck off and let me take care of business? Or maybe you should be saying ‘Thanks for saving my ass, Sarah’ instead of being a dick? God—men. You’re all alike. Little too much testosterone and you turn into belligerent assholes. I’m not putting up with that shit, you hear me? If I had something dangling between my legs you’d treat me like I had a brain in my head, but because I have boobs you instantly peg me as dumb. In case you haven’t noticed, I know what I’m doing. So pardon me if I tell you to fuck off.” Her nostrils flared and the lines around her mouth deepened with her displeasure. “Shit. You made me monologue. I hate that.”

Not many things, or people, surprised me anymore but this pretty girl and her rambling had totally thrown me for a loop. A thread of humor cleared my head and I had to resist the urge to laugh. Fuck, I think I could love this woman.

“Baby, come here so I can kiss that sassy fuckin’ mouth of yours.”

Her response was cut short when I felt the unmistakable kiss of the barrel of a gun pressed against my head as someone got me in a chokehold and someone else grabbed my gun.

As I struggled, Sarah started to raise her gun but another man came from around the side of the RV and pistol whipped her hard enough that her eyes rolled back into her head and she went down in a heap, with me following her down not long after.


Chapter 3



,” a man’s voice said gently as big hands stroked my face.

I scrunched my nose then frowned, my head pounding in a way that wasn’t like a headache, but still hurt.

“What?” Well, I intended to say “what”, but how it really came out was, “Waz?”


Swallowing was difficult with my throat being as dry as a hundred-year-old nun’s kitty. “What’s going on?”

“Open your eyes, baby.”

Someone shifted me around and it was only then that I realized I was being cradled in a strong man’s lap. I forced myself to open my eyes and blinked in the almost complete darkness, seeing just the faintest hint of a bearded man’s profile. While I didn’t recognize his face in this light, I remembered his scent and relaxed enough to think.

“Beach. What the hell is going on? Where are we?”

“No idea and no fuckin’ idea. Far as I can tell we’re in a holding room of some kind. No windows, door is fuckin’ solid. Hear some voices occasionally, but nothin’ else. We haven’t been here long, less than an hour.”

“No windows?” I tried to keep my growing panic at bay, but my claustrophobia was creeping in.

“Don’t worry, I’ll get us out.”

My rational mind was quickly receding, no match for my phobia of being in anything resembling a closet. “We have to get out.”

“I’ll get us out.”

My voice dropped to a ragged whisper as my phobia screamed through my mind. “We have to get out.”

“Baby.” His voice was firm and his arms tightened around me. “Easy.”

Pushing at his chest, I began to tremble. “We have to get out!”

His whole body tensed and he pulled me tighter to him. “Honey, relax. Shhhhh, gotta keep quiet, sweetheart.”

“Please let me out! I don’t want to be in here, let me out. Please, not the dark, don’t leave me alone, please. I’ll be good, I pinky swear, please let me out!”

Dimly, I knew I wasn’t really in a closet, but to my battered mind I was nine years old again, screaming to be let out of the punishment room in my mother’s mansion. It was in the basement, a utility closet near the sauna, that the maids were forbidden to open. Just a bare room, four paces by four paces. Smooth walls, concrete floor, a bucket in the corner to pee in, but no escape and no one could hear me scream. Time became distorted in the dark and I desperately clung to Beach, fearful moans escaping me.

“What’s wrong, Sarah?”

He removed my clinging hands from his shirt and wrapped them around his neck, repositioning me so I was straddling him. Right away I shoved my face into his throat, feeling his pulse beneath my lips, the scratch of his beard on my face, surrounding myself with the reality of him. I wasn’t alone in here, someone was with me, I wasn’t alone. Not alone.

mi corazón
, not alone,” Beach whispered into my ear. “Breathe with me. In…and out.”

I tried, but it was so hard to do anything when my anxiety was through the roof like this. My therapist and I had been working on overcoming my phobia, but the mental wounds from my past still had the power to enslave me. In an effort to focus on the here and now, to not feel the phantom thirst and hunger pangs that came from my triggered memories, I rubbed my face against Beach’s neck, the scent of him somehow pulling me out of my nightmares enough to talk.

“Claustrophobic, bad. And I don’t like the dark.”

“All right, sweetheart.” He began to stroke my rigid back. “What can I do to help?”

“Distract me, help get me out of my mind.”

I’d thought, silly me, he’d talk to me some more, but his distraction was much more effective.

He seduced me.

And he didn’t fuck around doing it.

The words had scarcely left my lips before he jerked my top down with a low growl.

My nipples were already rock hard, and I willed myself to only focus on him, to give him everything I had.

Right before his lips wrapped around my right nipple, he whispered, “You must be quiet,
mi corazón.

Warm breath washed over my nipple for a brilliant instant before his lips wrapped oh so softly against the tightening nub, the opposite of what I thought he was going to do. My expectations of a rough bite left me unprepared for how intense the soft sucking sensation was, how his beard brushed my breast as he made a low hungry noise. I bit my tongue to keep from moaning at the gentle suck of those soft lips, my hips rubbing a tight circle over his rigid erection. My whole body lit up beneath his touch and I lost myself in the blessed relief of his caress, grateful for any escape from the darkness trying to destroy my sanity.

As I swiveled my hips with the experience of a former stripper, Beach grasped my ass with both of his big, long-fingered hands and dug in.

“I want to fuck you so bad,” he growled. “Want to slide into that hot, tight little cunt. You gonna give it to me? Spread out for me pretty and hold those long, long legs open? You gonna show me what’s mine?”

He could have asked for my soul at that moment and I would have gladly traded it for an orgasm. I was insanely wound up with fear and tension, yet so beyond aroused my legs were shaking with it. The throb of my clit as I rode his jeans-covered cock had me clutching his thick hair tight. That made him hiss and I smiled when his hips rose to meet mine in perfect rhythm. This was beyond amazing and approached “oh fuck I’m in trouble” land really quick.

“Tell me, Sarah.”

“I will, I’ll show you what’s yours,” I answered without hesitation.

I’d never been with a man quite this dominant before, and as I sank deeper into his touch, all I could do was still, then tremble as my orgasm hovered just out of reach. This was because he held me tight to his lap, his thick length throbbing against my pussy. At some point, when we weren’t being kidnapped, I was going to rub myself against his cock until I came all over it. Hell, he was long enough to give me a G-spot orgasm.

As soon as we escape from this coffin of a room.

The grind of his hips chased that thought from my mind and my clit throbbed with the beat of my heart, each rub pushing me closer to the cleansing oblivion of orgasm.

“You come when I tell you to,” he ordered in a soft but authoritative voice, as though he had every right in the world to make that demand of me.

“I’ll do whatever I want, including orgasm, thank you very much.”

He gave my pussy an incredibly long, slow slide over his cock and I bit back a mew as the fat head pushed into my panties. “You want this cock inside of you, you take it however I give it.”

A hard bolt of lust almost knocked the breath out of me. Who knew I’d get off so much on a guy being bossy? “Whatever.”

Well, that wasn’t my most eloquent response, but it would have to suffice because he’d begun kissing my neck, his lips doing that devastating soft thing again, so at odds with his harsh voice and almost cruel grip on my hips.

“I promise you, nothing you can do to yourself will be better than what I can do to you.”

“You’re crazy,” I scoffed, which would have sounded more convincing if my words hadn’t come out in a breathless whisper.

“Most beautiful fuckin’ thing I’ve ever seen. Swear to God my heart skipped a couple beats the moment I saw you,” he whispered into the shell of my ear. “You’re gonna come for me now, Sarah. Put your hand over your mouth and muffle yourself. Be a good
for your

He rubbed himself against me as he sucked my nipple into his mouth, hard enough to sting, and it sent me rocketing to the edge. With ease, he built the need for release in me, my body screaming out in pleasure at his experienced touch. I had enough time to slap my hand over my mouth before I was tensing all over, everything inside of me so tight as heat blossomed through me. My back arched and I nearly choked on my suppressed cries while Beach rocked me against him, the muscles of his big thighs pushing against my butt when his hands worked me back and forth. I hung limp in his grip, too busy coming my brains out to do anything else.

Slowly I came back down to earth, my harsh breathing filling the echoing space around us.

Okay, there was an echo, so it meant it was big. Suddenly I wasn’t that scared anymore. Amazing what a really good orgasm could do for a panic attack. I’d have to keep condoms on me in the future so I could jump a random hot guy if I felt too much anxiety.

Beach’s voice came rough and low as he murmured, “I really fuckin wish I could have seen that. Bet it was spectacular. In the future you’re gonna masturbate yourself to multiple orgasms for me before I’ll give you my dick. I’m getting you a giant box load of toys off the internet and you’re gonna use every one of ’em for me.”

Panting, I rested my head against his shoulder, barely moving when he pulled my tank top back into place. “I have my own toys, thank you very much.”

“I bet you do,” he whispered while continuing to rock his hips sensually against mine, his cock still rock hard. “But I promise it’ll be more fun to share with me than play alone.”

I wanted to call him crazy, but I had panties that were soaking wet with my climax, which said otherwise. “Oh, I know it would be, but we have different lives. Not to mention the fact we’re currently hostages. That might put a slight crimp in your plans.”

“When I get us out of here, you’re comin’ home with me and you’ll see what I’m talkin’ about.”

“Are you on drugs? When
get us out I’ll make sure you’re safe, then I’ll be on my merry way.”

He gripped my hair and slammed his mouth to mine, kissing me into submission until I lay limp against him. “Listen up, Sarah. You need to know right now that this shit between us is not normal. This is something more, something worth fightin’ for.”

“Something more?” I tried to scoff but instead whispered sadly, “Look, now that I’m no longer acting like a crazy person, we need to figure out how to escape.”

Instead of being angry, he stroked my face with a soothing affection I fought. It wasn’t real, this wasn’t real, he was just another guy. I’d thought in the past love and sex were the same thing, but they’re vastly different and I’d learned that lesson the hard way.

Then again, maybe we were both insane, because him touching me felt like magic.

Even though I longed to melt into his caress, then suck on his tongue to get more of his glorious taste, I stiffened when he growled out, “I will get us out of here.”

I wanted to push out of his arms, to explore the room for an exit, but the thought of leaving him had as much appeal as letting go of a buoy and falling into a sea full of Clive Barker’s savage monsters, all whirling fangs and slashing teeth.

Pulling my phone out of my boot, I pressed the on button and grimaced when I saw that I had no bars on it. Wonderful. I tried moving my arm around, hoping for a signal, but I knew wherever I was, I wasn’t getting service. As quickly as I dared, I shone it around the space we were trapped in, revealing we were in some industrial concrete room with a strong-looking black door. I quickly turned my phone off and put it away, not willing to alert anyone outside I had it.

“No signal,” I whispered.

“Nice hiding spot.”

I took a deep breath as my eyes readjusted to the dark, hating the tiny bit of panic trying to invade my thoughts. “Thanks.”

Before either of us could say anything else, the door to the room swung open and the lights turned on, blinding me. I raised my arm to cover the glare as I rolled away from Beach. I’d only been still for a moment and was just rising to my knees when Beach let out a pained groan.

I would have looked to see what had him making that pained sound, but I was too busy being Tasered until I passed out, grateful to leave the nauseating pain of being conscious behind.






BOOK: Exquisite Redemption (Iron Horse MC Book 3)
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