Everything That He Craves (#2) (An Alpha Billionaire BDSM Romance) (4 page)

BOOK: Everything That He Craves (#2) (An Alpha Billionaire BDSM Romance)
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She had never fathomed that she could ever capture the attention of someone like Hunter Black.

“The joke’s on you.  Your fantasies are probably way off base,” she informed him.

“Why’s that?”

“Well you’ve probably built me up in your mind to be someone I’m not.  If you think I’m some, I don’t know, BDSM
then you’re in for a rude awakening.  I’ve never actually done any of the things I write about,” Callie confessed.

“I suspected as much,” he shrugged.

That caught Callie off guard.  “You did?” 

“Yeah, from the way you write,” he explained.  “Don’t get me wrong – I think your writing is great.  Actually, it’s hot as hell.  But it reads like exactly what it is:  a fantasy.  It’s missing that crucial element of realism.  The interest is there but the experience isn’t.  I can tell.”

She scrunched up her nose, deep in thought as she tried to make sense of the situation. 

“I don’t get it,” she finally admitted, unable to come up with a reasonable explanation.  “If you’re telling the truth and you knew all along that I’m nowhere near the expert my pseudonym claims to be, then what was the appeal?”

the appeal,” Hunter replied.  “There’s nothing I love more than training a novice.”

“I find it hard to believe you have to go to the lengths you did to find one!”

“You may be surprised,” he said. 

“Try me.”

“I’m not interested in women who claim to be adventurous but are actually prudes – or ones who claim to be inexperienced but obviously aren’t.  And I sure as hell don’t want one who’s barely even out of high school.  And, if I’m actually fortunate enough to find someone age appropriate who shares common interests with me, usually there’s a catch.”

“Like what?”  Callie wished she could stop picturing Hunter naked long enough to actually concentrate on the conversation.  Or maybe she didn’t.  She didn’t know.  All she knew was she couldn’t stop undressing him with her eyes.

“Like they’re married or unable to hold an intelligent conversation or just plain unattractive,” he explained.  “But you...you’re none of those things.  Actually, had things gone according to plan I think you would have been more than I bargained for.”

Callie’s heart was beating a mile a minute.  “What do you mean?”

Hunter shrugged.  “It doesn’t matter now anyway.  It’s not like anything is going to happen.”

Callie was silent for a moment.  Then, finally, she asked, “Why couldn’t something happen?”

He raised an eyebrow.  “Are you serious?” he demanded as though what he was hearing was too good to be true.  “Two minutes ago you were fully prepared to, I don’t know, karate chop me in the nuts or something.  And now you actually want to play with me?”

She hesitated.  Callie knew what she wanted.  She could feel it...that insistent tingling between her thighs, the way her entire body felt simultaneously engulfed in flames and shivery.  She wanted it.  She wanted

She normally never would have dreamed of admitting it, but with arousal lowering her inhibitions and making it difficult to think straight, she was defenceless.  All she wanted was for Hunter to rip her clothes off and take her.  She wanted to submit to him, to be used by him.  She didn’t just want it.  She

“I’m...curious,” she finally admitted, her face ablaze as she made her confession.  “But I’m not sure I’m ready for, you know...all the stuff I saw in that room,” she added quickly so as not to give him the wrong impression. 

“Curious is fine.  Curious is perfect,” he reassured her.  “I wouldn’t expect you to go from zero to a hundred right away if we were to play.  Not that, uh...I don’t suppose you want to...?”

“I might.”


Suddenly Hunter was standing up a little straighter, and his voice had taken on a slightly cockier tone.  The change was so subtle that Callie suspected he wasn’t even aware he was doing it.  But as someone who had been unable to take her eyes off him since their first encounter, she’d memorized everything about him. 

And she could swear a change had come over him.

“When would you want to start?” he asked, his voice suddenly taking on a lower, growly quality.

Callie swallowed hard.  It was now or never, she reasoned.  “What’s wrong with right now?”

“Right now is perfect,” Hunter told her.  “Come with me.”


“I thought we were going to, uh, do stuff,” Callie said, looking at Hunter in confusion as he led her into his office instead of his play room.

“We are,” Hunter assured her, motioning for her to take a seat.  “But first we need to go over a few things.” 

He pulled his chair around from the other side of the desk and sat down right next to her, wanting to make it clear that in that moment, they were equals.  He knew that was the proper way to do this.

He hated that he was being a responsible, good Dom.  He didn’t want to be. 

What he wanted was to throw Callie down on the desk and tear off her clothes. 

He wanted to ravish her, to make her scream and beg and come over and over until she couldn’t stand it anymore.  He wanted to see her overcome with pleasure, tears of ecstasy streaming down her pretty face.  He craved it even more than he craved air in his lungs.

But he knew they couldn’t just jump right into it, no matter how badly both of them wanted to.  There were matters to be discussed and rules to be negotiated.  As Callie’s Dom, it was up to him to make sure they played safely.

Wait.  He was going to be Callie’s Dom!  What?!  How had this even happened?!

He had been fantasizing about training and corrupting the gorgeous woman standing in front of him for so long that he could hardly believe it was actually about to happen.  His cock was rock hard and his pulse was racing as anticipation took hold of him.

He only hoped reality could live up to his expectations – and hers, for that matter.

“I’m going to ask you some questions.  The faster we get through them, the sooner we can go into my play room and have some fun,” Hunter told Callie.  “Ready?”

“Uh huh,” she nodded.  He couldn’t help but notice how flushed her face was – and how hard her nipples were beneath her clothing.  God, he wanted her.  Going over her likes, dislikes and limits was going to be a challenge.  He needed to focus...somehow.

Forcing himself to look away from her fantastic tits, Hunter asked, “Do you want to be tied up?”


“What about orgasm control?” he asked hopefully.  “I love the idea of denying you until you’re practically dripping.  I want to hear you beg.  I want to make you cry because you want to orgasm so desperately.  And then...”

“And then...?” Callie asked eagerly.

She was leaning forward as though she was hanging on Hunter’s every word.  The position gave him a fantastic view of her ample cleavage.  Wow, she was such a stunner.  That body was so incredible.  So much for not staring...

“Then I’d make you come so many times in a row you wouldn’t be able to think or speak.  I’d make you scream until you couldn’t scream anymore, cry until there were no more tears left.  I’d want you to be so overcome with pleasure that you wouldn’t know what to do with yourself.”

Hunter paused for a moment and swallowed hard, wondering when his mouth had become so dry.  He took a deep breath that was meant to be calming, but he was far from calm.  He was on pins and needles as he posed the million dollar question. 

“Do you think you might like that?”

“Yes!” Callie hissed.  “Enough talk!  Please can we just go play?!  Please!”

Hunter couldn’t take it anymore.  He couldn’t wait another moment.  He had to have her.

“Yes, come on,” he said, standing up and taking her hand.  “Stop means stop,” he added.  “Unless and until you say that word, I am going to do exactly what I want to that gorgeous body of yours.  Understood?”

“Please do what you want to me,” Callie pleaded.  “I’m yours.  Just use me.  I’m yours.”

It took every ounce of willpower Hunter had to refrain from coming right then and there.


“Take off your clothes,” Hunter ordered the moment he and Callie entered his play room.

“What, right here?” she asked, hesitating. 

Everything she had dreamed about had the potential of becoming reality.  It was all a bit much.  In fact, she could hardly process it.  And now Hunter wanted her to just take off her clothes right there in front of him.  It was a simple enough request, but it seemed strangely overwhelming.

Rather than answer, Hunter grabbed Callie, pulling her into him.  Pinning her between his chest and the wall, he made short work of her clothes.  He tore at them until there was nothing left, until Callie was naked and shivering in his arms.

“Are you cold?” he murmured as his fingertip grazed her very erect nipple.

She shook her head, not trusting her voice.

“You’re so sexy,” he growled before leaning in to nibble her earlobe.

Callie was on fire.  Just like that, her nervousness at being naked in front of the handsome, fully clothed billionaire dissipated.  She was far too turned on to be self conscious.  Besides, he was looking at her as though he thought she was a supermodel. 

Arching her back, Callie thrust her bare breasts out as if in offering.  But Hunter didn’t need an invitation.  He was already way ahead of her, his capable fingers rolling her hard nipples until she was squirming, wet with desire.

When Hunter’s fingers found their way between her thighs, Callie gasped aloud.

He took his time, leisurely exploring without ever really giving her what it was she craved.  His fingers circled round and round, slowly, excruciatingly.  Callie pushed her hips forward in a shameless attempt to maximize contact.

Hunter pulled his hand away.

“Did you want something?” he teased, feigning confusion.

“Touch me!” Callie begged, her arousal consuming her.

“Here?” he chuckled, touching her shoulder.  “Or here?” he guessed, brushing against her belly.

“No!” she whined, unable to contain herself.  “I need to come!  Make me come!”

“Patience,” he chided good naturedly with a gleam in his eye. “Not until I say.”

“Please, I need it!” she whimpered, barely able to choke the words out.

“Well, since you said please,” he agreed, his fingers returning to her wet, needy sex.

This time he touched her exactly where she needed it.  There was no teasing, only pleasure. 

He knew exactly what he was doing.  That was immediately evident. 

He touched her the way she touched herself, only better.  His gentle but insistent fingertips rubbed, stroked and pressed until Callie was a quivering mess.  She was so weak in the knees that had he not been pinning her to the wall, she may have slid to the floor.

After the slow, excruciating buildup, release came easily to Callie.  After only a minute or two of skilful stroking, she was like putty in Hunter’s hands.  Gasping and moaning, she shuddered in ecstasy as she neared orgasm.

Hunter leaned close so that his lips were brushing against her ear.  “You have to ask for it,” he murmured softly.  “If you come without my permission, you’ll be punished.”

As he uttered his instructions, his fingers moved faster over Callie’s clitoris.

“Please may I come?!” she gasped, on the verge of explosion.


“Please!” she wailed, afraid she wouldn’t be able to obey. 

Hunter’s fingers felt so good and she was so desperate.  How on earth did he expect her to stave off the inevitable?  Or did he?  Maybe he was
to make her disobey.  Maybe he
to punish her.  A million thoughts swirled through Callie’s tormented mind as she endured the sweet torture of his touch.

“Don’t you dare come without my permission,” he growled.

“I...I can’t...”

“Who does this belong to?” Hunter demanded, grabbing Callie’s mound and squeezing.

“Y – you!” she gasped.  “It belongs to you!”

“That’s right.  You’re mine.  Your entire body is mine to do what I want with.  I own you.”

Hunter’s words sent a shiver up Callie’s spine. 

In that instant she couldn’t decide whether she loathed or adored him.  He was so pretentious, so sure of himself...and yet that was exactly what she was attracted to.  Surrendering to a powerful man was intoxicating.  It was exactly what Callie had secretly been dreaming about.

And his fingers felt amazing.

“Oh!” she sputtered, barely able to breathe.  “Please let me!  I’m going to...”


“But I can’t...”

“Be good.”

Hunter’s words – his
– were of no help to Callie.  In fact, they only sent her hurtling toward that cliff faster and with more ferocity.  Hearing that authoritative tone of his was going to make her do what was forbidden.  She was about to come without permission and there was nothing she could do to prevent it!

BOOK: Everything That He Craves (#2) (An Alpha Billionaire BDSM Romance)
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