Read Everything Online

Authors: Melissa Pearl

Tags: #Songbird

Everything (10 page)

BOOK: Everything
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Chapter Nineteen



Leo smiling.

Leo’s green eyes.

Leo’s accent.

Leo! Leo! Leo! How was it possible to go from total nonchalance to taking him to bed with me in my dreams every night?

Leo shirtless. Not to sound shallow, but that’s what did it.

Holy pectorals, the guy was ripped and he didn’t even know it, just stood there casually holding the door like it was no big deal. Stefan was always so aware of how good-looking he was; Leo seemed oblivious. It took all my willpower not to stare blatantly at that fine cut torso and start drooling.

It wasn’t just the shirtless-ness. I folded my arms tightly over my chest and forced myself to think about it. It was everything. It was the songs, it was the way his hand felt on my back when he comforted me, the way he threw my coffee cup away, the way he belted out those lyrics in an effort to make me laugh...the way he told Stefan to piss off and the way he stood up for me against the Cray-Cray.

It was all those little things that had taken him from Leo the
nice but weird Aussie
guy to Leo the
I think I might be falling in love with you

I squeezed my eyes shut. It was too fast, too sudden.

It was freaking insane!

“Jody, are you even listening?” Morgan’s voice was sharp staccato in my ears. My eyes popped open obediently and I leaned forward in my chair.

“Uh-huh,” I lied. “I was just closing my eyes to try and think of some more ideas.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Ella bite her lips together, burying her nose in Angel’s hair to hide her smile.

Okay, so she didn’t believe me. At least she couldn’t read my mind! She already thought my neighbor was cute. The last thing I wanted to do was encourage my romantic bestie. If she could have her way, everyone in the world would be in love like her and Cole.

This couldn’t be happening to me. I was still getting over Stefan. Okay, so I was basically
Stefan, and not even three beats later I’m pining for Leo?

Yeah, that’s right,
! Because the guy pretty much shut down after my cookie delivery, which meant I either sucked at baking or I should never have asked him about his broken heart.

I was such an idiot!

“So, what ideas have you had?” Morgan’s pen tapped on her notepad.

I didn’t know why she was so nervous about planning Sean’s twenty-fifth birthday party. She was the organizational queen, but she’d been a total stress bucket over this thing.

“Um, dancing. We should definitely have that.”

“It’s already on the list,” she snapped, turning back to Ella who was actually being helpful. “All we have to do now is finalize the food and beverages. Ella, make sure you guys keep a record of everything you give out at the bar so we can pay you back.”

As soon as her eyes were off me, my mind wandered back to Leo. So what was with him? I mean, I knew he was busy. I heard the piano every time I walked out my door. He was working his caboose off composing this musical of his.

Maybe he was just distracted.

Or maybe he thought I was coming on to him!

I held in my groan.

Kill me now!

“Jody, seriously, what is your problem today?” Morgan’s brown eyes always grew darker when she was annoyed.

“Nothing.” I shook my head, wishing I didn’t feel so small beside her sometimes. Not that I was a pipsqueak like Ella, but Morgan was seriously tall for a girl and with her personality, it made her a force to be reckoned with.

Her hard edge vanished as her head tipped to the side. “Is everything okay at work?”

“Yeah, it’s great.” I bobbed my head, so relieved that I’d finished cleaning the house when she’d popped over the week before. Two hours earlier and she would have been shipping me back home or trying to move in with me.

I couldn’t do that to her. She’d only just moved in with Sean. I didn’t think he’d forgive her if she did the old change-a-roo on him. He was a nice, patient guy, but every man had his limits. Surely.

“Well, what’s bothering you?”

“Nothing.” My eyebrows were raised so high I thought they might jump into my hairline.

I grinned at Morgan’s narrowed gaze, and thank goodness Angel started fussing. It was the perfect distraction. Ella passed her over. I nestled her against me, patting her back.

“You’re tired, aren’t you? Ready for a nap, huh?” I kept my voice soft and sweet. She nuzzled into my neck and I looked to Morgan. “I’m going to have to go soon. There’s no way she’ll fall asleep with us jabbering. Not unless I start walking.”

“That’s cool.” Morgan got that mushy look on her face as she leaned forward and stroked the back of Angel’s head. “Have you managed to find a babysitter for the party yet?”

“No.” I frowned, laying Angel down in her stroller and adjusting the back so she was lying flat.

“Jody, why not? The party’s this weekend.”

“I know that. It’s not like I haven’t been trying, but Grandma Deb’s off on the charity tour thing.”

“So ask Dad.”

“No way.” I threw her a sharp frown. “He hasn’t even been to the apartment yet. I’ve been living there for over two months now. We’ve said like five words to each other since the day I moved out. He hates me.”

“He doesn’t hate you.”

“He thinks I’m screwing up again. He’s mad at me.”

“He’s not mad, he’s hurting. You kind of cut him off at the knees. He’s waiting for you to make the next move.”

Of course Morgan was standing up for him. It’d always been that way. Morgan was Dad’s kid—same brown eyes, same outlook on life—but me...I was just like my mother.

Fear skittered through me at the very idea. I busied myself arranging Angel’s blanket, making sure she was snug for the walk home.

Thankfully Morgan dropped it, but that still didn’t solve my problem. Morgan would be gutted if I didn’t come to Sean’s party, but I couldn’t take my baby into a bar with thumping music and rowdy partygoers.

“Why don’t you ask Leo?” Ella’s question was soft and sweet, yet it still made me flinch.

“What?” Morgan spoke for me.

“Oh, come on, why not?” Ella shrugged, her big eyes innocent as she tucked a lock of mouse-brown hair behind her ear. “He lives just across the hall from you. You said he was great with Angel.”

He was!

Another reason to love him.

I frowned.

“It’s only one night. Angel will probably already be asleep by the time you leave, won’t she?”

“Close to it.” I nodded in spite of the fact I should have been shaking my head.

“So, if there’s no one else, it’s a viable option.”

I caught Morgan’s gaze on me and chose to ignore it. She’d only met Leo once and had already made up her mind about the guy before she spoke to him. Although, after some badgering from Ella, she did concede that he seemed nice enough for a boss. She was just annoyed with me for branching out on my own.

Or worried.

Whatever, she was being big sister Morgan.

I gripped the stroller handle and tried to think of a line to appease both of them. “I’ll think about it.”

I walked away before more could be said and sped home. Angel fell asleep within five minutes of leaving the cafe, so I put some buds in my ears and sang my way home. I was waiting for the elevator, quietly singing “How Sweet It Is” with Michael Buble when Leo appeared behind me. I saw the shadow out of the corner of my eye and nearly jumped a mile.

He chuckled. “Sorry about that.”

“No problem.” I turned down the music, trying to keep my cool.

“Great song. Buble does the best version.”

“Yeah, I think so, too.” I grinned. “I love his voice so much.”

“He’s the modern-day Frank.”

“So true.”

We smiled at each other, our gazes kissing then jumping to the floor.

The elevator doors dinged open, and we stepped in together. Leo peeked into the stroller, his smile softening as he looked down at my sleeping Angel.

The expression on his face was adorable!

“Hey, I don’t suppose you’re free to babysit on Saturday, are you?”

Jody, what the hell are you doing?

“Um, sure. I think so.” Leo scratched the back of his neck. “You got a hot date or something?” His chuckle was hard and awkward.

“Ah, no.” I snickered, finding the idea ludicrous. “It’s my sister’s boyfriend’s birthday.”

“Oh, he’s that actor, right? The

“That’s the one.” I nodded. “She’s planning a big party, and she really wants me to be there.”

“Absolutely. I’ll be happy to watch Angel for ya.”

“Thank you.” The elevator reached the top floor and Leo let me push the stroller out first.

“So, what time?”

“She’s picking me up at seven. She’s forcing me to help her set up.”

Leo chuckled. “Siblings, aye?”

“Yeah.” I grinned.

“See you on Saturday then.”

“Okay.” I fumbled my keys trying to get them in the lock, scolding myself for being excited about what would no doubt be a ten-minute encounter with the guy in a few nights’ time.

I was so pathetic.


Chapter Twenty



I tried not to think too hard about seeing Jody on Saturday night. I’d kind of taken the chicken’s way out and avoided her since seeing her in her PJs. I’d only slept with one woman in my life, and she had never caught me off-guard like Jody did. I mean, Gerry had swooped me up pretty easily, but she’d really been trying. Jody hadn’t done anything but pass me a plate of cookies. She hadn’t been flirty and seemed completely unaware of her intoxicating power.

I never thought I’d find cute sexy. Gerry was a sophisticated woman, hair always perfect, make-up pristine. Jody was the polar opposite, and she had me waking most nights with tents for pants and bugger all I could do about it.

I couldn’t make a move on her. The whole point of being in the States was to make my dreams come true, and settling down with a wife and kid did not fit into the plan.

I was an idiot to say yes to babysitting, but when I heard she wasn’t out on some hot date, I’d been so relieved I had to agree.

Rapping twice on the door, I rocked back on my heels, waiting for Jody to appear.

“It’s open!” she called.

I eased the handle and pushed the door wide, stepping in and surveying the living area. It looked pretty good. The dishes were drying in the rack, there was still a pile of unfolded laundry on the edge of the couch, but the house didn’t have that chaotic feel.

“Sorry, I’m coming.” Jody’s voice wafted from the bedroom and a few seconds later she appeared.

Oh, geez, I really was an idiot.

There was absolutely nothing cute about the image before me. Jody looked frickin’ hot, like flames on a barby...the kind you wanted to get burned with. She was wearing a deep red dress that plunged between her breasts and accentuated her curves, giving them a luscious, edible quality. The bottom skirt-part-thingy rose up over her knees and draped down lower at the back, swirling around her like water when she moved. She was wearing these strappy sandals that wove around her ankles and calves. They looked bloody uncomfortable, but who really cared. She’d taken
to a whole new level.

Thank God I’d worn undies and jeans tonight. Hopefully the little general would stay on lockdown in the confined space.

Squirming in my pants, I tried to order the guy into submission while throwing a grin at Jody.

A whistle came out of my mouth as I nodded my appreciation. “You look amazing.”

“You think so?” Her nose wrinkled, her head tipping to the side, and I spotted PJ girl again. There she was under all that make-up. The little cutie.

My pants got tighter and I cleared my throat, crossing my arms and trying to draw her eyes north. “So, um, any instructions for me?”

“Oh, um, not really. Angel’s asleep already. She had a really short nap this afternoon, so was totally toasted.” Jody clipped into the kitchen. “If she wakes, just give her a bottle.” She opened up the pantry and showed me where everything was. “Feel free to help yourself to anything. Sorry, I haven’t had a chance to do any baking.”

“No problem.” I choked out the words, hoping she’d never find out I’d thrown her cookie-rocks away.

She smiled at me, her dark red lips familiar yet so incredibly different. It fascinated me that she could appear as two such distinct women. She scratched the side of her nose, a blush forming beneath her make-up.

Actually, not that distinct. She was still my Jo. Assistant, my
, Jo.

A knock sounded at the door, saving my life. Jody answered it quickly, and I waved at Morgan as her head popped into view.

“Hey, Leo.” She was still reserved with me, but at least her sharp face was smiling this time.

“Nice to see you, Morgan.”

“Mm-hm.” Her perfectly shaped eyebrows rose.

Jody flicked her a frown before turning to me, a sunshine smile beaming from her face. “Thank you so much for doing this. I’ll have my phone on me the whole night, so just call me if anything goes wrong.”

“It won’t. Everything’s going to be fine, trust me.”

“Yeah, but if she wakes and she’s upset. I mean, I told her you were coming, but she’s only like eleven months old so I didn’t, I wasn’t sure—”

“Jo, just go and have a good time.”

“Yeah, okay.” She gave me a sheepish grin, her eyes lingering on me for a minute.

I cut the contact, looking to the floor with an awkward swallow. I glanced back up in time to see her cheeks flame red, a scorching look of disappointment cresting over her face.

What was that about?

“See ya,” she mumbled, shutting the door behind her.

I didn’t have time to decipher more. I stared at the door for a few minutes, my body frozen as I tried to talk myself out of feeling this way. Jody didn’t need me roping her in and then ditching her. If an opportunity came up in New York, I knew I’d have to take it. The best thing I could do for her was to keep things platonic.

Besides, Jody wouldn’t be interested in some divorcé. She needed a stable guy with a good, stable job who could take care of her.

“Like she’d be interested in you anyway, mate.” I flopped onto the couch, my head landing on the pile of unfolded laundry. Sitting up with a sigh, I grabbed the wrinkled T-shirt off the top and began folding.

I’d gotten a fair assessment of Stefan. He was nothing like me—clean-cut, refined, sophisticated. He belonged on a Milan catwalk. Shaggy old me was probably the last thing Jody was interested in.

I laid the folded shirt on the floor and rubbed at my whiskers. Maybe I should be shaving more.

“Shut the hell up, you big dick.” I snatched a bright pink baby shirt off the pile, grinning at its cuteness before attempting to fold it. “You just bloody said you don’t want to rope her in!” I muttered to myself. “New York. New York. New York.” The words came out in soft whispers until my singing voice kicked in and the lyrics for “Empire State Of Mind” flowed out of me.

The music soothed me, reminding me of everything I was working toward. I couldn’t let cute little pink T-shirts and a sexy mama stop me from striving for that.

BOOK: Everything
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