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Every Bitch Has A Secret (2 page)

BOOK: Every Bitch Has A Secret
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Chapter 2


“Tammy, he’s been avoiding me! He hasn’t returned any of my calls.” Madison screamed into her cell phone. She paced her trailer furiously.

“Calm down. I’m sure he has a good reason. You did say he’s obsessed with you.”

“Yeah I did.”

“So don’t worry about it. If you follow my advice, you wouldn’t be on this phone screamin’ at me.”

“Alright Tammy bye.” She tossed her phone on the couch. She was coming off as needy and she hated it. She was Madison Ann Parks, A-list actress, and was going crazy with that ‘will he call me?’ mode. But she hasn’t heard a word in months, two to be exact. She checked to make sure the door was locked and found her stashed vodka. Taking two big swigs, she tried to calm her nerves. She tried so hard to maintain that clean girl image, especially after what happened to her long ago. Shit why the hell did I even think about it? She set down the bottle and tried to forget her past. Going back to it would do nothing but cause trouble. Her phone buzzed, being muffled by the couch. She snatched it up in a hurry. “Hello?

                      “Hey Mattie.”

“I don’t hear from you in two months and all I get it a ‘Hey Mattie.’ You better have a good reason.” Silence from the other end.

“Victoria’s sick.”

“How sick?”

“She’s pregnant.” Madison felt as if she was punched in the chest.

“You told me you were leaving her?”

“I know I was but baby listen things change.” She pulled the phone away, smashing her finger into the screen to end the call as quick as she could. Excuses and more excuses. She was tired of them. That’s all she got lately was excuses and ass-kissing.

“I could have any man I want but I settle for this.” She yelled at her reflection in the mirror. She looked like a wild woman with her hair out of place and red eyes. She knew make up would kill her when she got back to set. She went to reach for her bottle when she heard as knock on the door. “Who is it?”

“Carle, your assistant. Are you alright? I heard yelling Ms. Parks.”

“Yes, I’m fine thank you.” The footsteps went away and Madison slumped against the door.


Ty was waiting outside the gates in the limo. He constantly checked the rearview mirror, waiting on Madison. This morning she seemed upset. He clocked her, coming out of the gates with her dark shades over her eyes. Ty jumped out the car and opened her door. He closed it after she got in, then running back to his side. He pulled away from the lot. She got on her phone and had a hushed conversation with someone. Half watching the road, he kept stealing glances at her and she would smile at him every time. He turned his eyes back to the road, smiling to himself.

“So where to?” She ended the call and scooted towards the down window that normally separated them.

“I don’t know.”

“How about home? You look like you could use some down time.”

“You know home sounds nice with the day I’m having.” He didn’t want to push his luck.

“How come?” She gave a sad smile.

“Living this life is not all that great.” She said. He nodded and headed the limo towards her place. He wondered what she meant by that. She was so secretive about her life that he didn’t know anything outside driving her around. When he first got the gig, he was eager to jump at the chance to be her personal everything but respected her privacy. Now he could clearly see her hurting, he wanted to say something.

“Money doesn’t buy happiness?”

“Something like that.” She sat back. He pulled into her secluded townhouse driveway.

“Here you go.” Madison climbed out the limo and stopped by his passenger window.

“Thanks. I really appreciate what you try to do for me. I look like shit, huh?”

“I’ve seen worse.” He joked.

“Come in and chill with me for a bit.” He got out and followed her into her house. She closed the door after them.

“You live here by yourself?”

“No. I have my cat, Brian. Here is he.” The cat ran forward and rubbed against her legs.

“Nice cat.”

“Thanks. Want a drink?”

“Naw. I’m fine.”

“Suit yourself.” She disappeared into her kitchen and the sound of bottles clanging together filled the air. He shook his head and walked out onto her balcony. His eyes took in the nice view. The sun reflecting off the water gave the yard a shine. “Like the view?” She came out and stood next to him.

“It’s nice.”

“It’s one of the reasons I bought the place.” She said after taking a huge drink out the crystal glass.

“You know you shouldn’t drink so much. It won’t help what you’re going through.”

“You don’t even know me to know what I’ve been going through. Get the hell out!”

“That may be true but drinkin’ ain’t gon’ solve ya problems. I found those empty bottles in the back of the limo. What’s goin’ on with you?”

“None of your business now get out!” Without warning, he pressed his lips against hers, their tongues darted out to meet each other. She pressed her body against him and his body grew hard on contact. She moaned. Her breasts were soft against his body. His hand dove past the silk and into the warm wetness that was waiting for him. He flicked her clit and her body fell to him.

“Where?” he whispered.

“Here.” She slid out her clothes and sat down on the patio chair. She pulled him close and freed his erection. Her soft hands wrapped around him, causing him to shiver. Ty’s knees almost gave out when she took him into her hot mouth.

“Damn.” He swore under his breath. If someone would have told him this would have been happening when he woke up this morning, he would have laughed in their face. She continued to suck him as if he was her favorite lollipop. He grew harder in her mouth and he couldn’t hold out much longer. He wanted to feel her. He pulled away and pushed her back on the chair.

“Please.” She breathed, opening her legs wider. He knelt between her thighs and entered her slowly. She cried out to the sensation of being filled. He gave her tight body two strokes, and then he froze. “What’s wrong?”

“Shit!” He muttered, not realizing that he didn’t have any condoms. He pulled out and started to get dressed.

“Ty, what are you doing?”

“I ain’t gon’ play you like this, neither of us have any rubbers.” She simply smiled.

“Still protecting I see.” He threw his shirt on.

“Guess so.” Madison stood, not bothering to cover up, and grabbed her clothes. “I’m really sorry.” He offered. She nodded and took off inside quickly, so he wouldn’t see the tears in her eyes.

Once upstairs, she locked her door behind her. Her clothes fell at her feet. What the hell was I thinking?! Dumb whore! No matter how hard I tried it always come back to this. She couldn’t face him after today. First thing in the morning she was requesting a new driver. The doorbell chimed throughout the house. She turned and cracked her door. She heard the front door open. “Can I help you?” Ty asked.

“Who the hell are you?”
Shit. Shit. Shit. Sutton.

“Ms. Parks’ driver. Who are you?”

“She here. MATTIE?” His voice echo off the walls. She quickly closed the door and got dressed. What was he doing here? I thought I made myself clear. She looked in her mirror and did a quick fluff to her hair. Taking a breath, she opened her door and went downstairs.

“Sutton, what are you doing here?”

“We need to talk.”

“There’s nothing to say. You made your choice.” Ty still stood by the door. “I’ll be fine Ty. You can go.” He nodded and went through the open door, closing it behind him. She turned her focus back on Sutton.  “Where’s Victoria?”

“At home sleep, where she’s supposed to be.” He remarked.

“Like you?”

“Stop it. I came over, hoping to make things up. Let me take you out. Have some fun and come back here.” She folded her arms across her chest.

“I don’t think so. I’m not feeling too well all of the sudden.”


“Two months Sutton. Two months. Not a word. Now she’s pregnant. You’re not going to change and you’re not going to leave her. I don’t believe why I sit here and believe you. I can do better and I don’t have to sit around waiting on you to make up your mind.” She snapped.

“Baby please listen.” He came closer, wrapping his arms around her body. “You know I love you. Come on.” He whispered in her ear. Madison wanted to believe him but she knew that this was all a lie. She’d be better off with him out of her life. The games he played was driving her crazy and making her do things she had no business doing. The incident with Ty was a prime example.

“Sutton please leave my house and don’t contact me again. If you do, I swear I’ll tell your wife all about us.”

“You gon’ dog me out like that?”

“Yes if you don’t leave me alone.”

“I’ll give you yo lil space. Then when you ready, I’ll be waiting.” He opened the door. “Don’t take too long.”

“I’ll try not to.” She remarked, rolling her eyes. He left bypassing Tammy.

“Ok. Whoa. What is his problem?” Madison sighed and headed towards her living room.

“I told him to back off.” Tammy closed the door.

“Well good for you. I’m glad you dropped him.” She took a seat next to Madison.

“Tammy, I almost had sex with Ty.” She confessed.

“What?! When?!”

“Today. Right before Sutton showed up. I was desperate and Ty is sort of sweet on me.” She shook her head.

“Why almost though?”

“He stopped it. No condoms. I felt like an idiot afterwards. I can’t face him after what happened.” Tammy rubbed her shoulder.

“I’m sorry babes. You should lay low of everyone for a while. I ran into Victoria the other day. She told me to tell you that she’s pregnant.”

“Yeah I know. Sutton told me. I knew then he wasn’t going to change.”

“Are you goin’ to tell Victoria? You should if it were me, I would want to know my husband was a cheatin’ ass bastard.” Tammy said with a smile.

“I know. I wasn’t thinking about her at all when I started messing around with Sutton. This might break her. I know Victoria.” Tammy jumped up.

“Well let’s deal with all that later. Come on. I’m takin’ you out. A booth at Spago then clubbin’. Sounds good?” Madison smiled. She needed to blow off a few.

“Sounds great. Let’s go raid my closet.” Tammy pulled Madison up and they headed upstairs.

“You need to let loose. You have too much on your shoulders. I’m for one is glad that you dumped Sutton now you can move on with your life.” Madison pulled the doors to her walk-in closet open. Clothes and shoes on racks greeted her. “I never get tired of this closet.”

“It’s just clothes. They don’t mean anything to me. I would give them away if my stylist didn’t give me crap about staying sexy at all times.” She said, flipping through a nearby rack of dresses.

“Not to you but I would kill for this closet.” Tammy pulled a fiery red dress of the rack. She twirled in front of the closet mirror with the dress. Madison decided on dress that was the same shade of her baby blues. “Come on let’s dressed.” They laughed and fought for the mirror and makeup. It was six pm when they were actually ready to go. They stood in the hallway, looking in the mirror one last time.

“Damn, we look good, huh?”

“Yep.” Tammy agreed, fluffing her hair.  She wore a revealing red dress that hugged her curves like a second skin. Madison wore a blue wraparound silk dress that showed a great amount of cleavage. Her curls fell about her face.

“Want me to call a driver?”

“No. We take my car. Valet. Let’s go.” She looped her arm through Madison’s and they walked out the front door to have a good time.



They sat in a booth back against the wall, laughing. The pizza and wine was delicious and they both were having a good time.

                      “Is there anything else I can get you ladies?” The waiter asked, flashing a hoping to get discovered smile.

                      “No thank you.” Tammy said. The waiter walked away. “God can he get more obvious?”


                      “Our waiter. He’s been trying to get you to notice him all night. How many wannabe actors pull this on you?”

                      “I don’t really notice.” Madison said, playing with her napkin. Her mind was in a different place.

                      “Okay what is wrong?”

                      “Nothing.” There was a problem. Madison saw Victoria walk in with a group of people. She recognized one of them as Leona Mars, owner of the Leona Mars clothing line. She vaguely recalled Victoria working with the company. She became nervous all of the sudden.

                      “Don’t lie to me. What’s wrong?”

                      “Victoria just walked in with Leona Mars. I know I said I would tell her but I didn’t expect to see her so soon. Let’s just go. I know if Leona sees me she going to come over. I can’t deal with this right now. I’m out to have a good time.” She reached down for her purse.

BOOK: Every Bitch Has A Secret
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