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Authors: AnDerecco

Evening Gentleman (10 page)

BOOK: Evening Gentleman
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Okay. Take your time, but hurry up. I have something for you.

I won’t give you time to miss me.

I knew that she wanted this trip to be as romantic as possible. I wanted the same thing. The more I wanted her the more my mind raced to other people that I saw. I needed to deny those feelings. I wanted to make sure my marriage worked.

When I returned to the room with a bottle of chardonnay there were lit candles around the room. The fragrance was tickling my nose and drawing me into the room. Luther Vandross was playing over the room.


I wanted this trip to be about you and me. I know that I hadn’t been romantic in a while. And when I think about the birthday surprise that you gave me my heart flutters. You are so special to me. I don’t want to lose you to anyone. If there is something that I am not doing I want you to tell me. We can’t make it if we don’t communicate.

I tried to speak but she placed her hand over my mouth. She began to undress me. Once I was standing fully naked she led me to the bathroom where the tub was filled with bubbles, and rose petals gently lay on the bubbles.

I sat in the water trying not to mess up the petals.

Baby this is….

Before I could finish she kissed me. I wasn’t used to this…someone taking full control. I didn’t want to feel weak but I allowed myself to relax and enjoy. She grabbed a sponge and after lathering it up with soap she made slow circles on my back and chest.

I didn’t say a word. After washing my entire body she grabbed me by the hand and as I stepped out of the tub the excess water trickled down my body. I could sense how bad she wanted me as I wanted her. As she began to dry me off she kissed each part of my body. My nipples stood at attention as she brushed them with her tongue. We walked into the bedroom where chocolate and white-chocolate strawberries awaited. She guided me to lie across the bed as she straddled me. She took a candle from the nightstand and held it over me. I knew what was coming next but wasn’t sure that I was ready for it. Without a second thought hot candle wax dripped on my chest and down my stomach. The sensation was too intense. I could not yell or scream. Only moans of pleasure escaped me as I felt the tip of her fingernails danced down the side of me.

She started to lick inside of my navel. Obviously she touched a nerve because I felt it down to the tip of my manhood. She began to suck on my nipples, causing me to shiver. She made her way down to my manhood. She made circles on it, causing juices to flow out before I climaxed. She took her finger and touched the tip. When she pulled her finger off and string of pre-cum was attached.

Before I knew her next move, my legs were in the air. My ass was lifted off of the bed just enough for her to tongue me. This has never happened before. As her tongue danced around my hole I squirmed and squealed. I finally broke loose and flipped on my stomach. Wrong move - because she spread my tight ass cheeks apart and began to eat again. I grabbed the pillow and bit it. She ate me for what seem like an eternity, giving me pleasure after pleasure. After my body shook uncontrollably she knew her mission was complete. I tried to turn over but my body was so weak. I felt wetness between my stomach and the sheets. This woman has caused me to climax without me touching myself or penetrating anyone.

I turned my head and noticed a smile on her face.

How do you feel?

I was speechless. The only thing that I could do was breath in and out. I had to ask myself, “What just happened?”

Where did all of that come from?


Did you enjoy it?

More than I can say.

As I lay on my stomach she took her hand and began to massage my balls. My body jerked with each touch. She pulled my manhood from under me and backward. I felt warmth and coldness at the same time. I realized that she was sucking me with an ice cube in her mouth.

Oh my gosh….baby…please.

My pleas went unnoticed. She used her deep-throat skills to satisfy me the best way that she knew how. I could not hold back any longer. I released another hot load in her mouth. I don’t think that she was ready for that. She hopped from bed and straight to the sink. She came back wiping her mouth.

Why didn’t you tell me that you were about to do that?

In my head I did. The words just wouldn’t come out of my mouth.

(still wiping her mouth)

You nasty.

You just licked my ass and you calling me nasty.

I just washed your ass too.

She noticed that my manhood was still standing. She quickly straddled me, slowly easing down. She moved back and forward with her hands on my muscular chest. The excitement had both of us sweating. She was riding me like a winning racehorse. Her prize would be an electrifying orgasm. Soon she grabbed ahold of my hands as we exploded together.

Three times in one night. We had gotten that old thing back that was missing. I was hoping that things wouldn’t ever change again.







Let’s Go Back



              I arrived at my office around 11:00 a.m. because we had just gotten back from the islands. I knew that I would have a stack of files on my desk but my associates did a great job of handling things for me. I walked into my office and closed my door. I propped my feet on my desk and leaned back in my chair. I was exhausted from the trip.

My secretary knocked once on the door and walked in.


There is a Mr. O’Keefe Hunter here to see you.

O’Keefe Hunter? That name doesn’t ring a bell.


Well apparently he has been here before because here is his file.

I took the file and skimmed over it. After reviewing the application and the credit report my decision was already made.

Do you want me to send him in?

I instructed Donna to give me a few minutes to get myself together. For the life of me I could not place him. The young man walked into my office and I remembered his face. He walked in and shook my hand. We both sat down and began to explain his file. I told him that I was going to have to deny his loan because he had no credit or collateral.


What do you mean deny?

Well I can’t extend you credit because you have no way of paying it back, nothing to secure the loan with and this would be your first loan. In the safety of my company I can’t take that risk. I would lose money if you didn’t repay.

I told you that night what I needed the money for.

That’s right. I remember now. The model.



I believe in going after your dreams but I still can’t take this risk.

O’Keefe’s eyes grew fiery red.


How are you going to fuck me and then turn me down for this loan?


Would you please bring your voice down?


You have made a hell of a mistake.

Let me explain something to you. That is the nature of some business affairs. You have to give to get. Unfortunately you gave but you can’t get.

O’Keefe stood up and took my letter opener from the holder. He stabbed my desk so hard that the opener stood alone in the desk.


Do you feel better?

I will in about an hour.

Don’t threaten me little one.


I don’t make threats I make promises.

O’Keefe picked up a picture frame from my desk. He looked at the photo and smirked.


Is this your wife?

I stood and snatched the frame from him. I directed him out of my office and out of my building.


You won’t see another grocery store.

I closed the door and started to walk into my office. I hated that my associates and other clients saw that action.

I was about to make a phone call when I heard a loud crash. I slammed the phone and ran out of my office. I found a Dodge Ram sitting in my building. I saw people running and papers flying. There were a host of people running towards the truck and trying to push it out of the way. At first I thought they were trying to get the truck out of the building until I saw feet under the front passenger tire. I went into complete shock. I raced to the driver side and opened the door. The keys were still in the ignition. It hit me not to move the truck because I didn’t know what damage it may cause to the victim.



I picked up my cell phone to call Leslie but she didn’t answer. After several more times she still did not answer. I put my head on my desk. I could not believe what just happened. My business office was destroyed and my secretary was killed. The only person that I figured could have done this was O’Keefe.

Earlier I explained to the police that I had a disgruntled customer that was upset because his loan was not approved. After they ran the tag number and registration on the truck I found out that it didn’t belong to O’Keefe.

What had I gotten myself into? This guy knew where I worked and he saw a picture of my wife. What could possibly happen next?






















For the last three weeks Aiden has been house-sitting for Demarcus while he was away. Today he decided to invite his best friend, Omaya, over to watch the Superbowl game. He was sure that Demarcus would not mind one person coming over.

Aiden ordered pizza and wings. He made a corn dip and sausage rotel to go along with it. He placed the food on the coffee table awaiting Omaya’s arrival. Aiden and Omaya went to college together. They shared everything with each other. As soon as Aiden went back into the kitchen the doorbell rang. He galloped to the door. When he opened it, there stood Omaya.

It is about time that you got here. The game starts in ten mintues.

I had to drop off something.

A piece of trade?

As if you had to ask. I let him spend the night.


Are you crazy?


I don’t need a lecture. So tell me; how was your work week?

It was ok.

Have you spoken to Leslie or her lying ass husband Nathan?

Those are the last two that I want to speak to. I see her in the halls but we don’t even look at one another.


How does that feel? To be friends with someone and to learn that you were sleeping with her husband.

Before Aiden could respond to Omaya’s question he received a text message. He looked at him phone and it was from Demarcus.


What is going on? Make sure that you watch the game tonight.

I will be home soon.

              Aiden responded to Demarcus’ text by telling him that he was going to watch the game and that he invited a friend over. Demarcus replied that all was good. Aiden placed his cell on the table and grabbed the remote. When he turned to the game they were announcing the player’s stats. To their surprise #2 – Demarcus Slaughter appeared on the screen. Aiden’s mouth fell open. He could not believe what he was seeing.

BOOK: Evening Gentleman
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