Read Ethan (Alluring Indulgence) Online

Authors: Nicole Edwards

Ethan (Alluring Indulgence) (24 page)

BOOK: Ethan (Alluring Indulgence)
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though Ethan knew exactly what he wanted, he lifted his knees, raising them
closer to his chest, which sent Beau in deeper.

fuck. You feel too damn good. Fuck me, Beau. Fuck me hard.”

hesitated only briefly before he pushed up, gripping Ethan’s knees as he began
to grind his dick into the scalding hot recesses of Ethan’s body. Faster.
Harder. Deeper. Before he knew it, he was pounding into Ethan, reveling in his
sensual moans and the way his hands were once again gripping his thighs.

Ethan released Beau’s leg with one hand and began stroking his own cock
furiously, Beau knew he wasn’t going to last.

for me, E,” Beau whispered. “I want to come in your ass. Ahhh, fuck, E.”

slammed into him over and over, watching as Ethan squeezed his cock in a tight
fist, stroking faster and faster.

E! I’m coming!” Beau yelled, a tortured growl escaping his chest as his body
hummed to a new level, higher and higher until… his release detonated,
exploding out of him as his hips locked, his dick buried deep inside of Ethan.

yes!” Ethan bellowed as he came on his chest.

Beau could think or do anything else, he leaned forward, licking the cum from
Ethan’s chest while he tried to catch his breath. He didn’t want to move away,
didn’t want to pull out of Ethan’s body because he feared he would never feel
anything quite so perfect again in his entire life.

unlike before, Beau knew without a doubt that he’d fallen head over heels in
love with this man.

he just had to figure out what he was supposed to do with that knowledge.

Chapter Twenty Five



knew he was dreaming. Knew that what was happening couldn’t be real because there
was no way he could possibly survive the horror of that day all over again, yet
he couldn’t force himself to wake up.

not scared. I don’t want this. I don’t want you. I’m not…”

watched Gavin’s throat work as he swallowed hard, his eyes darting around their
surroundings. Ethan knew he was looking for someone or something, or maybe just
an escape route. Whatever it was, Ethan could only focus on the words coming
out of Gavin’s mouth.

didn’t want that to happen between us. You shouldn’t have made me.”

boot got caught on a log as he stumbled, the force of Gavin’s words nearly
landing him on his ass. He couldn’t breathe, couldn’t think. Was the man he
loved really saying he’d forced him to…?

How can you say that?” Ethan asked defensively, trying to swallow past the suffocating
ball of emotions that had lodged in his throat. “I didn’t make you
anything. We made love, Gavin.”

watched as Gavin shook his head and then his eyes landed on something behind
Ethan. Without thinking, he turned to see what it was.


little fucking faggot!” Gavin’s older brother Jimmy suddenly appeared behind
Ethan. He was yelling, his voice so angry, so deadly, a shiver raced down
Ethan’s spine as he tried to back up only to come up against the downed tree
that Gavin had been sitting on minutes earlier.

had only met Jimmy once, and even then he got a bad vibe from him. But this
man, this man was pure evil staring back at him like he was ready to murder

sorry fucking cocksucker! I’ll teach you to prey on men, you fucking faggot!”

Jimmy’s rambling words could register, the pain did. Ethan watched as though in
slow motion as the baseball bat swinging from Jimmy’s arms came around and made
a direct hit with his… ribs.

Can’t breathe!

curled over, the pain excruciating, and all but crippling him as he gasped for
air, trying to scream through the torment shooting fire through his ribcage.
There were no sounds escaping, but Ethan was getting lightheaded. His body
crumpled to the ground as though his bones had all been shattered with that one
well aimed hit.

would soon learn that was just the beginning.

son of a bitch. Faggots aren’t welcome in this town.” Jimmy’s rage projected
through his words, echoing off of the water not far away as he brought the bat
down on Ethan again, this time hitting his upper arm.

didn’t know what Jimmy was aiming for, but he couldn’t even move, couldn’t
protect himself. Glancing around hysterically, he tried to find something to
defend himself with, but the bat made contact with his left thigh and the fire
that shot through him made him scream.

of his periphery, he saw Gavin standing several feet away, his eyes wide with
terror, but he wasn’t moving. Wasn’t trying to help.

right, you little fucking girl. Cry for me. That’ll teach you to fuck anyone in
the ass. Especially my brother!”

forced his eyes open as he curled into a tighter ball, trying to protect
himself the best he could. It wasn’t helping. Jimmy found every vulnerable spot
with either the bat or his boot, sometimes both. And with every savage blow to
his ribs, and the brutal punches to his face, Ethan feared he wouldn’t survive
the next one.  

the hell was Gavin? Why was he letting this happen? Had he told Jimmy that he
had forced him?


Every merciless hit had fire licking through Ethan’s body, his brain function
dimming as he fought unconsciousness, obviously his body’s way of trying to
save itself from the agony.

Ethan yelled. Or at least he thought he was yelling. The sound came out more as
a gasp. He needed help, unable to save himself from the brutality.

say his name,” Jimmy roared. “Never say his fucking name again. He’s not a
queer like you!”

couldn’t hang on. He tried to make his brain function enough to breathe through
the pain, but it was too much for him to handle. There was nothing he could do
as the blackness wrapped around him, sucking him under. He was hovering on the
edge of consciousness, wanting desperately to escape, but knowing if he let go,
he might never wake up.

wanted to wake up. This couldn’t be the end. Couldn’t be the –

Wake up, baby.”

searched for the voice from inside the cruel dream, tried to pull himself out
of the nightmare. The sweetest voice was calling him and he knew he needed to
get to him, needed to find Beau. Needed someone to save him.

arms wrapped around him, gripping him tight and holding him close. Familiar
arms. Not trying to hurt him.

was no pain.

baby, wake up,” Beau whispered against his ear, his lips warm where they
touched him.

managed to force his eyes open. The room was dark and it took a moment to
orient himself, but he recognized his bedroom, his pillow, the spicy rich scent
of Beau.

was grateful when Beau didn’t say a word, didn’t ask any questions, just kept
him securely wrapped in the safe circle of his arms. He had no idea how much
time passed as he lay there, soaking up Beau’s warmth, listening to his
heartbeat, feeling the flex of his muscles around him.

sorry,” Ethan said some time later when he managed to get his breathing
regulated, his heartbeat back to a normal rhythm.

apologize,” Beau said roughly, but softly, his arms tightening ever so slightly.

nodded his head in agreement and burrowed closer to Beau. He was facing away
from him, and he was thankful Beau couldn’t see his face. Had he been crying?
He knew in the past he’d awoken from the nightmare drenched in sweat, tears
streaming down his face. He didn’t want Beau to see him like that.

hadn’t had a nightmare about Gavin or Jimmy in a long time. Several months at
least. And he knew what brought it on, but the memories were now forefront in
his mind and he knew it was going to take some time to push them back into that
little box that he tried to keep them contained in, no matter how desperate
they were to get out.

Beau’s voice was steady and strong, a lifeline that Ethan found himself
clinging to.


you ever want to talk, just know I’m here.”

swallowed past the lump in his throat. He wanted to take Beau up on the offer,
to share his deepest, darkest secrets with this man, but he knew it wouldn’t
help. If anything, Beau would probably look at him differently. If he knew that
Ethan was responsible…

if Beau ever found out that Ethan was responsible for what happened to Gavin,
he would probably never want anything to do with him again.




held Ethan close, Ethan’s back crushed against his chest with Beau’s arm curled
beneath Ethan’s head. They had fallen asleep like that, had been like that for
hours and it wasn’t until Ethan began thrashing that Beau had awakened. At
first he’d been confused about where he was. Then when he heard Ethan’s
panicked voice, his guttural scream, Beau had been brought from his sleepy
stupor and right into reality.

had been having a nightmare. A terrible one if Beau had to guess. Even now, he
wondered if Ethan would even try to go to sleep after that. Neither of them
were moving and Beau wasn’t going to let him go if he didn’t have to, so he’d
be happy to lay there for hours, awake, watching over him. He wanted to protect
Ethan, even from himself and if that meant he had to stay awake so that Ethan
could get some rest, it was what he was going to do.

offer to listen had been accepted exactly the way he expected. Ethan wasn’t
going to talk. Maybe not ever, but Beau wanted him to know he was there. He
would always be there. For as long as Ethan would have him.

shifted, reaching across the mattress and Beau had to loosen his hold briefly.
When he realized Ethan was reaching for the nightstand, a shiver of awareness
raced down his spine.

over,” Ethan said, his voice much steadier than minutes before.

watched him carefully for a moment before turning over onto his stomach, his
head turned so that he could watch Ethan. He kept him in his sights as Ethan
rolled a condom over himself before grabbing the bottle of lube that still
remained on the bedside table. It was clear what Ethan’s intentions were, and if
this was what he needed, Beau would give it to him. Not that he thought it
would help, but if anything, it would allow Beau to feel closer to him. And he
hoped Ethan would feel the same.

Ethan eased over him, his slick cock sliding between his ass cheeks, Beau’s
body hummed to life. The heavy weight of Ethan was like a blanket surrounding
him and Beau welcomed the skin to skin contact. Ethan’s chest was damp from
sweat as he lay against him.

of them spoke, nothing to be said, but Beau felt every emotion Ethan locked up
inside as he slid his cock inside of him, slowly. Ever so slowly.

gripped Ethan’s wrists when he propped himself over him, holding on to him
while Ethan began a slow glide and retreat. He turned his head when Ethan came
closer, trying to find his mouth in the darkness. When their tongues met, Beau
pushed up so that he could have better access, Ethan’s fingers linking with his
as he continued to bury himself deeper.

Ethan found solace in Beau’s body, he found solace in the fact that Ethan was reaching
out to him, needing him. Ethan might never be able to tell Beau what he needed,
but Beau knew. Words weren’t the only way to be heard. And Beau heard Ethan
loud and clear. This man might keep himself isolated, but his heart beat like
everyone else’s.

Ethan whispered softly, his breath fanning over Beau’s lips.

here, E.”
Always here.
Beau left off the last words, but he prayed that
Ethan knew that already.

else was said aloud from that moment on, but for a long time, their bodies
spoke to one another. It was a give and take, both of them seeking what the
other was offering, taking what was needed.

in those moments, Beau realized he would never be able to walk away from this
man. Not without having his heart shattered into a million jagged pieces.

along the way, as he ventured down the winding, bumpy path that led him to
Ethan, Beau had fallen in love.

Chapter Twenty Six



Ethan roared, throwing the wrench at the metal wall of the shop before stomping
off. He had just spent the entire fucking morning working on Brendon’s goddamn
truck, and for the life of him, he couldn’t get it to start.

was his own fault he knew. He couldn’t concentrate.

Beau hollered from the other side of the shop, his body rising up from where
he’d been perched beneath one of the trucks they got in just that morning
needing routine maintenance.

ignored Beau’s attempt to get his attention. He knew he just slipped past
pissed off and into riled up territory, but he couldn’t help it. Without
responding to Beau, Ethan merely stormed into his office and slammed the door
behind him. Shit, he was surprised the damn office even had a door. He was
pretty sure it’d never been closed before.

into his chair, Ethan stared down at his cluttered desk, sliding his hands into
his hair and pulling hard. He had to focus, had to stop thinking about that
fucking nightmare, but every time he closed his eyes, there he was, right back
by the lake, Jimmy beating him until he couldn’t even think through the pain.
And Gavin… Gavin had stood there watching, never trying to help.

door was pushed open moments later, but Ethan didn’t look up when he said,
“Ever think of knocking?”

he knew he was being an ass, but he couldn’t shake it. He was being pulled in
all directions, remembering the fight at Moonshiners, the fucked up nightmare
that had resurfaced, and of course, these feelings he’d developed for Beau but
wanted nothing to do with.

finally looked up, realizing Beau hadn’t answered him. What he saw was a man
who obviously wasn’t interested in putting up with Ethan’s shit. Not that he
could blame him. His mood sucked.

guy was a goddamn saint, and even that pissed Ethan off.

can’t fix this, so don’t even bother to try,” Ethan grumbled, leaning back in
his chair and closing his eyes. A few seconds later, he opened them when he
heard the click of the door closing, thinking Beau had vacated the room only to
find him still staring back at him.

himself up out of his chair, Ethan tried to move past Beau, but couldn’t. The
man was the equivalent of a brick wall.

move,” Ethan barked, not even attempting to sound polite.

when he thought Beau couldn’t shock him into submission, he found himself
turned around, facing the wall with Beau pressed up against him much like he
had the night before when Ethan had had a similar meltdown.

are –?”

Beau growled. “Don’t move.”

whatever reason, Ethan’s body obeyed as Beau’s weight shifted away from him. He
heard another click and realized Beau had just locked the office door. A flood
of desire swept over him even though he had no idea what Beau’s intentions
were. Well, he kinda did.

was still palming the wall when Beau returned, the heat of his body easing the
sizzle of anger in his veins. He waited, holding his breath to see what was
going to happen, and when Beau leaned in close, his warm breath against his
ear, a shiver raced down Ethan’s spine.


nipped his ear, a shockwave of pleasure/pain bolting through him as his dick
spiked to attention. “What the fuck was that for?” he asked, trying to sound
appalled, but unable to disguise the hunger that fueled him.

talking,” Beau said gruffly, his hands reaching around to unhook Ethan’s belt.
Within seconds, Beau had Ethan’s cock freed from the prison of his jeans.
Letting his head fall back, Ethan relaxed against Beau’s body as he stroked

wanted to do this all day,” Beau said, his grip firm and unyielding on Ethan’s
throbbing dick.

couldn’t form a rational thought as the pleasure consumed him. Rocking his hips
forward, he tried to increase the friction against Beau’s skilled hand, but the
man held all of the power, keeping his release just out of reach.

Ethan moaned, reaching around and gripping Beau’s thighs with each hand,
holding on for dear life as the sensations assaulted him tenfold.

it again,” Beau whispered against his ear.

Ethan would say his name all day if Beau would continue doing what he was
doing. He loved the feel of him, the safety he felt in his arms, the
irresistible urge to give himself over to him for safe keeping.

had never felt that way before. Never.

when he thought he was going to find some relief in the spontaneous hand job,
Beau shifted, twisting them so that Ethan was facing the desk. He had to brace
himself with his hands to keep from face planting on the top when Beau forced
him forward.

Ethan grumbled when Beau released him, shoving his jeans down to his knees.

was a rough edge to Beau's movements, and Ethan wondered whether he was doing
it for Ethan’s benefit or because that’s what the moment warranted. For some
reason, he hoped for a little of both.

didn’t turn to look behind him, but from the sound of it, Beau was freeing his
cock. Ethan prayed that’s what he was doing because he needed something more.
He heard the sound of foil ripping and his dick pulsed in anticipation.

reached around him and pulled open the desk drawer. What was…? Holy shit, the
man had stashed a tube of lubrication in the office. The fact that he had
planned this made Ethan burn that much hotter.


what?” Beau asked from directly behind him once again.

me,” Ethan moaned, leaning forward as he shoved some of the mismatched parts
out of the way, a few of them crashing to the tiled floor.

fingers slid between the crack of his ass, penetrating him instantly and making
him sway from the glorious friction that erupted inside him. But Beau didn’t
allow him time to get acclimated to the wondrous feeling of being fucked by his
fingers before his hand disappeared and Beau plunged his cock inside of him.
The initial thrust had Ethan’s breath hitching in his throat.

Beau leaned forward, not moving an inch, Ethan searched for his hands and
tangled their fingers together against the desk, holding onto Beau because he
needed the security of him. The anger was subsiding, being replaced with an
emotion much scarier. He knew what he was feeling for Beau wasn’t purely
sexual, although having him this close, feeling the heat of his body, the
sensual invasion of his cock, only stirred the pot of emotions that were
continuing to grow.

moved his hips, pulling out and sliding back inside until Ethan moaned from the
sheer ecstasy of it. “Beau,” he groaned his name, keeping himself in the

good?” Beau asked, his voice gruff with what sounded a lot like need.

Ethan confirmed. “Fuck me.” The plea came out tortured, very similar to the way
Ethan felt on the inside most days. He had never considered how difficult it
was to keep himself closed off to everyone because he’d gotten so adept at
doing it. Until Beau.

Beau waltzed into his life and pulled him right out of the shadows where he
kept himself securely hidden. He felt exposed in more ways than one, but more
so when they were like this.

me,” Ethan ground out, practically begging as he shoved his hips against Beau,
trying to get back to an even playing field. He was not going to give in to the
emotion. Not going to let the anger morph into something else. This was what he
needed, what he was familiar with, and Beau was willing to give him this.

pulled back slowly, his warmth disappearing from his back, but strong, firm
hands gripped Ethan’s hips moments before Beau slammed back into him. From that
point on, Ethan got lost in Beau, letting the pleasure build again, his cock
hard as steel as he palmed it, stroking in rhythm with the pounding of Beau’s hips.

Ethan moaned. “Beau, I’m close. So fucking close.”

for me, E. I want you to come for me.”

continued to pound into him, fast, hard, perfect. The rhythm took Ethan to
another place where there was no pain, only absolute, soul-healing ecstasy, and
he knew without a doubt the only place he would find it was right there in
Beau’s arms.

Beau slid his fingers into his hair, pulling him back until he was nearly
upright against him, Ethan gave in. Slowing his thrusts, Beau shoved deep inside,
pulled out slowly and then gripped Ethan’s cock and stroked until Ethan was
nearly blind with the intensity of their joining.

for me, E,” Beau breathed against his mouth. “Only for me.”

placed his hand over Beau’s where he was stroking him. Within seconds, he was
hovering on the edge of a release he was sure would knock him off his feet.
Thank God Beau was behind him. Ethan only prayed he would catch him if he fell.




legs were growing weak as he thrust into Ethan, the solid wall of his body
flush against him, his hips moving faster as he fucked him into oblivion.

was heaven on Earth, and it didn’t matter one bit that they were in a small,
cramped office filled with clutter. The fact that Beau was with Ethan was all
that mattered. The way Ethan said his name was all that he cared about. And the
way he continued to touch him, an obvious attempt to keep that additional
connection was all Beau needed.

fuck,” Ethan cried out, his cock jerking in Beau’s hand as he came in powerful
bursts. “Beau,” Ethan breathed deep, “it feels too good.”

was too good as far as Beau was concerned because every time they were
together, it just got better and better.

released Ethan’s cock and gripped his hips as he plowed into him over and over,
unable to hold off his climax any longer. He growled low and long as his hips
slammed into Ethan’s one last time, then stilled as he came.


down from the high he got when he was with Ethan took more time than it should
have. One good thing, Ethan’s frustration level had dissipated almost entirely.
For long minutes after Beau exploded inside of Ethan, he’d simply stood there,
holding on to him, refusing to let go. And to Beau’s surprise, Ethan hadn’t
tried to move either.

that they’d managed to clean themselves – and the office – up a bit, Beau
figured it was as good a time as any to bring up the next subject he wanted to
broach with Ethan.

Ethan sitting in the creaky desk chair, Beau propped himself up against the
desk with his arms crossed over his chest. Neither of them had made an attempt
to go back to work either.

he looked over his shoulder at Ethan. “I’ve been thinking,” Beau stated calmly
when Ethan just stared back at him.

Just what I need. A fucking mechanic who thinks,” Ethan smarted, playful and
light, much more acceptable than the aggravation that had filled him earlier.

what I do,” Beau said on a laugh. “I’ve got other skills too, you know.”

laughed. “Don’t I know it.”

statement filled Beau with contentment.

have you been thinking about?” Ethan asked a second or two later.

gave him a suggestive look, letting Ethan read into it what he wanted to.

slow smile was mischievous and sexy as hell, nearly redirecting Beau’s
attention, but somehow he managed to keep his train of thought. “About getting
a tattoo.”

eyebrow rose. “And you were thinking about this today?”



idea. Where’d you get yours done?”

appeared to be thinking, although Beau found it difficult to believe the guy
didn’t instantly remember where he’d received the tattoo.


ask so many fucking questions?” Beau retorted, beaming another smile at Ethan
in an attempt to break up the tension in his voice.

you, Bennett,” Ethan said with a laugh. There was a subtle change in Ethan’s
posture, his shoulders tensing slightly before he said, “The guy I went to is
in Houston.”

had to wonder why so far away. He was sure there were plenty of acceptable
tattoo artists in Austin. Not that he was going to question Ethan because that
would likely put a damper on the tension free moment they were sharing.

want to get a tattoo?”


are you waiting for?”

Just need to know the place to go to get it.”

far for you to go.”

really. Not if you’re up for a road trip.” Beau had absolutely no idea where
that proposition came from, but when Ethan’s appeared to be thinking it over,
he decided to run with it. “What do you say we sneak out of here for a couple
of days?” Before Ethan could argue, Beau held up his hand to stave off the
comment. “I know, I know. We’ve got work to do here, but you have to admit,
getting away for a couple of days does sound like a good idea.”

BOOK: Ethan (Alluring Indulgence)
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