Eternal Envy (The Seven Sin Sisters 2) (3 page)

BOOK: Eternal Envy (The Seven Sin Sisters 2)
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“Because of your ankle? Does it hurt that badly?” Gemma leaned in for a closer look.

“No, not my ankle,” Eloise gesture
for her sisters to move in closer still, “I

I think he’s my mate.”

“Your mate?” Paige exclaimed before Eloise could quiet her.

“Be quiet, Paige. He went all
man on me with

you can’t wear heels like that


you are getting that checked out
”,” Eloise emphasized her point by deepening her voice before lightening it again, “
He’s very bossy. And I don’t plan on letting him know just how frazzled he’s made me.”

“So what’s your plan

“To surround myself with my sisters so he’s too afraid to come over here.” Eloise was smug, certain her idea would work. “Now put up a shield so at least we can keep him out for a while more.”

“I cannot even believe this. First Layla
and now
Eloise. This is absolutely ridiculous. We aren’t love-sick school girls. You need to pull yourself together, Eloise,” Amelia raised her voice as she chastised Eloise who
under the harsh words.

“Well, I suggest doing it fast because he’s on his way over here with another one of Madden’s men,” Sadie warned as she watched over Eloise’s shoulder
the men approach

“That would be Donovan. He’s the team’s medic,” Layla explained.

“I don’t need a medic,” Eloise sighed, “I just need to get out of here and breathe for a bit.”

“El, it’s so not going to happen. No matter what else is between you, Caedon will be compelled to claim you and you will be physically incapable of stopping it,” Layla rested her hand on Eloise’s arm for comfort, “You’ve wanted this for so long. Embrace it.”

Eloise smiled. “You are so right. I have exactly what I’ve always wanted. I think it’s just the shock.”

“You’ll be fine. Suck up every bit of excitement and happiness this brings you, El.” Gemma patted Eloise’s leg and moved away from the group, followed by Sadie, Amelia and Gracie.

Eloise worked to shake herself out of the fog. The pain radiating from her ankle was throbbing but bearable. Setting it aside, she looked at Caedon and let herself soak him in. The smile that spread across his face when he noticed her staring nearly stopped her heart.

Eloise noticed Layla watching the exchange and blushed.

“Yes, they can do that to you. I think you are in capable hands,” Layla gave
her sister’s hand
a squeeze and
headed off
her mate
before he got to where Eloise sat.
Layla and Madden
walked away hand-in-hand and were soon joined by Anton who kissed Layla on the cheek.
Layla had been doubly blessed by receiving a
Tre Adoro
How sweet, Eloise thought, and then realized she wasn’t envious in the least. She was completely content–for the first time in her life–as she focused on this darkly handsome man walking towards her.

Caedon was beyond striking. He was nearly terrifying because she couldn’t help but feel as if she was unworthy.
His intensity wrapped around Eloise, promising to keep her safe. She allowed herself to relish in it for a minute and took him in
her eyes moved bottom to top
leisurely before she met his gaze. His eyes were a light cocoa brown. They were at once disarming and sensual and caused a shiver to race up her spine. The sun cast a shine against his deep Italian tan which only made his eyes that much more appealing. And then he grinned.

“I’m glad you’re still sitting.” He said it as if he thought she would’ve immediately gone against his order. Well, perhaps she would’ve
but her ankle really did hurt. Eloise rolled her eyes
this incredibly decadent man.

“Donovan, this is Eloise,” Caedon made the introduction.

“Good to meet you, Eloise. You escaped right after the Pronouncement
so we weren’t able to officially meet.” Donovan was charming, smooth as silk, but Eloise
focused on
the dark, brooding man
just beyond
his shoulder now.

“This is my other sister, Paige,” Eloise remembered her manners after an awkward pause
both men stared towards Paige who still sat holding Eloise’s foot in her lap.

Caedon gave Paige a cursory nod but then focused immediately back on Eloise.
felt her sister shift as if
heard her say something curt
but by the time
turned, Paige was looking down at Eloise’s swollen ankle. Clearing his throat to get the attention of Eloise and Caedon, Donovan kneeled down by her foot and rubbed his hands together. “Just warming them up before I touch you,” he assured her. The small growl emanating from Caedon was a bit

ran his hands through his hair—a nervous habit perhaps—
and drew one hand over his squared jaw. Caedon was definitely agitated
but he didn’t move away from where he’d firmly planted his feet.

Eloise had forgotten Paige still seated on the other chair until Donovan stopped talking to Eloise and stared at Paige. It was awkward. Eloise wondered for a minute about the exchange but quickly reverted to her own troubles as Paige lifted her
foot and moved from beneath her. “I’ll check back later, El,” Paige said as she left them.

Donovan was applying light pressure to her ankle and it hurt but not terribly so. She winced when he drew closer towards her inner ankle.

“Van?” Caedon’s voice was strained as if he were holding himself back.

“It feels like a sprain. There doesn’t appear to be any fracture. I’d be able to feel the energy from the bone split if it were broken,” Donovan paused to look up at Caedon, “I’d say she twisted her ankle pretty good.”

“That’s good. It will heal up quickly then.”

“Yes. She’s lucky though. No wonder she twist
her ankle
heels like these…” Donovan was saying when Eloise cut him off.

“Are you suggesting it’s my own fault I got hurt? Would you be so insensitive as to say such a thing?” Eloise was angry, but even more
she was embarrassed.

“I didn’t mean anything but to say I would consider wearing a more sensible shoe while strolling in a vineyard,” Donovan defended his statement. He looked up at Caedon and grinned. Then he gathered his things and patted Caedon on the back, “Good luck, my brother
ood luck.” Donovan laughed as he walked away. Dammit, he was laughing at her.

Caedon squatted down next to Eloise then and looked into her eyes. “We need to talk
, b
ut I also need to give Madden some information. Can you wait here and I’ll come right back?” He smoothed his hand over her knee and watched her for a reaction.

“Yes. I’ll wait for you.”




“Oh, M
other,” Eloise whispered
in a
tone laced with both excitement and trepidation as
felt her
presence behind her. She needed her mother, needed to hear her approval. Her mother’s powers were extraordinary
Layla’s powers
near as strong already and Eloise knew she too would soon change. Now more than ever, Eloise needed her mother’s advice, approval, and wisdom.

Chiara cast her eyes down on Eloise, over towards Caedon and back again, and
seemed to understand the dynamic right away. Eloise had most certainly found her mate.

my dearling, I knew it would happen quickly now
but this I wasn’t expecting,” Chiara held her daughter’s head between her hands
her voice shook with
emotion. “Your poor father,” Eloise’s mother added.

“I feel as if it’s too good to be true. I’m all confused. Everything feels foreign,” Eloise fought to keep her voice steady as she talked. Her mother continued to stroke her cheeks, the motion soothing.

“Ssh, dearling, it’s because all your emotions will be different now that they aren’t tinged with envy. You are free to just be Eloise.” Chiara smiled down at her daughter
her aura glowed around her
she pushed her calming essence towards Eloise.

silent tear slipped out. “Oh, M
other…” Eloise’s voice dried in her throat as such raw, unfamiliar emotion rolled through her.

“You are going to be magnificent. I have longed for the day for your sin to be released. You have always been the most hopeful for the prophecy, desiring a mate. Held back by belonging to the
Circle of Magdalena,
finding your destiny means your sin is no more.”

Eloise completely understood the prophecy,
she knew she held one of the deadly sins—a curse put upon them for the indiscretions of their ancestors so many hundreds of years ago—and that being claimed now by a Valendite Breed would render the sin gone. Fulfilling their obligation to sustain this breed of men
provide the women in the
Magdalena Circle
a long, illness-free life.

Chiara spoke again, this time through their bond, “You are worrying far too much, dearling. Allow the Acclimation to pull you along. This is the same advice I gave to Layla and I promise you will do just as well.”

With the ease of her mother’s blessing, Eloise allowed her happiness forward.

“I feel a pull towards him,” Eloise admitted softly, “and I can’t resist it.”

“Then go with him. You will need time to yourselves. We’ll talk again in a few days. Father and I are staying in the house for as long as you girls need us.” Her mother rose to leave
fell on Eloise’s head to stroke her hair before she turned her attention to Caedon.

bowed his head slightly in deference. How could she be so lucky to get this magnificent man? She’d always envied those lucky women
but now she was one of them.

“Thank you for your daughter,” he continued with reverence. “I will offer her the world. She will want for nothing.” Though
thought she should be angry for him speaking about her as if she weren’t there, she couldn’t hold back the thrill his words brought to her.

When Eloise tried to pull herself up, Caedon slipped his arms beneath her legs
“Donovan says no pressure on your ankle for at least a day. That means I carry you.” Eloise’s skin prickled under his touch and the heat in her lower stomach returned; her body was alert and ready for this
. She was ready for her mate.



Chapter Two



Caedon carried Eloise up the stairs to his loft wondering what she might think about living above the T
communications center. He knew his mate would want more. While
her sisters
fussed over
, Caedon had taken the time to ask
Madden’s mother, Adelina,
about Eloise.
Despite Adelina knowing so much of their history,
Anton seemed to know the most—
man, he could listen to those women talk and they took him right in

and he seemed to think Eloise had stars in her eyes when it came to
mating. He’d never live up to her dreams, of that he was certain.

“Would you like to sit on the sofa or maybe out on the patio?” Caedon would start by talking to her. He’d get to know her and put her at ease. Madden cautioned him to ease her slowly into the claiming so even though all he wanted was to tear her clothes from her and feast on her body until she begged for his bite, he would go slow
, dick-throbbing slow

She’d been a quiet observer as he’d carried her from the vineyard, mostly keeping her eyes on him as if memorizing his features. But now her eyes perused his home and he felt like a bug under a microscope. What was she thinking? If only she would talk to him.

BOOK: Eternal Envy (The Seven Sin Sisters 2)
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