Read Essentialism (Bridgette & Troy's Story) Online

Authors: LK Collins

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction

Essentialism (Bridgette & Troy's Story) (11 page)

BOOK: Essentialism (Bridgette & Troy's Story)
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He shakes his head with a huge smirk on his face and says, “Since they do have a cabin, why not?”

“It’s a date,” I say, with a giggle and glance over at his jeans. His erection is ever present and straining the dark fabric.
Fuck, why do we have to wait?
Leaning over, I grip his thigh like he has mine and squeeze. Troy squeezes my leg in return. Making my next move I cover his package and press my small hand against him. I’m rewarded when he bucks his hips into my hand. I push again and he cups my sex, holding it tightly. I push against his hand as we come to a stop. He looks over at me while we wait at the light and says, “Goddamn you for making plans. I hope your wet, little cunt aches for me all morning, the same way I am for you.”

“It will, trust me. I wish more than anything we were in bed.”

“You’re a very bad girl. You’ve teased my cock for weeks and now that I can finally be with you, I have to wait.”

“Don’t wait,” I say breathlessly with my heart beating so fast I can barely speak. “Touch me.”

“I…I won’t be able to stop. Trust me, I know my limits and what I can handle. You’re a drug I’ve never had and my body has been craving you. I need to take my time with you to satisfy us both. I’m not going to get you off in my car like some prick, especially not the first time. You’ll come in my bed, under my control, when I say you can. Understand?”

I nod my head and adjust my hand back to his thigh. He does the same, my mind still fogged by his words. Who is this man next to me? He has a totally different side to him when it comes to sex. This is something I never saw coming. Fuck, the word ‘coming’ makes me tremble just thinking about it. Pulling up to my sister’s, I’m sad to let go of Troy and that he has to do the same to me. As he removes his hand, he cups my chin and looks into my eyes.

“Kiss me, before I’m deprived of your lips for far too long.”

I give him a half smile that fades away the moment he touches me. I don’t know what it is about this man and his mouth, but I love it. He kisses me with more passion than anyone I’ve ever known. I melt into him when he brings both of his hands to hold my face and really controls me, controls us. My insides flame with desire. I’ve never wanted someone the way I want him. Maybe it’s because we are waiting. Regardless, it’s hot as hell. Unfortunately, we can’t kiss all day and he stops. I continue to peck his lips, wanting more and he holds my head just chuckling at me.

“Ready?” he asks.

“I guess.”

“Patience, Bridge. I promise it’ll be worth the wait.”

I titter at his comment and hop out of the Jeep. Walking around to me, Troy says, “There you go misbehaving again.”

“What did I do?” I ask, surprised.

“Well, for one, you laughed at me, and then I told you at my place to wait for me and I would get your door.”

“I didn’t think that meant every time.”

“Well, it does,” he says kissing my neck. I grab his hand and we walk up to the front door. I never knock and as we walk in, Troy and I are greeted by a very excited Blair, my sister and Vincent’s dog. I pet his head and Troy leans down giving him extra attention as Alexa and Vincent round the corner. “Hey, guys,” I say embracing them both.

“Troy, it’s good to see you man,” Vincent says, shaking his hand. Troy hugs Alexa and kisses her on the cheek. “It’s good to see you too. Thanks for having us.”

I love the way he says
. I never imagined I would hear those words come from his mouth and there they are. With a smile on my face, we all head into the kitchen which smells delicious. Of course, Vincent goes to the oven while Alexa gets us each a drink. We both decide on coffee and then everyone settles around the island.

“So what have you guys been up to?” Alexa asks us.

I look at Troy for his response and he pulls me to him. “Well, after I saved your sister, we just slept and talked a lot.”

Vincent laughs under his breath. He’s in the fridge and I hear him clearly, so I throw a biscuit at his head. He turns and looks at me with a sly smile on his face. “On a serious note, thank you, Troy, for protecting Bridgette,” Vincent says.

I smile at him. He’s such a shit. He always picks on me then plays the big brother card, like he is right now. He walks past us heading to the dining room table and the doorbell rings. “Oh shoot, I forgot to tell you Cara and Abel are joining us,” Alexa says.

I look at Troy and ask, “Is that okay?”

“Yeah, why wouldn’t it be?”

“Uh, I don’t know, maybe because Abel’s your boss?”

He smirks at me. “Please, he’s more like a really good friend.”

“Oh,” I respond back a little thrown off. I guess it shouldn’t have come as a surprise considering Lex said Troy told Abel who told Vincent about our piggyback ride and early morning cuddling. That’s really not something you tell your boss, but a friend, yep. Slim arms wrap around me from behind and a small bump presses into my back. “Hey, honey,” Cara says.

“Hey, girl. I’m so glad you guys are here.”

The guys exchange a goofy high-five and start to talk about the station. It sounds like Troy has missed a lot since being out after he got hurt. “There’s my beautiful sister-in-law,” Vincent says kissing Cara’s cheek and rubbing her tummy.

“Get your paws off of her, douche,” Abel snaps.

“Suck it, asshole. I can say hello to my niece or nephew whenever I want.”

“Niece,” Cara exclaims and we all look at her shocked and then break out in congratulations. Everyone hugs Cara and Abel and then starts asking a million questions. Before any of them get answered, Vincent orders us into the dining room. As we begin to move, Alexa asks them, “How did you guys find out the sex of the baby so soon?”

“We did one of those 4-D ultrasounds this morning.”

“No shit, that’s awesome,” I say.

We all get seated comfortably around the massive square table that’s meant to seat kings and queens with its oversized chairs. Then Troy moves his hand under my skirt gripping my thigh like he did in the car. As soon as he touches me, I whip my head and stare at him, giving him the not-here look. He smiles and leans over, gently kissing me. As our lips stay connected, I hear the table silence and upon opening my eyes I look to see everyone staring at us. “So what have
you two
been up to?” Abel asks us.

“Napping and talking,” Vincent retorts jokingly.

Snatching a strawberry off of the fruit tray, I launch it at him. He dodges it just in time as it barely flies by his head. “What’s with you throwing food at me?” he snaps.

“I don’t like your snarky comments.”

“Snarky?” he repeats.

“Yes, snarky,” I repeat and cross my arms over my chest glaring at Vincent. Troy places his forefinger and thumb on my chin directing me to look at him. Leaning down again he kisses me and I melt, his lips are as soft as heaven.

“Anyways,” Abel says sparking up conversation about his and Vincent’s dad, thankfully taking the conversation off of us.

When Troy pulls away, I look at him through heavy lids. I have no clue how I’m going to make it through this meal. He simply captivates me, and his words from earlier consume me.
You’ll come in my bed, under my control, when I say you can. Understand?
“You okay?” he asks, handing me the fruit tray.

“Yeah, I’m great.”

“Good. Eat. You’ll need the energy,” he whispers.

I fill my plate and as hard as it is to not think about what we are going to embark on later, I focus on our friends. It feels so good for all of us to hang out and have such a good time. As we all sit together, I’m grateful that the conversation stays off of Troy and I.

“Thanks for having us, guys. Cara and I do have an announcement.” Abel says.

We all look to him confused, a bit perplexed, I guess. She’s already pregnant and I don’t see a ring on her finger. “Tell us already,” Alexa says excitedly.

“We bought a house,” Cara blurts out.

“No shit, congratulations, bro,” Vincent says patting his older brother on the back.

“Congrats, you guys,” Troy and I say almost in unison.

“Where is it?” Lex asks.

As Cara and Abel take turns explaining the house, the location, and all the little details, I can’t help but feel uneasy. Cara’s not going to be there anymore and David knows where I live. He’s already overstepped his boundaries once; what’s going to stop him next time? I think Troy was right. I might have a bigger problem than I realized and living alone makes me see that. His words haunt me; I can hear them as clear as the moment he said them to me:
We’re not finished.
I shake my head, reminding myself I’m not going to think about David today. Nothing’s going to happen. It just can’t.

“To Cara and Abel,” Vincent announces raising his glass. We all follow suit and congratulate the happy couple. Abel leans over, kissing Cara behind the ear and she smiles, leaning into him. Looking at them, as well as my sister and Vincent, I’m envious. I hope one day I can be as happy.

Pulling away from my sister’s house there is a strange silence in the car. Maybe it’s just me because I had a few too many mimosas, although I’m not drunk. I made sure of it. Troy just seems…distant. Staring over at him, he’s focused on the road, gripping the wheel with both hands. His brows are creased and I can tell he’s deep in thought. “Are you all right?” I ask him.

“Are you on birth control?”

Whoa, excuse me? Way to start off a conversation. “Uh…yeah. Why?”

“I don’t want us to use protection. I haven’t slept with anyone for almost four months, so I promise I’m clean.”

“Okay,” I respond with a little smirk on my face.

“What’s so funny?” he asks, tightening his hold on the wheel.

“Nothing, well, you are. I asked if you were all right and you blurt out ‘Are you on birth control?’”

“Sorry about that. I’m fine, Bridge, trust me. That’s been bothering me for a while. I had to ask.”

Troy parks in his driveway and looks over at me grabbing one of my breasts, pinching my nipple through my bra. “Stay put.”

I chuckle at him and do so, all the while watching his every move, trying to contain my drool. He opens my door oozing confidence. He’s a cocky fucker and knows damn well that he is. But being the gentleman that he is, he helps me out and quickly changes moods. Pinning me against his car, he crashes his mouth to mine. I whimper and brace myself on his forearms. Troy’s as eager as ever and starts to grind himself against me. Since we are outside, I pull away. “Lets go inside,” I say quickly.

“After you,” he responds. “Just so you know, I would carry you to my bed if my ribs weren’t still sore. Besides, I need to save my strength so I can fuck you all day.”

“I can walk,” I say trotting up to his front door.

He unlocks it and ushers me in first. I hear the lock click and look at his mouthwatering face. His dark hair is a mess and his hands are fists at his sides. His expression is carnal and ambiguous as we stare at one another, like two wild animals about to take each other down. I make the first move by taking a step closer to Troy, sliding my hand under his shirt, and grabbing the top of his jeans. Looking down at me, he takes his hands and begins to rove them all over my body, pulling me close to him while exploring my every curve. Leaning up on my tiptoes, I press my lips to his neck and move my fingers to the soft fabric of his white shirt, deftly unbuttoning it. As it hangs open, Troy is clearly letting me take the lead, letting me do what I want, so I meander my hands over his body, exploring every bit of his sculpted physique. He’s lean yet muscular; his svelte stomach has a very nice six-pack. Each ridge sparks something inside of me as I get to know it. Moving my hands to his shoulders, I push the shirt off, watching Troy’s breathing stop as I do.

Reaching for his jeans, I start to unbutton them, but he stops me and grabs my hand, pulling me up the stairs. I almost have to run to keep up with his long strides. My short legs have nothing on his as he takes the stairs three at a time.

“My turn,” he says as we enter his bedroom.

“But I wasn’t finished,” I pout.

“Oh, but we have all day, baby. You’ll get your turn.” His words remind me of his earlier statement.
I know my limits, and what I can handle. You’re a drug I’ve never had
and my body has been craving you.
I wonder if that’s really how he feels. Has he been craving me? Troy lifts my shirt above my head and suddenly my skin is clammy with anticipation. “You know, Bridge, I didn’t take you for a skirt kind of girl.” And he’s kneeling before me.

Looking at him guiltily, I say, “I’m not, but it was easy access and a girl can always hope, can’t she?”

“Jesus, you surprise me sometimes. I can’t wait to see how far you’ll let me push you.”

He stands up and I reach for his jeans again. This time I get them unbuttoned and slide the zipper down. Troy’s notable erection is waiting for me, straining against his black Hugo Boss boxer briefs. I slide his jeans down and he steps out of them. Both of us are watching one another, our eyes never faltering although our breathing is ragged. “Take your bra off,” he commands.

Reaching behind me, I unclasp the cream and black lace bra, my favorite, and let it fall to the floor. The moment Troy’s eyes leave mine, he pursues me, walking me backwards to the bed and guiding me down onto the soft fabric. It’s messy, but it’s not what’s underneath me that matters. It’s what’s on top of me.

BOOK: Essentialism (Bridgette & Troy's Story)
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