Read Escorted Online

Authors: Claire Kent

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary

Escorted (10 page)

BOOK: Escorted
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Lori was glad
she was still wearing her chemise, even if it was wrinkled and the fabric was
wet at the breasts from Ander’s mouth. She felt his eyes on her, scanning her
body and motion in what was likely observation designed to give her the best
advice about improving her technique. But his hands were firm on her hips, and
his face was once again damp with perspiration.

After several
more minutes, Ander moved one of his hands under the fabric of her chemise until
he could find her clit. As he started to massage it, Lori’s head fell back and
her spine arched.

“There you go,”
Ander murmured. “Can you come again?”

“Yeah,” she
said on a taken breath, feeling like her eyes might roll back in her head from
the raw feeling of his cock's penetration from this angle and his firm massage
of her clit.

She rode him
until she came, and then her body bounced and jiggled in response to the spasms
of release. She kept moving over him, even after she came, because Ander hadn’t
yet come himself.

“You came?” Ander
asked thickly.

She blinked.
“Yes. Couldn’t you tell?”

“Thought so.
But you’re always so quiet.” He jerked his head to the side as her inner
muscles tightened involuntarily. “Should I—”

“Yes. That’s
all I can handle tonight. You come now.”

Flushed, sated,
and ridiculously proud of herself, she gazed down at him and intensified her
motion, trying to squeeze around him as best she could despite the soreness she
could already feel.

Ander began to
buck up into her from below—not hard or rough, just little upward pushes of his
hips. In less than a minute, his back arched up just a little and his face
transformed with his climax.

exhausted, Lori collapsed on top of him as she felt the pulses of his release.
His body was hot beneath her, and it was starting to soften deliciously. She
gasped and clung—completely unconscious of doing so.

“Let me up for
a minute,” Ander said, “So I can take care of the condom. I can hold you
afterwards, if you want.”

Lori rolled off
him immediately, wincing as she pulled her body off of his cock. She pulled up
the covers against the chill of the room, but she shook her head when Ander
returned and gave her a questioning look. “No. I don’t want any fake cuddling.
Thanks, though.”

“You’re welcome.”

“I didn’t know
my body was capable of feeling that way,” she admitted, glad she was already
flushed so he wouldn’t see her blushing even more at the memory of her
shameless eagerness.

He gave her a
little smile. “You might be surprised by what your body is capable of feeling.”

That made her
blush even more. But, keeping her courage up, she quipped, “We’ll have to test
that theory next time.”

He chuckled as
he returned the lube and DVD to his case. “So you want to schedule another

When do you have open?”

Ander pulled
out a smartphone to check his schedule. “My earliest is two weeks from

“That will be
just fine. Put me down.” She couldn’t remember her schedule but figured there
was nothing important enough to keep here from taking his earliest slot.

“You can book
ahead if you want,” Ander offered. “If you want to schedule regular

Lori swallowed.
That was exactly what she wanted to do, but she wasn’t sure whether she was
emotionally ready yet to schedule weekly or bi-weekly appointments with a male
escort. It would mean committing to this lifestyle, and that still made her
feel a little weird.

At least this
way, she could decide on the next appointment on a case-by-case basis. And she
could change her mind at any time without seriously inconveniencing Ander.

“I’ll keep that
in mind,” she said, smiling at him teasingly. “But why am I not surprised you
threw that option out there?”

He blinked and
his face grew strangely still. “What do you mean?”

A little surprised
by his reaction, she explained, “Just that you’re the quintessential
businessman, always looking to expand his business.”

Ander relaxed.

“You can take a
shower again, if you want.”

He thanked her,
grabbed his clothes, and then went into the bathroom. Lori stretched out in the
bed as he showered, thinking that she was going to really sleep well tonight.
She’d spent the night in the hotel room the week before after Ander had left,
and she decided to do so again tonight. After three orgasms this evening, she
was feeling incredibly relaxed and there was nothing like sleeping late into
the morning in a plush hotel room.

When Ander
returned fully dressed, she got up and went to stand beside him near the table.
“Thank you” she said, sliding the cash in the envelope over to him. “I mean it.
Thanks for all your help.”

Ander arched
his eyebrows over the envelope, which he discreetly slipped into his pocket.

His expression
made it clear. She’d paid for his help. She had nothing to thank him for.

Lori sighed,
although she wasn’t really surprised or disappointed. They were more friendly
and relaxed around each other now, but it wasn’t like they’d ever be friends. Lori
paid him for his time and attention, and thus their interaction would always be

A little part
of Lori’s mind told her that this was exactly why she was able to be
comfortable with it.

As she walked Ander
to the door, she asked randomly, “If refusing the hair treatments was a teenage
rebellion thing, have you ever considered doing anything about it now?”

Ander frowned.
“I thought you said you liked it.”

“I do. I was
just wondering.”

He seemed to
think for a minute. Then said, “I still have no desire to concede to my
father’s wishes.”

He opened the

Lori had more
questions than ever, but Ander was leaving and she wasn’t able to ask them. He
was such a fascinating man, with shadowed layers that were just begging to be
uncovered. And he had a tantalizing hint of humanness underneath the suave
sex-machine surface.

Next time, Lori
would pry even more. Start to figure out more of his history and what made him

She stuck her
head out the door and said, “Have a good evening.”

“You too,” Ander
replied. “I’ll see you two weeks from tomorrow.”

“I’m looking
forward to it.”

She, of course,
was looking forward to the sex. But she was also looking forward to finding
some more answers to the enigma that was Ander.



Lori slathered melon-scented
lotion on her legs before she pulled a slinky robe over the Chinese silk gown
in deep reds and golds that she’d bought in Hong Kong the week before.

She went over
to pull an envelope of cash out of her purse and placed it on the table in the
hotel room, just as she heard her cell phone buzz.

Glancing at the
caller ID, she connected and said, “Hi, Sabrina.”

“Hey there! So
you’re finally back, are you? You’ve been gone forever.”

Lori had called
her cousin as soon as her plane had landed that afternoon and had left a
message saying she’d arrived safely. “I’ve just been gone a month. Hardly

“Well, it felt
like forever to me. I guess you were having such a grand time scouting out
exotic locales that you didn’t miss me at all.”

Lori chuckled.
She’d spent four weeks in Hong Kong doing research for her new book and
attending an international fiction conference where she’d given a workshop on
writing romance. It had been a good trip, and she was glad she’d gone.

But it
feel like she’d been gone forever.

“So are you
going to come over tonight? I’ve got beer and we can order pizza.”

“We’ll have to
do it tomorrow,” Lori said, returning to the bathroom to run a brush through
her loose hair.

“Why? What are
you doing tonight?”

Lori blushed a
little as she stared at her image in the bathroom mirror. Her hair was shiny,
hanging down in big waves around her shoulders. Her cheeks were rosy and her
smooth skin set off by the vibrant colors of the silk. And her eyes were
sparkling with excitement.

She was so
impatient she felt like squirming, and it was still fifteen minutes until

“I have plans
tonight,” she said vaguely, knowing as she spoke the words that her evasion
would never work.

After a brief
pause, Sabrina exclaimed, “You’re seeing
tonight, aren’t you?”

“Sabrina,” Lori
began, turning the word into a warning.

Sabrina, of
course, ignored it. “You are! As soon as you hit ground in Seattle, you rush
right into his arms!”

“I’m not
rushing into his arms,” Lori said, a little annoyed by her cousin’s
implications since it didn’t at all capture her interaction with Ander. “We
just scheduled an engagement for this evening.”

“An hour after
you land?”

“Two hours,” Lori
corrected. “And that’s just the way it worked out.”

“You keep insisting
that this thing isn’t serious, but tell me the truth. You’re not getting
inspired daydreams, are you?”

“No! Of course
not. Give me a little credit. I’m not a fool. I like him. And I like the sex.
And I pay him for his services. I’m not pretending it’s anything romantic.
That’s just not how we are together. It’s professional.”

“All right. I
guess I believe you. I thought this whole thing was cool and fun at first. But
I get worried every now and then. You’re not using it as a crutch, are you?”

“Of course
not.” Lori sighed. She knew her cousin genuinely cared about her, and that Sabrina
couldn’t really understand her relationship with Ander just by hearing about it
second-hand. “I’m pursuing real relationships. I am. Did I tell you I met

“What!” Sabrina
demanded. “Who? When? Where?”

Lori chuckled,
glad of the distraction and glad that she’d saved this bomb to drop on Sabrina with
maximum impact. “Asked like a true reporter. I met him at the writer’s
conference. He’s from Seattle too. He’s a lawyer-turned-writer. You’ll never
guess who it is.”

hesitated for a moment, obviously searching her mind for possibilities. “How
incredible would it be if it was that hot Phil Rothe. I saw him on a morning
news show show last month. He had the most delicious jeans on and, with that
five-o’clock shadow, wow!”

Lori grinned
against her cell phone. “That’s the one. He was wearing those jeans when I met

squealed in thrilled delight.

“I’ll have to
tell you the details tomorrow. I think he’s interested though. We talked a lot.
And we already made a lunch date for next week, and he asked if I’d go with him
to a museum fundraiser next Saturday. I haven’t been this excited about someone
in a long time.”

“I’m dying for
more info, but I’ll try to restrain myself until tomorrow. Just tell me this.
If you’ve got this hot, scruffy, manly man waiting in the wings, why are you
rushing back to fuck your gigolo.”

Lori swallowed.
Then she shrugged in the empty room. “It’s kind of embarrassing, but I’ve been
having sex with Ander every week or so for the last three months. And now I’ve
been away for a month. I guess I’m sort of in the habit.”

“I get it,” Sabrina
cackled, “You’re horny!”

After an
appropriately snide reply, Lori hung up. She knew Sabrina was right, though.

horny. Hornier than she’d ever been in her life. She’d taken her vibrator with
her to Hong Kong and had had to make use of it almost every day. It hadn’t been
fully satisfying, however. She’d lain in bed more nights than she’d like to
admit fantasizing about what she’d do with Ander when she returned to Seattle.

The truth was
rushed back to meet up with him again. She wasn’t sure she could
wait another night.

She’d been
anticipating so much that she was already wet, despite the distraction of her
conversation with Sabrina. She sat down on a chair and glared at the clock,
which still said there were nine more minutes until Ander’s arrival.

Then there was
an unexpected knock on the door. Ander was miraculously, wonderfully early.

Lori flew to
the door and flung it open.

Ander stood in
front of her—lean, slick, and handsome in a blue dress shirt and black tailored
trousers. He looked so scrumptious she wanted to slurp him down.

He smiled at
her, appearing genuinely pleased to see her. “How was your trip?”

“No time for
that.” Lori yanked him into the room and pushed him toward the bed, already
fumbling with the buttons to his shirt.

A few minutes
later, he was naked and her beautiful Chinese silk gown was disgracefully
pushed up past her breasts so Ander could mouth and stroke her bare flesh.

Lori clutched
at his head, pushing his mouth against her sensitized nipple more firmly. She
couldn’t stop pulling at him, trying to get him as close as possible, feel him
as much as she could. Her thighs were parted and her legs wrapped around his
middle. She wriggled and rocked beneath him so she could rub her aching clit
against his belly.

To her relief, Ander
wasn’t as leisurely as usual. His mouth was hard and hungry, and his hands were
demanding and seeking. He must have some instinct from years of experience that
was able to tap into her mood because his hot urgency was exactly what she
needed, exactly what she felt herself.

She squirmed
and clawed at him as he worked her up into deeper desire until she couldn’t
take anymore. “Enough, Ander,” she gasped. “I need you to fuck me now.”

He didn’t
hesitate. Barely raised his face from her breast. Just reached over and grabbed
for a condom and the lubricant from the nightstand. Then he finally pulled
himself up.

BOOK: Escorted
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