EROTICA: kiss kiss BANG: 70 Books SIZZLE Collection: Sexy MILF and Group Romance... (2 page)

BOOK: EROTICA: kiss kiss BANG: 70 Books SIZZLE Collection: Sexy MILF and Group Romance...
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Chapter Three

Sexual tension wasn’t even the word for it!

For a gay man, Alex sure knows how to make a woman pant
for it. My god, I was like a lovesick teenager over the man.

Even Mary was snickering about our traded barbs and the
looks we gave each other.

I ended that week a very confused, out of control, sex-mad

That hour I spent in my office doing paperwork each day?
Yeah, well now I spent at least 20 minutes of it getting myself off to
fantasies of Alex fucking me against the wall or over my desk.

He’d really gotten me going earlier when I said I needed
to sit down, my feet were killing me.

“I’ve got just the place you can sit, Mercy, and you won’t
be worrying about those pretty feet of yours anymore either.” He growled at me
as I walked by.

I’d looked at him, wondering for the thousandth time if he
was serious. I gave back as good as I got.

“You know you couldn’t handle this. You’d get one taste of
what I got and men throughout the state of North Carolina would start plotting
my death. No thank you.”

“They might but it would be worth it for that taste of
you.” He said with a burning look that made my knees weak.

If I only knew if he was serious or not! He lived with a
man, identified as gay, and though he flirted with women it was never this serious.

I don’t know exactly how it all started but from day one
we’d been trading sexual barbs, innuendo, and building this tension up.

Maybe it was just me? Maybe I’d built up this desperate
housewife scenario in my own head?

Fuck, this is just too confusing!

Besides, I’m married. To David. Boring, never home,
pump-pump-done David.

I couldn’t cheat on him.

Could I?

My hands travelled under my skirt once more.

I know, I’ve started wearing skirts again. First in the
off-chance my husband would notice and get turned on when I came home in the
evenings, and second, because it saved me time if I had to rush off to my
office to finger myself.

And I had secret hopes that Alex would try to lift it.

Yes, it’s that bad.

I tried to stop myself but the thought of Alex, only feet
away, smelling divine, his hard body just there for the touching drove me to do
things I wouldn’t normally do. Like masturbate in my office, in the restroom,
at home, in the car late at night after a long day before driving home.

You get the picture, right?

Just as I was finishing up, my phone started to buzz.

Picking the phone up I looked to see who the text was
from. A text from Alex? But he’s in the other room, why didn’t he just come to
the door?

“I hope you were thinking of me when you came.”

Holy shit, how did he know what I was doing? And how very
cheeky! With a smirk I replied.

“As if. What could you do for me? You’re gay.”

“Yes, but that makes the fantasy even better doesn’t
Came his reply.


Straightening my clothes up I went back out to the floor,
not able to look Mary or Alex in the eye. I just called my next customer and
started cutting hair.

It was Saturday, which meant I had tomorrow and Monday
off. I had to get Alex off of my mind somehow!

Looking over the woman in my chair I saw Alex’s reflection
in the mirror watching me from an empty chair as he waited for his next

Then he winked at me and gave me a wicked smile and my
knees went wobbly.

I am in so much trouble!



I rushed home that evening and made dinner. Determined to
stop my foolishness with Alex and rekindle my marriage I rushed upstairs to
change into lingerie, a black ensemble I’d recently purchased with a black silk
corset, tiny thong panties, and a robe that was just for show, as you could see
straight through it.

I waited at the door for an hour after David sent a text
saying he’d be home in an hour. Then I waited in the living room for another

Finally, I threw his dinner in trash and ate my own,

Then I slipped the robe off and tried not to sob myself to

Where was David?

His failure to come home when he said he would was nothing
new, but still. It hurt that he hadn’t even bothered to text me!

I was still awake when he finally came home, close to
midnight, and crawled into bed beside me smelling of whiskey and smoke.

David was apparently feeling amorous as he pulled me to
his side of the bed and started to nuzzle my neck.

That was something he hadn’t done in a while and I perked
up a little. Maybe we’d have some fun drunk sex?

“You smell so fucking good Mercy. Can I fuck you until you
can’t walk?” he whispered into my hair.

“Yes please!” I quickly agreed, hoping I might even get
some oral sex out of the deal. Sometimes David would go down on me if he was a
little bit drunk.

Before I could feel bad about that knowledge I pushed it
down and eagerly turned to my husband.

I could feel him hard against my thigh as I slipped one
leg between his and hitched myself up so David’s head rested between my

He eagerly pushed my breasts together, sucking hard on my
nipples to quickly get me wet. He knew that little trick always worked.

I giggled happily as his fingers moved down to my clit,
fumbling a little before he finally found the nub of flesh.

His fingers circled my tender button and I began to pant, his
mouth drawing hard on my nipples at the same time made me squirm.

Then Alex’s eyes popped into my head, his hard body, and
oh my god, his ass!

I was picturing holding his ass, clawing my fingernails
into the soft rounded flesh as he pounded into me when I came.

It was so good I even gave a triumphant laugh!

David gave a pleased grunt as my body spasmed and my legs
fell open, inviting him in.

Then David was inside of me, fucking me, and I allowed the
mental images of Alex to continue. I was getting close to another orgasm, a
record for me lately, when I felt David stiffen above me before he let out a
moan. I’d been happily smiling, pleased with how well it was all going, then he
came and fell on top of me.

Oh. It’s done. He’s done.

“Thanks, Mercy. G’night.” He said as he rolled off of me
and immediately started snoring.

Fucking hell. I was in fucking hell. Fuck me until I can’t
walk, indeed.






My weekend was spent avoiding my husband so I wouldn’t
tear his head off.

Sunday I stayed outside, cleaning up the yard while he
slept off his hangover from the night before, then I spent the evening in the office
sorting bills and other household issues.

Monday he went in to work but I got a text from him around
lunch time.

“Who is Alex?”

“The new guy at the salon, why?”
I replied, still

“You were moaning his name in your sleep.”

“Oh for God’s sake, David, he’s GAY and MARRIED to a
man. Give me a break.”

was all he replied. I’d told him about Alex,
but apparently, he hadn’t paid any attention to what I’d said.

 I turned the phone’s sound off and went back to the movie
I’d been watching.

Let him worry. It might do him some good.

By Tuesday I was spoiling for a fight and not in the mood
for much of anything.

Then I walked into the salon and saw Mary and Alex there
eagerly waiting for me.

“Alex has news!” Mary all but screamed at me.

Her excitement made my bad mood disappear instantly, and I
took her hands as I looked over at Alex with a questioning look?

“I left my partner. It had been coming for a while and he
was starting to get rough. I’m better than that. Mary was nice enough to let me
move in with her.” Alex said in an even tone.

“I was looking for a new roommate so it worked out. Isn’t
this great? We’re going to completely redo the house and we’ve already worked
out our schedules and stuff. Oh, it’s perfect!” Mary had let my hands go and
was all but jumping up and down now.

“I’m glad for you both, though I’m sorry about your
relationship, Alex. I know it can be tough to make a decision like that.” I
said with some sympathy.

“It wasn’t so bad, really. There’s brighter things in my
future.” He said with a meaningful look.

“Is there indeed?” I asked with a grin.

“Yes, I just need a little mercy from fate and I believe
things will work out just fine.” He shot back.

“Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.” I
shot back as our first customers of the day came in.

I spent the rest of the day mixing dyes, cutting hair, and
perming the heads of little old ladies, and trying to replay Alex’s words over
and over in my head. He just needed a little mercy.

I’d give him a whole lot more Mercy then he could handle
if I thought he would take me up on it.

That evening we were closing the shop, laughing at each
other, when Mary asked if we all wanted to go out to eat.

As it was Tuesday, I knew David wouldn’t be home until
late because of softball practice. I agreed and Alex agreed.

We decided to go in my car so only one of us would have to
drive and I found a decent restaurant for us to spend an evening in. As jovial
as my companions were, I knew this may end up being an all-night thing.

We ordered chicken wings, beer, and lots of hush puppies
and prepared for a messy meal of finger food and beer.

We all realized we had to drive home though so we weren’t
drunk, just happy and laughing at each other. It was a lovely evening and I
hated to see it end, but it had to. We all had to be at work in the morning.

On the drive back to the shop, Mary closed her eyes and
rested her head against the window, snores coming from the backseat as we sat
in traffic.

Alex looked back at Mary and grinned. “We wore her out
with that eating contest.”

“Seems we did. Maybe you should drive her home?” I asked.

“I will. We can ride back in together tomorrow.” He said,
turning back to me.

I looked over at him, the car in park while we waited for
a minor accident to be cleared from the road. Our eyes met and his gaze fell to
my lips.

My hand, of its own free will, moved up to touch his face
and he moved closer to me.

“We shouldn’t do this.” I whispered to him.

“I know, but I can’t stop myself. I need to taste you.” He
whispered back as he pulled my head to his and our lips met for the first time.

I breathed in deep through my nose, trying to make myself
move but I couldn’t.

His tongue played along my lips before entering my mouth,
coaxing mine out to meet his.

We were locked there, our mouths fused as my body strained
towards his when the car behind us pounded on their horn.

I pulled away quickly, and put the car into gear.

We didn’t speak as we arrived back at the salon and Alex
put the still sleeping Mary into his car, gently before driving away without saying
a word.

Driving home that night was one of the hardest things I’ve
done. I’d just kissed another man.

And I didn’t feel at all guilty about it.

Chapter Five

“David, isn’t that your wife’s car in the other lane?”
David’s receptionist asked as they were stuck in traffic on their way back to
his office.

David looked over but dismissed Leah’s question. Mercy’s
car had a bumper sticker on the back, and whoever was driving was kissing
someone, nope, not his Mercy.

“No, I’m guessing she’s already at home tucked up in front
of the TV, watching one of those programs you ladies love so much.” David
teased Leah.

“Oh, my husband would tell you I’m an avid fan of zombie
shows and mysteries, not any of that crap Hollywood think women like now.” Leah
said with a grin.

“That’s a relief. So you ready for the game Thursday?
Today’s practice went really well?” David asked as he drove into the parking
lot of his office.

“Yep, all ready, see you then!” Leah called as she got out
of the car after David stopped it, eager to get home.

Walking to his own car David thought about that car he’d
seen earlier but knew it couldn’t have been Mercy.

His suspicions were growing however. Mercy’s moaning in
her sleep hadn’t just been the moaning of a name.

“Fuck me, Alex, fuck me hard.” She’d said loudly as she
dreamed, her body even moved as the dream went on.

Instead of feeling jealous, however, Mercy’s actions had
turned David on and he’d jerked off quietly on his side of the bed as he
thought about his wife with another man.

David knew he kept his wife satisfied and that they had a
good marriage but things happened sometimes. Then Mercy had assured him Alex
was gay and for a moment he’d been disappointed.

He loved his wife dearly and would never have an affair,
but for some reason he couldn’t stop thinking about watching Mercy with another
man now.

David was confused but knew now that an affair with Alex
was unlikely. You couldn’t just pray the gay away, after all.

“Honey, I’m home!” He called as he walked into the front

“Oh, good. I’m in here darling!” His wife called out to

She was just taking her shoes off and settling into the

“Are you just getting home?” David asked, confused.

“Yes, Mary, Alex, and I went out to eat this evening. We
got stuck in traffic for a while so I’m just getting home. How was your day,
dear?” Mercy asked as he sat beside of her.

“It was fine. I think I was caught in the same traffic
jam. My receptionist even thought she saw your car at one point. Maybe it was.
Oh well, we’re both home now.” David took her hand in his and settled back into
the couch, thinking about the couple he’d seen in that car. They’d been
kissing. Maybe Alex wasn’t so gay after all?

But there hadn’t been anyone in the back seat of that car
and Mary had been with them. Nope, couldn’t have been them then.

“Want to go up and have a bath with me?” David asked, the
idea popping into his head out of the blue.

“I think I’d like that.” Mercy replied.

David noticed something was different about her, she
seemed sexier somehow. Maybe it was just him and his dirty thoughts, but as he
followed his wife up the stairs he could have sworn there was more sway in her
hips than usual.

Later, after the tub was filled and Mercy rode him hard,
he noticed a new sensuality to the way she moved, the way her body reacted to
his touch. Something was new, different.

David walked away from the experience realizing quite a
few things.

First, they hadn’t made love in years. They’d only been

As he tucked his wife into bed, exhausted from their
marathon in the bathroom, he also realized a lot of that was his fault. He’d
been kidding himself for years.

He’d been an absolutely shit lover for a long time, but
Mercy would just put up with it, gently trying to tell him what she needed but
he’d ignored her.

David knew he’d allowed himself to sink blindly into his
schedule and had all but ignored his wife and his marriage for the last few
years. That was going to change now, and Mercy, sweet, beautiful Mercy, might just
get more than she’d bargained for if his suspicions were right and he had his


The End of Book One
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BOOK: EROTICA: kiss kiss BANG: 70 Books SIZZLE Collection: Sexy MILF and Group Romance...
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