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Authors: Cassandra Harper

Entranced By Him (2 page)

BOOK: Entranced By Him
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No one had ever struck me before. I felt tears
sting my eyes, and before I could react, he hit me again. I yelped
again, and then his hand was rubbing where it was sore and I
realized I was panting. Did that just turn me on even more? Before
I could pursue that line of thinking he slapped me again, the smack
a sharp sound in the large space. I cried out again, but this time
it was clearly a sound of pleasure. In that moment I relinquished
myself to him, my body entirely his. It was as if he’d been waiting
for that moment, and recognized it. With one final slap he thrust
himself inside me and I moaned.

Never before had a man filled me so completely.
Mr. Donovan grasped my hips and began to pump in and out. The
sensation nearly overwhelmed me and I found myself building to a
quick climax. Simply the feeling of being so full put me over the
edge and I exploded around him. Before I could recover, he leaned
in and ran a hand up my shirt, pulling out a breast and rolling a
nipple between his fingers. I shuddered and clenched, my breath
coming out in ragged gasps.

I held on to the far edge of the desk as he
pounded into me. He expertly pulled and teased my nipple, and I
felt another orgasm slowly building inside me. It was too much, too
fast. I had never been fucked like this. Mr. Donovan kissed the
nape of my neck, and I arched my back in response, feeling him push
deeper into me. The tidal wave inside me was rising, and I felt it
rushing closer with every thrust. Just when I thought I couldn’t
take any more, his other hand moved down to my clit, and rubbed
gently. I distantly heard myself screaming as it pushed me over the
edge and my world shattered.

When I came to, the first thing I noticed was
the exhaustion. Secondly, I was being cradled in Mr. Donovan’s
arms. He sat naked, leaning against the window. I could see the
night sky and a myriad of stars above us. When he saw that I was
awake, he smiled and said, “Not bad for your first day, Ms. Hughes.
Very promising.” I smiled crookedly, and yawned in response.

“Come, let me take you home. It’s late and
transit can be unreliable this time of night,” he stood with me
still in his arms, and gently lowered my feet to the floor. They
felt shaky and weak. Jeez, talk about a work out. I pulled myself
together enough to look semi-presentable to the public and followed
Mr. Donovan to the elevator.

“I’ll have my driver take us. He’s waiting for
us in the garage,” Mr. Donovan said as he clicked an elevator
button. The ride down was quiet, but not awkwardly so. Probably
because I was half asleep.

When we reached the garage a large black SUV
pulled up, and Mr. Donovan ushered me into the back seat. He slid
in beside me and nodded to the driver. We pulled away and I let
myself float, watching the street lights go by in weary

Mr. Donovan shook me awake, and I realized we
were parked in front of my apartment building. How did he know
where to go? That was a question for another time.

“Thank you, sir, for giving me this
opportunity,” I said as I got out. To my surprise he got out with
me, and took my hands in his.

“You’re very welcome, Lillian. I knew the moment
I laid eyes on you that you were the one I wanted. I hope that this
arrangement is as beneficial to you as it will be for me. Enjoy
your weekend, and I’ll see you first thing on Monday. We’ll have
you look over the paperwork then.”

I nodded and started shuffling toward the door.
Logan held my hand, however, and whispered in my ear, “Tonight was
just the beginning. I have a whole new world to show you, Lillian.
I can only hope that you’re as willing to see that world as I am.”
My breath caught in my throat and I looked into his eyes. What I
saw there filled my chest with hope and made my heart soar.


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Twitter: @casharper

Other Titles by Cassandra Harper:

Ride of a Lifetime

An Apprentice’s Lesson

Fucked by a Vampire

Rocky Mountain Fuck

Taming the Stallion

Tentacle Fucked In Space

Wolf Pack Fuck

BOOK: Entranced By Him
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